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Champions & #1 contenders

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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match (archived)

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Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match (archived) - Page 8 Empty Re: Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match

Post by Harukasan Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:57 am

Jean caught her breath as she looked down upon the stunned Yatori. Had she gone too far? She hoped she hadn't broken her jaw or anything.

Then she heard the roaring of the crowd and realized that she had a show to finish and she wasn't going to end it like this. The cheers that reverberated around the arena seemed to fill her with energy once more. At that moment she didn't feel the pain in her leg and she would lift her hand up to acknowledge the crowd who rescinded with even louder cheering. They sensed the end was near and they wanted her to make it look good.

She figured Yatori might be too far out of it to feel pain from a submission move so she would go for her slam move instead to amke sure yatori was really out of the count for the pin cover. She reached down to try and pick Yatori up and attempt to lift her across her shoulders as if though she were gonna do a Samoan drop. A few fans did recognize what Jean was up to though and yelled for her to finish her.

Jean gave them a playful smirk letting it build up slightly, however the twinge in her leg told her she didn't have too much time to waste. She would go for the X Threat. She would abruptly drop down in a sitting position letting Yatori's body fly free but causing her chin to come crashing down on her shoulder like a Stunner.

If the move was executed, Jean at first would roll over briefly from Yatori clutching her knee and gritting her teeth in pain. It would seem executing that move had taken a toll on her leg. However Jean was a veteran enough of wrestling that it would take 2-3 seconds for her to roll on top of Yatori's belly and scoop up one of her opponent's legs clutching it closely to her own chest almost like a lover's embrace as she went for the pin cover which she hoped would end this.


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Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match (archived) - Page 8 Empty Re: Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match

Post by Yatori Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:08 am

The second "headbanging" courtesy Jean's shoulder shut Yatori out of reality. The unconscious woman didn't move at all after that aside from to breathe weakly, allowing Jean to pin her "One! Two! Three!" without any trouble.

Friction: Momoko "The Sumo Fan" Hanayama

Friction: Yatori; Kawaii: Haruka, Ort; Alternative: Harumi; Tension: Shizuka, Rena, Taka

Nina & Anna


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Age : 39
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Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match (archived) - Page 8 Empty Re: Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match

Post by Harukasan Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:18 am

Jean rolled tiredly off Yatori;s still body and caught her breath. She then winced and her face twisted in pain as she held her leg close. She had not escaped unscathed. The referee went to check on both her and Yatori.

Jean for her part would find it hard to rise at first. When her hand was lfited in victory Jean abrely seemed to get to her knees before collpasing again from her hurt leg.

Eventually pride and a few seconds rest would enable her to get up and limp from the ring. If Yatori had not recovered yet she would give a concerned look back. In either case however, Jean would go to talk to Yatori in the locker room afterwards so depending on the circumstances Yatori might wake up in her locker room and find Jean sitting on a bench nearby waiting for her to wake up.

Appparently it seemed Jean had soemthing to discuss with her.


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Join date : 2008-08-30

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Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match (archived) - Page 8 Empty Re: Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match

Post by Yatori Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:35 am

When Yatori groggily awoke, it was to find herself in the clinic with Damian seated next to her.


"You were knocked out," her 'manager' said.

Yatori groaned. "I hate that..." She sat up and winced. "That's the last time I'm taking on a striker..."

Hours later, feeling better and wanting a shower before she went home, Yatori first went to the locker room to pick up her clothes, Damian waiting outside. She was surprised to find Jean on a bench.

"Ah... congratulations," she grinned, extending a congratulatory hand to Jean. "I almost had you, but that last kick was amazing. It was a very good match, but I think I'll be skipping on strikers for the next few months..."

Yatori chuckled.

Friction: Momoko "The Sumo Fan" Hanayama

Friction: Yatori; Kawaii: Haruka, Ort; Alternative: Harumi; Tension: Shizuka, Rena, Taka

Nina & Anna


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Join date : 2008-04-12
Age : 39
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Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match (archived) - Page 8 Empty Re: Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match

Post by Harukasan Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:43 pm

Jean's expression was neutral when Yatori came in though deep inside she was concerned about her. However, when she heard Yatori make the comment on "strikers" she pursed her lips and her eyes got cold as if though she were offended. She ignored the hand being proffered to her.

"So...are you saying I cheated?..."


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Join date : 2008-08-30

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Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match (archived) - Page 8 Empty Re: Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match

Post by Yatori Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:23 am

Yatori frowned at Jean's sudden coldness. "Eh?" Then she grimaced, making haste to explain the misunderstanding: "No, I'm saying that your kick gave me a minor concussion, and because of that, my manager has now forbidden me to fight strikers forever before I get serious brain damage."

Friction: Momoko "The Sumo Fan" Hanayama

Friction: Yatori; Kawaii: Haruka, Ort; Alternative: Harumi; Tension: Shizuka, Rena, Taka

Nina & Anna


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Age : 39
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Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match (archived) - Page 8 Empty Re: Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match

Post by Harukasan Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:59 pm

Jean's mouth twisted into a bit of a grin when she saw Yatori's discomfort.

"It's ok Yatori. Look I heard you were one of the best grapplers in this fed and I was hoping to give you a chance to prove it since you feel you might have been...put at a disadvantage."

Jean would hand Yatori a card and then get up to go.

"It's an invitation. If you accept my challenge I hope to see you there this weekend."

Jean would then leave before Yatori could have the time to look it over or read it figuring she would give yatori time to let it sink in and decide for herself. On the card would be an invitation to a private gym match being held for a select few (as stated in my pm) as well as the address, time and intructiosn to bring your own bikini.

(we can end here or after you rp a response)


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Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match (archived) - Page 8 Empty Re: Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match

Post by Yatori Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:31 am

(OOC: OK.)

"Ah... thank you," the puzzled Yatori called out to the departing Jean. Her curiosity perked, she browsed the mystery card. The invitation made her smile.

My, my, my, but this looks so familiar....

Her smile turned into a fey grin. "I'll be there," she promised the absent Jean. "Count on it."

Jean Grey won by pin fall.

Friction: Momoko "The Sumo Fan" Hanayama

Friction: Yatori; Kawaii: Haruka, Ort; Alternative: Harumi; Tension: Shizuka, Rena, Taka

Nina & Anna


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Join date : 2008-04-12
Age : 39
Location : Philippines

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Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match (archived) - Page 8 Empty Re: Jean Grey vs Yatori - Wrestling match (archived)

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