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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Search found 2 matches for pinkhair

Death by Seduction - Niska & Mitra


Topics tagged under pinkhair on Anime Female Wrestling M8snO3oTopics tagged under pinkhair on Anime Female Wrestling NBAfUNH

Part of the Cassandra Seller's "Administration"

Name: Niska
Other aliases: Mistress Natalia (full name Natalia Francheska Benyova)
Age: 25
Eyes: icy blue
Hair: Dark green
Height: 6"2
Weight: 161lbs
Nationality: Argentinean

Alignment: Hated (secretly lusted over) heel – Niska doesn’t antagonize the crowd usually, but she usually does the typical heel sort of stuff like ignoring tap outs and using weapons regardless of the match type. The fact that she works for the Cassandra Sellers doesn’t help… She’s usually met with boo’s but a few cat whistles, but a seductive flash of her nipple under the suspenders can easily win her some cheers.

Tactics and style: pro & hentai wrestler (hardcore power house) A match with Niska will be a physical and sexual ordeal from beginning to end as she has only one game plan and rarely deviates from it… That game plan is to destroy you mentally, physically and sexually. She can be sensuous but also aggressive at the same time while fighting and enjoys coming up creative new ways to use weapons and the surrounding area (she also enjoys targeting her opponent’s breasts quite a bit). A typical match with Niska will only end when she is satisfied, unless she has ulterior motives for ending it quickly

Preferred match: Hardcore/Hentai matches (if possible a mix of both matches in one)

Favoured moves: Dominating moves like the torture rack, camel clutch, power bombs, pile drivers, choke slam. Niska can wrestle in both hentai and hardcore matches (but usually prefers to mix both completely different styles together)

Finishing move/s:
“Dominate-chick” With her opponent on her back, Niska will grab their ankles and lift their legs up. She’ll then place her stiletto heel against their sex and slowly grind, possibly even pushing into their sex with it (Niska can regulate this to be painful and/or pleasurable, so it’s apt for a hentai finish, humiliation or normal submission). If her opponent is keen in not submitting, Natalia might drop down into a sitting position and push her heel into their sex at a different angle to convince them.

“Heaven to Hell” Niska will set up a table near the corner and then hoist her opponent up into a sitting position on the turnbuckle facing inwards towards the ring. Niska scales the ropes in front of the victim, usually with her large breasts rubbing up against them as she goes up. She’ll slip one hand down between the victims legs, squeezing and massaging their crotch while she drapes one of the victims arms over the back of her neck.. She’ll then pull the victim up against her chest and spin around as she falls downwards from the top ropes right through the table!

Tag Team Finisher:
“Hog-tied” This was Mistress Natalia’s (Niska) move alone originally, but because it was such a difficult position for Natalia to maintain, it meant that she’d annoyingly have to drop the hold sooner then she wanted, or wouldn’t be able to strain in on the hold. Niska discovered that it actually worked much better with two girl’s performing the hold! So Niska will apply a camel clutch to the downed victim while Mitra applies a boston crab at the same time!

Entrance music: "Do you think I’m a whore" by Kittie

Personality: Niska has changed a little since her Mistress Natalia days... The defeats at the hands of Tasha Veith and then later a humiliating follow up defeat to Melanie her slave (now called Mitra) caused the change. She’s use to be a real mean stuck-up bitch, but she’s toned that down quite a bit (although she can still be an arrogant and strong willed dominatrix, as she was before). Niska now carries herself with a more sultry air and is a little more receptive to other wrestlers, she’ll still regularly put down others but it is done in a more playful manner than before.

But don’t be fooled, she’s still contains a dangerous cocktail of sadism, masochism and nymphomania deep within her core. She’s a very demanding woman; god help you if you end up in a match with her cause she’ll take you all the way to heaven and hell in the one night!

Attire: As in the pic (below), suspenders covering her nipples Wink although occasionally she’ll wear a string white crop top underneath the suspenders which show off the bottom of her breasts

Special notes:  This is an adapted version of one of my original characters “Silvia”
She covers her body in sensual oils before each match; it is an aphrodisiac and her opponent will certainly feel its effects as they wrestle body to body!


