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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 5 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by TaliZorah Sun May 12, 2013 5:07 am

Shauna's arm flew harmlessly over Allison's head who casually caught the girl by the throat. She then tripped her to her back with a slam. The redhead lost all the air from her lungs and then couldn't get it back as the Brit held her down with all her weight. The crushing weight on her neck caused Shauna to immediately grip Allison's arm with both hands and furiously flail to try and free herself. What the fuck was she doing? The referee counted up and tried to break Allison's hold on her. That didn't give Shauna much confidence as the choke was extremely alarming. She didn't fully understand what Allison even said to her at that moment with her thoughts stuck on trying to breath.

But when Allison leaned closer, Shauna started to freak out. Her eyes shut and she reached up with one hand to claw at Allison's face. It wasn't a normal reaction for her, but the redhead was desperate.

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 5 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Sun May 12, 2013 6:03 am

Allison cried out and turned her face away from Shauna's claws. Her eyes watered and her face burned, she blinked several times so she could see again and dabbed at her face with her fingertips.

She laughed. It started small and grew, and it sounded so airy and light and delighted that it could only be malicious. It was a victory, her first significant one of the match. It didn't matter what she did to Shauna's body, of course she'd dominate her physically, Allison wanted to bend the girl's mind and to glory in the anguish she left her in.

With a sinister grin, Allison planted her own hand on Shauna's face, her fingers like claws digging into the girls skin and eyes, and placed her other hand on her wrist. She pushed like she was trying to dig through Shauna's face, and slowly began to drag her claws downward. The referee, who was more forgiving with Shauna's version, immediately began shouting a count at Allison, more quickly than before.

"One! Two! Three!"

The Mouseum


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Join date : 2010-10-13

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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 5 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by TaliZorah Sun May 12, 2013 6:27 am

Shauna gasped for air when she was released. The redhead felt horrible. It seemed like no matter what she did Allison could just keep getting the best of her. She struggled to get air into her when suddenly a brand new pain emerged. "AaaaH!" Shauna shrieked in pain as the Brit's nails viciously scratched down her face. She tried grabbing the girl's wrists to pull her hands off her face but she had no leverage in this position.

When the referee finally counted up and Allison had to release her, Shauna found herself crying from the brutality of that last move. She couldn't open her eyes at that moment afraid that something had been ripped out or something. The redhead covered her face with her arms trying to protect herself from further harm. It all seemed so futile to her.

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 5 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Sun May 12, 2013 4:34 pm

Allison let go before the count reached five and held up her hands innocently, with a smile and a glare at the ref warning her to keep her distance. She sat astride Shauna, and for the moment the girl's body was her plaything. She traced her fingers from Shauna's hips to her stomach, and up to the hem of her sports bra, slipping her fingertips slightly under it.

"Look at me," she softly demanded. She lifted a fist and drove it down into Shauna's stomach, and then snatched her by the hair and jerked her head up, forcing her to look into her eyes. She cocked her hand up behind her, ready to throw down another hard slap.

"Now, tell me how you'll win."

The Mouseum


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Join date : 2010-10-13

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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 5 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by TaliZorah Sun May 12, 2013 4:52 pm

Shauna kept her face protected by her arms as Allison's hand felt her bare skin. What is she doing? But it was all just a ruse of some sick sort as Allison then punched her hard in the stomach. Shauna groaned weakly in pain and rushed her hands down to her abdomen. Even that was just a setup as well as Allison violently grabbed hold of Shauna's hair and jerked her head upwards. The girl meekly opened her eyes despite the instinct not to do so and looked at Allison.

That look on the Brit's face seemed so incredibly sinister that Shauna didn't know what to do. She felt as if no matter what she said, Allison would just slap her anyway. "Stop...please don't..." She weakly begged as she tried to shut her eyes to brace for the inevitable impact. The thought of actually answering Allison's question seemed suicidal since her response probably wasn't what Allison wanted.

