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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson

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Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson - Page 7 Empty Re: Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Tatyina Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:16 am

Jocelyn growled when Bonnie called her and Allison that word. She held her tongue though and watched as Allison pulled Bonnie into a compromising position. The CHistralian grinned devilishly when Allison offered the female twin up on a platter. It was delicious.

"Cunts, eh?" Jocelyn said as she stalked forward. "Like this kind?" Jocelyn said and brought her boot up between Bonnie's legs. "Fraid you're balls up, wanker." Jocelyn said with a grin as she looked up at Allison briefly before launching a hard clawed hand out at Bonnie, looking to rake her nails across the twin's cheek.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

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Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson - Page 7 Empty Re: Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Lobo Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:34 pm

Bonnie kept her scowl fixated on Allison until a sudden and unexpected kick struck her right in the mouth. "Oough!" She grunted and winced as her head rocked back slightly, tasting blood in her mouth, her lip stung like hell. She shook her head just before getting seized by the hair and arm, brought up quickly to her feet like child but with a burtal grip on her long hair that made her shut her eyes tightly and clinch her teeth.

"Aaaaahhh..." She groaned from the feeling of her hair pulled and the arm twisted behind her back, being offered up to Jocelyn. The sudden mention of this made Clyde fume, he shook violently and tugged hard with is subdued arm, the cold metal digging into his wrist but he didn't feel it.

Bonnie breathed in and out rapidly, her chest heaving up and down as she glared at Jocelyn, awaiting whatever crap this chick was going to pull. She braced herself mentally but couldn't predict or defend herself from the sudden kick between her legs. Bonnie's eyes shot open wide. "HUUUGH!" A pained grunt emitted from with in her chest and throat as her womanhood was struck, tears forming out the corner's of her eyes, sniffling rapidly, her legs crossing immediately as she squirmed in Allison's grasp. She held back a scream and a cry of pain but when the nails were raked across her face, she finally cried out.

"Aaah-Aaaahhh!!" Bonnie's head shook side to side violently as she was scratched, four pink streaks gliding across her burning, tear stained cheeks. She lifted her jean covered legs to kick at Jocelyn, but due to the low blow, they only went about shin high.

"A-Aaaahhhhh.....Y-You scratch like a little... B-B....Ssss...." Bonnie whined before trying to speak, only to wince in pain yet again, unable to finish speaking.

Clyde had a front row seat to all of this and his eyes were red and watery now. "Fuckin' A..." He mumbled. This felt like a nightmare. He was begging for it to just be a nightmare.

"Stop!!! Y'all fuckin' stop hurting her! Stop hurting her!!"
He'd yell all day long if he had to. He didn't want to watch at all but he couldn't help it, and as he did just that, he realized he recognized the other girl. It was that Jocelyn chick. He wanted to lure her away. "I-I thought you were gon' keep me company, Jocelyn. I dunno why you... S-Scared... I ain't no lil red head girl." He forced a grin on his face, having a bit of trouble talking because he was choking up. To be this close and so helpless was unbearable.

Last edited by 621 on Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:00 am; edited 2 times in total

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

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Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson - Page 7 Empty Re: Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:25 am

Allison held Bonnie's wrist in her powerful grip, and yanked back on her hair to keep her upright after Jocelyn's abuse. She answered Bonnie's attempt to talk back by shaking her violently back and forth, yanking her hair and flopping her around like a fish.

"Quiet now," she commanded without raising her voice, and held Bonnie still. She looked Jocelyn in the eye. "Do you see that boy over there?" She said. Of course she did. "You did that, and now you control him. Don't be so stupid as to allow him to control you."

Then she looked at Clyde. "What is this girl to you? I see a distinct family resemblance..." A sinister grin spread across her face. "If you can tell me why we shouldn't continue to hurt this girl, we'll leave her with you and be on our way. Until then..."

Allison wrapped her arms tightly around Bonnie's midsection, put her shoulder against the small of the girl's back, and lifted her all the way up to her own shoulder level. She let her hang in the air for a moment, nearly six feet up, facing up at the lights, and let her wonder for that second when she was going to fall.

Then she fell. Allison slammed her down on her back and dropped to her knees next to her. She looked over at Jocelyn, and the message was clear. Your turn.

The Mouseum


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Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson - Page 7 Empty Re: Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Tatyina Fri Aug 30, 2013 6:05 am

Jocelyn was very happy to have hurt Bonnie. It was quite thrilling and she loved every second of it. She especially liked Watching Allison hold her in place and command the blonde's body. Bonnie's attempts at insults only made her laugh but when she heard Clyde, she instantly gnashed her teeth.

She was going to ask Allison if she could start working the bastard over but Allison defused the situation coolly like she always did. It almost made Jocelyn swoon. Right now she had forgotten all about the nasty things Allison did to her. She was reveling along with her tormentor and the woman she loved and admired.

