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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Turning Heel? (For Tief)

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Turning Heel? (For Tief) - Page 2 Empty Re: Turning Heel? (For Tief)

Post by daemongirl Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:25 am

Natasha paused at the doorway just long enough to listen to the rest of what Heather had to say in response to her previous words, the french woman biting gently down upon her lower lip to keep herself interrupting the woman during her attempt at changing her mind about what that match had really meant. She simply shook her head after hearing the first sentence from Heather's lips, her mistake in kicking Akashi out of the ring hadn't been because of her do anything it takes to win attitude, that had simply been bad luck and placement of her attack, nothing more.

She didn't say anything even after Heather had finished speaking, remaining quiet as she stepped into the locker room to change out of her ring attire, a quick look in the mirror once again driving home the fact that she had barely been in that match as her outfit was in nearly perfect condition. Despite what Heather had to say Natasha was not convinced she could beat Kelly if it came down to a one on one fight, but then again that wasn't what was bothering her, it was her failure to act when it wasn't one on one that was bothering her.

But she was pulled from her increasingly dark thoughts when Heather began to stumble over her words while in the presence of the half naked Natasha, making the french woman smile like she always did when watching how flustered Heather got over her. "No don't apologize Heather, this is a public locker room so even if we weren't dating its not like I would mind you seeing me undress, hell I'm not even naked." Natasha said with the first bit of cheerfulness in her voice before she turned and walked over to Heather, stopping mere inches in front of her.

"Do you really love that about me Heather, don't you really wish that I was more of the do anything to win type?" Natasha said abruptly changing the subject back to the previous topic, her deep blue eyes staring into Heather's own purple gaze without blinking.

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Turning Heel? (For Tief) - Page 2 Empty Re: Turning Heel? (For Tief)

Post by TiefBlau Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:38 am

"Ah hah..R-right." Heather let out a little nervous laugh as Natasha told her not to apologize. What she was saying was true, there was no reason to be so flustered or apologize about seeing her, but as Natasha walked towards her, she couldn't help but have an even deeper blush on her face. Heather's eyes trailed up and down Natasha's figure, trying not to focus on it but she just couldn't help it, however Natasha's next words sort of snapped her out of that.

"N-no, I was serious Natasha." Heather let out, staring back into Natasha's eyes, assuring her that she was serious. "Sometimes I wish I was like's really shows how good of a person you are Natasha..and that's why I do love that about you..Honestly..don't change that about you just because of this."


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Turning Heel? (For Tief) - Page 2 Empty Re: Turning Heel? (For Tief)

Post by daemongirl Wed Jun 05, 2013 3:16 am

Just like always Heather couldn't keep herself from blushing a bright crimson upon Natasha getting so close, it didn't seem to matter how many times they had seen one another naked and the incredibly embarrassing things, well embarrassing to Heather as Natasha was rather proud of all of their sexy moments together, they did to each other both in private and in front of a crowd Heather simply couldn't get over how flustered she got when they were together. The sight of Heather blushing brought back quite a few pleasant memories of their time together and then Natasha realized, before Heather had even spoken, just what surrendering to her dark thoughts would do not to her but to Heather.

"Heather I..." Natasha started to say but stopped herself as she decided actions would be louder than words, instead reaching out with her left hand to gently stroke the woman's cheek before cupping the side of her face in her hand. Leaning forward she would plant a soft kiss upon the woman's lips, pressing their breasts together quite intentionally, Natasha holding Heather in this embrace for a few moments before she would drop her hand from the woman's face and take a step back.

"I'm sorry Heather, I was so caught up in blaming myself that I didn't realize I was hurting you in the process, can you forgive me for being so selfish?" Natasha said while averting her gaze, unable to look at Heather after what she had put her through. "Its just...that title would have proven to everyone out there that I am more than just a large pair of tits and my family's name, until I can say I've held it in my hands it doesn't matter who I've beaten as I will have never won when it was important. It would just be so easy to quit caring about doing things the right way, to just go out there and steal what I can't earn, and what if I'm simply not good enough to win it, I just can't seem to get these thoughts out of my head."

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Turning Heel? (For Tief) - Page 2 Empty Re: Turning Heel? (For Tief)

Post by TiefBlau Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:20 am

Heather blinked her eyes a couple times as Natasha stroked her cheek, cupping her face before she planted that kiss on her lips. Heather's eyes widened a bit before they slowly shut as she melted into the kiss. With their bodies pressing together, Heather let out a little smooth moan as the two were joined in that embrace for a few moments.

As Natasha stepped back, Heather heard out all that she was saying, biting her lip a bit before she shook her head, pulling Natasha into another kiss. She sealed it quite tightly, locking her in quite the deep kiss before she would slowly break it, her face just inches away from Natasha's. "I you feel. The way everyone thinks about me...Ive been trying to do everything I can to get it out of their heads. You don't know how much it's been killing me being called a rape doll and things like that..not many people t ake me seriously but I honestly have come to think that it doesn't matter." Heather let out, shaking her head.

" not good at this..Th-this is probably going to sound stupid..b-but W-with youu..I mean..all's nothing. Wh-what you think of me is what m-matters most a-and if you're happy...and..we..we're both happy then all that..whatever anyone else doesn't matter. I know you're one of the best here a-and you could totally kick Kelly's ass o-or anyone else that's holding any of those titles..s-so don't worry about what other people think because they don't know." Heather let out, embarrassed at what she was saying, thinking it was all coming out wrong.


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Turning Heel? (For Tief) - Page 2 Empty Re: Turning Heel? (For Tief)

Post by daemongirl Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:25 am

Natasha had said everything she could think to say to Heather in that moment and now all she could do was wait and listen to what her lover had to say in return, she wasn't quite sure what would come out of the woman's lips but she certainly hadn't expected her to pull Natasha into another, this time more passionate, kiss. She didn't fight and in fact embraced the second kiss, wrapping her arms around Heather's shoulders to keep her close though Heather was doing a good enough of that on her own. When they finally separated, even if it was just by a couple of inches, Natasha immediately felt a desire to resume their kiss, but she resisted for that moment as Heather had more to say.

She didn't speak nor look away as Heather began to speak, every word hitting her harder than any kick Kelly could throw her way, at least at first as the woman compared how she was feeling to what she herself was going through. But as she went on Heather's words changed in nature, turning from those of disappointment to uplifting as she told Natasha that so long as she looked upon her with pride that nothing else mattered. Natasha also realized that somewhere along the way she let go of the anger the loss had brought her, a smile on her lips as she simply stared into Heather's eyes before leaning in to kiss her once more, though this time she had every intention of going much further than that.

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