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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard

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SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard - Page 11 Empty Re: SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard

Post by Mystery Dragon Sun Sep 02, 2018 4:06 am

Chelsea was coughing and trying to protect herself from anything that Gwen might try and do next. Naturally she attempted to gloat and insult her while she was down from the last move before bringing her up to whip her off towards the ropes Chelsea wasnt quite sure where but she knew that she needed to recover so she had to act fast.

When she bounced off the ropes Chelsea's hands hooked around the ropes and tried to rub her eye looking towards Gwen and making sure she didnt come at her while she was there.
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SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard - Page 11 Empty Re: SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard

Post by LunarWolf Mon Sep 03, 2018 10:44 pm

Belinda had been watching closely, as she had managed to roll her way out of the ring and climb the ropes on the apron, panting and shaking her head a bit. Her clash with Akiha had caused her no small amount of discomfort and pain but given the fair few moments of rest and a chance to clear her head.

She saw how hard her tag partner was fighting and she saw that she had been taken out of her grove by another of Imperial Orders (at this point practically trade mark) cheap moves. As she would grit her teeth, baring them a bit in frustration and anger.

The Swede stepped to the side on the apron as after that facebuster, Gwendolyn sent her tag partner and best friend running towards the ropes. Quick side step was all she needed to slap at Chelsea's shoulders as the redhead stopped herself against them. The Referee noticing this as a tag, Belinda took to a quick run out of the ropes, practically darting off at the fellow buxom blond fighter.

Attempting to come rushing in at Gwendolyn and catch the Aristocrat by surprise with a spear straight to her gut!


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SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard - Page 11 Empty Re: SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard

Post by killcarrion Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:40 am

The degree to which Belinda had just saved their team from ultimately losing this match perhaps not dawning upon the younger Northman just yet...but by the telltale angling back of Gwendolyn's right leg, the vainglorious heiress was indeed on the cusp of attempting her Colère de Dieu superkick finisher once she had gotten the fiery red-head back in the middle of the ring. Being hopelessly blinded all but ensuring Gwen would have connected with the finisher that has yet to be kicked out of. But those hopes for a graceful finale to these uncouth miscreants' title hopes were dashed once Belinda saw fit to interject herself into matters she had no business interfering in.

"Tch..." Gwendolyn scoffed and narrowed her eyes while taking a few steps backward. Seeing Belinda come stampeding from a mile away gave the nimble heiress ample time to position herself, than going into a crouched grappling state. Showcasing elegant agility and exceptional flexibility, Gwendolyn would leap into the air while splitting her legs to the side to have the ducking Belinda go dashing right under her. Upon landing safely with her back to the younger Northman, Gwen would glance over her shoulder and flip head over heels for an attempted Pele Kick right to the side of Belinda's head.

SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard - Page 11 JzMxnhg

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SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard - Page 11 Empty Re: SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard

Post by LunarWolf Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:21 pm

Belinda came running in at full speed towards Gwendolyn who seemed to have cat-like reflexes, jumping up over the blond's charging spear and avoiding it gracefully as the Swede was left stumbling forward, and trying to quickly catch herself. She hadn't expected the Imperial Rose to be able to avoid the spear, let alone be ready for her to tag in.

To her surprise though the second she had caught herself and turned around to face the fellow buxom blond fighter, she was met with a surprise kick to the top of her skull. The snap of Gwendolyn's golden boot against the hardheaded skull of headstrong Shooting Star caused the crowd to wince out in sympathy.

Belinda stumbled back, dropping down to one knee as her right hand would go up towards her head, one eye closed as she let out a low guttural groan of pain.


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SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard - Page 11 Empty Re: SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard

Post by killcarrion Tue Sep 11, 2018 5:05 pm

If the accursed Northman sibling wished so fervently to take her pitiful partner's place, than so be it. Gwendolyn would be more than happy to cordially oblige this blond-haired interloper seeking to unjustly ruin her illustriously planned finale to this match. So instead of Chelsea being the one to have her proverbial world rocked by one of Gwen's thunderous kicks, Belinda would now be the unlucky recipient of a stunning backflip kick that had the heiress falling on her shoulder. But despite the hard fall, it brought the younger Northman to her knee, a fact that had Gwendolyn smirking pompously as she stood tall before her prostrating foe.

"Kneeling in abject reverence before my Imperial radiance~...Truly, both of you lowly commoners must feel quite blessed this day~..."
Gwendolyn pompously declared while standing right in front of Belinda, extending her arms widely to the sides to bask both in the booing disdain of the crowd and the supreme satisfaction of having toppled both of these blazing philistines. The arm Belinda was using to shield her face wouldn't be there for long, as Gwen snatch it by the wrist while sidestepping Belinda. The haughty aristocrat twisting her arm at an awkward angle for an attempted arm wringer, with a forearm strike to Belinda's shoulder as well.

SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard - Page 11 JzMxnhg

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SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard - Page 11 Empty Re: SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard

Post by LunarWolf Wed Sep 12, 2018 2:15 am

Down on one knee, feeling a bit groggy after having been hit by that smooth Pelé kick from the Imperial Rose, the fellow buxom blond stepped up towards the Swede and stood before her with those arms extended wide. Flaunting her prowess and skill which the crowd did not seem to take a liking to as they threw jeers the way of the pompous aristocrat.

If Gwendolyn had gone right on the attack she might have had Belinda stumped for the moment, but the few seconds that Gwen gave the Swede were enough for the blond to gather her senses just enough. Clearing the cobwebs, so that when the bellow blue clad fighter took a hold of her arm, Belinda would make her move.

Trying to lean into the currently side stepping Gwendolyn, pushing up a bit to her feet as she would try and take her free hand and clasp her hand behind Gwendolyn's neck and the arm that Gwen had a hold of would try and reach down in between those thighs. Trying to haul Gwen up onto her shoulders in a smooth action before attempting to throw Gwendolyn down onto the mat with a Fireman's carry takeover.


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SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard - Page 11 Empty Re: SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard

Post by killcarrion Fri Sep 14, 2018 9:31 pm

A bit of revelry of one's magnificence never hurt anyone. At least that was what the entitled noblewoman told herself as she flaunted her momentary advantage with a grandiloquent pose. Well-earned and entirely justified as far as she was concerned. After having withstood her rage-fueled onslaught and battled back against that accursed red-head, Gwen's mounting exhaustion still had not prevented her from gaining the upper-hand over the younger Northman. Though given her panting breaths and battered frame, a tag-out was most definitely beginning to creep into Gwendolyn's mind as she reached down to snag onto Belinda's wrist...

...and found herself hoisted off of her feet to be draped across Belinda's shoulders. Scant few seconds were given for her to react aside from wide-eyed shock and a brief squirming of her free leg before her lush frame was seamlessly slammed back down to a tremendous ovation from the audience. Gwendolyn herself was less than enthused as she cried out a pained groan while shifting over to her side, massaging her lower back with a scrunching face and suddenly a renewed urgency to tag herself out.

SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard - Page 11 JzMxnhg

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SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard - Page 11 Empty Re: SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard

Post by LunarWolf Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:41 pm

Belinda was able to take Gwendolyn's showy nature and work it against the pompous blond, as she took that aristocrats frame and put it on top of her shoulders before flipping her up and over onto her back on the canvas with a quick but effective Fireman's carry takeover.

The busy frame of Gwendolyn bounced on the canvas before she shifted over onto the side, which was when Belinda would turn and quickly reach to grab at that head of the fellow blond. Attempting to pull that head in between the blond's own strong legs that she sought to snap around The Imperial Rose's head.

Wrapping her legs around for what would be a nasty figure four headlock, trying to introduce some pain to the fellow blond as she would prop herself up from the mat with her arms as she sought to squeeze the fight out of Gwendolyn. " Come on Gwendolyn! Show me what you've got!" Belinda would shout out as the crowd cheered for the Swedish superstar.


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SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard - Page 11 Empty Re: SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard

Post by killcarrion Thu Sep 20, 2018 9:27 pm

The ring-shaking slam that had taken the pompous aristocrat off of her feet and reasserted Belinda's foothold in the match had also generated a thunderous ovation from the live audience. The majority of the cheering crowd having not predicted the younger Northman wound have the wherewithal to rebound so swiftly after having endured the overhead kick, with the pompous noblewomen herself being amongst those who thought Belinda to be ripe for the picking.

Gwendolyn's attempt to shuffle upward to her hands and knees would be snuffed out in it's infancy as the Swedish fan favorite yanked her back down into the figure-four headlock, the squeezing pressure immediately felt on her cranium as she scowled and squirmed from between the blonde's thighs. Her prying hands attempting to alleviate the muscled constriction as best they could by clamping and tugging on her leggy restraints, her own right boot repeatedly rising and stamping the canvas in what seemed like panicked flailing. But were, in fact, her attempt to hook her ankle atop what she sensed was the bottom rope just out of reach. But getting closer with every stomp...

SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard - Page 11 JzMxnhg

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SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard - Page 11 Empty Re: SS 18 Tag Team Titles: Imperial Order (c) vs Blazing Blizzard

Post by LunarWolf Sun Sep 23, 2018 11:07 pm

Belinda's legs tightened around the head of Gwendolyn as she would increase the pain of figure four headlock, as her bare thighs would squeeze against the fellow blond's head. She continued to increase the pressure of the hold as Gwendolyn struggled more and more, she started to figure out that Gwendolyn was kicking her way closer to the ropes.

Though, there wasn't much that the Swede could do to stop her opponent, unless she wanted to give up the Figure Four Headlock, which she refused to do. She would wait until Gwendolyn's leg managed to snag onto those bottom ropes and as the referee came in and told her to release the fellow blond combatant, Belinda would release Gwendolyn and then rise up towards her feet, panting out a little bit as she would keep her eyes fixed on the aristocrat.


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