Name: Mitra
Other aliases: Melanie Holden
Age: 20
Eyes: Blue
Hair: pink (she occasionally dyes a streak of golden blond into her hair on one side)
Height: 5”10
Weight: 136lbs
Nationality: Belgium

Alignment: Hated (secretly lusted over) heel – Mitra seems to be a nice person, but sometimes appearances can be misleading. She’s proven to be as sadistic in matches as her previous mistress and now tag team partner. Again the fact that she works under Cassandra Sellers doesn’t help her popularity any, rubbing her cane again her crotch does help though!

Tactics and style: submission & hentai wrestler (hardcore submission expert) Mitra is perhaps slightly more masochistic then Niska is, therefore when facing someone in a match she is more likely to give them some “free shots” as she enjoys taking the pain.. This will either backfire and give her opponent the advantage or excite her and psych herself up to attack her opponent with more vigour. She will aim to tire her opponent out with submission hold after submission hold, and then when her opponent is too tired to resist, she’ll move on to whips and toys... She's less likely to use weapons like steel chairs and the surronding area as Niska does, but that doesn't mean that she won't use them at all

Preferred match: Toys match and Endurance sex queen match.

Favoured moves: Submission holds are her favourite, particular those in which her body can become entangled with her opponent such as the abdominal stretches, Octopus hold and STF...

Finishing move/s:
“Sluttamer” ie slut-tamer… With her opponent either on their knees or in a sitting position, Mitra will get behind them and take out her trusty whip to loop around underneath their chin. Pulling back on the whip so that their head and body arches backwards, she will place her knee firmly in their spine to

Tag Team Finisher:
“Hog-tied” This was Mistress Natalia’s (Niska) move alone originally, but because it was such a difficult position for the user as well, Natalia would find that she’d annoyingly have to drop the hold sooner then she wanted, or wouldn’t be able to strain in on the hold. Niska discovered that it actually worked much better with two girl’s performing the hold! So Niska will apply a camel clutch to the downed victim while Mitra applies a boston crab at the same time!

Entrance music: "Do you think I’m a whore" by Kittie

Personality: Mitra is actually quite bubbly and playful despite being broken down by Mistress Natalia during her slave days and her previous career direction changed so dramatically. She’s not the typical dominatrix, she often acts as a satire of what a stereotypical domme is, this may be due to the fact that she use to be a slave to a rather mean dominatrix. Although at first glance it isn’t noticeable, she is as much a sadist and masochist as Niska is; although she may lean more towards masochistic tendencies in comparison to Niska… The fact that she is a nymph is however a little more obvious then the others!

Attire: As in pic (below)

Special notes:  As a slave she was forced to use similar oils as Natalia, just with a different scent. She didn’t like it at first cause it got her turned on against her will, but now she likes to feel embarrassingly aroused against her will when she goes out to matches

Occasionally, Mitra will soak her hair before coming out to the ring, giving her what she claims to be a “slutty wet look”… Yes, being called a slut is a compliment to her!

Joint past: It is myth and legend that Natalia use to be small, naïve and sweet; perhaps even kawaii material before being made a slave to another mistress. As the story goes, Natalia grew up bigger and stronger rather suddenly around the age of 19 and broke the control the mistress had over her, only to become a dominatrix herself and emulate the one who owned her. Natalia always denies ever being someones slave though; “I call no woman mistress” she would say.

Further rumors suggest that Natalia’s Mistress was none other then Cassandra Sellers, because of Natalia’s relationship with the GM and Cassandra’s dabbling with S&M… But when ever asked Cassandra denies this; “I would never let a slave out of my control” she would say.

Meanwhile, Melanie was previously a normal good spirited wrestler; she met and faced Natalia in a wrestling match which pretty much ended her career as a wrestler as it was then and started a new less tasteful career. Natalia completely dominated her and won, the stakes of the match was unfortunately for the loser to become the winners slave to such a time that the slave can beat the mistress in the ring.

At first Melanie was defiant, but eventually Natalia broke her will and she started acts like a frisky little slut… Melanie challenged Natalia several times to win back her freedom and each time Natalia won quite dominantly, then gave Melanie a little something extra at the end of the matches just for daring to think she could challenge her mistress.

