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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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"Big Red" Macky Ueto

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"Big Red" Macky Ueto Empty "Big Red" Macky Ueto

Post by Tatyina Wed Oct 12, 2011 12:00 am

Name: Macky Ueto
Alias: Big Red
Sex/Gender: Female
Age: 26
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Messy, Long and Red
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 149
Nationality: Japanese
Citizenship: Japanese

Wrestling Information

Strategy: Offensive
Style: Aggressive
Type: Any
Preferred Attacks: Strikes and throws
Preferred Matches: Any
Difficulty level: Medium-Hard

RPG Style Stat spread:


Finishing Moves:

Macky-Bomb: Macky will wrap both hands around the back of her opponent's neck and lift upward, forcing their face into her ample chest. She will then arch her back and lift them as much off the ground as she can. While in that position, Macky will spin and whip her opponent to the ground, slamming their head and back painfully on the ground, prone, and ready for pinning.

Hentai: Red Rocket: Macky will try and stow a red dildo in between her breasts before the fight and when the moment strikes, she'll whip it out, use it as a weapon and then finish them off with it.

Entrance Music: "Big Red" by The Toasters


Visual Appearance:

"Big Red" Macky Ueto Makyueto

"Big Red" Macky Ueto MakyUeto2

"Big Red" Macky Ueto JpIV4


Loud, Obnoxious, and always in good cheer, There's nothing Macky loves more than a good fight, except to curl up with some Jazz and a good book Macky's been wrestling for so long that her kayfabe persona is nearly indistinguishable from her true personality. A brash, fun loving, fight loving brawler who would love to mix it up in the ring, hit the bar and mix it up afterward. She enjoys contests of strength and never backs down from a fight or challenger. Though boisterously cheerful enough to be a heel, she's not afraid to throw a sucker punch or aim below the belt on occasion, always waving it off as if the other person should just "suck it up." Not so much is she a dirty fighter but over enthusiastic tot he point where she has no regard for where when and how she throws a punch, just that she does and that it connects. Though she likes making friends, she's also vary ungracious and will take as much from people as they are willing to give until they are pushed to their limit. Food, a warm bed, money, anything she can bum off people to save herself the effort and/or cash.

When she is alone in her apartment, Macky also has a very quiet and calm side. She loves nothing more than to put on an old .45 player, mix a drink, light a cigar and spend the night in a soothing atmosphere, sitting in a comfy couch with jazz on low in the background and book in her hands.

Macky's also very studious and likes to keep up to date on the world of politics, news and current events. Though hardly anyone gets to see this side of her as it is nearly impossible to break through her "Big Red" persona, Macky  is comfortable with it and likes to keep her private and personal self away from her professional life as much as possible.

Macky was born into a strict Japanese family who bore down on her when she was young. Making sure she was never derelict in her studies, her mother and father did their best to make sure that Macky was the model student. And the Ueto Family were proud of their daughter's successes right up until Macky hit puberty.

Seemingly overnight, the girl became a giant. This caused her to become the increasing target of bullies and insults. Some mocked her size, others feared her but either way, her studies lost focus. She kept getting into fights and even joined a gang, fancying herself a yanki. By the time she reached high school, she was out of school. Living on the streets, roughing it and being a general nuisance and bad egg, she was busted a few times by the police and punished as severely as a minor causing trouble could be.

Her parents tried their best, and she was in and out of various schools. They tried club and activities to try and get her to focus. Sometimes it worked for a while. Other times it was disastrous. But surprisingly enough, when she DID attend class, she always got good marks. Her parents were baffled.

By the time graduation came, Macky had left school and tried her hand at a trade school. She had become strong and was now winning most of the fights that others started. She got a part time job working at a gym. Guys there wouldn't mess with her and girls barely showed up. It was great, she got paid to basically lift weights.

One day, a rather shifty looking fellow started bringing in pretty young idol looking girls to the gym. Rumor was something about "getting them a place to train away from the public's eye" and apparently the grimy old gym that Macky worked at suited them just fine. Macky didn't care. They stayed out of her way. She had become used to walking with a slouch, wearing baggy clothes and wearing hats. with a bulky sweater and the naturally deep voice she was given, she could pass for a guy if she tried hard enough. It kept most people off her back, not that she didn't want to fight but if she spent ALL of her time fighting, she couldn't even do her school work or job duties.

But one day, one of the idols or "tits, ass and legs" as Macky called them, caught Macky working out in just a tank top and gym shorts. A scuffle started, Macky wasn't sure if she started it or not, but she managed to put the girl in the hospital. This caused complications, or so Macky thought, but the "manager" of the idols saw an opportunity. The idols had been working out, training for a wrestling promotion that featured mostly idol girls. It had some legitimate wrestlers but the promotion was tailored for"fighting beauties" The manager, seeing that Macky had developed from awkwardly large juvenile to full bodied woman, something that had escaped Macky's eye this whole time, wanted to sign her to the promotion.

Macky was surprised but agreed and set off to learn as much about wrestling as she could. She studied film, trained, mostly with guys, and worked hard to get int he best shape of her life before her big debut.

The time didn't come soon enough and, because of her inexperience, was pitted against another fresh faced "pretty girl" idol. Macky was supposed to lose but she didn't take a dive. She put that girl into the hospital as well and as the boos reigned down upon her, but Macky had a bright smile on her face. She felt good. Being able to be acknowledged and get paid for stomping on the same kind s of girls who used to instigate her was such a thrill.

Macky went on to dominate the under card but as she moved up into contender status, she ran into girls with real talent. She struggled but fought hard and gritty and developed a fan base. Her smile never ceased. She hadn't realized how fun fighting was and the fact that she was idolized both for her fighting prowess AND her beauty was something she couldn't even imagine.

She enjoyed her success, but it wouldn't last forever. Eventually the bigger stars began to drop out of the league. She tried to carry it on her back all by herself but she couldn't and eventually the league collapsed. Macky fell into a depression and turned to alcohol to try and solve her troubles. She spent most of the money she had made in bar and wasted away until she ended up owing more than she could pay to debtors.

It wasn't until she happened to catch a match one night on the television. Beauty Ichigaya, one of her old nemesis was wrestling. Macky was surprised. She looked into the AFW. She had heard rumors that it was a league based mostly around showing skin and sex acts. While it seemed neat, she wanted to wrestle too. It wasn't until she saw more matches with other WAS girls, girls like Chigusa Yuuki and Megumi Mutoh that she decided to sign up and take a whole new wrestling league by storm!

What she wears in the picture.

Fun facts:
-Macky loves Jazz, and 1st and 2nd wave ska. She also enjoys a very small amount of Reggae. Her favorite musicians are Duke Ellington and Louie Armstrong.

-Macky doesn't smoke outside of the occasional cigar. She likes to treat her self to one at the end of the month if she has any money left over. As she likes to get the expensive ones, sometimes she has to skip a month or two.

-Macky reads all sorts of things, from page turning thrillers to classic literature. She will usually pop into a book store and pick up a book every week or so.

AFW Information

Record: 2-2-0

Vs. Juniper Nayle via Knockout
Vs. Sandy Starlight via Submission [Migiri] (W/ Migiri Oozora)

Vs. Jessica Wright via beign put through a table
Vs. Chigusa Yuuki via Pinfall



Lucky Uchida







Last edited by 445 on Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:00 pm; edited 4 times in total

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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et al.

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Join date : 2009-04-02
Age : 103
Location : VIP Box inside the AFWDome

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