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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
Rebecca Tomko
#1 contender

Tag Team Champions
#1 contender

Hardcore 24/7 Champion
Yona "The Graceful Undead" Giovanni
#1 contender

Hentai Champion
Bianca Garcia
#1 contender

Entropy Champion
Panther Risako
#1 contender
Ellie St. James

Rising Star Champion
Piper Sherwood
#1 contender



Tension World Champion
Sierra Oasis
#1 contender

Nekketsu Champion
Iris Takahashi
#1 contender
Giovanni "Gyro" Zeppeli


Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Search found 8 matches for softcorecharacter

The Love Bunnies

The Love Bunnies

Topics tagged under softcorecharacter on Anime Female Wrestling Cg3CzYmTopics tagged under softcorecharacter on Anime Female Wrestling 398g342

Name: Leah Bunny
Age: 24
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5"5
Weight: 120lbs
Nationality: Dutch

Alignment: "love or hate" heel - Leah will often do cheap shots or blindside the referee to get an advantage, not to mention tease and humilate her opponent if she gets the chance, but she usually goes about these acts the way a mischievous scamp might do. The crowd usually have a mixed response, some booing her antics and others cheering the fun making.

Tactics and style Pro wrestler (standard): Leah utilizes many standard wrestling manuevers that rely on technique rather then power or speed (although she leans towards speed more then her sister). During a match she can remain quick paced but often takes time out to pump up the crowd or to tease her opponent in order to get under her skin and throw her off her game a little.

Preferred matches: She prefers standard matches or humiliation matches (even though humiliation matches is semi-kawaii match)

Favoured moves: Stink face (using the bunny tail to extra effect), Tornado DDT, head scissors take down, swinging neck breaker
Finishing move/s: "Bunny hop" (team finishing move); Usually Mara will set up the victim for a standard powerbomb, but at the same time Leah will go to the top ropes. As Mara has her back to the turnbuckle with the victim on her shoulders, Leah will jump over the top of Mara but purposely collide with the opponent. Therefore giving Mara more momentum to slam the two bodies to the ground with Leah on top of course (And usually the victim will get a face full of Leah's breasts as she crushes her into the mat ;P )

"Bunny Sandwich" (team finishing move); Usually Mara will grab onto the victim in a bear hug while her sis takes a running start from behind to splash herself into the victim back. From here Leah will hug her arms around the victim's belly while Mara opens her arms to embrace Leah and the victim for a double bear hug. *this one's Mara's favorite!

Entrance music: "All the things she said" by Tatu


Personality: Leah has a mischievous sense of humour, quite often described as cheeky, she often delights in teasing or making fun of others... She’s definitely an extrovert (often playing out for the crowd to get them cheering on their feet) and can make her supposed sister look quite reserved in comparison. Also Leah can sometimes appear to be quite vain, but it is unknown if this is part of an act she uses to annoy her opponent. In the duo, Leah often appears to be the leader more so because of the way Mara acts rather then Leah showing leader like qualities. Generally with her cheekiness and tendency to hissy fit occasionally, she wouldn’t usually appear to be a leader.
Attire: see pic

Name: Mara Bunny
Age: 24
Eyes: Lavender
Hair: Pink
Height: 5"9
Weight: 182lbs
Nationality: Dutch

Alignment: "lovable" heel - Mara occasional blindsides the ref (particularly in tag matches where her sis is a bad influence), she also takes on kawaii in a jobber situation and will go overboard with beating them. But because Mara is so adorable, the crowd often find it hard to boo her and she will even get cheered even though she's kind of a heel.

Tactics and style Pro wrestler (power house): particularly with girls dressed in a way that is attractive to her eye (ie some kind of cute costume) or with kawaii girls, Mara’s main aim becomes getting them in a bear hug and cuddling them into a coma. She has surprisingly good upper body strength which she uses in high impact moves or bear hugs.

