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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 10 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:51 am

Allison circled calmly around behind Chigusa as she sat up, and bent down to grab hold of her arms and yank them back behind her. She slid her hands down to Chigusa's wrists and pushed her foot against the idol's back to force her up onto her knees, and she kept her arms bent tightly back while she planted a foot on the back of each of Chigusa's knees.

Next she tried to cross Chigusa's arms in front of her while she sat down behind her, with her knees in the idol's back.

The Mouseum


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 10 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by zxn666 Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:22 am

When Allison tried to grab the idol's hands, Chigusa tried to pull them away in one last act of defiance, but Allison's grip was too strong. Within moments, she was being forced into another submission, as her arms got crossed in front of her neck and her back was forced to bend painfully over Allison's knees. Chigusa gasped out in pain, panting weakly, her face turning bright red. She still tried to struggle, but her body just felt so weak and lacking in energy.

"Ahh..." Chigusa moaned, "no..." The crowd was simulatneously cheering and booing Allison, torn as they were between their desire for the good girl to win and their perverted desire for the bad girl to continue dominating the cute idol. Chigusa refused to say that she gives though. She wasn't going to let Allison have that satisfaction.


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 10 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:52 am

A sadistic grin spread across Allison's face and she tossed her short blond hair to one side to get it away from her eyes. She loved this part, she derived an unhealthy amount of pleasure from it, and she intended to savor it.

She used her considerably greater strength to pull back on Chigusa's arms hard enough to cut off her air supply and painfully bend Chigusa's back over her knees, but only for long enough to make Chigusa start seeing stars. She let up on the pressure, keeping her bent back and uncomfortable but able to breathe. She wanted her weak, but conscious. She wanted her to panic and regret getting in the ring, and she wanted her to want to get away more than anything else in the world. It took some time, but she'd get there. She would break this girl.

The Mouseum


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 10 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by zxn666 Wed Jul 11, 2012 5:33 pm

No matter how much Chigusa resisted, Allison's far greater strength won out as she got pulled back farther and farther until her back was creaking from the strain and her face was turning purple from the lack of air. But then, before she could pass out, Allison let up on the pressure a little bit and Chigusa sucked in some air, clearing her head as she coughed weakly.

"A-are you just... Going to... Toy with me?" Chigusa asked, turning her eyes to look at Allison. She knew she couldn't break free from this hold, and that Allison was going to torture her relentlessly. It felt hopeless. But even then, she couldn't bring herself to say that she submits.


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 10 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:51 am

"Why shouldn't I? We're all enjoying it. Everyone but you." Allison replied smoothly, her voice unnaturally calm for someone who should be so filled with adrenaline.

She laid back on the mat and pulled Chigusa with her, holding her arms, her knees still in the girl's back as she stretched her out above her so that she faced the ceiling with her legs bent under Allison, making her into somewhat of a C-shape. Allison wrenched back on Chigusa's wrists to cause her more pain and cut off her air again. Eventually, the strain of resisting would take it's toll on the idol's arms and abs, and she would be Allison's plaything. But anyone could wear someone out physically... the trick was to string her sense of hope along just enough to break it completely, rather than letting her give up too easily.

She eased up again, holding Chigusa's wrists tightly in her strong grip, pulling just enough to deny her any rest while still letting her breathe, if only a little.

"And so you see," Allison began in a soft and melodic voice, speaking as if to the crowd when she knew only Chigusa could hear. "It took a proper woman, a strong, civilized, intelligent woman, to make this wretched little whore into a work of art. Darling, I am an artist, you see, and you are my medium. Show me, show the cameras and the people your pain and your tears, I want them to see you struggle and I want them to watch the exact moment when your will breaks. As long as you live, you'll never forget it, and no, this defeat will not make you stronger, but it can change you. Perhaps it's best you see things my way and learn your place."

