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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Cowboys & Paralegals

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Cowboys & Paralegals - Page 5 Empty Re: Cowboys & Paralegals

Post by Lobo Tue Jul 24, 2012 5:35 am

Feeling his body going tight, Clyde held himself back from finishing as heard that hot cry from Mercy, holding himself still as Mercy rode out her orgasm and slid herself up and down before before she settled down on the bed under him, visibly spent.

"Liked it?" Clyde would ask Mercy with a confident grin as he stared into her glassy eyes and ran a finger down his chest. Ultimately frowning a bit when she told him to finish himself off. He fought so hard to hold in his orgasm and it was disappointing to have the night end this way. But it appeared that Mercy was feeling generous... Or just drunk.

She pushed him down on the bed and immediately grabbed his length before she began to take it within her mouth, feeling her tongue wrap around his rubber covered manhood, earning a heavy moan from the Texan who could not take any more.

"M-Ma'am! I'm Gonna.... H-Haaah!" Clyde would let out as his back arched up off the bed before releasing a loud moan and spilling out his load into the condom, his body spasming for a moment before he collapsed on the bed, his chest rising and falling dramatically.

"Y-You're.... Amazin'.... Ma'am...."
He'd tell her with a lopsided grin. Mercy had certainty made his night.

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Cowboys & Paralegals - Page 5 Empty Re: Cowboys & Paralegals

Post by Tatyina Tue Jul 24, 2012 6:15 am

Mercy was very thankful that she didn't have to do very much to get Clyde to cum. She had realized it was a terrible idea te moment her lips touched the condom. The condom she was realizing was soaked in... Her reaction was a second too slow as the hot goop flowed into the condom. She tried to pull out but felt the warmth for a moment. She pulled her mouth off and threw her hands into the air. She coughed and sputtered as Clyde praised her and flopped off the bed, landing on her back with her feet up in the air, letting out a shriek as she tumbled to the floor.

"Owwww... Urp!" Mercy's eyes widened and she rolled to herknnes, shutting her mouth as she lurched towards the bathroom on her hands and knees, dragging her MP3 player along with her as her naked, sweat gleamed ass swayed back and forth, her long, pink hair matted t her back making her look like some sort of mythical fairy cat.

When she got to the toilet, she turned her music on full blast so she could drown out the sound of her own vomiting. When she was finished, she flushed and drank some water, stumbling out of the bathroom and towards a nightstand.

"D-Dont worry..." She said with the faintest hint of sympathy in her voice. "I think it was mostly the booze... Yeah and the fact that I... My own... Eugh..." She fished around in her purse and took out a small toothbrush and traavel sized toothpaste tube and went back into the bathroom. She came out about a half minute alter, scrubbing away at her teeth and looked at Clyde sternly.

"Get rid of that thing... And clean yourself up. Take a shower. I'm not going to sleep with you when you're all disgusting." She said as she wrinkled her nose aand went back into the batchroom.

"Use the soap, the bodywash AND the conditioner! If I have to sleep with you, you'll certainly not be smelling like a sweaty, disgusting, man!" She barked back loudly from the bathroom.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Cowboys & Paralegals - Page 5 Empty Re: Cowboys & Paralegals

Post by Lobo Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:53 am

Clyde eased down into the bed as Mercy finished him off. Through everything he was feeling right now, this moment right now was pure ecstasy, but the moment would be weirded out a bit as he watched Mercy react the way she did, making Clyde just state at her and blink and she coughed violently before she fell off the bed humorously, legs up in the air.

"H-Hey! You alright?" Clyde would ask as he sat up, concerned for Mercy after she took the fall, but otherwise keeping his attention fixated on her swaying ass as she crawled away. "Poor Girl..." He'd add with a sigh as he heard her vomit, shaking his head before releasing a shrug, figuring it was the alcohol and not the fact that she tasted her own juices on the rubber, that revelation would later make Clyde grin widely at Mercy, holding back his need to laugh at her small misfortune before she gave him new orders. She liked doing that it seemed.

His eyes lit up a bit when Mercy declared she was sleeping with him tonight. He didn't expect that. Sure she was drunk and it was late but he could tell he wasn't her biggest fan outside of making her feel good sexually. "Yes... Your Highness..." Clyde would reply with a sigh to Mercy's demands, removing the condom and deposing of it quickly in a waste basket before he headed for the bathroom, about to pass up Mercy as she brushed her teeth, before a glassy eyed grin came over Clyde as he stared at Mercy's figure.

