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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol]

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Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol] - Page 2 Empty Re: Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol]

Post by FairyGirl Tue Aug 25, 2020 6:26 pm

"Uhnnnn..." Shirabe groaning and twitching on the mat as that impact had been rather severe. Her brain rather shaken up and her coherency was going to be lacking for a time. Still her body was trying to move even if it wasn't sure where it was going or what it was doing exactly.

Kirika was left growling and pacing at the edge of the ring. Certainly having gotten into the mood of going after Yuri the second she had the chance to! "You won't be breaking anyone! Now leave her be!" Kirika getting frustrated, but until Shirabe could get over there she couldn't help her out. That alone was agonizing for a girl who wasn't born with all the patience in the world. Her face getting a bit as she didn't want to think about getting enslaved to Yuri...considering how effectively close she'd gotten to that state last time.

Shirabe out of it until she felt that smooth calf pressing against her neck and the headlock being applied. "Guh!" She groaned and her arms flailing behind her after Yuri. Hacking and writhing as the hold was applied with even more intensity. Shirabe shocked in the state she was in to feel how much strength Yuri's lower body had. Eyes rolling back a bit from the intensity. Her hands desperately grabbing for Yuri's legs, even pinching them a little as she tried to grip them as hard as she could and regain her ability to breathe.

The bikini girl writhing even in her dazed state as she struggled. All while Kirika could only watch on.

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Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol] - Page 2 Empty Re: Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol]

Post by pu-level-up Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:43 pm

Yuri squeezed down tight, making sure Shirabe wouldn't be breaking out of her headlock just by wriggling. The best part of the figure four headlock was that Yuri's hands were freed up, while her opponent was trapped and choked. Yuri grabbed the smaller girl's hair, tugging on it to not only keep her head in place, but also to add to the pain Shirabe felt.

"That's a bold assertion to make Kirika-chan," Yuri said, "From my perspective, I'm going to be breaking the both of you! I'll start with your friend here, and then once I'm done then I'll break you again!"

"Unless, of course, you want to come in here and stop me now," Yuri said, taunting Kirika to try and get her to break the rules and come into the ring. Yuri didn't expect her to come in, especially considering the referee was keeping a close eye on Kirika due to this exchange. It would be beneficial to Yuri to have the referee distracted, as then she could do some even cheaper attacks on Shirabe, though that didn't matter too much to the idol.

Yuri leaned back, propping herself up on her elbows as she lifted her hips up into the air. "Take this!" she cried, putting an immense amount of pressure on Shirabe's neck when she lifted her hips upwards. Then she dropped down, slamming both her hips and Shirabe onto the canvas. She hoped that move would stun Shirabe a bit, taming the smaller girl before she recovered too much energy.

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Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol] - Page 2 Empty Re: Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol]

Post by FairyGirl Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:58 pm

Shirabe was squeaking and writhing as the hold was only intensified. Feeling like those thighs were going to pop her head. "Aahhhh!" Shirabe's groans getting more intense as she felt those hands yanking on her hair. As if Yuri was on a fun little ride and Shirabe's hair was the handlebars on her bike. Face getting red from the pressure and the frustration that she was being abused while Yuri was having a conversation.

Kirika getting frustrated to the point that she wanted to throw herself into that ring and make Yuri pay for what she was doing. But with the referee keeping an eye on her she couldn't risk doing it. All she could do was glare and grip the rope as if she was going to rip it in half. "If you're so confident then let her go and we'll settle it right now." Kirika glaring as she wanted to get in there fast. Not even wanting to think about what Yuri did before and what she could do to the two of them if she wasn't stopped. But all she could do was wait for Yuri to make a mistake.

The difficult situation continued as Shirabe felt her upper body getting lifted up while her neck was being gripped with intense firmness. Her fingers digging into Yuri's thigh. Trying anything to try and make her let go as she gagged and groaned in agony. "Ah..ahhhhh...guh!" She gasped and pulled on Yuri's leg. That being her last desperate effort before those hips slammed downward and Shirabe's head smashed into the mat.