Mistress Natalia was invited to AFW by Cassandra Sellers and brought Melanie along… Her main focus in AFW was Tasha Veith, due to orders from the GM, who she destroyed Tasha twice, however in the third match Tasha got her revenge. A short while afterwards, Melanie challenged made a challenge on Mistress Natalia. Perhaps Natalia was off her game after losing to Tasha, but Melanie managed to surprise Natalia and lock her up in an octopus hold for the win. Melanie had won her freedom, but still craved pain having been Natalia’s slave for so long. After beating Natalia she asked that Natalia to dominate her again just like old times, at first Natalia thought it was some sickening act of pity, but soon she realized that she had twisted Melanie into a bigger pain slut then she was and she actually wanted to be whipped and caned!

The thought of this excited Natalia and the two of them stayed together despite no longer being official Mistress and slave… They often experimented by putting each other in wrestling holds to make each other suffer, at the same time Natalia start to teach Melanie the ways of being a dominatrix… The two of them formed and formidable tag team called “Death by Seduction” which they felt was a good name to convey their taste for pleasure and pain



Tag Team (Death by Seduction): As tag team partners they work effectively bur not efficiently. Remember that they once were mistress and slave, so on occasion there is superiority conflicts between them (although nothing serious, just playful scuffles). In addition, both girl’s love pain and love seeing pain… If one of the team may be trapped in a hold or getting a beat down, the other might start enjoying the site rather then helping out their partner (even sometimes when that partner really starts getting in trouble!). They have even been known to do “mild” attacks upon each other in the middle of a match! None the less, both girl’s have an amazing amount of endurance and that makes them a formidable team despite these team work issues.

Notable relationships:
Tasha Veith - Niska (then going by the wrestling name Mistress Natalia) was brought in by Ms. Sellers to destroy Tasha Veith in order to please her newest asset, Marie Belladonna... Niska attacked Tasha backstage, claiming that she wasn't a dominatrix and trying to get her to call Natalia "Mistress"Tasha refused to do so and even though Niska really destroyed Tasha, she didn't feel quite satisfied. Their next match together was more official, however Mitra (then going by her real name, Melanie) interfered and cost Tasha the match. After the match Niska spoke in private with Tasha to ascertain why Marie Belladonna hated Tasha so much that she had to get someone else to attack her. Tasha suggested Niska talk to Marie, which she did.. However the encounter didn't go well and Niska beat down Marie who was much much easier to break then Tasha. Afterwards Niska talked to Tasha again and admitted she was wrong about her, Tasha asked for a fair match which Niska accepted. In the long hard fought match, Tasha eventually claimed victory and Niska's body for some time. Afterwards Niska went through some changes


Niska’s blog

Real name: Natalia Francheska Benyova

How Hentai are you: ♥♥♥♥♥ I fight hardcore and dirty… but also fight quite explicitly erotic at the same time. It doesn’t matter what kind of match we are in, you are not safe so you better use protection!! I’m pretty strong against hentai moves, although some types of pain turn me on quicker then any seduction does.

Wins: 4
Losses: 1
Draws: 0


**If there are any matches I have left out or corrections on these, please inform me

Championship belt history:

Cassandra Sellers

Tasha Veith
Addyson Queensbury


♥Addyson Queensbury
♥Tasha Veith

(1 heart indicates a minor but notable attraction, 3 indicates a large soft spot for the person, 5 indicates love or infatuation)


Mitra’s blog

Real name: Melanie Holden

How Hentai are you: ♥♥♥♥♥ I’m a little slut that’s for sure Wink … What…? I guess I’m slightly weaker in hentai stuff then Mistress… I mean Niska. That’s mainly because I’m more receptive to being turned on by pain and other means. None the less I am extremely frisky, probably more so then Niska, so that’s my positive

Wins: 3
Losses: 0
Draws: 0


**If there are any matches I have left out or corrections on these, please inform me

Championship belt history:

Cassandra Sellers



♥Addyson Queensbury

(1 heart indicates a minor but notable attraction, 3 indicates a large soft spot for the person, 5 indicates love or infatuation)

