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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question:

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Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 Empty Re: Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question:

Post by TouchFluffyTail Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:40 pm

-Blink blink- Whaaaaa??


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Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 Empty Re: Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question:

Post by Kitten Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:43 pm

Don't feel bad if you don't understand. You are dealing with powers far beyond your comprehension : my characters

Kitten's Girls

Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 6u0iRWY
Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 QiougD6Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 TTlOMaFFur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 5t0Q5s2Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 WBwz47u

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Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 Empty Re: Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question:

Post by TouchFluffyTail Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:47 pm

-Looks through them- Well... some kind of seem unbeatable, but wow, you really put a lot of detail into these characters.. match history, story arcs, move demonstrations, and they all seem fairly 3-Dimensional as well. You really put a lot of time and effort into this forum, don't you? <img src=" title="Smile" />


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Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 Empty Re: Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question:

Post by Kitten Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:50 pm

That is why I rule.

Kitten's Girls

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Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 QiougD6Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 TTlOMaFFur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 5t0Q5s2Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 WBwz47u

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Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 Empty Re: Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question:

Post by TekRobo Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:50 pm

Well, honestly, being stronger than Cthulhu isn't too impressive - he's one of the small fries of the Lovecraft mythos.

But I digress. Arguing about who's character is stronger is silly and kind of pointless, since it would just be an arms race of 'Well, my character can do this!' and 'Nu-uh, my character can do this, so he/she's stronger!' ad infinitum.

I'd like to actually chat about the setting, how people see this place as being created, who the major players, cool ideas for NPCs and characters, that kind of thing. Not a fight over who's stronger than whom.

What about you, TFT? You have any neat ideas you'd care to share?

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Age : 29

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Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 Empty Re: Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question:

Post by Kitten Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:05 pm

My characters are the mayor players, so everything that happens, including the gender of GMs, has to be approved by them.

Kitten's Girls

Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 6u0iRWY
Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 QiougD6Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 TTlOMaFFur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 5t0Q5s2Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 WBwz47u

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Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 Empty Re: Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question:

Post by TouchFluffyTail Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:09 pm

[quote="TectonicRobot":3p4rxvte]Well, honestly, being stronger than Cthulhu isn't too impressive - he's one of the small fries of the Lovecraft mythos.

But I digress. Arguing about who's character is stronger is silly and kind of pointless, since it would just be an arms race of 'Well, my character can do this!' and 'Nu-uh, my character can do this, so he/she's stronger!' ad infinitum.

I'd like to actually chat about the setting, how people see this place as being created, who the major players, cool ideas for NPCs and characters, that kind of thing. Not a fight over who's stronger than whom.

What about you, TFT? You have any neat ideas you'd care to share?
Hmmmm.... well now that talk about this forum has been brought up.. unfortunately I only have one character right now, and I want to stick with trying to develop her over time.. but looking through this forum here, I'd love to be able to give it some life. I'll give it some thought. Is Tamamo taken yet?


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Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 Empty Re: Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question:

Post by TekRobo Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:14 pm

Nah, Tamamo isn't taken.

And I'm not asking you to make any new characters already - I'm asking if you have any cool ideas about the setting you want to throw out there, officials, rules, what the city the Outer Realms gate is like, etc. etc.

That being said, Fur and Feather wrestlers would be appreciated. =p

As far as the city goes, I imagine it as modern in appearance - skyscrapers, streets, buildings, shops. Dominated by the arena, though, which is the whole point of the cities existence. Instead of regular pedestrians, creatures of every description walk the streets, held in line by whoever enforces the rules. Maybe the portals to other dimensions look like, say, bus stops or train stations - you get in, ride, and more subtly than you can tell you're in a different place and everything is not as it was.

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Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 Empty Re: Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question:

Post by TouchFluffyTail Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:19 pm

[quote="TectonicRobot":2de6l00u]Nah, Tamamo isn't taken.

And I'm not asking you to make any new characters already - I'm asking if you have any cool ideas about the setting you want to throw out there, officials, rules, what the city the Outer Realms gate is like, etc. etc.

That being said, Fur and Feather wrestlers would be appreciated. =p

As far as the city goes, I imagine it as modern in appearance - skyscrapers, streets, buildings, shops. Dominated by the arena, though, which is the whole point of the cities existence. Instead of regular pedestrians, creatures of every description walk the streets, held in line by whoever enforces the rules. Maybe the portals to other dimensions look like, say, bus stops or train stations - you get in, ride, and more subtly than you can tell you're in a different place and everything is not as it was.
Kinda like a Futurama setting. Sounds interesting!


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Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question: - Page 4 Empty Re: Fur And Feathers Worldbuilding Question:

Post by Kelsea Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:21 pm

[quote="TectonicRobot":2cpwusl1]As far as the city goes, I imagine it as modern in appearance - skyscrapers, streets, buildings, shops. Dominated by the arena, though, which is the whole point of the cities existence. Instead of regular pedestrians, creatures of every description walk the streets, held in line by whoever enforces the rules. Maybe the portals to other dimensions look like, say, bus stops or train stations - you get in, ride, and more subtly than you can tell you're in a different place and everything is not as it was.

The original idea was for FnF to take place across multiple dimensions and not be set in one arena... Thus making possibilities endless. You could come up with any setting you want

The new and improved: Kelsea's Karacters

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