"Uhnnnn..." Shirabe groaning and heavily dazed. Her body laying out flat. Not in a state where even freed that she'd be moving for a little while.

Fairy World Characters

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Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol] - Page 2 Empty Re: Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol]

Post by pu-level-up Tue Aug 25, 2020 8:36 pm

Yuri laughed at Kirika's response. "No, that's not how it works Kirika-chan," Yuri said, "I have to beat up Shirabe first, and then I'll beat you up. Remember, you're the ones who wanted this!" She stuck out her tongue at Kirika, taunting her to come in the ring and save her friend.

Once she slammed Shirabe down to the mat, stunning the poor small girl, Yuri released the figure four headlock, allowing Shirabe to breathe before she passed out. Yuri needed her opponent conscious to break her properly. The idol didn't give Shirabe any time to recover though before moving in to her next tortuous attack. Yuri pulled on Shirabe's hair, forcing the girl to sit up as the idol scooted up close behind Shirabe. The idol kicked her legs around Shirabe's waist, putting her feet in between her legs and forcefully spreading the smaller girl wide open. Meanwhile, Yuri pulled Shirabe's head down underneath her armpit, wrapping her arm underneath her armpit to lock in a dragon sleeper.

Yuri wasn't planning on choking Shirabe out this time. The dragon sleeperhold was just to keep Shirabe in place so Yuri could begin her real attack. With her free hand, Yuri reached across Shirabe's body, first giving her small breasts a grope through her black bikini top, then reaching down to cup her sex. Yuri teased Shirabe through her bikini bottoms, playing with her opponent's body.

"So Kirika-chan, what will you do now?" Yuri teased, "If you don't stop me, I'm going to humiliate your friend here!" To make good on her threat, Yuri's hand reached back up, pulling up on Shirabe's bikini top so her small breasts fell out. The referee meanwhile kept a close eye on Kirika, ready to stop the small blonde girl should she try to enter the ring without tagging.

The Party!


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Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol] - Page 2 Empty Re: Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol]

Post by FairyGirl Tue Aug 25, 2020 9:16 pm

Kirika could only growl and writhe in place. She'd make this girl pay. She just had to get in there to do it! But unless Shirabe could get herself out of this mess she couldn't. While losing would also get Kirika in there it wouldn't do them much good with how little damage Yuri had taken. "You just wait...once I'm in there it won't end the same way." It was all Kirika could do to keep interacting with Yuri and wait for Shirabe to find a way out.

"Guh...ha...ha..." Shirabe gasping in her stunned state as the hold was released. She needed time and wasn't getting it. "Ow!" She groaned as her hair was once again getting yanked around and forced herself to sit up. "Won't...let you..." She groaned out feeling those legs getting between hers and spreading the girl wide open. Her bikini bottoms spread tightly around her sex. Groaning as she was slipped into the dragon sleeper next. Her body lightly squirming and resisting.

In the state she was in her body was more receptive than usual. A gasp leaving her lips as she felt that free hand sliding across her body. Her small and sensitive breasts sending shocks through her body at the grope. Then Shirabe squirmed more feeling the hand cupping her sex. Gasps and groans slipping out. " off.." She groaned and squirmed still dazed as all hell.

Kirika was fuming at the edge of the ring. She was going to lose it and was risking running in there even if she had to go through the ref to do it! "You will pay for this! Let her go!" Kirika on the edge of losing her mind. All the more so as Shirabe's cute breasts popped free into the open.

Of course the one all the more frustrated here was Shirabe. She was being humiliated, attacked, and yet Yuri was only focusing on Kirika. Even the ref was looking that way. Shirabe was pissed enough that she wasn't having more of this. Her breasts were out in the open, her legs were spread, and this girl was threatening her friend.

Since Yuri wasn't even trying to choke her out right now it let Shirabe gather her senses enough to try something. Soon as Kirika seemed ready to leap in Shirabe swung an elbow back towards Yuri as hard as she could hoping to stun the idol that was humiliating her. The hold had to force Shirabe slightly off center from Yuri and Shirabe tried to use that to hammer away as hard as she could. The shame of being in this state with her friend watching urging her to move even as her head hurt like hell!