Character model tag: Tira and Chocolate Misu from Sorcerer Hunters

Dungeon Diary

Mistress Natalia vs. Tasha (archived) *IM Match*
Welcoming back the Submission Queen (Tasha and Natalia) *IM Backstage*
Marie and Natalia *IM Backstage brawl*
Tasha and Natalia *IM Backstage*
Mistress Natalia vs Mistress Tasha

Deal with the devil *Backstage*
Brittany vs Death by Seduction
Elizabeth Vs Niska: Mistress Battles Mistress *Incomplete*
Handcuff handicap! Addyson Queensbury Vs. Death by Seduction
Hardcore Hentai - Aiden vs Mitra
SS '14 Den of Sin Match: Divatrix Vs. Death by Seduction *Incomplete*

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by Kelsea
on Sun Oct 12, 2014 1:23 pm
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Topic: Death by Seduction - Niska & Mitra
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The Love Bunnies

The Love Bunnies

Topics tagged under pinkhair on Anime Female Wrestling Cg3CzYmTopics tagged under pinkhair on Anime Female Wrestling 398g342

Name: Leah Bunny
Age: 24
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5"5
Weight: 120lbs
Nationality: Dutch

Alignment: "love or hate" heel - Leah will often do cheap shots or blindside the referee to get an advantage, not to mention tease and humilate her opponent if she gets the chance, but she usually goes about these acts the way a mischievous scamp might do. The crowd usually have a mixed response, some booing her antics and others cheering the fun making.

Tactics and style Pro wrestler (standard): Leah utilizes many standard wrestling manuevers that rely on technique rather then power or speed (although she leans towards speed more then her sister). During a match she can remain quick paced but often takes time out to pump up the crowd or to tease her opponent in order to get under her skin and throw her off her game a little.

Preferred matches: She prefers standard matches or humiliation matches (even though humiliation matches is semi-kawaii match)

Favoured moves: Stink face (using the bunny tail to extra effect), Tornado DDT, head scissors take down, swinging neck breaker
Finishing move/s: "Bunny hop" (team finishing move); Usually Mara will set up the victim for a standard powerbomb, but at the same time Leah will go to the top ropes. As Mara has her back to the turnbuckle with the victim on her shoulders, Leah will jump over the top of Mara but purposely collide with the opponent. Therefore giving Mara more momentum to slam the two bodies to the ground with Leah on top of course (And usually the victim will get a face full of Leah's breasts as she crushes her into the mat ;P )

"Bunny Sandwich" (team finishing move); Usually Mara will grab onto the victim in a bear hug while her sis takes a running start from behind to splash herself into the victim back. From here Leah will hug her arms around the victim's belly while Mara opens her arms to embrace Leah and the victim for a double bear hug. *this one's Mara's favorite!

Entrance music: "All the things she said" by Tatu


Personality: Leah has a mischievous sense of humour, quite often described as cheeky, she often delights in teasing or making fun of others... She’s definitely an extrovert (often playing out for the crowd to get them cheering on their feet) and can make her supposed sister look quite reserved in comparison. Also Leah can sometimes appear to be quite vain, but it is unknown if this is part of an act she uses to annoy her opponent. In the duo, Leah often appears to be the leader more so because of the way Mara acts rather then Leah showing leader like qualities. Generally with her cheekiness and tendency to hissy fit occasionally, she wouldn’t usually appear to be a leader.
Attire: see pic

Name: Mara Bunny
Age: 24
Eyes: Lavender
Hair: Pink
Height: 5"9
Weight: 182lbs
Nationality: Dutch

Alignment: "lovable" heel - Mara occasional blindsides the ref (particularly in tag matches where her sis is a bad influence), she also takes on kawaii in a jobber situation and will go overboard with beating them. But because Mara is so adorable, the crowd often find it hard to boo her and she will even get cheered even though she's kind of a heel.

Tactics and style Pro wrestler (power house): particularly with girls dressed in a way that is attractive to her eye (ie some kind of cute costume) or with kawaii girls, Mara’s main aim becomes getting them in a bear hug and cuddling them into a coma. She has surprisingly good upper body strength which she uses in high impact moves or bear hugs.

