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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd

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Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd Empty Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by LARIATO Mon Oct 28, 2019 3:22 am

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, Submission, DQ, KO or Countout

Julia loved Western movies. She’d seen just about all of them worth seeing, and as a kid had often pretended to be fighting a rival outlaw like she saw in those movies. That had all been a fun little fantasy back then, but tonight she was going to live it out inside the Friction arena.

She had to admit, while she tried to keep up with everything going on in AFW during her recent hiatus she hadn’t had the time to follow every single show and every single wrestler. But after learning she’d been matched up against another outlaw calling herself the “Cutthroat Kidd,” the name rang a bell. Julia looked her up and was quickly reminded of the match this woman once had against her best friend and tag partner, Alaina Sanders. Well, to call it a “match” wouldn’t quite be fair. It was a fight awarded to Alaina on a disqualification after Cassidy Kidd had nearly strangled her to death with a rope. It had pissed Julia off seeing it then, and watching it back again brought those feelings right back. She was gonna make this woman pay for assaulting Alaina.

Julia Rogers:

The familiar notes of a guitar told the Friction crowd who was coming out next tonight, and they were quickly on their feet to shout and cheer! The music picked up, and seconds later Friction’s resident masked cowgirl burst through the curtain and onto the stage! Initially Julia wore her usual bright smile while high fiving fans on her way down to the ring. But she didn’t climb the rope for her usual call out to the crowd. Instead she hopped on the apron, grabbed the top rope and slung herself into a leap over it, landing softly on her feet in the ring. The masked blonde went to the opposite side and stood, glaring down toward the stage, waiting for this outlaw to meet her in the ring so they could get this standoff underway...


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Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd Empty Re: Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by Yori Mon Oct 28, 2019 4:30 pm

For too long she had been run out of town for trying to hang The Amazon high. A lengthy spell away due to suspension and a sentence from the higher ups playing judge, jury, and executioner that saw her relegated to dark matches. It gave her time to reload and take stock on how things ran out here in the wild East. Tonight however was different. They had called her up from the cells to show down with a so called cowgirl. Rusty old thing that had been away too long. She relished the chance to polish her sights to gun down another household name…

Cutthroat Cassidy Kidd:

The house lights dimmed slowly as heavy footfalls echoed through the arena sound system accompanied by the metallic jingle of spurs. Soft guitar music rolled in, cutting though the silence as a lone figure ducked through the entry curtain. She had a hand up, cradling her wide brimmed hat to keep it steady in passing, coming to stand at the top of the ramp. Faint  lighting of red and gold illuminated the crowd, mimicking the wild flicker of fire.

She stood tall at the top of the ramp, thumbs hooked over the top of her hearty belt as she stared out from under her hat at Julia from affair. She said nothing, did nothing, for a long agonizing moment before those perfect lips of hers parted into a smile that grew into a wide wicked grin. Without anything further the cowgirl dipped her head and made her way slowly down the ramp to a chorus of jeers.

She came to a stop at the bottom of the ramp, tilting her head up to gaze across the ringside area quietly. Pivoting on her heel, she made her way towards the corner post where a set of steel steps waited, intending to make use of them to let herself into the ring. Something however caught her ear causing her to pause. A particularly loud can along the barrier. Cassidy slowly meandered over, locking eyes with the shouting fan who even with her practicly in their face was so good as to call her out. She waited until they helped at her again before spitting a wad of saliva right into their mouth mid sentence. They tumbled back in surprise, spitting and gagging on the floor as the outlaw smirked.

Before making her a up the stairs he kicked one leg then the other back, taking the time to work off her spurs and set them in her corner. From there she climbed up and into the ring, ducking through the ropes with hat held to her head. Those smiling eyes of hers locked to Julia as she walked right up to the other woman, making an obvious showing of sizing her up.

"Well ain't you just a skinny lil weed of a woman, I expected more. You look like some two dollar stripper right off the reservation… gonna lap dance me to death, honey pie?" Cassidy let out a faint chuckle as the referee looked nearby, seemingly waiting for the outlaw to do something. Without her eyes leaving Julia, she began removing items from her person, handing them off to be confiscated… her lasso, a pair of handcuffs, brass knuckles, she was practically a walking armory of illicit in ring weapons. All of the items were walked back to her corner and set aside by her spurs by the official.

"Keep that face up and I won't be slipping you anythin' but a taste of the back of my hand. So how 'bout you start us off right and give ol' Cassidy Kidd a lil kiss, huh?" The outlaw nudged up the brim of her hat, smirking at Julia as she casually insulted the other woman's pride. She made no aggressive moves, just stood ready and presented her cheek with a slightly turned head as if expecting the masked cowgirl to humor her unlikely request.

Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd JTYmfg2

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Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd Empty Re: Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by LARIATO Tue Oct 29, 2019 6:48 am

Though she’d never admit it out loud, Julia would be lying through her teeth if she said Cassidy didn’t fit the role. From the music, to her clothes, even to her painfully slow walk, this was a true and blue outlaw who carried herself as if she were the most dangerous woman around these parts. And to her credit, her early reputation supported that so far. Cassidy may technically not have won her debut match against Alaina, but she damn sure had won the fight. She looked cocky as all hell, but she’d already shown the world there was reason for that. This wasn’t a woman Julia could afford to take lightly.

The masked blonde was so focused on Cassidy she almost didn’t even notice the heckler in the front row until the outlaw suddenly confronted them. There was a momentary pause, and Julia wasn’t sure what the woman was about to do. But then she spit in the fan’s mouth, causing Julia to briefly turn away in revulsion. That was disgusting, both physically and morally. She didn’t doubt that would incur some sort of fine on Cassidy, but...somehow she got the feeling this woman wouldn’t care in the slightest.

After Cassidy kicked her spurs off and entered the ring, Julia marched right up to her while the woman came toward her, with the two cowgirls meeting toe to toe in the middle of the ring. Shorter by a few inches, Julia looked up to meet her foe’s gaze. She wasn’t about to let the size difference intimidate her, nor the surprising amount of deadly weapons she’d brought with her, though both certainly seemed to help fuel the outlaw’s confidence. As if she needed any further boost in that regard to begin with.

Hands coming to rest on her hips, Julia clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes at the taunting comments Cassidy threw at her. This sort of behavior wasn’t unexpected, but that did little to make it more tolerable. And then she even leaned forward, giving Julia a cheek to kiss, along with a threat to smack her upside the head if she didn’t. A handful in the live crowd yelled on encouraging her to do it, less out of concern for Julia and more because people just liked seeing two hot young women kiss. Unfortunately for them, and for Cassidy, this cowgirl didn’t have any intention of playing along with that. Rather than a kiss, Julia gave the outlaw’s cheek a hard slap with her right hand!

“How ‘bout you kiss my ass instead, ‘cause I ain’t givin’ ya a damn thing! But if you’re lookin’ for trouble I’ll gladly accommodate ya!”

Last edited by LARIATO on Thu Oct 31, 2019 11:12 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd Empty Re: Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by Yori Tue Oct 29, 2019 12:48 pm

Julia's hand cracked loudly against Cassidy's cheek, jolting the outlaws head to the side with a sudden jerk. A few members of the audience in the front gave a soft hiss at the sound alone as it cut through the fading music in stark contrast. The outlaw however didn't seem terribly phased despite the raw red mark adorning her face. She turned to eye Julia square on, reaching up to adjust her hat that has been left slightly off center from the jolt of the slap.

The outlaw gave a soft whistle before it vanished into the depths of a throaty chuckle. "Look'it you, livewire, cracklin' off something fierce." Cassidy chewed at the air, working the numbing sting from her jaw. "Sure hope you can hit harder than that, suga', else you're about to have a real rough ride in here with me."

The outlaw cracked a wicked grin, giving the other woman a small upnod at the comment about kissing her ass. "Don't worry none, I won't go on and kink shame you or nothin' but if that's how you like it…" Cassidy gave an over embellished shrug, slowly stepping back away from Julia. She rolled her shoulders, working herself up into the fight that was about to fire off. "Lucky for me I don't do charity then, no handouts here, honey pie. Thing about Cassidy Kidd is... she takes what she wants. Just remember this come that time you are face down on the mat an crying. You could'a had the carrot like a good filly, but you chose the stick. Next thing yer gonna be kissin' is my boots.

Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd JTYmfg2

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Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd Empty Re: Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by LARIATO Thu Oct 31, 2019 9:58 pm

The echoing impact of Julia’s slap came right with the final fading note of Cassidy’s entrance music, punctuating it with a bang and leading right into an ominous silence that hang over the arena like a dark thundercloud. And when the outlaw looked her in the eye, Julia looked right back into hers, unflinching.

