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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 2 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Wed May 09, 2012 5:15 am

Allison unflinchingly stared down Chigusa as she advanced. This girl was quick, even talented, but predictable. She was nothing Allison hadn't seen and dealt with before. The little idol spouted off some more bravado, as if to say "I'm going to attack you now!"

Chigusa's kick came quickly, but Allison made no attempt to block it. She braced her abs and pushed forward, taking the kick flush on her stomach. Only a faint glimmer of the pain it caused showed up on Allison's face. She was willing to absorb a few shots to get close to the little speedster.

Her hands closed on Chigusa's ankle, and she rushed forward into her, snaking one foot around behind Chigusa's standing leg to take her off her feet. She didn't even give Chigusa the dignity of showing any pleasure at having done it. Honestly, she felt none. This part was formulaic. The fun part was still ahead.

The Mouseum


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 2 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by zxn666 Wed May 09, 2012 5:35 am

Chigusa was surprised when Allison just took her kick like a champ. Then she realized she hadn't put much force into it at all, meaning the kick to be a decoy. Allison saw through her plan completely. Chigusa thought herself tricky for coming up with that, but if Allison could see right through it, then she was nowhere near devious enough.

With her foot caught and Allison pressing in, Chigusa tried to hop backwards to get some room before getting bowled over, and fell into Allison's trap. "Ah!" she gasped as she fell over, Allison's leg trapping hers and tripping her over backwards. She landed hard on her back, her guard completely dropped. Chigusa looked upwards with fear, quickly trying to muster some kind of counterattack. Her other leg was still free, so she instinctively lashed out. She pushed upwards with her arms, trying to get a higher angle, while throwing a kick upwards, trying to nail somewhere, anywhere, on Allison's body.


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 2 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Wed May 09, 2012 5:51 am

Allison leaned back away from Chigusa's kick, but the girl's foot ended up slapping into the side of her ample breast. THAT hurt, and Allison snarled, her eyes lit up with sudden ferocity. She held Chigusa up off the mat in the position she'd pushed herself up to, pulled back one foot, and cruelly kicked the toe of her boot into Chigusa's tail bone. She kept a firm grasp on the ankle, not wanting to let go quite yet.

"Please, show some dignity for your adoring fans. Flopping around like a fish is no way for an idol to act." She said, her voice low and smooth, even and composed, but with an edge to it.

The Mouseum


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 2 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by zxn666 Wed May 09, 2012 5:55 am

Chigusa's foot connected with Allison's breast, which made the idol give out a small sigh of exasperation. She needed to hit somewhere that would really hurt, not just annoy! And all it did was annoy Allison. Chigusa felt a sudden pain in her back that was both overwhelming and paralysing. She knew what happened; something hit her tailbone hard, and from the feels of it it was Allison's boot.

Chigusa could tell Allison was pissed off now. She was acting all composed but she wasn't going to hold back or play around any longer. She needed to get free, but with the pain in her body that was just impossible to do. Chigusa gritted her teeth, trying to focus her mind and ignore the pain. At least the ropes were close, so if she needed a rope break she could go for that.


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 2 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Wed May 09, 2012 2:30 pm

Allison threaded an arm around Chigusa's shin to brace her hand on Chigusa's instep, and added her other hand for support. With a sudden, sadistic jerk, meaning to cause as much damage and distress as possible, she twisted, torquing her lower leg around and threatening to damage her knee.

She knew perfectly well how close the ropes were. "The ropes aren't far. If you must, you may use them as a way out. I know how painful this must be for you, poor girl." She said, taunting Chigusa, though her voice was still eerily flat, almost soothing.

The Mouseum


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 2 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by zxn666 Wed May 09, 2012 6:56 pm

Chigusa gritted her teeth, looking at what Allison was about to do. Her opponent twisted her leg around, making Chigusa scream out in pain. She considered the taunt, deciding that saving face was less important than saving her legs. She quickly reached out and grabbed the bottom ropes with both hands, as the ref came over and called a rope break.

"Don't think of this as weakness!" Chigusa shot back, "It's simply the best decision I have." Once Allison lets go, she would quickly pull herself up to a fighting stance and prepare herself for an attack that she knew would be coming fast.


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 2 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Wed May 09, 2012 7:53 pm

Allison was counting on Chigusa going straight for the ropes. As the ref made her way over, when she was facing the ropes to confirm that Chigusa was ripe for a rope break with her back turned, Allison lifted up a foot and sent a hard vicious stomp into Chigusa's crotch.

While the ref tried to make sense of what had happened, Allison continued wrenching on Chigusa's leg and didn't let go until the ref had reached a count of four. Allison held up her hands innocently and took a few steps back. She put one hand on her hip and the other on her thigh, taking somewhat of an easy, provocative pose while she looked on at Chigusa.

"If you fail to please your fans with your performance, I promise I'll help you find other ways to entertain them."
Allison said, while her eyes moved over Chigusa's body.

The Mouseum


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Join date : 2010-10-13

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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 2 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by zxn666 Thu May 10, 2012 6:42 am

Chigusa thought she was going to get out of this when she grabbed the ropes, but as she suspected her opponent was not planning on playing fair. She screamed out in pain when Allison't hard boot stomped down on her crotch, punishing her sex. Allison didn't even let go completely, hanging on and twisting hard until the count of four before letting go so as to not get disqualified. Chigusa lay on the mat, taking deep gasping breaths as she tried to force away the pain filling her body.

"D-dammit," Chigusa said, crawling upwards using the ropes, "You're not getting the better of me. Not with this!" She pulled herself up even more, almost getting up onto her feet while still holding on to the ropes, keeping her eyes on Allison. She was wary and ready to defend, though her opponent was coming in for sure while her defenses were down. She wasn't going to just let Allison hit her again though. She had something of a plan in her head as to how to defend herself.


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 2 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Thu May 10, 2012 2:37 pm

"Mm, I can see why they like you." Allison cooed. Chigusa's combination of spunk and defiance and nubile young beauty made Allison want even more to see how she would react to the things she planned on doing to her.

Still, she could tell by the look in her eye that Chigusa was determined and ready to fight, even while hurt. It would be something of an accomplishment to her to fight back when Allison advanced on her again. Allison wouldn't give her that.

She walked to the middle of the ring, even deliberately turning her back on Chigusa just for a second, all her her senses attuned to her opponent. She gestured graciously for Chigusa to join her.

"Please, take your time and recover. When you feel that you're ready, we'll continue."

The Mouseum


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 2 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by zxn666 Fri May 11, 2012 4:58 am

Chigusa saw Allison turning around, surprised that she didn't come in trying to hurt her some more, given her current strategy of attacking Chigusa at all times. But she was grateful. Allison could taunt her all she wanted and yet Chigusa wasn't going to let it get to her, she took the time to recover and get the pain out of her body. She soon pushed on out of the ropes, taking a few shaky steps. She was faking though; her acting skills gave her a slight advantage now as she faked being much more hurt than she was, with her leg seemingly shaky and badly damaged from the twisting. Her leg felt fine.

"You're being too confident," Chigusa shot back, "See? I'm fine. I'm ready right now, so come at me!" She made it look like she wasn't though, trying to be as tricky as Allison.


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 2 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

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