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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck

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Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck - Page 9 Empty Re: Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck

Post by acuyra Thu Dec 28, 2017 5:06 am

The two Siamko Sisters had spent much of their time in the Cosmic Circus catching one another, tossing each other about. You would think that they would be used to a simple thing like having one of them being thrown at the other, but no. Not today. Not when the match had already run them both ragged.

It certainly didn’t help that the move took Tatiana by surprise, barely able to get her arms up in time to get them around Valerie and take some edge out of the crash. They both wound up splayed out on the mat, as Belle - thankfully - decided to make her way back into the ring. If management ever made a ‘Best of Novae’ DVD, this part wouldn’t be on it. She would make sure of that.

”Gah, Val,” She groaned as her sister rolled off and clumsily made her way towards the ring. ”Sorry, I just-”

Before she had the chance to get a full apology out, Belle was on them, lifting Valerie up and tossing her into the ring, her strength on full display. For a moment, the two of them gazed at each other, and Tatiana wasn’t just what she saw. Indecision? Confusion? It seemed like she took a moment to mull something. Whatever it was, she apparently made up her mind and slid back into the ring. ”Yeah,” Valerie muttered and started the arduous task of pushing to her feet. ”Be seeing you.”

Back in the ring, Valerie had rolled to center and was trying her hardest to get up before Belle could take advantage of it. She wasn’t having much luck, though, only getting up to a single knee as her foe came her way…

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Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck - Page 9 Empty Re: Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck

Post by Yori Thu Dec 28, 2017 5:42 am

Climbing through the ropes, Belle picked up her pace. Valerie was already struggling up. That was fine. That just lessened how much she needed to drag the woman up. She trudged towards her adversary, bringing her arms up to slap her palms down hard on the woman before grabbing hold. She tried to wrench Valerie up to her feet, jerking her back towards her. The woman liked submissions did she? She shoved her arms underneath the blonds, hooking them up and around to lock her hands down on the nape of her neck to thrash her from side to side. She didn't apply the hold for long, bracing her stance before she threw her weight back, turning it into a suplex to plant Valerie hard. She didn't have the skill or the finesse to bridge the maneuver, so she released it upon impact.

Assuming all went according to plan, she rolled onto her stomach, reaching out to collect the woman again to drag her to her feet again along side Belle. The power move train was only just beginning. Unlike Tatiana however, she had no intentions of letting Valerie escape from her. Unless stopped or Valerie became too lifeless to handle with ease, she was going to keep loading her up into these moves until she was sure the woman wasn't getting back up under her own power. There were few less fortunate places to be at the moment than this ring.

Kaylee had inched herself up to sit on the ring apron, back to the post as she nursed her leg. She was finding it hard to summon up the spirit to cheer her partner on, so just looked on. The battering she took had whipped a bit of humility into her, for now at least. She wasn't taunting or rallying the crowd against Novae any longer. She was just thankful to not be in anymore, and enjoying the show for what it was worth. Perhaps the spirit of competition had softened her up to the pair, viewing them as worthy combatants... Nah. She still hated them both. She just had resolved to wait until the match was over to gloat.

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Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck - Page 9 Empty Re: Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck

Post by acuyra Thu Dec 28, 2017 6:16 am

Something was different about Belle, even Valerie could tell that much. Any joviality the woman had at the start was gone, none of the silliness that came with their over-the-top entrance or their frivolous TV show. The party was over, and the woman coming towards her was all about business.

Valerie tried to stand and meet her head on, but her body was too worn, too haggard, too wrecked by the onslaught she had to endure through this match. She was still trying to stand when Belle came along and ‘helped’ her, lifting her up off the floor in the roughest way, manhandling, wrenching her about in a tight hold.

Valerie opened her mouth to protest, but she was sent flying before the words could even form. She crashed into the mat hard, flopping over to her side, her world still spinning even as her body came to a rest. The worst part? She knew it wasn’t even close to being over. Belle was already lifting her limp body up again…

From the apron, Tatiana watched the destruction. She had faith in her sister, loved her, but this match was going down a bad road, and she didn’t like seeing Valerie get dragged along it. Nervous, she wranged the rope between her hands, hoping more and more that this would just end.

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Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck - Page 9 Empty Re: Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck

Post by Yori Thu Dec 28, 2017 6:44 am

Belle dragged Valerie upright, perhaps not to her feet depending on how well the woman could manage to stand. Rather than lifting her again, she began to drag the woman along, pulling her towards Party Hard's corner. She looked back to Kaylee, whistling sharply to catch her partner's attention. The two met eyes, seemingly know what Belle wanted.

Kaylee slowly rose to her feet, shaking her head as she pat her leg. Bell was wanting to know if she was capable of hitting her finisher if the other woman could set it up. Like this, she doubted she was capable of the springing maneuver however... she pat the turnbuckle lightly and the brunette nodded in understanding.

