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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto

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Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto Empty Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto

Post by zxn666 Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:48 am

Before the match

Chigusa Yuuki was already changed into her fighting gear, and was slowly warming herself up for the night's fight when a stagehand came by and told her the commissioner, Lukretia von Creuzfeldt, wanted to see her. Normally Chigusa would've blown it off and ignored it, since she had the clout to go doing that without fear of too much retribution, and both Lukretia and her knew that there was no way Chigusa would stand to be in the same room as her, but times have changed. Chigusa had more or less sold herself out to the commissioner, and when Lukretia called, she had to go. So, with a heavy sigh, Chigusa exited the backstage area and walked through the halls until she reached Lukretia's office overlooking the arena.

Chigusa hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door, wondering to herself what would happen if she blew Lukretia off this time. She knew eventually Lukretia would find her and probably punish her, but she also knew that the reason Lukretia called her here wasn't going to be good either. She shook her head. Better to get things over with than to drag things out. She grabbed the door and pushed it open, stepping inside.

"Lukretia, what do you want?" Chigusa demanded, trying to keep her defiant tone. Even if she gave in, she wasn't going to act all defeated for Lukretia's enjoyment.


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Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto

Post by Tatyina Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:02 am

Lukretia von Creuzfeldt was enjoying herself quite thoroughly. One of her favorite people in all of the AFW had made a decision that left Lukretia rather irritated and disappointed. Because of that, she was feeling very sadistic with that girl, one Chigusa Yuuki. She felt the idol betrayed Lukretia's rather high expectations and now the German Domme wanted merely to treat Chigusa as a plaything for her own amusements.

When Chigusa entered, Lukretia merely smirked and stood up. She had one hand behind her back and the other had her hand up, beckoning Chigusa to come closer. Lukretia closed the gap even if Chigusa did not move and when they were close, she pushed her face as near to Chigusa's as she could without them kissing. "I have something for you before your match. A little present. Even zough ze match itself is quite a present as vell."

Lukretia then pushed her lips forward and kissed Chigusa deeply. While she did she brought her other hand around and tried to slyly shove the small vibrator she had in between the fabric of Chigusa's outfit and into the girl's pussy.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto

Post by zxn666 Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:10 am

Chigusa stepped in, trying to show no fear even though she was quite afraid of what Lukretia had in store. The German domme met her in the middle of the room, standing so close that their faces practically touched. Chigusa couldn't hide the slight blush on her cheeks.

Chigusa heard Lukretia's present, and was about to say no when her lips were sealed with a kiss. Her body reacted, heating up and getting aroused, her nipples hardening under her top and poking out a little. She didn't realize until it was too late that Lukretia's other hand slipped under her skirt and her panties. A small cold object slid in between her legs, making the idol gasp out in the kiss and push Lukretia back. The vibrator stayed inside.

"Ah... what's this?" Chigusa said, her blush a lot deeper now as she reached down and cupped her crotch, feeling the cold thing inside of her sex, pressing against her clit.


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Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto

Post by Tatyina Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:16 am

Lukretia held up her hand so that Chigusa could see quite clearly the remote control in her hand. She then looked into Chigusa's eyes for a moment before cruelly flicking the on switch. The dial had been set high so when it came to life, it would be buzzing quite rapidly. Lukretia then turned it off after only a second. "Something for you to enjoy yourself vile you are in ze match." She then raised her free finger and pursed her lips against it.

Don't vorry, no one else vill know aside from whoever I decide to give ze remote to. I think it might be more exciting if I do not know vhen it is going to be used." Lukretia then patted Chigusa on the head. "Auf Vederseihen, miene frauline. I vill keep meine eyes riveted on you match. Your second present avaits."

As Chigusa was dealing with Lukretia, Macky was backstage ready to go. It would be her first match int he WAS and, ironically enough, it would be against her very first opponent she ever faced in the WAS league as well. Little Chigusa Yuuki, who was pretty beyond belief and who was supposed to beat the larger Macky and kick off her second or third illustrious career. Macky hated that idol bitch, at least when it came to the squared circle. She could give two rats tails about her otherwise. But she pounded her fists together and bounced on her heels.

When the PA gave the signal, she heard her jazzy entrance theme, "Big Red" by the Toasters begin to play, she pushed the curtain aside and walked out intot he stage. She was used to it after having been in a different league, but she still felt a little nervous. She raised her arms out to her side and grinned brightly. She strolled leisurely down the ramp and looked at the fans. They cheered, not for her but at seeing a new face and getting ready for a new match. They'd be booing when she was finished. She knew it! She hopped into the ring and stretched against the ropes. This was going to be fun!