Preferred match: Despite not being a kawaii, she has enjoyed watch numerous kawaii matches, the sumo panties definiately caught her eye. Other then that, she likes just the standard match

Favoured moves: Bear hugs!!! Clotheslines, full body slams, body splashes, body blocks
Finishing move/s: "Bunny hop" (team finishing move); Usually Mara will set up the victim for a standard powerbomb, but at the same time Leah will go to the top ropes. As Mara has her back to the turnbuckle with the victim on her shoulders, Leah will jump over the top of Mara but purposely collide with the opponent. Therefore giving Mara more momentum to slam the two bodies to the ground with Leah on top of course (And usually the victim will get a face full of Leah's breasts as she crushes her into the mat ;P )

"Bunny Sandwich" (team finishing move); Usually Mara will grab onto the victim in a bear hug while her sis takes a running start from behind to splash herself into the victim back. From here Leah will hug her arms around the victim's belly while Mara opens her arms to embrace Leah and the victim for a double bear hug. *this one's Mara's favorite!

Entrance music: "All the things she said" by Tatu


Personality: Mara doesn't always seem quite all there, but she is extremely cuddly and friendly in a strange way that makes it seem like she doesn’t mean to badly hurt some of her opponents but just does so by accident... There is some skin deep similarities to Lenny from "Of Mice and Men", and strange coincidences that Lenny happened to be obsessed with rabbits. This does give her a certain 'cute' attribute that is different from Leah’s, she certainly is very child like in her cuteness. Mara is very strong and has a size advantage over her sister so they still balance each other out.
Attire: see pic

Joint Past: So far as anyone knows, they have never been apart; they live together, eat together and sleep together (in the same bed!). Mara and Leah themselves claim to be sisters, however quite often they’ll openly flirting with each other as if having a scandalous affair; this is not done discretely either! It is unknown whether the flirting is all an act, or if they are not actually sisters (seems their physical appearances are quite different, hair and eyes colour especially), who knows... Perhaps they ARE sisters that are VERY close.. Because they have been together for so long and are so close they work extremely well as a team, but also take part in singles matches and often surprise some people with just how individual they are away from each other... Occasionally they’ve even been put in matches against each other, but each time them matches ended in one of them fondling the other into submission rather then a proper wrestling match

Noteable relationships:
The Kitty Katts - The feud between Kitty Katts and Love bunnies started long ago... Cassandra Sellers placed the Kitty Katts in a "One match" tournament against another tag team for the title belts, it was a major surprise that the bunnies were not picked to be in the competition. The Bunnies and the Kitty Katts were scheduled to fight in a standard tag match so the Bunnies sought to prove themselves worth to Cassandra where as the Kitty Katts looks for practice before their tag title match. The Bunnies won the match, however their celebration was cut short when Sellers (via Silhouette) cut in over the big screen to announce that the Kitty Katt's opponent for the tag titles had broken their contract and left AFW, therefore the Kitty Katts were declared champions by default. This announcement infuriated the bunnies (Leah more so then Mara), seems their celebration on winning was ruined and the Katts got the titles so easily when the bunnies felt they should have taken the place of the other team, the Love bunnies proceeded to pound on the Kitty Katts after the match in retaliation.

Afterwards singles matches were set up, as Mara had gotten an unhealthy and strange infatuation for Sarah Katt she convinced Leah to let her take on Sarah alone in a humilation match, while Leah Bunny took on Rhoda Katt. Mara really got the better of Sarah Katt, finishing her by putting a unpeeled banana in her sex! Rhoda was able to get the best of Leah though which meant the score between them was a draw, although the bunnies still had the tag victory over them. The Katts then went on a long break from wrestling and although their title was vacated, the rivalry between the two teams only slightly simmered down.

