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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 7 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by acuyra Thu Feb 08, 2018 7:26 am

The stomp was what gave it away.

Liberty had been on the other side of the ring, reeling as she leaned on the turnbuckle for support. She was still trying to gather her bearings and lock in on her opponent’s position, when Estela made it all the easier - she heard the stomp on the other side of the ring, coming from behind, and she looked over her shoulder with a glance from the corner of her eye. Estela was coming her way. Coming to finish her.

She waited, time it just right, and when Estela leaped into the air to turn her body into a human cannonbal, that was when she made her move. Liberty threw herself out of the way with little time to spar, leaving the high-flyer with nothing but an empty turnbuckle to slam her shins into.

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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 7 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by OmegaVan0 Sun Feb 11, 2018 1:20 am

Estela left her feet as she went flying with the intent of squashing Liberty into the corner in a painful sandwich. But time would feel as if it would slow to a crawl as she watched Liberty pull herself out of the corner like she was watching a reel of film slide by slide as the realization of what was going to happen sunk into Estela the more she saw the turnbuckle come into view as her knees would be right in perfect collision with the turnbuckles and worse yet was her injured leg being in harm's way yet again!

Crashing against the buckles, chest slamming into the top while her shins dug into the middle, Estela howled out in pain as her arms shot down to her knee as they draped themselves over the top ropes, keeping her locked against the corner as her face was scrunched with pain!


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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 7 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by acuyra Sun Feb 11, 2018 5:05 am

And that was the reason Liberty stayed away from those crazy high-flying moves, aside from the fact that she had trouble pulling off anything better than your standard backflip. Yeah, sure, they were pretty and they made the crowd clap and you could get some big damage off them every once in a while, but gravity was a fickle bitch, and she eventually turned on you. When that happened, you left yourself wide open for someone like Liberty to come along and fuck your day up.

Just like Liberty was about to do.

Moving to Estela’s back, she reached down, sliding one hand between her legs while the other grasped at her shoulder. From there, it was a simple matter of pulling her opponent onto her shoulders, keeping her there with a fireman’s carry. She wouldn’t be staying for long.

”Going down!” Liberty fell to her side and drove Estela’s skull into the mat as she did, hitting her with legendary Burning Hammer, spiking her head into the mat with all her weight behind the move.

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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 7 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by OmegaVan0 Sat Feb 17, 2018 2:24 am

Estela was cringing in pain as she was left hanging on the ropes, still clutching at her knee as she aggravated the pain from the devastating hold that Liberty slapped on it. But that was the style that her high flying attacks brought, there was high reward in the fast pace and momentum packed attacks, but there was violent punishment for when they didn't connect. Liberty would take advantage of Estela's misfortune as she felt those arms wrapping around her leg and hand grasping at the shoulder before prying her off of the corner and lifting her up into the air!

Perilously on Liberty's shoulders, Estela had little time to react before Liberty would shove her lower body up into the air as she went crashing down to the mat in dangerous fashion on her head! Stuck with the Burning Hammer, Estela's body drove down into the mat as Estela was folded into a ball, the force of the move caused her to spring off of the mat and up to a kneeling position, but she was far from fine.

Her eyes was glazed over before rolling into the back of her head before collapsing on her back!


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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 7 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by acuyra Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:47 am

Spiking Estela’s skull into the mat might have been the most satisfying thing Liberty had ever done in her entire life. Better than facesitting, which she loved. Better than sex. Just the impact of it, that resounding crash, the way the audience gasped and the sweet sound of Estela finally shutting the fuck up…

Oh. Perfect.

She sat there, gathering her breath, sighing as Estela reeled from the attack and flopped to her back, in prime position for a pin. An opportunity she was all too happy to seize.

Liberty flopped down on Estela’s chest, pulling up her leg with one hand while she shoved her forearm in the witch’s face out of face. The pin was good all the same, and the referee began the count.


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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 7 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by OmegaVan0 Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:03 pm

The world was spinning, numb, and weirdly static to Estela having been driven into the mat head first as her body followed, the momentum shoot all the way from every point of her body into her head and neck as she sprung up from the move and was planted. Liberty soon climbed on top of her as Estela was still left daze and confused to what just happened as she was pinned with emphatic pin.



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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 7 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by acuyra Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:45 pm


Over. Done.

Liberty exhaled, glad that was over. Estela had been an amazing pain in the match, running her ragged all over the ring and making the whole process far more annoying than it had to be. But it was over. She’d won. Wasn’t easy, but she did it.

Now, the mature thing would’ve been to be the bigger woman, and not just in a literal sense. She could pick Estela up, dust her off, shake her hand, acknowledge her as a worthy opponent. That would be the adult way of handling this. Take the high road.

But fuck it. No one ever accused her of being too mature.

Instead, Liberty slid forward, pinned her shoulders under her shin, and dropped her ass on the little brat’s face, looking to end this in one of her favorite ways: a hot, sweaty, forward facesitting smother.

She’d earned this. They both had.

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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 7 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by OmegaVan0 Wed Mar 07, 2018 3:22 am


The whole world was spinning, her body was spinning and some how it felt like the world was spinning in the complete opposite direction. Estela couldn't make out figures, only the bright light shining from above on the ceiling.

But then, even that would vanish from her sight.

She wasn't sure what was happening, but she felt something pressing down on her shoulders, pinning her to the mat before she felt something on her face. It was toned and fluffy as it pressed down on her face, cutting off her breathing. She laid there with some minor movement before she realized what was going on as she would quickly let out a muffled yell.

"Mmmmmmmph!" she let out, kicking about her legs while she was trapped underneath Liberty's butt! Humiliated and embarrassed she was left with!


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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 7 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by acuyra Wed Mar 07, 2018 6:42 am

The only thing better than sitting on some bitch’s face was sitting on some bitch’s face before she realized it was happening.

Whenever she did it like this, there was always two parts. The first came as her groggy opponent was coming to. They would know that there was something big and soft and sweaty in their face, but they wouldn’t be able to tell what it was, so they’d just squirm around, confused.

But then came the realization, and when that hit, they went crazy beneath, bucking like a bronco in a desperate bid to free their face.

That was the case here, and Liberty wasn’t letting it happened. When Estela struggled, she merely sat down hard, pressed more of her weight into, created an even bigger airtight seal with her cheeks. ”Nope, nope.” She wiggled her butt and settled in, getting nice and comfy as the audience cheered her on. ”You’re not going anywhere, green bean.” She gave Estela’s chest a hard slap. Just because she could. “It’s time you had a nice, long nap, so settle in.”

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Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui - Page 7 Empty Re: Liberty Vella vs. Estela - The Cure For Ennui

Post by OmegaVan0 Thu Apr 12, 2018 7:44 pm

Estela thrashed about, trying to get Liberty off of her face as her legs kicked about and her hands tried to push up while Liberty's shins pinned down her arms. However as much as she struggled and as much as she fought, the exhaustion in her body and the whooziness of taking that violent finisher, Estela was going nowhere as fast as her waning stamina.

Eyes started to flicker underneath Liberty's butt, feeling the butt wiggling down on her face and smothering her last embers of fight left in her as her limbs got weaker and weaker the more they got heavier. Eventually, her thrashing would come to an absolute halt as her eyes slammed shut.

Passed out underneath Liberty, it was a humiliating finish. A finish that Estela had not envisioned and never wanted to experience. Now she can check that off of 'Never going to happen' list.


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