Clyde then went up closely behind Mercy, trying to wrap his arms around her waist and press himself up against her, no doubtfully putting his member against her ass, he then tried to softly kiss her neck before whispering into her ear. "Maybe you'll let me clean you up too...?" Clyde would suggest as he held onto Mercy, thinking her reaction would either be bad or good. But Clyde didn't worry too much. He had nothing to lose anymore.

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Cowboys & Paralegals - Page 5 Empty Re: Cowboys & Paralegals

Post by Tatyina Wed Jul 25, 2012 12:55 am

Mercy smiled at Clyde as she checked her out. It did kinda feel good to have someone stare at her figure, even if she didn't know the guy. She was never that confident in her looks and always thought she was too skinny in the wrong places and too fat in the other. She swayed her hips and looked at her self as she brushed slowly.

When she felt him slide her arms around him, she eyed him. She didn't mind the touch until she felt something push against her ass. She froze and bristled. Her eyes widened and she spat out her tooth brush. Her elbow jarred backwards into Clyde's ribs and she tried to wriggle free from Clyde's grip.

"Fucking asshole!" She yelled, spinning around and glaring at Clyde with a little bit of toothpaste froth around her mouth. "W-What was the point of even putting on the condom if you're just going to smear it all over me!" She clenched her fists.

She huffed and then timidly reached around and tried to pull off some of the goop off her butt very carefully.

"Oh.. Oh god... it's so disgusting..." She stuttered out, trying not to vomit. "A-And... It's not like I can just wash it off! W-What if it.. what if it finds its way into my... Rrrrrrgh!" She turned the faucet on hot and just scrubbed her hands like she was a germophobe. "I should just make you... lick it off!" She grumbled loudly as she vigorously scrubbed her hands, occasionally eying Clyde from the mirror.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Cowboys & Paralegals - Page 5 Empty Re: Cowboys & Paralegals

Post by Lobo Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:41 am

"Egh..." Clyde let out the moment Mercy yelled at him, instantly letting her go, knowing he did something wrong. Again! Was he ever going to catch a break?

"Jesus! Sorry lady! Goddamn! I aint... I mean... Fuck! Sorry!" Clyde would apologize. Not really able to explain that he hadn't needed to be 'careful' with a girl for over a year. He and Heather were never worried about what could happen anyway. They welcomed it. But Clyde now had to remember to be a lot more careful with other girls from here on out. Clyde could only look at Mercy, shake his head and sigh before he headed to the shower, turning on the hot water as Mercy attended to herself, climbing in, washing off the 'leak' before emerging from the shower again. Looking at Mercy.

"...I can take care of it..." He'd tell her sternly yet apologetically as he grabbed a towel and wet in the shower, trying to make his way behind her and clean up the mess if she allowed him to. Being extra careful to not allow any slip ups.

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Cowboys & Paralegals - Page 5 Empty Re: Cowboys & Paralegals

Post by Tatyina Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:03 pm

Mercy bristled at Clyde and closed her eyes. She squirmed and squealed as he took a shower. "hurryuphurryuphurryup!" She sai as she waved her arms. She could swear she felt it slowly oozing towards her vagina. It was so gross! She bit her lip as Clyde exited and closed her eyes when she said he would take care of it. It felt like there was a spider she needed him to smack. She leaned over, stuck her ass out and grabbed the toilet seat as Clyde attended to the goop.

When she was finished, she took a dry cloth and wiped off any stray substance that might be lingering and let out a sigh. She blushed, she felt so girlishly stupid. She turned her head and flashed Clyde a cute embarrassed look. "I... I'm sorry..." She muttered apologetically. "It's just... if something happened and.. I have to be carefuly but!" She stood up and heaved another sigh. She did feel a little bad as she lowered her head and snuck past Clyde out to the room.

She fished around for her underwear and slid on her panties. She found Clydes and would toss them to him if he stepped out from the bathroom. "Those will do." She said and then crawled back into bed and yawned. She would look at Clyde and furrow her brow cutely. "Well!" She said, crossing her arms under her breasts and looking at him with a huff. "Hurry up and get in, I'm freezing!"

Last edited by 445 on Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
(M)Managers, (W)restlers, etc:
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Cowboys & Paralegals - Page 5 Empty Re: Cowboys & Paralegals

Post by Lobo Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:33 pm

Kneeling down in front of Mercy's cute posterior, Clyde attended to the 'stain' he left on Mercy's ass, almost tempted to try something as he stared at her rear, but otherwise ignored his desires to clean up the mess he left. His eyes would widen though when Mercy actually apologized, something he honestly didn't expect, causing Clyde to look at her with a bewildered look before he finally made himself speak.