Preferred match: Despite not being a kawaii, she has enjoyed watch numerous kawaii matches, the sumo panties definiately caught her eye. Other then that, she likes just the standard match

Favoured moves: Bear hugs!!! Clotheslines, full body slams, body splashes, body blocks
Finishing move/s: "Bunny hop" (team finishing move); Usually Mara will set up the victim for a standard powerbomb, but at the same time Leah will go to the top ropes. As Mara has her back to the turnbuckle with the victim on her shoulders, Leah will jump over the top of Mara but purposely collide with the opponent. Therefore giving Mara more momentum to slam the two bodies to the ground with Leah on top of course (And usually the victim will get a face full of Leah's breasts as she crushes her into the mat ;P )

"Bunny Sandwich" (team finishing move); Usually Mara will grab onto the victim in a bear hug while her sis takes a running start from behind to splash herself into the victim back. From here Leah will hug her arms around the victim's belly while Mara opens her arms to embrace Leah and the victim for a double bear hug. *this one's Mara's favorite!

Entrance music: "All the things she said" by Tatu


Personality: Mara doesn't always seem quite all there, but she is extremely cuddly and friendly in a strange way that makes it seem like she doesn’t mean to badly hurt some of her opponents but just does so by accident... There is some skin deep similarities to Lenny from "Of Mice and Men", and strange coincidences that Lenny happened to be obsessed with rabbits. This does give her a certain 'cute' attribute that is different from Leah’s, she certainly is very child like in her cuteness. Mara is very strong and has a size advantage over her sister so they still balance each other out.
Attire: see pic

Joint Past: So far as anyone knows, they have never been apart; they live together, eat together and sleep together (in the same bed!). Mara and Leah themselves claim to be sisters, however quite often they’ll openly flirting with each other as if having a scandalous affair; this is not done discretely either! It is unknown whether the flirting is all an act, or if they are not actually sisters (seems their physical appearances are quite different, hair and eyes colour especially), who knows... Perhaps they ARE sisters that are VERY close.. Because they have been together for so long and are so close they work extremely well as a team, but also take part in singles matches and often surprise some people with just how individual they are away from each other... Occasionally they’ve even been put in matches against each other, but each time them matches ended in one of them fondling the other into submission rather then a proper wrestling match

Noteable relationships:
The Kitty Katts - The feud between Kitty Katts and Love bunnies started long ago... Cassandra Sellers placed the Kitty Katts in a "One match" tournament against another tag team for the title belts, it was a major surprise that the bunnies were not picked to be in the competition. The Bunnies and the Kitty Katts were scheduled to fight in a standard tag match so the Bunnies sought to prove themselves worth to Cassandra where as the Kitty Katts looks for practice before their tag title match. The Bunnies won the match, however their celebration was cut short when Sellers (via Silhouette) cut in over the big screen to announce that the Kitty Katt's opponent for the tag titles had broken their contract and left AFW, therefore the Kitty Katts were declared champions by default. This announcement infuriated the bunnies (Leah more so then Mara), seems their celebration on winning was ruined and the Katts got the titles so easily when the bunnies felt they should have taken the place of the other team, the Love bunnies proceeded to pound on the Kitty Katts after the match in retaliation.

Afterwards singles matches were set up, as Mara had gotten an unhealthy and strange infatuation for Sarah Katt she convinced Leah to let her take on Sarah alone in a humilation match, while Leah Bunny took on Rhoda Katt. Mara really got the better of Sarah Katt, finishing her by putting a unpeeled banana in her sex! Rhoda was able to get the best of Leah though which meant the score between them was a draw, although the bunnies still had the tag victory over them. The Katts then went on a long break from wrestling and although their title was vacated, the rivalry between the two teams only slightly simmered down.