She watched with awe as Bonnie was hefted up and slammed back down. The crowd was sickened but Jocelyn was delighted. "Oi, this twat." She said as she slid near Allison. Jocelyn then walked around so she was at Bonnie's feet and she looked at Clyde. "I did learn one thing from that freckle." Jocelyn said and yanked at Bonnie's leg. Jocelyn then wrapped her legs around Bonnie's leg as she fell backwards and gripped her foot. She twisted at it as hard as she could. She'd been practicing the move. Quite often. She wanted it it down exactly. She wasn't quite there but she was learning. Once she perfected it, she'd use it to tear that red headed bitch's leg off. For now, Bonnie would make a good live practice dummy.

Last edited by 445 on Fri Aug 30, 2013 6:55 pm; edited 2 times in total

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson - Page 7 Empty Re: Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Lobo Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:31 pm

Bonnie grit down on her teeth and howled in pain as Allison yanked on her hair, feeling like a total ragdoll as Allison shook her left to right, flopping about with her limb arms swaying about with every yank.

Clyde hated seeing his sister like that and narrowed his eyes as Allison told Jocelyn that she controlled him. That pissed him off quick. "You ain't own shit!!" He snapped back immediately, yanking on the cuffs more, the metal digging deeper into his skin. He hated that grin Allison had on her face, he wanted nothing more than just end her smugness, her words angering him, about to answer her but froze when Allison wrapped her arms around Bonnie's midsection and hoisted her up on her shoulder, leaving Bonnie to dangle limply in the air. "Uuuugh..." She groaned helplessly as she was lifted up before being swiftly slammed down hard on her back.

"UUUAHH!" Bonnie cried as she hit the arena floor, bouncing up slightly, her body melting into the floor as she laid sprawled out, writhing in pain. Clyde grimaced as he watched his sister continue being mauled while she was helpless. He looked at both of them in disbelief as they continued to have fun tearing Bonnie apart, watching as Jocelyn moved in next and grabbed Bonnie's leg.

"Sssstop." Bonnie pleaded wearily through her gritted teeth as the Australian began wrapping her legs around Bonnie's."Stop!! She's my sister, ya dick and I love her and if ya don't leave her the fuck alone, I swear I gon' fuck y'all up!!!" He raved loudly in speedy southern English, his voice full of fear and distraught but it wasn't quick enough to stop Jocelyn by the time she fell back and twisted Bonnie's leg.

"A-AAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHH!!!" Bonnie cried in pain, feeling like her leg contort painfully, her eyes shooting wide before shutting tightly again, clutching her leg and curling up, whimpering in pain, Clyde had his eyes closed the moment he heard Bonnie scream.

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
Join date : 2009-08-19
Age : 31

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Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson - Page 7 Empty Re: Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Tatyina Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:44 pm

Jocelyn grinned as she heard Bonnie scream. She didn't let up on the lock and tried to push it even further. She wanted to hear something tear, she wanted Bonnie to be forced onto crutches just like she was. But Clyde's words didn't escape her. "Hear that?" She said, grinning at Allison. "Lil' bicky's gonna fuck us up. Shittin' my underdacks I'm so scared."

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson - Page 7 Empty Re: Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Lobo Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:02 pm

"C'mere and say that to my face, dyke!" He snapped back. They couldn't fight. He was sure Bonnie would kick both their asses one on one in a fair fight. None of this bullshit going on right now.

"Fffuckin' shit, maaaan-AAAHAHHHHHHH!!" Bonnie screamed at the top of her lungs, feeling like her leg was going to snap, tears pouring down her face, her fist pounding weakly at the floor. "STOP! STOP GODDAMIT! DUFF! DUFFF!! GOD! SHIIIIIT!!" She continued to howl, writhing around and pulling at her hair

Last edited by 621 on Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:14 pm; edited 2 times in total

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
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Age : 31

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Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson - Page 7 Empty Re: Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Bluemouse Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:51 am

Allison laughed delightedly and clapped her hands. She hadn't enjoyed a night out this much in a long time. She strolled around the two girls on the floor to stand in front of Clyde, inches out of his reach, and looked him in the eye.

"Your sister?" She laughed. "Brilliant! You must wish you could protect her, more than anything else in the world. It must kill you that you can't. Do you wish you could trade places with her? I can tell Jocelyn to let her go, and you can be our plaything, if you'd like." She stood with one knee bent, her hips at a provocative angle, and deftly brushed her fingers across the space where her breasts met, above her bikini top. Her voice became a sultry purr. "Or we could forget this whole thing ever happened, and you and I could... get to know each other. Somewhere more private, I could help you out of those clothes, and you could bend me over and have your way with me, punish me and ravage me and make me scream your name..."

With a devilish gleam in her eye, she turned around, taking each step with poise and grace the inevitably drew the eye to her smooth, sculpted legs and pert, round butt. She moved back to the girls on the floor, and grabbed Jocelyn by the hair and yanked her up to her feet. She grabbed her, and pulled her close against her body, and pulled her hair back to greedily kiss her. She pushed her tongue into her mouth and bent her back, fully owning her with her body.