"Uhh... Naw, naw... I understand... I'm the one who should be sorry... I wasn't thinkin' about you enough... Uh.. Not That I ain't been thinkin' about ya alot but I just... Uh... My bad... Ain't gon happen again...I'll be more careful" Clyde would lament to Mercy. Feeling it was better to just apologize rather than make some stupid joke about it. In Clyde's current state, he couldn't help but put up with Mercy. But despite how bratty she could be, Clyde actually liked her. She was cute and he liked a girl who could take control. At this point in his life he really needed someone like that, because he wasn't going to be able to guide himself for a while. However, He could tell a girl like Mercy probably wasn't interested. But what woman would be? He never was much.

Catching the boxers that Mercy would toss his way from the bed, Clyde would slip them on before he joined Mercy, unable to help but grin at her as she furrowed at brow at him and gave him that little glare, still cute as ever, even when she was so damn bossy. So Clyde approached the bed, but went to pull the covers back for her first. "May I?" He'd ask, offering his hand to her, in order to slide her up the bed a bit and pull back the covers.

If she accepted. Clyde would pull the covers back and try to gently slide Mercy in by hand, pulling the sheets over her breasts if she got in before he crawled in bed beside her as well, shoulder to shoulder, staring up at the ceiling, unable to help but think about the wonderful life he led and ultimately destroyed. It was a miracle he hadn't taken his .44 and blasted himself already. He definitely owed Mercy for this save. But how long was he going to last before he gave up?

"Thanks for... Everything... I really needed this... And you're one helluva lady, ma'am... Ain't been fucked like that in a long time..." Clyde would admit with a tired sigh, trying so hard to forget The Family he no longer had. Clyde then looked to Mercy and blushed a bit before he spoke. "...Y-You know... I really like bein' your... Uhh... I like bein' on the bottom... Under ya and stuff... You think maybe we could try this again? N-Not askin' for anythin' serious but... Maybe I could take your mind off any of ya troubles? You're a beautiful girl, Miss and I don't mind servicin'' ya. " Clyde would ask nervously. Mercy was a very stern woman, he had no clue if her responses would be pleasant or quite harsh.

Last edited by 621 on Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:48 pm; edited 2 times in total

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Cowboys & Paralegals - Page 5 Empty Re: Cowboys & Paralegals

Post by Tatyina Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:33 pm

"Geeze, just get in!" Mercy said with a furrowed brow. She resisted Clyde's attempts and sat there patiently while Clyde got in and laid down. She waited until he started speaking and looked at him. Her cheeks reddened and she began to blush a bit. "Yeah well..." She began in a snotty tone. She then sighed. "Yeah..." She said and glanced down at Clyde. "I certainly am a 'helluva' lady!" She said and smiled down slyly at Clyde.

She then nestled in and scooched next to him, draping a leg over his and rubbing his chest with her hand as she craned her face near his neck. "I guess... you weren't half bad either..." She muttered and let her eyes fluttered shut with a pleasant smile on her face. "For a boy...' She added softly as her cheeks flushed.

She yawned again as she listened to his words and slowly began to drift off to sleep. "Myeh... guesso..." She muttered in response, though she was probably already a asleep by then because she began to softly snore shortly after that as light breaths escaped her.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Cowboys & Paralegals - Page 5 Empty Re: Cowboys & Paralegals

Post by Lobo Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:50 am

Laying down in the bed next to Mercy, Clyde would laugh a bit under his breath when she said he wasn't half bad either. He then got an arm under her waist and pulled her in closer after she scooched in, blushing lightly as she rubbed his chest and draped her leg over his, feeling her breath against his neck as she rested close beside him, unable to deny how wonderful it felt to lay like this with someone, especially right now.

Clyde then watched as Mercy began to drift off to sleep, seeing yet another rare smile on her face, making Clyde quite happy to see Mercy like that. He then smirked cooly at her 'For a boy...' remark, getting a hint as to the kind of girl Mercy was. Independent Feminist Type perhaps? That was only a guess. All this led Clyde to make a desperate plea for companionship to Mercy, who appeared to not clearly register it as she drifted off to sleep, leaving Clyde to mull over his own words.

"What the hell am I saying...? 'I don't mind Servicin' ya!?' What the hell!? Have I really fallen this low? Since when did I get this desperate!?
Clyde thought to himself as he laid their with Mercy, feeling like a fool for sounding so desperate. While he did like Mercy alot he knew he sounded pathetic and was hoping she was too drowsy to realize how pathetic he sounded.

