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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields

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Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields Empty Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields

Post by killcarrion Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:34 am

Standard Match
Winning Conditions: Pinfall, Submission or Knockout

Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields AcircAacircCacirchacirciuml_000.jpg

The crowd waited in heightened anticipation for the upcoming match, most eyes transfixed towards the main entrance at the top of the outstretched ramp. While the imminent bout was not a top billed match between two veteran AFW athletes, it was in fact something even more unique, a double newcomer debut between two seasoned wrestlers eager to kick start their career in Japan’️s predominant wrestling organization. People in the audience appreciated the rarity of this occurrence as they raised their cell phones, eager to snap pictures and record the approaching clash of young blooded talent.

A few minutes into their wait, nearly all the lights in arena would suddenly go dark, save for the floor lights along the stairs adjacent to the stands and seats. Death Bunny’️s [url=]theme[/url:2ssmq1bk] would kick in immediately afterwards, accompanied by magnificent lighting effects from spot lights placed on the roof of the arena and spread along the top of the ramp. The pulsating strobe light effect perfectly complimented the blaring techno/dubstep, as it wasn’️t until about the 1:00 minute mark when the beat dropped that Death Bunny would come stomping through the curtains and down the ramp. Keeping her head down under her hat, the back of her pitch black trench coat would billow behind her as she would stride confidently towards the ring, the audience already starting to lose themselves in the kickin entrance theme. Climbing the steel stairs and stepping over the middle rope, D.B. would walk to her corner, place a hand on her hat, and bask in the moment for a short time.

*Hmm…’️s been a while since I’️ve competed in a legit wrestling organization, not some underground fight club like Valhalla Garden. Not since….* D.B. would blink down harshly, trying to push back repressed memories. Losing your focus before a match was a recipe for disaster, and she wasn’️t about to start her new career with an L. Removing her hat would signal the lights to come back and the music to fade away, her bunny ears flopping up and down briefly. She would fling her jacket over the corner post, topping it with her hat and in doing so would reveal her trademark outfit, a cut off shoulder-less white cotton top covering her ample bosom, tight hot pants jeans that barely touched her smooth thighs, and slick dark-violet colored leather boots to round it off. Turning to face the titantron, she would give a death glare to whoever this Blossom character was, folding her arms in front of her chest and taking a deep breath to settle her nerves…

Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields JzMxnhg

Posts : 6235
Join date : 2013-04-14
Age : 37

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Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields Empty Re: Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields

Post by acuyra Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:36 am

Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields 1888145-OFRV15K.png

In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

This is it. This is what Blossom had been waiting for ever since she first turned on that television and watched her first match. The lights. The cameras. The crowd. The ring. The action. All of it, years of waiting and training and sweat and more than a little blood - all of it was leading to this, only a few minutes away.

In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

She took deep breaths, keeping everything under control. She could feel her heart beating, a steady drum beat thumping inside her chest to a staccato rhythm. The energy was palpable - it didn't feel like blood was running through her veins. No, that was pure adrenaline, lighting up every nerve like Christmas lights. She was aware. She was alert. She was alive.

In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

She sat in a chair, just behind the entrance, waiting for her opponent to finish her entrance, the roar of the crowd emanating from behind the curtain like the bellow of some hungry beast, yearning for its next meal. This wasn't just a match - this was the latest step in a tradition that had been going on since men learned that punching each other hurt. The thrill of battle - now, it was her turn.

In. Out. In. Out. In...


Blossom burst out from behind the curtain as her [url=]music[/url:2tzq8fps] played, dancing in time as the crowd sang along, swaying down the ramp, strutting, spinning about, waving her hands about, loving the mood, absorbing it like a sponge.
"Sharif ain't gone like it!"
She pointed out to the audience, gettin them to sing along. "Rock the Casbah! Rock the Casbah!"