Pussy Willow - Pussy happened to see the matches the Love Bunnies had with the Kitty Katts, being a fan of all cat girls, she was rather annoyed at the way Mara Bunny completely humiliated Sarah Katt. After taking on Sarah to teach her a lesson for allowing such a defeat to happen, Pussy then took on Mara to teach her a lesson for doing such a thing to a cat girl! Pussy was able to get a convincing win over Mara, but yet again Mara got a similar unhealthy infatuation with Pussy as she had done with Sarah Katt... Mara and Leah got togeather and caught Pussy in a surprise handicap match, completely taking Pussy apart, although by the end of the match Mara was seen carrying Pussy off in an intimate "Front" piggy-back. Pussy had wanted to re-challenge the bunnies, but her private life had gotten in the way of that

Eclipse - After Eclipse lost the tag team titles in a farce match against the Lovely Couple, the love bunnies made fun of Eclipse when they beat the Lovely Couple themselves to show how easy it was. The tag titles were vacated and after a while returned to Eclipse which angered the bunnies as the belt was not contested to come to that decision (much like with the Kitty Katts). wearing bandit masks and calling themselves The Bandit Bunnies, "Wascal Wabbit" and "Bandit Bun Bun"...


the bunnies started a campaign in which they would interrupt Eclipse's match with Cait Sith and kidnap younger Eclipse member Tomomi twice... All the while pretending to be their friends and helpers as the Love bunnies and later on as BPA (Bunny Protection Agency). This all converged to a tag title match in Avalanche in which Eclipse dressed up as bunnies to try and annoy Mara and Leah. Towards the end of the match, the love bunnies (dressed as the bandit bunnies) stole the tag belts and escaped, claiming themselves to be the new tag champions despite the match ending in a double count out.

Mara's kawaii squashing mission: Recently Mara wanted to join the kawaii league because of how “Shiny and cute” it was, but was denied because of her age, size and experience (she was deemed to be a mismatch for many of the kawaiis). She was very sad, but still has decided to go on a mission to hug all the kawaiis, bear hug that is Topics tagged under softcorecharacter on Anime Female Wrestling Icon_razz Without apparent intention of malice, she finds herself enjoying squashing kawaii girls in matches.


Leah's Blog

Real name: Leah de Haas

How Hentai are you: ♥♥♥♥ I don’t mind being put in hentai matches and if I think my opponent is quite shy sexually, it’s not beyond me to turn a non-hentai match sexual to get them all embarrassed hehe. Still, I’m slightly more hentai then my sister as I’ll occasionally try to get my opponent all worked up in standard matches

Wins: 11
Losses: 4
Draws: 2


Love Bunnies v Pussy
Leah v Shizuka
Leah v Sophia
Love Bunnies v Sharaiya
The Love Bunnies v The Lovely Couple
The Love Bunnies v Eclipse (c)
The Love Bunnies (c) v Sumo Sensei
The Love Bunnies (c) v The Goddesses
Leah Bunny Vs. Seele Vs. Bastet
The Love Bunnies (C) Vs. The Frozen Flame Combo
Summer Splash 15 Tag Title Four Corners Match!
The Love Bunnies vs. The Adorable Cuties

**If there are any matches I have left out or corrections on these, please inform me

Championship belt history:
Previous Friction Tag Team Champions - proclaim title holders after stealing the belts from Eclipse
defended against Sumo Sensei (Akashi and Miss Spencer) at Avalanche
defended against The Goddesses (Bastet and Anubis)
Won triple threat match for #1 contendership versus Bastet and Seele (preventing the Goddesses or Cait Sith from challenging for the title)
defended against Frozen Flame (due to no contest)
Lost to Frozen Flame during four corners match including Frozen Flame, Cait Sith and The Goddesses

Mara Bunny

Megumi Mutoh
Chigusa Yuuki
Pussy Willow

Megumi Mutoh
Chigusa Yuuki

Mara Bunny ♥♥♥♥♥
Bastet ♥♥
Seele ♥♥
Pussy Willow ♥
(1 heart indicates a minor but notable attraction, 3 indicates a large soft spot for the person, 5 indicates love or infatuation)


Mara's Blog

Real name: Mara de Haas

How Hentai are you: ♥♥♥ I like the kawaii! And anything cute, like the kawaii!!! I like to hug and squish them but I don’t usually go much further then fondling them up. I won’t normally turn a non-hentai match sexual like my sis does and most erotic things I do tend to be a side effect to a humiliation attempt

