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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe

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Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe Empty Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe

Post by RadiantKarna332 Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:14 pm

Standard Match
Victory Conditions: Gained by either pin, KO, or submission from the opponent.
Normal rules apply.

Megumi Mutoh was getting ready at the locker room, putting on her wrestling outfit. She had been racking up wins here ever since her return, and she aimed to keep up with her momentum so that she could bring herself to the upper echelon of the wrestling talents here in AFW. Megumi was always considered a genius in her craft, though her occasional laziness somehow got in her way to become a true ace.

Not that it mattered here, anyway. She aimed to become the best the promotion had to offer, and she planned to do so by winning in any matches that she was booked into. And from what she had heard, she would be facing someone named Alina Tereshkova for tonight. She had never heard of her, but to quickly dismiss her would be a folly. Still, no matter who she was, she would make sure to defeat her all the same.

And so, now that she was ready, Megumi made her way out to the ramp as her theme, Golden Nocture, was playing from the loudspeakers. As she appeared, the crowd cheered for the Combat Genius, and she raised her arms as she expressed her gratitude for their supports. She walked down the ramp, giving high-fives to some fortunate fans as she made her way down to the ring, where the match would be held.

Megumi Mutoh:

Once she arrived, Megumi wasted little time to enter the ring, performing an acrobatic stunt by grabbing onto the top rope before flipping into the ring. Sticking her landing on the canvas, she raised her arms, earning herself a nice pop from the crowd. Rolling her shoulders, Megumi would then make her way to one of the corners so that she could wait for her opponent to show up. Hopefully, this would be an interesting match for her.

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Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe Empty Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe

Post by Old_Man_Tai Thu Mar 19, 2020 6:05 pm

Backstage, Megumi's opponent for the evening, the lovely young russian Alina, was putting the final touches on her outfit, making sure her kickpads were nice and tight, and adjusting her gloves. The blonde haired, blue eyed rookie took a deep breath, before nodding to her assistant, one she had requested from Friction management, to follow her as she left the locker room.

Finally, after all that training, she was out of the cold north of Alaska and in Japan, ready to put her training to the test, and if possible, redeem her fathers name in fighting with victory of her own. The lights in the arena darkened, and her electro-techno music, "Dark Dance" played through the PA system, a small light show of laser lights, flashing from green to blue to white and other colors, splayed over the stage, as the barefoot blonde made her entrance.

Putting on a show, she danced as she came out, shaking her hips, twirling her body around, letting the crowd get a good look at her, wanting to impress them right off the bat with her looks, while behind her, the assistant piloted a small drone with a camera attached, flying around the arena and Alina herself as she entered the ring, shadow boxing a little before looking over at her opponent.

"Megumi Mutoh. This is pretty exciting, I'm getting to debut against a famous name!" She said excitedly in her russian accent, while stretching her arms, legs, and body in a way that made it seem like she wanted the other woman to notice her body.

"I'm Alina, it's good to meet you. I hope you aren't thinking of underestimating me just because I'm new here, we russians are tougher than we look!" Alina grinned, before pointing at the drone. "Also uh...hope you don't mind the drone. I livestream all my fights to my social media channels for my fans. Gives them a unique view and a chance to watch my matches together, you know?"

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Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe Empty Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe

Post by RadiantKarna332 Fri Mar 20, 2020 10:37 am

Megumi tiled her head when the arena started to darken, and then her opponent's music was played as there was a small light show of laser fights. Right after that, her opponent, a beautiful woman dressed in a rather similar type of wrestling outfit as hers, made her way out to the ramp. Curiously, she also got someone else controlling a drone which flew around the arena as the woman in question, Alina Tereshkova, made her way to the ring.

Certainly, Megumi enjoyed the show that the woman was giving, especially by the way she showed off her body. She nodded upon hearing what Alina was saying before replying, "Well, I'll be the judge to that. Try to keep up with me, okay?" She grinned confidently at the blonde woman, showing off her signature cockiness that was often associated with the Combat Genius. While she had no mean bones in her, many people might think that she was arrogant.

And then, Alina pointed out about the drone, and Megumi blinked as she looked at the drone, which seemed to have a camera attached to it. Shrugging, she replied, "As long as it won't get in our way, I've got no problem with that." She then looked at the referee, wanting to see if she was fine with that. She got her answer in the form of a shrug, which meant that her opponent was allowed to have the drone flying around the arena.

"Okay, hope you're ready, Alina. Give me your best shot, will you?" Megumi said, doing some light stretches one last time before preparing herself for the match. The referee would make sure that both Megumi and Alina were ready, telling them to go to the center of the ring. After making sure that both fighters were ready, the referee then called for the bell, starting the match between the wrestling genius and the blonde newcomer.

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Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe Empty Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe

Post by Old_Man_Tai Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:43 am

"Oh yeah, it won't cause any problems. I don't want my first match to end in a DQ or anything, I wanna beat you nice and clean for my online fans to see!" Alina replied, blowing the drone a kiss and adjusting her gloves.