Last edited by 445 on Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:33 am; edited 1 time in total

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto

Post by zxn666 Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:50 am

Chigusa's eyes followed Lukretia's hand up, seeing the small remote in her hand. "Wait stop-!" Chigusa said before yelping out as the vibrator turned on. She jumped a little, her knees shaking as the vibration shot through her sex and her body. It stopped after a moment, but Chigusa was already panting from surprise and pleasure. She glared at Lukretia, hating how she was being so humiliated by her.

She didn't say anything more as Lukretia told her what was going to happen, regaining her composure. She turned and left, refusing to pay any more attention to the commissioner, letting the door slam behind her. The vibrator rubbed up inside of her as she walked. She thought of taking it out, but Lukretia would know for sure if that happened. No, she had to fight like this. The most she could think of was getting through the night without embarrassing herself.

She stepped backstage just in time to see the referee signalling her entrance. She stepped out onto the ramp, raising her hands above her head as the crowd cheered, putting forth her best acting to make sure they didn't know. "And in the blue corner, your favorite idol, Chigusa Yuuki!"

She raised her hand above her head, letting the cheering of the crowd wash over her before walking down the ramp. She high fived a few fans before reaching the ring ans slipping in under the bottom ropes. When inside, she looked up at her opponent, and gasped. "M-Macky?" Chigusa said, her eyes wide.


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Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto

Post by Tatyina Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:25 am


Macky's husky chortle resounded through the ring as she saw Chigusa's reaction. "Better than i expected, Lilac!" She said as she teased the purple haired idol. "So, tits, ass and legs. Ready to get your face pounded again?" She smashed her gloves together. "Unlike before, no one around here seems to care enough to even try and prop your girly ass up! I get to pound it alllll night long! Heh Heh."

Macky then smacked her chest with her fist and looked to the ref. "C'mon! Ring the bell, this lilac needs to get plucked!"

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto

Post by zxn666 Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:31 am

Chigusa's eyes narrowed. She lost to Macky before, but that was a long time ago. Big Red was bigger now, but Chigusa was a lot more experienced and far stronger. But with the vibrator inside of her, things were going to go poorly. And Macky wasn't going to hesitate to humiliate her. Chigusa had to fight as best as she could with this handicap.

"Screw you!" Chigusa shot back, "Even if I lose tonight, it won't be because of you!" She turned her head and shot a dirty look at Lukretia's booth, hoping the commissioner saw her. "Well, come on. Lets get this over with."

The bell rang, and Chigusa ran forward, using her high speed to catch Macky off guard. "Yahhhh!" Chigusa yelled, jumping up to dropkick Macky in her chest!


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Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto

Post by Tatyina Fri Feb 24, 2012 9:51 am


Macky shouted at Chigusa. She couldn't believe the purple haired girl's arrogance! Did she really think that Macky needed some sort of trick to beat this shrimpo? "Tch!" I don't know what you're talking about but I don't need-UGHH!"

Macky was hit in her big chest with Chigusa's dropkick and sent careening backwards end over end until she flopped onto her stomach and groaned. "Dammit..." She growled to herself and tried to get to her hands and knees.

While Chigusa had left Lukretia's office, the Friction GM gave the remote to Morrigan who had been waiting in the other room. Morrigan greedily took the remote and hurried down after Chigusa. She sneakily took a seat in the stands at the front row and eyed the vibrator dial. She practically licked her lips, itching to use it but for now she let Chigusa build up some confidence.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto

Post by zxn666 Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:11 pm

Of course Macky didn't understand what Chigusa meant, but the idol knew that if she lost the match, it was going to be because of that little egg-shaped vibrator lodged in her sex. It felt unconfortable enough to fight with it, so if it activated, the results would be disastrous.

Her dropkick brought Macky down though, the bigger girl seemingly overconfident and allowing Chigusa to get that big hit. She quickly scrambled to her feet, looking to see if Macky was up yet. She would wait until she was standing, before rushing in to knee her in the gut!


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Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki v Macky Ueto

Post by Tatyina Fri Feb 24, 2012 7:16 pm

Macky growled when Chigusa backed away. She hopped up to her feet, swinging her meaty fist forward in a lunging attack on the idol. "Don't screw with me, Lilac-OOOF!"

Macky was looking for a looping hook to knock the idol's block off but instead charged forward right into Chigusa's knee. She expended a huge breath of hot air that washed over her foe and slumped against Chigusa momentarily. Her eyebrows knit together and reached out to try and grab hold of Chigusa's sides and give the Idol a good shove.

"You... You'll pay for that!" She growled.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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