With that, Allison again wrenched down on Chigusa's wrists, giving them sharp, sadistic jerks to cause as much pain as possible.

The Mouseum


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 10 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by zxn666 Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:35 am

Chigusa's protests were cut off once more when Allison bent her back cruelly, forcing her back to arch so much she could feel her bones creaking. The idol couldn't control her tears as she shook with silent sobs of pain. Her body was bent to it's limit. Her arms felt like they were going to pop out of their sockets, and her abs were stretched fully out. The idol's body couldn't bear much more of this punishment. Even if her mind didn't break, her body wasn't going to recover from this. Chigusa knew she was done.

Allison's words shook the idol's spirit as she realized what her opponent wanted to do. She wanted to break the idol in such a deep and crushing way that the experience would be forever burned into Chigusa's mind. Only one person had done that before, and it was Lukretia. Chigusa almost smiled at the thought of how similar Allison and Lukretia actually were. But that thought didn't help the fact that Allison was really on the verge of breaking the idol. Already she couldn't physically resist, and was fighting back based on her never-give up spirit alone. And even that was being worn down.

Chigusa sucked in a small breath before Allison yanked back again, making her cry out in pain. Again and again the jerks came, and Chigusa could feel her body breaking down. She looked back at Allison with red-rimmed and tear-filled eyes.

"Please... stop..." Chigusa said, "I can't... take... any more..." She hated her self for saying this, but it was the truth. Chigusa couldn't take any more of this punishment.


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 10 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:58 am

"I'm sorry, darling, I didn't quite catch that. Why don't you be very, very specific, and do speak up."

Chigusa hadn't officially offered a verbal submission, so the ref had not yet stopped the match. Allison adjusted her grip and the angle at which she pulled on them to choke Chigusa more than bend her back, to cut off her air entirely, leaving her unable to speak even if she wanted to submit. Without the use of her hands, she wouldn't be able to tap and so had no way of signalling the ref to stop it.

Allison tried to keep her there as long as she could, letting up only as she felt Chigusa start to black out. She couldn't keep the smile off her face while she did it.

The Mouseum


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 10 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by zxn666 Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:36 pm

Chigusa opened her mouth to submit, but Allison cut her airway off cruelly and made sure the idol couldn't say a word. She waved her hand in a desperate attempt to tap out, but it didn't look like anything to the referee since her hands were so tightly gripped by Allison. The idol started to pass out, slowly slipping into oblivion, but then Allison let go of her for a second and Chigusa sucked in some air, waking back up. She couldn't even submit or pass out now that she was in Allison's grip and totally under her control. The crowd was getting restless, certain members not enjoying seeing the torture, others bored at only seeing this one position and demanding more.


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 10 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Thu Aug 02, 2012 5:21 am

Allison sneered at the scattered boos from the crowd. Of course they wouldn't appreciate what they were witnessing. She felt not the slightest need to appease them in any way, and she stayed exactly where she was.

She did, however, let go of the very weakened Chigusa's arms in favor of wrapping both hands over her chin. She hauled back with all of her strength to bend Chigusa's neck backward, her knees still lodged in the idol's back with the idol's legs tangled up beneath her. She didn't hold back this time. Bringing Chigusa to a state of weakness and panic was passed, now she wanted to hear if she had enough breath left to scream.

The Mouseum


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 10 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

Post by zxn666 Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:25 pm

Chigusa's arms flopped uselessly to her sides as Allison let her go. But she wasn't out of it yet. The idol let out a whimpering gasp when Allison grabbed her chin this time, bending her back once again into an even deeper and more painful hold! Chigusa screamed out for a second as her body got pushed beyond her limits, her vertebrae creaking as her back was bent horribly. Tears spilled out of her eyes as she cried uncontrollably from the pain. She struggled only for a few seconds, before her body stopped moving. Allison's cruelty had finally knocked the idol out!


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Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson - Page 10 Empty Re: Chigusa Yuuki vs Allison Watson

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