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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 6 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by TaliZorah Thu May 16, 2013 11:35 pm

Shauna's neck was twisting painfully and for some reason the referee wasn't helping her. She was clearly submitting but the bell wasn't ringing. Maybe the referee didn't see her hands tapping since they were under Allison. Regardless of the reason, the redhead continued to scream through the pain. All the drops where she landed on her head had already stretched her neck and now it felt like it was going to break. Finally, Allison stopped.

Every exhale of Shauna's was a moan of pain. She weakly looked up at Allison when forced with watery eyes. As strong as she thought she was, everyone had their limit. Shauna must have been at that limit. All she could think about was pain. As Allison explained why the match was still going, the redheads face frowned gravely. "N-No..." she said quietly in a whimper. How was she suppose to win?

Allison grabbed hold of her mouth and stretched it cruelly which elicited an odd cry of pain since her mouth was forced open. She wondered why this was allowed to happen. Why could Allison be allowed to torture her like this when she already gave up? Then, as if feeling her pain, the referee suddenly started slapping the mat in a pin. "One!" She quickly counted up as if helping Shauna by pinning faster than normal. "Two!"

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 6 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Fri May 17, 2013 5:26 am

Allison snatched up Shauna by the hair and yanked her upper body up enough to break the pin. She looked at the ref with a spiteful smile and wagged her finger at her.

"Let's not be hasty, now, this little girl was about to give me the fight of my life!" She said, and stood up off of Shauna, dragging her up by the hair. She shoved her back into the ropes, and then took jumped out to fling the girl into a run at the ropes on the far side.

Last edited by 1167 on Fri May 17, 2013 5:41 am; edited 1 time in total

The Mouseum


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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 6 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by TaliZorah Fri May 17, 2013 2:55 pm

Shauna groaned when she was pulled up by her hair. The pinfall had been so close. Shauna felt like her salvation had just been ripped away from her. The redhead had never been so eager to lose in her life. She clumsily stumbled to her feet. At least her legs didn't hurt. Her weight leaned into Allison's grip as if she'd fall to the ground if the Brit released her. Without much resistance Shauna was flung towards the ropes. The girl managed to turn herself just enough so her back bounced off she came back towards Allison in a sprint. At least her legs didn't hurt.

With a sudden burst of desperation, Shauna leapt into the air just high enough to throw a clumsy dropkick at Allison's legs. There wasn't enough energy to muster anything else especially after all else had failed before.

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 6 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Thu May 23, 2013 4:25 am

Messy as it was, Shauna's dropkick caught Allison off guard. The Irish girl crashed into the Brit's legs and sent her sprawling, tweaking her knee in the process. She snarled in frustration and pain and without getting up she threw herself at Shauna, reaching to grab her hair with both hands.

She was doing exactly what Allison asked. That wasn't the problem. The problem was that Allison wasn't ready for it, and she cursed herself for that.

The Mouseum


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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 6 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by TaliZorah Fri May 24, 2013 3:02 am

Shauna's little act of aggression didn't generate much hope for her. Allison immediately jumped onto her and pulled on the girl's hair which elicited a hiss of pain. The Irish girl wanted to give up, but she knew Allison wasn't going to just win if she did. Out of desperation, she reached up and pulled up on Allison's hair in retaliation. "Get...GET OFF ME!" she managed to shout point blank at Allison before stretching her arms as hard as she could upward.

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 6 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Sun May 26, 2013 6:12 am

Allison let out a ragged scream as she was yanked upward by the hair. She stabbed down at Shauna's eyes with her fingers so that she could wrench her head free, and then pulled the girl's head up by the hair and bashed her forehead down into her face.

She got up. She took a moment to regain her composure, fixing her hair and smoothing her clothes, erasing any trace of the animal rage that had overtaken her a moment before. That simply wouldn't do. Someone so insignificant should not be allowed to affect her that much. She waited patiently for Shauna to get up.

The Mouseum


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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 6 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by TaliZorah Sun May 26, 2013 11:53 pm

Shauna pulled on Allison's hair as hard as she could as if her life depended on it. But the redhead's fire was stomped out as quickly as it had been ignited. She screamed as Allison poked her right in the eyes. It was such a cheap shot that Shauna should've expected it by this point. Her hands rushed to the aid of her face but Allison just smashed it in with her forehead. Shauna's body seemingly went limp after the hit and simply exhaled groans of pain quietly. She couldn't believe it had devolved to this point. It wasn't even a match anymore. It was just Allison torturing her.

Slowly, Shauna forced herself to her feet. She couldn't think about how she was going to fight Allison off. Her head and face just hurt so much. When she finally did get to her feet, all she could do was stumble over to Allison sloppily like prey walking into a trap.

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 6 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Wed May 29, 2013 5:37 am

The referee was adamant that this was Allison's last warning, and while Allison knew she had to be careful she didn't visibly pay her any attention. Her cold green eyes stayed fixed on Shauna, and while Allison was calm the girl was a mess. The crowd's encouragement had becomes more sparse as it looked less and less like this was a fight the redhead could win.

Allison moved quickly when Shauna had staggered into her. She grabbed her shoulder and spun her around so she was facing away from her, wrapped an arm around her neck, under her chin, and dropped down to one knee. She brought Shauna's back crashing down across her outstretched knee and let her fall.

"How's the match going to end, darling?" She asked, in the same velvety, eerily calm voice. It occurred to her Shauna might not be listening, and she leaned down close to her and repeated herself more clearly. "How is this match going to end?"

The Mouseum


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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 6 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by TaliZorah Wed May 29, 2013 8:35 am

Shauna clumsily walked right into Allison's maneuver. It happened so quickly that she didn't entirely know what the Brit did. All she felt was the sudden intense pain in her back. With a weak groan, Shauna's hands rushed to her back as she lay on the ground in agony. Why was this match still going on? She was barely aware of her surroundings and had already given up earlier. Despite her scrambled head, though, she could still feel dread. Allison could've won already but decided she didn't want to. What was Shauna suppose to do? Or even worse, what did Allison want her to do before ending this?

As if on queue, Allison leaned close and asked her how it'd end with that same cruel tone. Shauna wanted to cry. But she didn't. Fear took hold and she reacted. The girl suddenly reached out and grabbed Allison by the ankles while pulling her legs up and around the Brit's waist. With a flick, Shauna tried to flip Allison over her.

Talia, Sandra


"I've learned what it takes to survive in this league. And I learned it the hard way. I'd be an idiot to forget that lesson." ~Dark Angel

Posts : 2029
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Age : 34

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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 6 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:55 am

Shauna's perpetual silence was wearing on Allison. She had to make this girl talk. It simply would not do for her to continually ignore her. Perhaps she could find ways to compel her to speak.

She was again taken completely by surprise by the sudden surge of life from the Irish girl, and she fell head over heels to land on her back. The ring rattled, and she grunted on impact. She snarled viciously, and pushed herself back up, intent on going after Shauna to teach her a lesson once and for all. She reached for her to grab a handful of her hair.

The Mouseum


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Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson - Page 6 Empty Re: Shauna O'Connor vs Allison Watson

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