“Had plenty of rough rides in the ring. Still here, ain’t I? If you think ‘yer about to run me outta town, ya got another thing comin’,” she retorted, then backed off into her own corner as Cassidy did the same. This woman sure could talk a big game. And she knew from seeing her debut match she was as dangerous as she thought she was. But Julia Rogers wasn’t one to be easily intimidated by a bit of trash talk. “That’ll be the day…” she said in response to that last little “warning” from Cassidy, immediately dismissing it. It’d be a cold day in hell before she willingly put her lips anywhere near the outlaw’s boots.


The bell rang, and Julia came out of the corner with her hands up, carefully watching Cassidy’s movements to see what she’d do. The power she’d demonstrated months ago against Alaina had been impressive, obviously far greater than Julia could match. So naturally she intended to mitigate that by taking advantage of her speed and agility instead. She feigned a lunge as if going in for a lockup, trying to get Cassidy to follow her lead. If she did Julia would instead duck under her arm to get out to her side, then fire off a lightning-quick roundhouse kick to the back of her leg, wanting to chop the bigger woman down a bit and disrupt her base.


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Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd Empty Re: Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by Yori Fri Nov 01, 2019 12:39 am

"Sure, sure, you're still here, after runnin' off for a spell. Maybe you shoulda stayed gone and saved yourself the heartbreak." At the sound of the bell Cassidy didn't seem in a rush to respond, starting to circle Julia with her thumbs still hooked over the lip of her belt. Her lips made a soft smacking sound as the outlaw casually sucked on her teeth, running her tongue over them with a light click. When she was good and ready she pulled back her hands with a large roll of her shoulders, squaring up across from the masked cowgirl.

Most of her features were veiled in shadow from the brim of her hat, though the reflection of light off the canvas made her dark eyes glimmer. There was a small back and forth as she would step in to challenge Julia's space, the equivalent of a bully trying to make their target flinch. When the opening was presented though, she took it, lunging forward with both her arms, bringing them around for what would have been a crushing gtapple… if her opponent had been their.

Her head turned slightly, but her peripheral vision is what followed more closely as Julia shifted he's her. The sharp kick to the back of her knee hands dead on, neatly buckling the limb inward. Her body shifted with the blow, arching her back while she stepped forward, planting her unhindered leg down to brace herself and carry her weight from dropping to a knee.

A glint of pearly whites flashed from between her lips as the outlaw grinned, arm cocked back like the hammer of a gun as she stared a burning hole of bloody murder into Julia's face. With a wide wild swing she pivoted hard on the ball of her feet, coming around with a massive lariat easily made to take off someone's head. There was no stopping her momentum, hit or not she was going to be left spinning with the followthrough from this attack.

Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd JTYmfg2

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Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd Empty Re: Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by LARIATO Fri Nov 01, 2019 4:21 am

Julia furrowed a brow at Cassidy after that comment. The outlaw hadn’t struck her as the type to research her opponents, but clearly she knew more about the masked girl than expected. Maybe she’d been following the company during Julia’s last run, or maybe she’d just heard about her through word of mouth. Whatever the case, it didn’t change that she’d only left to help her family. No one in this company had run her off, and Cassidy Kidd wasn’t about to be the one to do it.

She found it more than a little odd that the outlaw opted to keep her hat on even after the bell rang and the action was about to start. The casual nature with which Cassidy slowly walked around the ring was also peculiar, albeit less surprising. Her self-confidence knew no limits, an admirable trait if not for the sickening arrogance that came with it. Julia didn’t react too drastically to her foe stepping in closer, but she did shift appropriately to keep the distance she wanted until they finally lunged in together.

Under the outlaw’s arm she went, firing off a quickdraw in the form of a stiff leg kick. Her boot met its target with an audible smack, and Julia could tell she’d hit the bullseye with the full intended force. That’s when she was met with the sinister stare of Cassidy Kidd. Julia wouldn’t go as far as to say she was scared or intimidated. But there was a noticeable aura of danger lingering around this woman at all times. And the moment Cassidy flashed her that look, every warning instinct in her body flared to life. She ducked under the lariat thrown her way, but only narrowly avoided its destructive path in time. And even still, the force of the swing was so great Julia could feel the air shift over the top of her head just before she rolled forward.

“Jesus Christ!” she thought to herself in awe, knowing just how fucked she would’ve been if that had hit her. That thing had “instant knockout potential” written all over it. A lariat that forceful would’ve even impressed Bomber Kishima! But Julia would have to wait to thank her lucky stars later. She had to stay focused, or something like that wouldn’t miss the next time around. The second Cassidy’s momentum brought her around to face Julia again, the blonde sprang forward and leapt up, aiming to slam the soles of her cowgirl boots right into the outlaw’s chest with a dropkick!