Pussy Willow - Pussy happened to see the matches the Love Bunnies had with the Kitty Katts, being a fan of all cat girls, she was rather annoyed at the way Mara Bunny completely humiliated Sarah Katt. After taking on Sarah to teach her a lesson for allowing such a defeat to happen, Pussy then took on Mara to teach her a lesson for doing such a thing to a cat girl! Pussy was able to get a convincing win over Mara, but yet again Mara got a similar unhealthy infatuation with Pussy as she had done with Sarah Katt... Mara and Leah got togeather and caught Pussy in a surprise handicap match, completely taking Pussy apart, although by the end of the match Mara was seen carrying Pussy off in an intimate "Front" piggy-back. Pussy had wanted to re-challenge the bunnies, but her private life had gotten in the way of that

Eclipse - After Eclipse lost the tag team titles in a farce match against the Lovely Couple, the love bunnies made fun of Eclipse when they beat the Lovely Couple themselves to show how easy it was. The tag titles were vacated and after a while returned to Eclipse which angered the bunnies as the belt was not contested to come to that decision (much like with the Kitty Katts). wearing bandit masks and calling themselves The Bandit Bunnies, "Wascal Wabbit" and "Bandit Bun Bun"...


the bunnies started a campaign in which they would interrupt Eclipse's match with Cait Sith and kidnap younger Eclipse member Tomomi twice... All the while pretending to be their friends and helpers as the Love bunnies and later on as BPA (Bunny Protection Agency). This all converged to a tag title match in Avalanche in which Eclipse dressed up as bunnies to try and annoy Mara and Leah. Towards the end of the match, the love bunnies (dressed as the bandit bunnies) stole the tag belts and escaped, claiming themselves to be the new tag champions despite the match ending in a double count out.

Mara's kawaii squashing mission: Recently Mara wanted to join the kawaii league because of how “Shiny and cute” it was, but was denied because of her age, size and experience (she was deemed to be a mismatch for many of the kawaiis). She was very sad, but still has decided to go on a mission to hug all the kawaiis, bear hug that is Topics tagged under pinkhair on Anime Female Wrestling Icon_razz Without apparent intention of malice, she finds herself enjoying squashing kawaii girls in matches.


Leah's Blog

Real name: Leah de Haas

How Hentai are you: ♥♥♥♥ I don’t mind being put in hentai matches and if I think my opponent is quite shy sexually, it’s not beyond me to turn a non-hentai match sexual to get them all embarrassed hehe. Still, I’m slightly more hentai then my sister as I’ll occasionally try to get my opponent all worked up in standard matches

Wins: 11
Losses: 4
Draws: 2


Love Bunnies v Pussy
Leah v Shizuka
Leah v Sophia
Love Bunnies v Sharaiya
The Love Bunnies v The Lovely Couple
The Love Bunnies v Eclipse (c)
The Love Bunnies (c) v Sumo Sensei
The Love Bunnies (c) v The Goddesses
Leah Bunny Vs. Seele Vs. Bastet
The Love Bunnies (C) Vs. The Frozen Flame Combo
Summer Splash 15 Tag Title Four Corners Match!
The Love Bunnies vs. The Adorable Cuties

**If there are any matches I have left out or corrections on these, please inform me

Championship belt history:
Previous Friction Tag Team Champions - proclaim title holders after stealing the belts from Eclipse
defended against Sumo Sensei (Akashi and Miss Spencer) at Avalanche
defended against The Goddesses (Bastet and Anubis)
Won triple threat match for #1 contendership versus Bastet and Seele (preventing the Goddesses or Cait Sith from challenging for the title)
defended against Frozen Flame (due to no contest)
Lost to Frozen Flame during four corners match including Frozen Flame, Cait Sith and The Goddesses

Mara Bunny

Megumi Mutoh
Chigusa Yuuki
Pussy Willow

Megumi Mutoh
Chigusa Yuuki

Mara Bunny ♥♥♥♥♥
Bastet ♥♥
Seele ♥♥
Pussy Willow ♥
(1 heart indicates a minor but notable attraction, 3 indicates a large soft spot for the person, 5 indicates love or infatuation)


Mara's Blog

Real name: Mara de Haas

How Hentai are you: ♥♥♥ I like the kawaii! And anything cute, like the kawaii!!! I like to hug and squish them but I don’t usually go much further then fondling them up. I won’t normally turn a non-hentai match sexual like my sis does and most erotic things I do tend to be a side effect to a humiliation attempt

Wins: 11 (4)
Losses: 3 (0)
Draws: 2(0)