She rolled into the ring, still bobbing her head as the music faded and she turned to her opponent, waving and- "Whoa!" She jumped back, a little stunned by Death Bunny's...well, everything about her, really, but the stare was particularly off-putting. She looked like the Undertaker. If the Undertaker had purple hair. And bunny ears. And was a hot woman. So...not like the Undertaker at all, but the general demeanor was there.

"Nice death stare." She chuckled, giving her a wave. "...1, 2, 3 staring contest, GO!" Blossom looked her straight in the eyes, keeping her eyes wide open. "Not...gonna...blink."

Last edited by 12547 on Thu Feb 20, 2014 6:24 am; edited 2 times in total

Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields SPoWQN2

Posts : 19142
Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 37
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields Empty Re: Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields

Post by killcarrion Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:31 am

D.B.’️s statuesque pose would remain unchanged throughout Blossom’️s enigmatic grand entrance, save for a raised eyebrow that conveyed her curiosity towards her new opponent. Dancing and singing and playing to the audience, she was treating this crucial debut more like spring break!! *Tch…how can she possibly expect to get anywhere in this league with an attitude like some cheap background dancer?*

Seeing Blossom recoil back in surprise once she witnessed up close who she was up against made Bunny think that maybe now she’️ll take this seriously and realize how grave her situation was. Bunny was used to getting this reaction from her victims and was part of her battle strategy, instilling fear and doubt into her opponents to cause them trip over their own feet and create openings for her to tear them down. However, her hopes were summarily crashed the minute Blossom opened her mouth…

*……T-this girl can’️t be for real* Bunny thought to herself, giving out a frustrated sigh and ending the ridiculous staring contest by facepalming in exasperation. A horrifying thought flashed through her mind as this girl’️s cheery demeanor was starting to remind her of someone……a certain pink haired idol that Bunny can never seem to free herself of. *Oh no, not another one* she thought as a shiver creeped up her spine.

Lowering her hands to her sides Bunny would step slowly to the center of the ring to address Blossom face to face. Sizing up her opponent as she walked, she would notice Blossom’️s scant and revealing attire, making Bunny’️s outfit actually look respectable in comparison. Her skimpy outfit displayed her tight abs and lean, muscular physique for all the world to see. D.B. would make a mental note that this girl's small size may mask some hidden strength.

"If I were you, I would start acting like your life depended on the outcome of this match…because it just might.” Bunny grimly proclaimed, leaning in forward to emphasize this point, her bunny ears even slightly pointing downwards towards her petite opponent…

Last edited by 11497 on Sun Feb 23, 2014 2:50 am; edited 1 time in total

Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields JzMxnhg

Posts : 6235
Join date : 2013-04-14
Age : 37

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Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields Empty Re: Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields

Post by acuyra Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:45 am

"Ha! Blinked!" Sort of. The facepalm counted as DQ, she was fairly sure. "I. Totally. Won that." She winked and hopped back, bouncing a bit on her toes and giving Death Bunny - if that was indeed her real name...which it probably wasn't - a look over.

She was tall, this one - not super tall, but she might as well have been Goliath compared to Blossom - and the pint-sized powerhouse had a feeling it would take more than a rock to the head to bring her falling down. Not that she let such a thing bother her; it was pretty rare that she went against an opponent who was anywhere near being as short as she was. But something about Bunny made her seem even bigger, made her tower over Blossom...

...the ears. It was definitely the ears.

At any rate, she could hear her old coach in the back of her head, egging her on with advice. Get in close and keep her there. Shock and awe - bowl them over and keep them floor, run them over like a little wrestling pitbull. Small, but with a mean bite.

She narrowed her eyes when she could have sworn she saw one of them move on their own accord - must've been a trick of the light.

Blossom smiled even wider as she leaned in, bringing them eye to eye. "For a girl with bunny ears, you're awful serious. Boop." She reached up and tried to pinch Bunny's nose. "It's a match. If we can't have fun, what's the point?"