Last edited by 9943 on Sun May 12, 2013 4:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

Posts : 2029
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Age : 34

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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 5 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Mon May 13, 2013 1:55 am

Allison's face darkened, and her smile instantly vanished. She had asked Shauna a question, and she did not ask for any pitiful begging or groveling. This wouldn't do.

She stood up and roughly dragged Shauna up by the hair, and tucked her head under her arm. She pulled Shauna's arm around behind her shoulders, and with an effort that reminded her of the pain in her ribs she hefted the girl straight up in the air for a vertical suplex. Once she was upright and inverted, she balanced for a moment, and then unceremoniously dropped her and walked away disdainfully.

The Mouseum


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Join date : 2010-10-13

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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 5 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by TaliZorah Mon May 13, 2013 2:37 am

Thankfully, the slap never came. All it took was some degrading begging. Allison wasn't amused, however, and dragged Shauna to her feet. Without hesitation, the Brit lifted the redhead up and then back down. But she didn't drop her on her back like a normal vertical suplex. Shauna had her eyes closed as Allison released her. She fell straight down and crashed onto her head with a sickening thud. Her body tensed up on impact as if the hit shook her very spine. Shauna collapsed chest first limply but the groan she made showed that she was still conscious. But not even the dedicated Shauna could fight through that pain and she dizzily brought her hand up to her head.

Last edited by 9943 on Mon May 13, 2013 2:51 am; edited 1 time in total

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

Posts : 2029
Join date : 2012-03-20
Age : 34

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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 5 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Tue May 14, 2013 4:52 am

Allison took a moment to preen before she even turned to face her downed opponent. She knew she wouldn't be getting back up, not right away anyway. She paced slowly around Shauna and shoved her onto her back with her toe and stood over her, slowly kneeling down to straddle her. She pulled her arms down to her sides and tucked them under her legs, pinning them against her sides, and sat on her stomach.

"I'm going to hurt you now," she said, as calm as a doctor administering a shot. "And I'm not going to stop until you tell me how you're going to beat me."

She clamped her hands around Shauna's head, one behind it and the other braced against her chin. She twisted her neck cruelly to the side, slowly, and added pressure and contorted the angle to cause the most severe pain she could. She didn't have to worry about her giving up. She couldn't, and if the ref got any bright ideas about counting for a pin, Allison would be ready.

The Mouseum


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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 5 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by TaliZorah Tue May 14, 2013 7:27 am

Shauna was in a daze when Allison flipped her over and trapped her arms at her sides. When the girl sat on her stomach, though, it slightly brought her back to reality. She looked up in uncertainty as Allison explained to her what was about to happen. The redhead tried to move her head away from Allison's hands but couldn't move. As the Brit twisted Shauna's head sadistically, the girl resisted for only a second before she cried out in agony.

It wasn't a muffled groan of pain. It was a scream. Her whole body squirms in futility as her eyes tear up in torture. It was just too much for her. Her head hurt so much and her neck had already been weakened from the impacts earlier. She furiously taps both her hands underneath Allison's knees in a symbol of submission. The pain overwhelmed everything and she couldn't answer Allison's demands. She desperately needed this pain to stop. "I submit...I SUBMIT!!!" she screamed in pain.

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

Posts : 2029
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Age : 34

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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 5 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Tue May 14, 2013 10:18 pm

"No, no, no, darling, that won't do at all," Allison said calmly. "Can you still hear me? Do you understand me? You may submit all you like, but I don't think our referee friend understands what that means."

She stopped twisting Shauna's head and placed her hands on either cheek, so that the girl looked straight up at her. "My darling little girl, you'd better find that pluckiness that made you so interesting a few short moments ago and use it to think of a way to beat me. Because if you don't, I'm going to continue hurting you, and as I have no interest in pinning you you're mine to do with as I please for as long. As. I. Like." She said softly, in a whimsical, sing-song tone.

She hooked her thumbs into the corners of Shauna's mouth and pushed her hands down toward the mat, cruelly stretching the girl's cheeks. She wiggled Shauna's head back and forth, and leaned forward to put more weight into stretching her face.

The Mouseum


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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 5 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

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