Wins: 11 (4)
Losses: 3 (0)
Draws: 2(0)


Love Bunnies v Pussy
Love Bunnies v Sharaiya
The Love Bunnies v The Lovely Couple
Bandit Bun Bun vs. Tomomi Watanabe
The Love Bunnies v Eclipse (c)
The Love Bunnies (c) v Sumo Sensei
The Love Bunnies (c) v The Goddesses
The Love Bunnies (C) Vs. The Frozen Flame Combo
Summer Splash 15 Tag Title Four Corners Match!
The Love Bunnies vs. The Adorable Cuties

Kawaii mission matches:
Mara v Kanai
Mara v Aiko
Mara v Alea

**If there are any matches I have left out or corrections on these, please inform me

Championship belt history:
Previous Friction Tag Team Champions - proclaim title holders after stealing the belts from Eclipse
defended against Sumo Sensei (Akashi and Miss Spencer) at Avalanche
defended against The Goddesses (Bastet and Anubis)
Leah won triple threat match for #1 contendership versus Bastet and Seele (preventing the Goddesses or Cait Sith from challenging for the title)
defended against Frozen Flame (due to no contest)
Lost to Frozen Flame during four corners match including Frozen Flame, Cait Sith and The Goddesses

Leah Bunny
Kat (girlfriend)

Megumi Mutoh
Chigusa Yuuki
Pussy Willow


Leah Bunny ♥♥♥♥♥
Kat ♥♥♥♥
Alea Hohoharu ♥♥♥
Tomomi Watanabe ♥♥
Pussy Willow ♥
(1 heart indicates a minor but notable attraction, 3 indicates a large soft spot for the person, 5 indicates love or infatuation)

Bunnies Secret Diary :3

Tag Title Match: The Kitty Katts vs. The Love Bunnies *Incomplete*
Leah Bunny vs. Shizuka Suyuki
Mara Bunny vs. "Cutie" Kanai
Foxes and Rabbits *Backstage YIM*
The Love Bunnies vs. Pussy Willow
Aiko Takeda vs Mara Bunny
Sophia Kin vs. Leah Bunny
Lovely couple of hugs *Promo*
The Love Bunnies vs. The Lovely Couple
The Love Bunnies vs. Sharaiya *YIM Match*
The Tiger Cubs Vs. The Love Bunnies *Incomplete*
Anarchy Sisters vs Love Bunnies *Incomplete*
Tag Title Match: Four Team Dance! *Incomplete*
Leah Bunny vs, Lia Cross *Incomplete*

Tag Team Title Ceremony! *Promo*
Bunnypalooza *Incomplete*
AFW SUPER SPECIAL: Hangman Game! *Cameo*
Tag team match! Eclipse vs Cait Sith *Cameo*
Twas The Dream before Christmas *Cameo*
Bunny Crime Watch *Promo*
Bandit Wabbit's super cool evil lair >:3 *Promo*
SS '12: Command & Conquer vs Eclipse, Volleyball strip match *Cameo*
Bandit Wabbits > Pampered Poodles *Promo*
Av'12 Tag Team Title match

Mara Bunny vs. Alea Hohoharu
Makin' a Splash! *Promo*
Brat Business *Cameo/Promo*

Crowning new champs *Cameo*
Silly Sumo Sensei *Promo*
The Love Bunnies vs. The Burner Sisters *Incomplete*
Av 13 Tag Title Match: The Love Bunnies (C) Vs. Sumo+Sensei

Awesomeness personified :3 *Promo*
The Love Bunnies (c) vs. The Goddesses
Tag Out *Promo*
AV 14 Triple Threat: Leah Bunny Vs. Seele Vs. Bastet for the Tag Team #1 Contendership
Can Kats and Bunnies Coexist!? *Backstage*
This ring ain't big enough for the four of us *Promo*
The Love Bunnies (C) Vs. The Frozen Flame Combo
Summer Splash 15 Tag Title Four Corners Match!
Super serious play fun time! (with Mara and Kat) *Backstage*
The Love Bunnies vs. The Adorable Cuties