As she neared the corner, her pace quickened charging with Valerie in her grasp she attempted to toss her between the top and bottom ropes, slamming her head or shoulder into the post. Kaylee and Belle gave each other a small high five, tagging the blond in as Belle continued to do her part. If she had managed all that, she would duck down, to slide her head between the Valerie's legs, clamping down on the woman to lift her up into the air in an electric chair position on her shoulders.

Kaylee after making the tag was already climbing the ropes, using Belles time to position Valerie to make up for how slow she was moving compared to normal. She took a deep breath. This was one of the finishers they had worked on early on but decided not to make use of. It hadn't been impressive enough to showcase both women, and proved tricky to set up. Without her able to do "Bender" or one of their grounded finishers, this would go. She threw up her arms with a shout, the crowd roaring back.  She leap off the ropes, jumping past Valerie to grab hold of her head, cradling it to her shoulder as she was mid air for a cutter move. Belle, in time with Kaylee dropped back, so she would slam Valerie down onto her back while Kaylee nailed her with the cutter from off Belle's shoulder. They hadn't ever sued the move publicly, it had no actual name. The crowd popped for it anyway.

Kaylee knelt down over Valerie, gathering up her legs under her arms before sitting back on the woman's face to roll her into a matchbook pin. She hadn't chosen this particular pin out of spite for the woman, but would have been glad later that she had. It was a pretty humiliating way to go, but also effective for holding your foe down.

The official dashed to the pin, gliding into place beside the pair as she slapped the mat.


Belle had pushed herself up as Kaylee worked to Roll Valerie into a pin, standing guard to intercept Tatiana should she try to get involved. This was the beginning of the end.

Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck - Page 9 JTYmfg2

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Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck - Page 9 Empty Re: Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck

Post by acuyra Thu Dec 28, 2017 7:35 am

It was like watching a train wreck. Worst still, like watching a train wreck that you knew was going to happen, even before it went off the rails.

Valerie was lifted up and dragged along like trash, hauled along the mat towards Party Hard’s corner, the absolute last place she wanted to be in the universe. Tatiana could see her, but she might as well have been on the other side of the universe. If she tried to interfere with whatever was going on, Kaylee and Belle could beat her back with ease, and that would only be if she got around the referee - a referee who, frankly, looked fed up with this match.

She had to look on, helpless, as Valerie was hurled into the ring post, crying out as her shoulder cracked against it hard enough to shake the ring.  The next thing she knew, Valerie’s limp body was being hoisted up on Belle’s shoulders, and while she didn’t know exactly what was happening, she did know that it meant the end was near. This had finishing move written all over it.

What happened next was...well, an amazing display, if Tatiana was being honest. A perfect mix of Belle and Kaylee’s agility, unique and inventive and, most importantly, devastating.

It left Valerie lifeless in the middle of the ring, as Kaylee moved in for the kill. Tatiana ground her teeth as she watched her sister get her face sat on, the final insult to all the injuries she’d taken.


After a blow like that the referee could’ve counted to fifty. Valerie was out, solid.


The referee stood and raised her hands, calling Valerie out of the match and changing the dynamic in an instant. The odds were flipped - this was a handicap match. A tornado handicap, at that. A beatdown.

Yeah, no, not interested.

Belle leaped into the ring and bolted towards the two the moment the bell rang, knowing what was at stake here. If Belle and Kaylee had the chance to press their advantage, it was over. Her chance, her only chance, was to hit them now, before they could gather themselves and focus. For a moment, it looked like she was going to go straight to Belle, but she ducked down at the last second and rolled past her hip. Tatiana reached through her friendly foe’s legs as she passed and fell to her back, pulling her over with a schoolboy that would have her coming down right on top of Kaylee, if all worked well.

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Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck - Page 9 Empty Re: Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck

Post by Yori Thu Dec 28, 2017 1:48 pm

Belle eyed Tatiana as she moved into the ring. She sighed softly, just wanting to get this done quickly. Knowing Kaylee, she would want to drag this out. For the redhead's sake she was just going to put the girl.away fast to end the pain. As the girl approached Belle lowered her body a bit, getting ready to lock up. Surging forward to intercept her, her arms hooked through the air coming up empty. Tatiana had slipped around her. Before she could even think on the matter, she felt Tatiana reaching up between her legs, dragging her backwards. She tumbled down hard on to Kaylee who was still basking in her pinfalls, crashing down over the blond to make an impressive pileup of women on the mat. She rolled off towards to the ropes, reaching out to try and pull herself up.

Kaylee felt good on top of her arch nemesis. She wasn't sure if the woman was still conscious, but hoped she was. Had she put more thought into the pin, she likely would have rubbed herself down on the woman more. As it stood, it was just a fancier pin for a fancier move. She threw her up her arms in celebration with a cheer only to have Belle's body come crashing down on her. She was knocked flat, releasing Valerie's legs as she went down. She shoves up at Belle to help roll her off with an annoyed grunt.

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Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck - Page 9 Empty Re: Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck

Post by acuyra Thu Dec 28, 2017 2:31 pm

Valerie wasn’t quite out, but wasn’t quite conscious, either, finding herself knocked into a state between by...whatever that move was. She could only process a few things in an muddled fashion. Like, for instance, the fact that someone - someone who’d regret it - was sitting on her face. She’d been pinned, she knew that much, and she aware of what that meant: her sister was now alone.