"Just cuz I like bein' on bottom don't mean I should make myself a lil' bitch! What the hell happened to me!? I'm Clyde T. Gastin! I'm Tension's Best! I don't need nobody! I don't need....... Her......" And then it hit him. "...Aww hell..." He muttered to himself quietly to not wake Mercy as his eyes began to water up. "...Fuck..." He let out with his free hand covering his eyes, felt weak for crying but he had been holding in these feelings for quite some time, trying to fight through the pain by drowning it in alcohol. But as he laid their in a bed that was not his, with a girl that was not the one he loved more than life itself, Clyde realized the beautiful life he once led was now over. Things had changed yet again.

He thought about all things he could of said or done to prevent the breakup, the things he could of done to make himself a better man to make Heather see he was worth staying with. He thought about everything he didn't do before. He thought about he wanted to do with her and was never going to have a chance to ever again. All their plans for the future now washed away, never to happen. It was hard to swallow but the truth was it was over. It was Over. It was Over. There was no going back and this was not a dream. It was over.

He remembered being told by Heather that he was going to her's forever. Such a statement was best saved for a fairy tale, because even Clyde knew back then that nothing lasts forever. But somewhere along the line it didn't seem like a fairy tale anymore because they made it happen. Clyde remembered dying in the back of Dante Sunderland's car from a gunshot wound, but through all that he found a reason to fight for survival and woke again in the land of the living just to be reunited with his beloved. He died and came back just for her. Fate could not tear them apart. Just his own stupidity. He was no longer her's forever.

With Mercy, Clyde laid there on the bed with this girl on his arm, not even knowing her name, frowning at the revelation of where things were going. Was his life really supposed to be like this again? Getting Drunk every night, Wrestle 1 or 2 matches a week, get drunk some more and then have a one night stand with some girl he'd ditch the next morning? That was the way life was before Heather. Before he found love. He couldn't just return to that kind of a life because he had changed.

"...I ain't scum... I ain't worthless... I... I proved y'all all wrong... Just like I said I would..." He whispered to himself, knowing that he wasn't the same punk who came to Japan just to fight, drink and fuck. Things had changed, he found something to live for and fight for. A real reason to live on and better himself. And even with that reason gone, Clyde realized he had done things in his life that everyone back home doubted he could do. He was only 21. Life had just begun and even with his heart shattered and everything around him looking so bleak, he couldn't help but deny there was hope. He honestly didn't know if he could start over or even hook up with this beautiful pink haired woman. But he didn't seem to fear losing, especially when he had already lost just about everything else in his life.

His heart was broken. His soulmate gone. His friends staying silent. His Family no longer a reality. His money going to alcohol abuse and a nymphomaniac. He had nothing to lose all over again. But as Clyde took another look at Mercy, he began to wonder if he could ever have another chance at happiness with someone new. A life better than before. Clyde then turned to Mercy and kissed forehead softly, being careful not to wake her.

"...Thanks for savin' me tonight..." He'd tell her with a soft whisper and a smile before laying his head down on the pillow and closing his eyes, unable to help but feel a bit scared what the future would hold, but it appeared all he could do was welcome it. Whether he was alone, with this pink haired girl or someone new. Nothing was set in stone and life had yet to end.

Last edited by 621 on Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:50 am; edited 1 time in total

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Cowboys & Paralegals - Page 5 Empty Re: Cowboys & Paralegals

Post by Tatyina Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:06 am


As dawn softly illuminated the Love Hotel, the warmth of the first day's sunshine made Mercy's eyes flutter open. She was used to being up early but for some reason, she woke up with a massive headache. Her eyes strained to open and when they finally did, she looked through blurry eyes.

"Ugh... wha...?"

When she shifted next to her, she felt the lumpy pile of man flesh next to him. She lifted her head but then let it fall back on the pillow. "Oh god... " She muttered. I didn't? Did I go to sleep with some bar slut? I hope she's cute...

Mercy let out a sigh, flipped off her blanket and rolled until she fell off the bed. "Eep! Shit!" She landed with a hard thud and leaned forward, rubbing her ass. She let out a sigh and reached over, padding the night stand until she found her glasses. She slid them on and stood up, wobbling a bit as she as she rubbed her thighs. "Geeze... it feels like a..." Mecry sloowly turned around as she slid her fingers through her pink hair until her eyes rested on Clyde.

Her eyes widened and her face went pale. "S-shit! Shit shit shit shit shit!" Her eyes darted around and she began to realize where she was and partly what had happened. "Oh god!" She began to freak out and rushed over to her clothes, covering her chest with her hand as she fumbled to get her pants on, nearly falling over again as she hopped on one leg.

"Get up! get up! get up!" She screamed at Clyde.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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