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by Kelsea
on Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:34 pm
Search in: Tag Teams
Topic: The Love Bunnies
Replies: 0
Views: 8438

Cham Cham (The Jungle Kitten)

The Jungle Kitten

Topics tagged under softcorecharacter on Anime Female Wrestling X0Z4iTS

Cham Cham

Name: Cham Cham
Alias: The kitten jungle girl
Age: Claims to be 2 in cat years (Looks to be 18)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Green
Height: 4”11
Weight: 92lbs
Nationality: Columbia
Alignment tweener - Pretty rough for a kawaii and usually doesn't understand the difference between hardcore and standard (ie. will do hardcore stuff in a standard match). But she's so cute that the audience couldn't really get that mad with her

Tactics and style: Kawaii brawler, Cham Cham will use anything possible but prefers a combination of grapples and strikes. She is use to getting rough and is happy to use weapons as well.

Prefered match: Anything hardcore
Favoured moves: power moves like body slams, pile drivers and power bombs on girls around her size. Larger opponents, she usually has to use face paced moves and body splashes (although she might be tempted to try a power move on them even if she would likely fail to pull it off)

Signature move/s: none for now

Finishing move/s:
"The Jungle drop" an inverted piledriver, she holds them upside and gives them a faceful of her bare crotch (as she's usually naked under the loin cloth Surprised  ), then finally will jump up and drop down into a sitting position. She can only really pull this off against other kawaiis her size..

Entrance music: Burn Bobonga! from Chrono Trigger OST


Topics tagged under softcorecharacter on Anime Female Wrestling WCSx17x

Topics tagged under softcorecharacter on Anime Female Wrestling TeVOMEz

Topics tagged under softcorecharacter on Anime Female Wrestling 0NJbKtA

Topics tagged under softcorecharacter on Anime Female Wrestling NenQSba

Topics tagged under softcorecharacter on Anime Female Wrestling C2HbKFr

Personality: She not the smartest of girls you’ll come across and this is personified even more by the fact that she speaks in third person all the time, however she shows signs of extreme curiosity... Everything about her is very primitive and is very very feline in nature. However behind all that cuteness, when she gets into the ring she can be very aggressive and likes to get rough and dirty with her opponents (she sometimes shows off her playful side in the ring too). All in all she is quick to lose her temper and does not like being made fun of because of her lack of intelligence or primitive nature...

Past: Cham Cham was born in a village deep within the jungles of Columbia, completely cut away from the outside world. Because of their isolation, it was a rather backward un-modernized society. Being the adventurous type, Cham Cham soon grew bored of the limited confines of the village and as soon as there was an opportunity, she left with a group of other villages in order to go to the towns and Cities, she loved the jungles but wanted to see the world.

The change in culture was a big shock and Cham Cham never really adapted, truth be told she was more primitive and less intelligent then most of the people from her own village. Occasionally she would go live in the wild for a few days and then come back into the city all dirty and unwashed, not understanding what the problem with that was.

Cham Cham never lost her primitive aggressive tendency and soon grew interested in violent sports; Boxing, wrestling… Anything that involved some sort of fighting was good. She managed to find an underground wrestling league and signed herself up, not even caring that the league was predominantly adult males. As she was only 17 at the time, she pretty much got beat up and owned real bad in all her matches.

Despite being seen as the comedy punching bag of the league, an scout for AFW happened to spot a performance of hers in the league and was impressed that this (now) 18 year old girl was able to even try to stand up and wrestle against a 30 year old guy. Although she was again beaten down badly, after the match Cham Cham was approached and given the opportunity to wrestle in Japan for AFW.