Last edited by 12547 on Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:50 am; edited 1 time in total

Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields SPoWQN2

Posts : 19142
Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 37
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields Empty Re: Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields

Post by killcarrion Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:19 am

Time would freeze for Bunny the second Blossom pinched her nose and made that cutsey noise. The audience would chuckle at the sight and would give out a collective “Aww” at the adorable scene playing out in the ring. Stuck in a suspended state of disbelief, Bunny’️s face would start to glow red with embarrassment, still not believing what this little imp had just done. Soon enough her wide-eyed shocked expression would slowly devolve into that of pure rage, gritting her teeth and narrowing her eyes to the point where you could hardly see the fiery explosions in her pupils. That’️s it. She had her warning.

As if right on cue, the bell would ring signaling the start of the match, prompting Bunny to immediately grab the arm that was latched to her nose. With Blossom unable to step back due to D.B.’️s tight grip, she would rear back her other hand attempt to lay a fearsome punch to Blossom’️s Oh-So-Dainty face.

“Why you little!!!”

Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields JzMxnhg

Posts : 6235
Join date : 2013-04-14
Age : 37

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Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields Empty Re: Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields

Post by acuyra Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:31 am

Yikes. Blossom apparently hit a raw nerve. And only, what, two minutes after meeting someone for the first time? That was a new, personal record. Usually, it took at least ten minutes before people wanted to bash her face in.

Death Bunny had a grip like a steel vice around her arm - the woman was strong, damned strong, and while Blossom was pretty sure she could pull out if she had to, it wouldn't have been easy or nearly fast enough to dodge the incoming punch. No, that she would have to deal with.

She caught the punch, inches away from hitting her face, grabbing Bunny's arm the same way her own was being grabbed, using her own formidable strength to hold it in place. "...of course, I have the most fun when I'm winning." Her smile grew just a bit devilish, as she started to push forward, trying to drive Death Bunny to the turnbuckle.

Last edited by 12547 on Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:32 am; edited 2 times in total

Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields SPoWQN2

Posts : 19142
Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 37
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields Empty Re: Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields

Post by killcarrion Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:39 am

The flare in her eyes would extinguish the instant her fist was caught mere inches away from Blossom’️s grinning face, something Bunny would never have guessed would happen. She knew Blossom was hiding some unforeseen strength,but this was just bad comedy!!! Bunny’️s shocked state would give Blossom more than enough of an opening to start pushing D.B. back two steps towards the turnbuckle. Only after being pushed back would D.B. snap out of it and start to respond in kind, forcing them both forward one step, gritting her teeth and staring into her opponent’️s chipper eyes the entire time. Realizing that they may be evenly matched in terms of strength, Bunny would take a gamble and hope Blossom’️s ego is easily fed.

Letting herself be pushed back to the turnbuckle slowly, she will wince and feign exhaustion, pretending she’️s putting her all into this heated contest until they were one step away from the corner where Bunny had placed her trenchcoat and top hat. Once close enough to the post Bunny would lower her head to hide her sly grin as she stops pushing against Blossom at the last second and twists her body to the side, letting Blossom’️s own momentum back her into the turnbuckle. If this works, once trapped there with nowhere to go, she’️ll ram the side of her smooth thigh into Blossom’️s abs, doing it twice more with extra force every time. On the third attempt Bunny will leave her thigh pressed into Blossom’️s gut, practically laying her body on top of her. “What a coincidence…that’️s how I get my jollies too…” Bunny would whisper into her ear as she bent forward so their cheeks were practically touching...

Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields JzMxnhg

Posts : 6235
Join date : 2013-04-14
Age : 37

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Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields Empty Re: Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields

Post by acuyra Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:54 am

Now, this was what she'd come to the AFW for - heated competition delivered by even more heated women.

Once Bunny got over the surprise - Blossom loved that look, by the way; always priceless - Blossom started to push her back. Way back. Though they seemed to be evenly matched strength-wise, it seemed like Blossom had the edge on stamina; the bigger girl was getting worn down, pushed back into the corner with every step Blossom made with her soft yet strong bare feet padding along the mat.