The Mouseum


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Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson - Page 7 Empty Re: Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Tatyina Sun Sep 01, 2013 7:07 am

Jocelyn watched as Allison stalked around them like a mother cheetah. She was focused on tearing Bonnie's leg off but she was positively glowing inwardly. She couldn't believe what it was like to see Allison... happy. Even if it was the same kind of enjoyment she might get from doing the same thing to Jocelyn, the Chistralian found it wonderfully infectious. This was what Heaven was like. Her heart beat as she watched Allison begin to walk over to Clyde and taunt him as well.

But As Jocelyn watched Allison's sultry poses and listened to her words, the taunts took a turn she wasn't expecting at all. Jocelyn's eyes widened and her grip on Bonnie's foot loosened as she heard the horrible, ugly words that came from Allison's words. She went from elated to completely destroyed in one shot and Allison wasn't even pointing a gun at her. When the last line came, Jocelyn slackened her grin and then twisted with all her might. Her teeth were clenched so tightly they hurt and her cheeks flushed red with strain as she tried to turn the ankle 360 degrees.

She untangled her foot and lashed it out, jamming her heel deeply between Bonnie's legs to get more leverage for her twisting as well as make sure there was at least one set of privates that would be so wrecked Allison wouldn't go anywhere near them.

Jocelyn was panting when Allison turned around and gave her that look. There was a glare in her eyes that told Allison everything she would need to know. but Jocelyn knew better than to interrupt the mood by souring it with some hateful words towards the woman she loved. The women who was drowning her in elation a few moments ago.

Her silence was quickly rewarded when Allison grabbed her roughly. Jocelyn instantly moaned, the pain was hypersensitive pleasure and Jocelyn melted in Allison's kiss. Her body felt like it was going limp as Allison deeply kissed her. One arm fell completely slack and dangled, her body arcing as much as Allison willed it. Her other arm weakly hefted itself against Allison's ass while she tried her best not to let her tongue be completely subservient to Allison's. She couldn't disappoint the woman she idolized by giving her a poor kiss, even as her whole body tingled with waves of pleasure and whimpering moans of pleasure reverberated from her lips and flew softly into the air around her.

Last edited by 445 on Sun Sep 01, 2013 7:09 am; edited 3 times in total

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson - Page 7 Empty Re: Bonnie Gastin Vs. Allison Watson

Post by Lobo Mon Sep 02, 2013 3:42 am

Clyde just gave Allison a stern glare as she laughed, he hated how much she seemed to be enjoying this but what he didn't expect for her to be so delighted at the news that he was Bonnie's brother, hearing her take a moment to basically explain how he felt. He grit his teeth at her, he didn't know what was worse, that she understood how he felt and didn't care anyway or that she was getting a big kick out of all this. He felt like hell being unable to protect her and would trade places with her in a heartbeat, but not without a fight. It was scary though, to agree to be picked apart without a fight. Even when it happened with Nha and Sha, he tried to fight back.

His scowl would soften just slightly however when Allison... Started standing in a rather provocative way, turning her hips and brushing her fingers between her ample brests, speaking in a sultry tone as she gave Clyde a rather unexpected offer. "Wh-Wha..." He looked at in disbelief, his jaw dropping slightly as she offered her body to him, to let him bend her over and ravage her... The thought of being with her was inciting.

Clyde's face flushed and he swallowed hard as she walked away, seeing her hips sway left to right with that intoxicating body as he thought about having sex with her. But he would quickly remember Allison's gleefully taunting and torturing Bonnie, and now was asking to be punished and ravished? Did she just want to get fucked? Clyde watched her walk away and he slowly began to glare again. Maybe briefly he wanted to say "Yes" as he was wowed by her sexual appeal and charms, but he thought of Mercy and remembered how much Allison loved to hurt his Sister. That outweighed those brief moments of lustful thoughts.

He then watched Allison suddenly grab Jocelyn and make out with her. He stared for merely a second before the appeal washed away. "...Y'all some freaks." He muttered, deducing that Allison and Jocelyn were just like Lilly, just some crazy sluts who enjoyed hurting people.

He turned his attention to Bonnie, who was writhing on the floor, holding her leg, tears pouring down her face, battered and bruised all over. "Bonnie! Bonnie!" Clyde called to her, and her hazy eyes trailed over to him before she shut them tightly, sniffling a bit, trying to suck in the tears, she felt so weak, that people weren't seeing the real her.

"I'm here, Bon. You gon' be okay."
Clyde assured her with a forced smile, cheeks covered in dry tears. He hadn't decided what to tell Allison. He could be sneaky to try and not let Allison win this but all he wanted was to ensure Bonnie's safety. That was the most important thing right now.

Last edited by 621 on Mon Sep 02, 2013 4:15 am; edited 6 times in total

Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

Tension: Clyde Gastin Dulsa  Youkai Kid

Posts : 9785
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