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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort

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A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort Empty A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort

Post by kerflubble Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:35 pm

It had been a weird and tiring day for Adrian, sparring with Cecilia, breaking down in front of Cecilia and realizing that she'd have the run of her friend's luxurious penthouse for a few days. It was taking the cosplayer some time to get used to. So she adjusted the way she normally adjusted to new things.

Take about 3 energy drinks, and do something incredibly stupid.

Like in this case, trying to gather every cushion, pillow and other usable material to create her own little camp in the centre of the main room. Facing towards the giant TV and many gaming consoles. Her own personal pillow fort.

Taking them from one of the guest rooms, she found herself running short and had to search the other rooms to make it right and secure.

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort Empty Re: A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort

Post by LunarWolf Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:20 pm

A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort 686003-53Z4UI0.jpg

There was one thing Cecilia had forgotten to mention to her friend Adrian, her little brother, the youngest member of the Swedish Pagans, Michael Northman
had come to AFW and Tension, while he was waiting for everything to settle in Kyoto, he was spending his time staying with his sister in Tokyo, which was why Cecilia had done something stupid, by letting Adrian stay in the Penthouse to cheer her up.

Michael was staying in the nice guest room that was decorated like some kind of viking hall and sleeping chamber, where he was playing some games on the big 40 inch T.V, at the moment he was enjoying a good match of Super Smash Bros. Brawl online, and kicking ass, like a true king of games, " Hell Yeah, taste my THUNDER!" she shouted as he thundered someone out of the stage with Pickachu, Michael was really enjoying this, but not as much as he should have, it wasn't as fun when you were all alone in this big and fancy penthouse.

Of course he wasn't alone, and when the door to this little room now opened up, he threw the gamecube controller up in the air and threw himself to the side, jumping of behind the bed, "AAHG!!" he shouted out in the great startle and fear at Adrian appearing, " W-who, w-hat..." Michael managed to get out as he hid behind the bed.

Who was this girl, how the hell did she get in here, was she here to do what he had heard all those freaky girls he had heard about usually did, he didn't want to get molested and raped, so fear took over, for the moment, Michael quickly dove in under the bed as he instantly went for a box, where he kept his awesome red power gloves, and tried to slip them on in the dark.


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A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort Empty Re: A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort

Post by kerflubble Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:09 pm

Adrian thought she was alone, so imagine her surprise to find someone else in her penthouse.

"AAAAH!!!" She screamed at the same time as Michael, hiding back behind the door. "W-who are you?" the cosplayer asked, nervously as she peered into the room "I asked first!" She said, slipping on her special elbow pad, if there was a fight this home invader would get a nasty surprise.

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort Empty Re: A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort

Post by LunarWolf Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:00 pm

Michael hid under the bed with his large red gloves on, he took a few deep breaths to calm his nerves before he shouted out at her, " I asked First dammit! Who the hell are you and what are you doing here" Michael said as he would crawl under the bed out enough so he could see this strange home invader, " I Warn you! I am ready to kick your ass if you don't leave!" Michael said as he tried to be brave but he was kinda scared.

He had heard how Cecilia had been having a hard time with the girls around here, which scared him to no end, maybe he should have just stayed with his brother instead.


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A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort Empty Re: A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort

Post by kerflubble Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:13 pm

Adrian finally got a non panicky look at the invader Oh god he's cute... she thought before violently shaking her head, cute or not. He was in her friend's home playing her stuff "D-Don't underestimate me!" the cosplayer shouted back "I have hundreds of hidden weapons I could totally use to kick you out of my place... which is totally mine!" She said, not letting him know that she'd only had this place lent to her for a few days "And I could call my big friend who would rip you in two! So what are you doing here? .... punk?"

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort Empty Re: A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort

Post by LunarWolf Wed Oct 12, 2011 9:41 pm

Michael was not sure what to do, how could she have weapons hidden all over this place, she was a home invader dammit, where were all these weapons in that case, no she was totally lying there was no way that she could have hundreds of weapons, all that was a lie, but wait! what did she say, what about this being her place.

That was another total lie, " YOU Liar! This isn't you're place! Get the hell out of here... wait what?...big friend?" Michael had to admit if that was true then it would be rather scary to have someone like that come after him, if he was this cautious about a little girl, then he would never make it in Tension, he quickly slipped out from under the bed and got up to his feet, raising his power gloved covered first towards her, " You don't scare me! Wait why are you dressed like Chie from Persona 4? " Michael asked as he looked on in confusion at this girl.

Seemingly dropping his guard before he shook his head, and screamed at her, " Go Ahead, Call her! I'll call my sister and she'll kick both your asses!!!" Michael shouted out as he raised his arms again.


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A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort Empty Re: A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort

Post by kerflubble Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:21 pm

Adrian cringed back behind the door as the invader jumped up and yelled at her some more. Steeling herself before kicking open the door, powerglove or no powerglove she could (probably) kick his ass, and if she couldn't fairly well... that was what a loaded elbow pad was for. "Yeah well... I like Persona, so there!"

"Fine! Whatever home invading freaks you and your sister are I could probably kick both your asses at the same time! You picked the wrong penthouse to break into, you're just lucky my friend who owns this place isn't here. She'd totally throw you out the window for breaking in and messing with her stuff!" She said, getting ready for a fight herself. She was still slightly sore from the Sparring session but moving all her stuff into the living room had warmed her up a bit, plus she knew she was fast and bigger than this guy so she had everything going for her.

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort Empty Re: A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort

Post by LunarWolf Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:37 pm

Michael grabbed a hold of a pillow of the bed and thew it at the cosplaying girl, dammit, why did all the scary and crazy stuff have to happen to him, " Wait what? " Michael responded in confusion as she mentioned a friend who owned this place, just a second a go she said that it was her place, " What the hell are you talking about Chie? My Sister owns this place !!" Michael shouted out as he went to grab another pillow to throw at Adrian.

What was going on here, who was this girl, why was she talking like she was the one who had the right to be here, when she clearly didn't, Michael was a bit confused, before the pieces started to fall together.


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A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort Empty Re: A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort

Post by kerflubble Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:41 am

"Wah!" Adrian shouted as she batted away the thrown pillow. Grabbing it to shield her from the second now that they both had weapons/pillows "Nuh-uh! Cec would have told me if she had a brother other than Fredie." She said smugly, taking away the invader's last line of defense before realizing that she gave away a lot of info. Now she really couldn't let him get away with what he knew.

But still, it was weird for a home invader to spend time playing games instead of looting the place. Was he hoping that he'd be in and out with enough time, or was he telling the truth..?

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort Empty Re: A woman's penthouse is her pillow fort

Post by LunarWolf Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:50 pm

"What the Hell, You know Cecilia and Fredrik? Who the hell are you?" Michael really had no idea who this girl was, why the hell was she talking about Cecilia and Fredrik, was she their friend or something, this was just weird, she really wanted to go with him, fine if that was the case then Michael would give her everything he had.

He quickly grabbed another pillow and moved in a little closer to her, ready to throw at any minute, " I will kick you out of this place if you don't leave, I won't let you prevy girls do weird things to me" Michael said as he blushed a little, thinking what could happen to him.


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