Fairy World Characters

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Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol] - Page 2 Empty Re: Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol]

Post by pu-level-up Wed Aug 26, 2020 11:59 am

Yuri thought all she needed to do was keep Shirabe under control and she could humiliate the smaller girl all she wanted. The dragon sleeper was just to hold Shirabe in place. Once Yuri's hands began to grope Shirabe's boobs and pussy, Yuri thought the girl would freeze up and give in to the humiliation, which was why she didn't squeeze too hard. That was a mistake.

"Shirabe-chan has such cute little breasts! I wonder what sound she'll make once I grope them," Yuri said, teasing her prey. Before she could though, the smaller girl swung her elbow back, striking Yuri on the chest in between her own breasts. The blow hurt quite a bit as the sharp point of Shirabe's elbow smashed into Yuri's sternum, making the idol gasp out in pain. But Yuri didn't release her hold.

"Oh so that's how you want to play?!" Yuri said, anger rising in her voice. Her free hand shot back, trying to grab onto the elbow and hold it down. Meanwhile the arm she was using to hold the dragon sleeper tightened, squeezing Shirabe's neck to cut off her breathing.

"I was going to just humiliate you if you didn't resist," Yuri said, "But I guess you don't want that. Do you like pain Shirabe-chan? Because I am going to hurt you now!"

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Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol] - Page 2 Empty Re: Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol]

Post by FairyGirl Wed Aug 26, 2020 4:31 pm

Of course things had been looking extremely back for Shirabe for a while now. That anyone would presume that Yuri could simply humiliate her until she got bored and tried to eliminate her from the match wasn't all that shocking. But Shirabe had her own pride. While it wasn't impossible to humiliate her in such a way...she wouldn't make it that easy for her opponent to do so.

And it wasn't as if Yuri didn't have a point to think what she did. Shirabe was mortified about the position she was currently in. The girl was wrapped up tight and in an utterly embarrassing position right now. But thankfully it did give her time to catch her breath and recover which she'd desperately need soon enough.

That Yuri had been commenting on the size of her breasts was probably...possibly...related to how hard Shirabe drove her elbow into her. She didn't want to draw attention to herself until she'd done her damage. Having hoped that Yuri would be shocked enough to let her go. That she didn't made the smaller girl groan in frustration.

"I to let me go already!" She growled. Feeling Yuri trying to grab onto the elbow. Her other hand shooting over to try and intervene and leave that elbow free. That limb was her lifeline right now. If she couldn't break this hold who knows what would be done to her!

"Gnnnn!" She gasped feeling the hold tightening. But that only made Shirabe more desperate. She'd at least had time to hold her breath and now it was a race against time. If she had a chance to respond she would have but there wasn't. At least Kirika did have the time. "Of course she doesn't want either of those!" Kirika yelling over at her.

Thankfully Kirika was speaking for her here. Shirabe trying to at least keep Yuri's free hand occupied if not holding onto it outright. All while trying to continue pounding away with her elbow. Even if some of them didn't land if she could just do enough to weaken Yuri's hold...Shirabe could feel her airways cut off and her vision getting blurry. If she didn't hurry she wouldn't have the strength left to resist at all! On the other hand Kirika couldn't even try to move until the ref was distracted. Which she hopefully would be during a submission move. But she'd have to wait until then before planning any sort of intervention.

Fairy World Characters

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Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol] - Page 2 Empty Re: Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol]

Post by pu-level-up Thu Aug 27, 2020 4:09 pm

Yuri grunted as Shirabe struggled in her grip, still swinging her elbow despite the idol's efforts to keep that free arm under control. Shirabe's hits were dampened by Yuri's grip on her arm, but each time the sharp bony point hit Yuri's body it still hurt. The idol wasn't letting go though, squeezing down tighter and tighter in the dragon sleeper. If Shirabe wasn't going to sit still and take it, Yuri would just have to knock her out!

With such a submission hold locked in, the referee came over to check on Shirabe. She knelt down next to the smaller girl, making sure she was still awake. "Do you submit?" the referee asked. Her attention was completely focused on Shirabe and the submission hold, leaving Kirika unattended.