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Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd Empty Re: Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by Yori Fri Nov 01, 2019 5:45 am

"Huah!" Cassidy's arm sliced through the air like an executioner's axe, batting away lingering blond hairs left in place from Julia's sudden dip. Her body continued to twist, overextending in her swing, forcing her to carry her rotation into several steps to wind it back down by the time she had faced her foe again.

Her final stop was greeted with two firm boot heels spiking her square in the chest, providing Julia with a surprisingly firm jump off point as she made contact. Cassidy was a fortress when it came to staying upright but when the foundations were poor, the walls could still crumble. The dropkick had pushed them apart and sent the outlaw stumbling, clutching at her buxom chest that likely had some lovely cowboy boots shaped marks branded onto them for the moment.

The outlaw dropped, taking a knee to keep herself from falling back any further. A fine trade-off in her eyes, which we're currently twinkling with amusement at Julia from under the brim of her hat. She let out a soft chuckle, fingers clenched so tightly into fists the leather of her gloves freaking in protest.

"Little varmint." She was already rising again, a slow trudge turning into a jog, ramping up steadily. Like a locomotive she built her speak on a steady incline, and much like a train she was harder to stop when she got going. A reckless charge straight at Julia with little regard for whatever the other woman would throw at her during the approach. The of her right hand unfurled into a clawed fingers, rearing back as she neared. With another wide swing she brought her arm around, attempting to clamp her entire hand over Julia's face. The outlaw would try to drag the woman along with her for the ride, bringing her to the mat with a massive iron claw slam if she managed to grab hold of her.

Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd JTYmfg2

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Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd Empty Re: Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by LARIATO Sun Nov 03, 2019 6:09 pm

It was easy for Julia to see the size difference between her and Cassidy with her own eyes. But she didn’t get a full appreciation for it until the dropkick hit. The impact sent her foe stumbling backward, but she could tell the only reason for that was that she happened to catch Cassidy while she was off balance. It felt like she had just kicked off of a solid wall, and the outlaw would’ve stayed up like one too if her feet had been properly set. She even still had her hat on.

“This chick’s a goddamn tank!” Julia muttered under her breath, considering what to try next. Normally a blow like that would’ve dropped her opponents to the mat and given her a myriad of follow up options. But Cassidy looked like a tiger getting ready to pounce on a gazelle that had avoided its clutches just long enough to be annoying. One wrong move, and things could get bad for Julia real quick.

Cassidy didn’t give her much time to think over her dilemma. It initially looked like she was just going reset and start with the same slow, casual walk around as she’d done in the beginning. But just when Julia rose back up to her own feet, suddenly the other cowgirl was bolting at her like a raging bull. The masked blonde’s first instinct was to counter with a hurricanrana. But her timing was just a hair off, and that was all it took. She leapt up high, but before she could pull her legs up with her Cassidy’s hand suddenly latched right onto Julia’s masked face, dragged her through the air by her head for a split second then slammed her down to the mat with a sickening impact!

“Mmmm!!” she let out, her pained cry muffled by Cassidy’s palm.


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Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd Empty Re: Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd

Post by Yori Mon Nov 04, 2019 1:02 am

The outlaw could see the realization in Julia's face. That sudden call to arms that flicked the light switch in her brain that clued her in to the coming danger. That small moment of inaction was all she needed to drive her forward, snapping her arm out just as the masked cowgirl aimed to take to the sky.

"Where you think yer goin'!?" Her gnarled fingers dug into the other woman's head like hooks, clamping her palm over the high flying favorite's face. With a hard twist of her body she slammed the other woman to the man with an explosive impact, holding her down as The Outlaw continued to move forward, grinding the back of her opponents head into the canvas until the natural resistance of her body slowed the two to a stop almost the entire length of the ring from where she had started.

Unclenching her fingers, her hand drifted up past Julia's face, jamming into her lovely golden locks to grab a handful of her hair. Cassidy trudged past the downed woman, giving her a merciless yank by her hair, trying to drag her towards the corner over the protest of the referee. As if the outlaw wasn't aware hair pulling was illegal… give it a break, it was just for a few seconds.

Cassidy planted her feet, attempting to heave Julia across the floor into the bottom turnbuckle with her back. Her leg came up, boot extending out at the masked cowgirl's head to rake the heel across her face with a few rough thrusts. If she managed to keep the woman subdued, she would plant her boot sole on the woman's throat, taking hold of the top ropes for proper leverage and start to choke her with a laugh.

Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd JTYmfg2

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Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd Empty Re: Wildest of the West: Julia Rogers vs Cassidy Kidd

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