Attire: see pic

Noteable Relationship:
Izzi – Cham Cham fought with Izzi in a private match, they were both rookie's to AFW. During the match, Izzi kinda looked down on Cham Cham as being too small (ironically) which fueled Cham Cham's anger. They ended up having a really long and rough match, after the match they felt the match was so awesome that they could make an equally awesome faction

Dani Rugu - Makes up the third "original member" of Brat Pack, she continuously acting as a counter measure for Izzi and Cham Cham's idoicity to an extent. They used her to beat Cecilia in a handicap match at the Tension vs. Friction PPV.

Kelly Flowers - Is the first officially recruited member to Brat Pack (with exception of Dani perhaps)

Momoka Shinokawa - Brat Pack member

Misuzu Kishitani - Brat Pack member

The Cylcops - ex Brat Pack member

Zhu Rong - ex Brat Pack member, Cham Cham was strongly apposed to her joining but was overruled by Izzi and Dani.. The two ended up having a feline-esque struggle for dominance


Cham Cham's Blog

Real name: Unknown (presumed to be Cham Cham)

How Hentai are you: ♥♥ Cham Cham not easily embarrassed from nudity, wear loin cloth with nothing underneath so Cham Cham better not get embarrassed... Cham Cham doesn't really do hentai to her opponents but Cham Cham no shy away when opponent does hentai to her... Meow.. some things can get to Cham Cham *blush* ...But if Cham Cham catch up to opponent after they do that, Cham Cham hit head with rock >:3

Wins: 4
Losses: 6
Draws: 0


**If there are any matches I have left out or corrections on these, please inform me

Championship belt history:
Former Tension 24/7 Champion (joint with Izzi)
-defeated Clyde Gastin for the belt
-Lost belt to Killer King
-defeated Killer King to regain the belt
-Lost belt to Carmen Rodriguez

Dani Rugu
Kelly Flowers
Misuzu Kishitani
Momoka Shinokawa

The Cylcops
Zhu Rong
Tam Tam (brother)

Zhu Rong
Tam Tam

Killer King
Carmen Rodriguez


The Brat Book

Tracy Snow vs Cham Cham: The Duel of the Savages
Cham Cham vs. Killer King
24/7 Title: Supermarket Mayhem
Brat Pack: Izzi & Cham Cham vs. Suzume

Hardcore Havoc: Cecilia Northman Vs. the Brat Pack
Mystery Match! Rebecca Tomko Vs. ??? *Cameo*
Poking the bear *Incomplete*
Brat Business *Promo*
Dani v Eri (page 1-6 is canon) *Cameo*
Brat Business: The case of Kelly Flowers *Backstage*
Brat Pack Statement of intent *Backstage*
Brat Business: The Case of "THE Cyclops" *Backstage*

24/7: The Brat Pack (Izzi & Cham Cham) vs. Kira Tenshin *Incomplete*
Brat Pack (Cham Cham & Zhu Rong) vs. Sabre *Incomplete*
Tension Tag Tourney Round 1: The Brat Pack Vs. King's Crew! & 24/7 belt challange
Brat Pack vs. Killer King 24/7 belt
24/7: The Brat Pack (Izzi & Cham Cham) vs. Carmen Rodriguez

Brat Pack (Izzi & Kelly) vs. Victoria Archer*Ongoing/Cameo*
Brat Pack (Dani & ???) vs. Karen Starring *Ongoing*/*Cameo*
Dani vs. Natasha Rostovik *Ongoing*/*Cameo*

by Kelsea
on Wed Oct 08, 2014 6:45 pm
Search in: Friction Kawaii
Topic: Cham Cham (The Jungle Kitten)
Replies: 0
Views: 4132


I'm too good for a prefix title

Topics tagged under softcorecharacter on Anime Female Wrestling Mlijq8


Name: Izzi
Gender: Female
Age: claims to be 124 (can't be much older then 19)
Eyes: blue
Hair: blonde and in two pig tails
Weight: 95lbs
Height: 4"11
Nationality: Australia
Alignment: Impish loveable heel - It's pretty hard to hate something that small and adorable, particularly when she goes up against much bigger and stronger opponents then her. But she does present most of the qualities of a heel with her over the top smack talk and the mischief she likes to stir up. She gets quite a few fans behind her despite being bratty and annoying to her opponent.