Love Bunnies v Pussy
Love Bunnies v Sharaiya
The Love Bunnies v The Lovely Couple
Bandit Bun Bun vs. Tomomi Watanabe
The Love Bunnies v Eclipse (c)
The Love Bunnies (c) v Sumo Sensei
The Love Bunnies (c) v The Goddesses
The Love Bunnies (C) Vs. The Frozen Flame Combo
Summer Splash 15 Tag Title Four Corners Match!
The Love Bunnies vs. The Adorable Cuties

Kawaii mission matches:
Mara v Kanai
Mara v Aiko
Mara v Alea

**If there are any matches I have left out or corrections on these, please inform me

Championship belt history:
Previous Friction Tag Team Champions - proclaim title holders after stealing the belts from Eclipse
defended against Sumo Sensei (Akashi and Miss Spencer) at Avalanche
defended against The Goddesses (Bastet and Anubis)
Leah won triple threat match for #1 contendership versus Bastet and Seele (preventing the Goddesses or Cait Sith from challenging for the title)
defended against Frozen Flame (due to no contest)
Lost to Frozen Flame during four corners match including Frozen Flame, Cait Sith and The Goddesses

Leah Bunny
Kat (girlfriend)

Megumi Mutoh
Chigusa Yuuki
Pussy Willow


Leah Bunny ♥♥♥♥♥
Kat ♥♥♥♥
Alea Hohoharu ♥♥♥
Tomomi Watanabe ♥♥
Pussy Willow ♥
(1 heart indicates a minor but notable attraction, 3 indicates a large soft spot for the person, 5 indicates love or infatuation)

Bunnies Secret Diary :3

Tag Title Match: The Kitty Katts vs. The Love Bunnies *Incomplete*
Leah Bunny vs. Shizuka Suyuki
Mara Bunny vs. "Cutie" Kanai
Foxes and Rabbits *Backstage YIM*
The Love Bunnies vs. Pussy Willow
Aiko Takeda vs Mara Bunny
Sophia Kin vs. Leah Bunny
Lovely couple of hugs *Promo*
The Love Bunnies vs. The Lovely Couple
The Love Bunnies vs. Sharaiya *YIM Match*
The Tiger Cubs Vs. The Love Bunnies *Incomplete*
Anarchy Sisters vs Love Bunnies *Incomplete*
Tag Title Match: Four Team Dance! *Incomplete*
Leah Bunny vs, Lia Cross *Incomplete*

Tag Team Title Ceremony! *Promo*
Bunnypalooza *Incomplete*
AFW SUPER SPECIAL: Hangman Game! *Cameo*
Tag team match! Eclipse vs Cait Sith *Cameo*
Twas The Dream before Christmas *Cameo*
Bunny Crime Watch *Promo*
Bandit Wabbit's super cool evil lair >:3 *Promo*
SS '12: Command & Conquer vs Eclipse, Volleyball strip match *Cameo*
Bandit Wabbits > Pampered Poodles *Promo*
Av'12 Tag Team Title match

Mara Bunny vs. Alea Hohoharu
Makin' a Splash! *Promo*
Brat Business *Cameo/Promo*

Crowning new champs *Cameo*
Silly Sumo Sensei *Promo*
The Love Bunnies vs. The Burner Sisters *Incomplete*
Av 13 Tag Title Match: The Love Bunnies (C) Vs. Sumo+Sensei

Awesomeness personified :3 *Promo*
The Love Bunnies (c) vs. The Goddesses
Tag Out *Promo*
AV 14 Triple Threat: Leah Bunny Vs. Seele Vs. Bastet for the Tag Team #1 Contendership
Can Kats and Bunnies Coexist!? *Backstage*
This ring ain't big enough for the four of us *Promo*
The Love Bunnies (C) Vs. The Frozen Flame Combo
Summer Splash 15 Tag Title Four Corners Match!
Super serious play fun time! (with Mara and Kat) *Backstage*
The Love Bunnies vs. The Adorable Cuties

Search Tags:
by Kelsea
on Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:34 pm
Search in: Tag Teams
Topic: The Love Bunnies
Replies: 0
Views: 8436

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