"Push 'em back, push em back, way...back! Push 'em back, push 'em back, way...back!" She broke into a cheer along with the crowd, whipping them up as they rooted her on - at least, until Death Bunny used her own momentum against her and tossed her into the turnbuckle, hoisting her by her own petard. Whatever that meant.

Blossom cried out louder and louder with each blow to her stomach, as she took her first blow in a wrestling match. Then her second. Then her third - when Death Bunny held her there, it was all she could do to lean forward, gasping as she was held in place, whispering in her ear and getting very...very close.

Blossom had originally considered making her first match a hentai, but decided against it to keep things simple for her first match. Now? Kind of regretting the decision.

"Ugh..." She groaned, but still managed to squeak out a small smile. "You can't always get what you want...but if you try sometimes..."

Grabbing Death Bunny by the leg pressed against her stomach, Blossom steels herself and tries to lift up and push off the turnbuckle, jumping up and slamming DB flat on her back, dealing some damage and, more importantly, getting out of that corner.

Last edited by 12547 on Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:55 am; edited 1 time in total

Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields SPoWQN2

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Join date : 2014-02-14
Age : 37
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields Empty Re: Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields

Post by killcarrion Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:49 pm

A sadistic grin would creep along Bunny’️s face as she felt the satisfaction of finally punishing this hyper active cheer leader, each slam pushing more and more air out of her lungs. But why was this little urchin getting under her skin so effortlessly? Normally Bunny could tune out any distractions and concentrate on the match but it seemed like Blossom had already gotten inside her head, mind games usually being Bunny’️s forte. Taking a second to try and center herself and regain her composure, she couldn't quite make out what Blossom was saying under her breath, the boos from the audience at Bunny's tide-turning maneuver helping to drown her out.

“Now what are you babbling ab-AHH!!!” Bunny yelled in surprise as Blossom lifted her up as if she were a child before jumping in the air and slamming her down onto her back, the ring slightly vibrating from this tremendous display of strength. The audience would give out a collective groan at the painful body slam, Bunny not being the only one amazed at the power of this diminutive wrestler. “GAH!!!” Arching upward off the mat, D.B. will shut her eyes and have one hand on her lower back trying to soothe the pain away, her breasts jutting out in the air as she lay there stunned with Blossom on top of her.

Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields JzMxnhg

Posts : 6235
Join date : 2013-04-14
Age : 37

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Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields Empty Re: Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields

Post by acuyra Thu Feb 20, 2014 6:05 pm

Blossom didn't have to wait too long for Death Bunny to attend to her, as she was hauled up off the floor by her hair, hissing from the pain as brought over to the side, where her neck began a personal, but hopefully brief, affair with the middle rope.
Before she could push off, she felt Death Bunny's weight press down on her neck, and her hands immediately went the rope on both sides, trying to push off and alleviate the weight, if just a little bit - but not enough to keep her from choking. She gasped, wheezed, sputtered, as Bunny's - admittedly delectable - thighs crushed her head and her windpipe was flattened by the rope.

It only took a few seconds before things started to get blurry - she needed a way out of this and she needed it soon, but she was low on idea - lack of oxygen always made it hard to think, in her experience. There was only one way out of this that she could see, and it wouldn't be easy - but then, if it was, it wouldn't be nearly as fun.

Blossom stomped her feet and got as sure a foot as she could manage, making sure she was properly braced for what she was about to attempt. Gritting her teeth, she started to push up on the ropes, trying to stand up with Death Bunny on her shoulders like two rungs on a totem pole. If she can stand up and move back, she'll take a step back as if she's going to drop Death Bunny on her back - then swiing her leg back and fall foward instead, driving her passenger towards the ropes, instead.

Last edited by 12547 on Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

Double Newcomer Debut!! Death Bunny vs. Blossom Fields SPoWQN2

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Age : 37
Location : Charlotte, North Carolina, WOOOO!

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