"Oh I'll give it my best. You're a respected fighter Megumi, and don't take this personally, but I'm hoping to make my bones taking you down!" the russian woman exclaimed, getting her arms up defensively as the bell rang to start the match, the eager instagram model wasting no time as she charged in, starting the match off by throwing her leg up as she neared Megumi, trying to hit her in the chest with a running kick right off the bat!

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Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe Empty Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe

Post by RadiantKarna332 Thu Apr 02, 2020 2:01 pm

Megumi smiled upon hearing Alina's explanation about the drone. "Well, it's fine, as long as you're fine with your fans seeing you lose," she flashed her opponent a confident smile, showing that the Combat Genius had complete faith over her wrestling prowess. "Come on, let's see what you're made of!" She took a stance, preparing herself for the match against her opponent.

The moment the match began, Alina wasted no time as she quickly closed the distance between herself and Megumi and hit her with a running kick to her chest. "Ughhh!!!" The kick caught Megumi off-guard a bit as she fell backwards. She was left breathless for a bit, but she wouldn't allow that to stop her as she would quickly try to get back up with a kip up.

Still, due to the kick to her chest, Megumi couldn't immediately go for the offense, stepping a few steps away from Alina as she would bring her hand to her chest to soothe the pain a little. She would be having her back facing her opponent as she nursed herself from the damage that she took early in this match.

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Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe Empty Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe

Post by Old_Man_Tai Sun Apr 05, 2020 1:57 am

Alina smirked as she managed to kick Megumi down to the mat. Her father would have been proud, he had often started MMA fights with running strikes like that, and on a couple fights, he had even scored immediate KO's with such moves. Her's might not have achieved that, but it felt nice to start her first official match in a way he would have.

Even better, it put Megumi on the defensive. Alina had no reason to dislike Megumi. She seemed very friendly and personable...but this was a match, and the Russian really did intend to win this thing, however she could. So as Megumi got back up and tried to back away, Alina pressed her advantage, closing in on Megumi while she foolishly had her back to her, yelling "Sorry!" while throwing a couple hard punches aimed towards the small of Megumi's back!

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Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe Empty Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe

Post by RadiantKarna332 Sun Apr 05, 2020 2:45 pm

With her back facing her opponent, Megumi had put herself in a position where she couldn't defend herself. Alina took advantage of this by attacking at the small of her back with a few hard punches, and she grunted with each hit. Still, she wouldn't allow those punches to take her down as she would keep her footing and stand her ground, preparing herself to retaliate.

After taking all those punches, Megumi would then try to launch her own attack, looking to pivot around as quickly as possible, wanting to hit her opponent with a spinning backfist, aiming at the side of her face. From there, she planned to recover from the blows that she had taken so that she could prepare herself to use a much bigger move after this.

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Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe Empty Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe

Post by Old_Man_Tai Sat Apr 11, 2020 7:21 am

Those small punches didn't do much to take Megumi off of her feet, but they served a pretty good message to the former Wrestle Angel, that the beautiful young russian wasn't going to be intimidated by the Valkeries greater experience and veteran status.

Unfortunately for her, as she stepped closer, planning to deliver another shot, Megumi had a message over her own. Alina only saw a flash of motion, before a backfist slammed right into the russian's cheek!


The blonde cried out, the impact causing the barefoot fighter to stagger backwards several steps, stumbling onto her butt, temporarily stunned by the powerful blow!

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Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe Empty Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe

Post by RadiantKarna332 Sat Apr 11, 2020 5:02 pm

Hitting at Alina's face with a spinning backfist, Megumi managed to send her opponent backwards before she saw her dropping onto her butt. Seeing this opportunity to continue with her assault, Megumi decided to run towards the ropes just behind her to give herself enough momentum to send herself running towards her seated opponent, looking to deliver a hip attack, using her own momentum to smash her butt right at her opponent's face.

Megumi would twist at the last second as she would approach her opponent before using her momentum to smash her backside against that beautiful face of her opponent, looking to send her down onto the mat. Quickly, she would place herself right on top of Alina, reaching out for one of her legs, going for a quick pinfall attempt if her hip attack was successful.

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Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe Empty Re: Megumi Mutoh vs. Alina Tereshkova - Like and Subscribe

Post by Old_Man_Tai Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:59 pm


Alina groaned, rubbing her cheek where the sudden backfist had struck her unexpectedly, knocking her for a bit of a loop for a few seconds. Megumi was faster than she expected. She'd have to remember that.

The sudden sound of steps made her look up...just in time for Megumi's firm backside to smack right into her face, dropping the russian down onto her back, her slim and smooth leg hooked right after, the referee dropping down to count the pin.



She was cut off, however, as Alina kicked out of the pin before the count of two, groaning and rubbing her face. " have a really firm butt...I'd like that if you weren't hitting me in the face with it..."

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