She was also aware of something going on above her body, as the women were knocked around. Not entirely sure what that was about, but she had a fair feeling that Tatiana was involved.

Back in reality, her sister was enacting the first step of her one and only plan at the moment: divide and conquer.

The moment the two of them went down, Tatiana was already rolling back to her feet, pushing up as quick as she could manage. She knew she’d have precious seconds to act, and as much as she wanted to check on Valerie, she couldn’t use any of them for that. Her first priority had to be Belle, and getting her out of the way. At least for a little while.

”Sorry about this.” She grabbed Belle by the ankles and hurriedly dragged her away. ”But I just need you to take a little break. So…”

When she was a few feet away, Tatiana grabbed the ropes and shoved Belle outside with her foot, pushing hard against her back to roll her out quick and hard. Kind of a bitch move, she knew, but she wasn’t about taking any chances now.

Besides, compared to what she had planned Kaylee, this was gentle treatment.

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Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck - Page 9 Empty Re: Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck

Post by Yori Thu Dec 28, 2017 2:52 pm

Belle had just rolled of Kaylee, content to keep going when her ankles had been grabbed. She struggled to look over her shoulder at Tatiana pulling her. She should have struggled or kicked, but was just caught off guard and confused with what she was doing she just watched blinking. Sorry for this? "...What?"

As Tatiana set her legs down she half turned about to say something else when she noticed where they had stopped "Wait, dont d-!" With a hard shove she clattered out of the ring onto the hard unforgiving floor below.

Kaylee used Valerie as a stepping stool of sorts, pressing her palms to the woman's body to push herself up. The referee's focus was split between the pairings, yelling and directing Valerie to go to the back, and watching the other events. Kaylee craned her neck as she stood up, stepping away from Valerie. She had caught the tail end Tatiana dumping Belle to the outside.

With narrowed eyes Kaylee bounced in her boots, testing how bad her leg still was. Better, but there was no way she was as speed or acrobatic as usual. He would have to take on Tatiana on the other girl's terms. She swayed lightly as her feet hopped a bit in motion, readying herself for was going to be a difficult encounter. She just had to survive.

How long should she hold out though? She was about to learn.

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Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck - Page 9 Empty Re: Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck

Post by acuyra Thu Dec 28, 2017 3:35 pm

How long did Tatiana have before Belle - a likely ticked off Belle - came back into the ring? Couldn’t have been too long. As drained as she was, as they all were, it wasn’t like she’d been hit by a move or anything. She just took a hard fall to the floor. She would be back up and in soon, damn soon. So that meant Tatiana would have to do some quick work. Firing on all cylinders.

She brought her focus to Kaylee, who was just now pushing off of Valerie’s loopy body. She was up, but she wasn’t moving at her best, had lost the speed edge. Tatiana could do this.

Maybe. She hoped. Let’s see…

Wiping out any hesitation, she charged forward with her hands raised, seeming to go for a grapple - only for her to raise her foot up and shot it straight out at Kaylee’s chest, looking to knock her into the corner with a rough push kick.

Valerie, meanwhile, had regained enough wherewithal to roll out under the rope and make her way to the outside, where she landed on her wobbly feet. She wanted to stay, help out Tatiana more, but the rules were the rules - she was done. It was all on her sister, now.

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Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck - Page 9 Empty Re: Party Hard vs. Novae - Starstruck

Post by Yori Thu Dec 28, 2017 4:00 pm

Kaylee grit her teeth as Tatiana came in hard. She would normally try to dodge taking an attack head on, but there was no telling what would happen if she tried now. If it was some sort of a sweeping motion she was done for. She opted for the road not traveled by her nearly ever. She brought up her arms protectively looking to take whatever it was.

As Tatiana kicked out her leg, she absorbed the blow into her arms with a cry of pain. The force still enough to send her stumbling back to the ropes of Party Hard's corner. Her back cracked painfully against the turnbuckle as Sher winced, eyes darting between Tatiana and the referee for some reason. She threw up a hand, waving it franticly at Tatiana as her free hand ran along the ropes. "Wait wait wait!"

The official hard split their focus again, rather then watching the pair in the ring they had gone to the ropes to check on Belle's condition. Even a small drop from the apron could leave to something getting twisted, so it was important to check on the talent.

Belle had gotten to her hands and knees, rubbing her shoulder. She had landed pretty bad, not exactly the most graceful of women. She would live though. She glanced up, distracted at the referee's questions as the two had a brief exchange, delaying her returning to the ring.

Everything was in place. Not only had she pinned Valerie, but Novae was about to fall to her as well. She hand been careful to make sure her pleading and waving distracted Tatiana, the charging bull. She had done it all to slip her phone from the case that hung from the ropes. She waited for Tatiana to come near with whatever she had planned to follow her to the corner with, at the last moment she threw up her arm a d snapped a picture at the redhead, the flash features blasting the girl in the face. "Cheeeeese!"

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