Yuri couldn't focus on Kirika either, as she struggled to hold Shirabe in place. "Tap out or pass out Shirabe-chan, those are the only options!" she said as she wrenched up on Shirabe's neck, both to reposition the hold so she could squeeze tighter, and to jostle Shirabe to disorient the smaller fighter. With both the referee's and Yuri's attention focused on Shirabe, Kirika was free to interfere in the fight, provided she could do so without the referee seeing what was happening.

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Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol] - Page 2 Empty Re: Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol]

Post by FairyGirl Thu Aug 27, 2020 7:15 pm

Shirabe was making sure not to go down easy. Whether it was to set things up for the rest of the match or just from pure stubbornness she couldn’t be sure. Her gaps and groans were getting harder to even hear as the squeezing from the hold was intensifying. Yuri was of course tougher than Shirabe had expected and this was making things hard on her. To the point the girl was half sure she’d end up passing out and missing the match. And yet no matter how many times she hit her opponent it just didn’t make a difference.

Thankfully she at least had an audience with the ref. Though she couldn’t say a whole lot in that situation. “Doing...fine...” Wheezing out. Of course that was a bit of an exaggeration. But she knew her only hope now was Kirika doing something. All she had left was stubbornness and faith. Ignoring everyone except Kirika and trying to hold on.

At the same time it was taking all of Kirika’s will to not rush Yuri or scream. But she couldn’t stay still forever. If she did nothing Shirabe not only was out, but she’d be suffering for longer. Kirika didn’t want anything happening to Shirabe, but if she had a pick she’d rather something more pleasant than painful.

So the girl hit the dirt more or less and started slipping around the edge of the ring. Luckily she wasn’t huge so she could manage it. Still she had to take action without drawing clear attention. Eyes were darting as she thought about it. Hitting Yuri with a dildo probably wouldn’t do it.

Then she spotted one of those long cleaning brooms leaning against the nearby audience barrier. Wasn’t perfect, but it would do. Keeping low she angled herself with Shirabe and Yuri between her and the ref. And with her best ancient knight impression she charged like a jouster towards Yuri’s back. While she didn’t want to be too mean...this was one of those times where she had few options. Still she didn’t want to break Yuri’s back. Aiming her charge into more of the lower back area that looked as well padded as anything. Avoiding a loud charging cry since...that would be dumb. The girl drilled Yuri from behind hoping to stun her enough for Shirabe to both breathe again and escape!

Fairy World Characters

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Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol] - Page 2 Empty Re: Handicap Match! X-Edge vs Yuri-chan [The Disgraced Idol]

Post by pu-level-up Thu Aug 27, 2020 10:58 pm

After Shirabe's struggling, Yuri focused all her attention on knocking out the smaller girl. For her opponent to have the gall to interrupt her before Yuri could properly humiliate her was unforgivable. Though the referee was watching, Yuri didn't care whether Shirabe gave up or not. The girl was getting knocked out. And afterwards, Yuri would take her time humiliating her.

Shirabe seemed to want to hold on as well for as long as she could. Once those strained words left the smaller girl's mouth, Yuri clamped down even harder on her neck. "Alright, that's enough talking," the cruel idol said, "Time to go to sleep!" Yuri intentionally squeezed down as hard as she could, hoping to out Shirabe out as quickly as possible. She didn't want to waste any time before the real fun started.

But right as those words left Yuri's mouth, she felt a sharp object stab her in the back! "Ack!" Yuri gasped, the shock from whatever had just hit her sending a jolt of pain that made her sit up straight. Whatever it was drove deep into her lower back, making the idol's eyes water up in pain. She was forced to release Shirabe, falling onto her side holding her lower back and hissing.

"W-what the hell was that?!" Yuri gasped, furious. She turned her head and saw Kirika retreating quickly with a broom in her hand. "You!" Yuri snarled in anger. She got back to her feet quickly, her lower back still smarting from the blow, and headed towards the edge of the ring. She intended to get out of the ring and start brawling with Kirika right then and there, completely ignoring the fact that Shirabe was the one she was supposed to be fighting as she gave in to her anger.

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