Tactics and style: Fast paced pro-style wrestling - Izzi's tactics don't really have much of a science to it, she has a lot of endurance and is very quick. Against big and strong opponents she'll use her speed to her advantage and try to wear them out in a long physical struggle. Against smaller opponents, particularly shy males, she may try a more playful approach. She'll try to put them off guard and distract them by various teasing, but she usually prefers to get rough more then anything.

Preferred match: TLC matches, particularly against larger opponents

Favoured moves: Usually fast paced moves: bulldogs, shinning wizard, tornado DDTs

Finishing move/s: "Brat Face" Izzi gets her opponent in the corner and forces them to sit down with their head against the bottom turnbuckle pad. She then backs up to the opposite corner and slaps her rump a couple of times to warm up before charging back over and launching herself through the air so that the side of her butt cheek slams right into her opponent's face. Depending on if she doesn't want to go for a pin right away while they are still dazed, she sometimes keeps the side of her butt up against the face after the slam and then will yank down her bike shorts a bit before rubbing both hot and sweaty butt cheeks over her opponent's face

Entry music: "Banana Splits" by The Dickies

Appearance: see pics

Personality: Boisterousness, mischievousness, obnoxiousness and arrogance. When you roll all of them traits together into as small a bundle you can make it, with a puff of smoke you get Izzi. She is a real brat and kinda knows it, but the manor in which is arrogant and obnoxious is only semi serious. More like most of the time it is a show to get to her opponents.

Izzi likes to pretend she is a real succubus but shows none of the stereotypical traits of a succubus (ie a seductress and manipulator), she much prefers to straight forwards hit someone over the head rather than tempt them to share a bed with her. She does sometimes display a teasing suggestive side and try her hand at basic seduction techniques. But usually when she does that, she has some kind of humiliation in mind for the victim.

Past:  Izzi was born and raised in Sydney Australia. People might say that Izzi fell in with the wrong crowd and those people who say that would be story tellers, people who speak only in truth would say that in actual fact she was more like the ring leader of that 'wrong crowd'

She was part of a all girl street gang that initially formed under good intentions (mainly just to go around roller blading), but then they started doing dares that got became more and mischievous (eg. Roller blade over a number of cars in the car park, stealing something and skate to escape)

Izzi started to crave and look for bigger and bigger challenges and it wasn't long before her deeds landed her in a few fights. But Izzi started to look for the fights just as much as the challenges.

Eventually Izzi pissed off the wrong person and ended up with a fight with a 6 foot guy, but it just so happened that a scout for AFW happened to be on holiday in Australia at the time and saw the 4"11 bundle taking on someone over a foot taller then her. The fight ended up getting intervened in but the scout saw enough to be impressed with the way Izzi handled herself. He found her afterwards and offered her a try out at AFW which Izzi wasn't going to refuse.

Attire: She wears bluish-purple lycra skin tight biker shorts and matching tube top, all along with a collar, fingerless gloves, elbow and knee pad set. Occasionally she'll wear a yellow sleeveless top over this all, with over sized zipper (all in pics). She occasionally comes down to the ring in her roller blades and fake bat/succubus wings

Special note:
Size vendetta:
-Izzi seems to have a thing about challenging bigger opponents (particularly males) that pride themselves on their strength.. she likes to refer to such people as "Big, dumb and smelly" wrestlers.

Noteable Relationship:
Cham Cham - Izzi took on Cham Cham in a private match pretty soon after she joined AFW. During the match, Izzi kinda looked down on Cham Cham as being too small (ironically). They ended up having a really long and rough match, after the match they felt the match was so awesome that they could make an equally awesome faction

Dani Rugu - Makes up the third "original member" of Brat Pack, she continuously acting as a counter measure for Izzi and Cham Cham's idoicity to an extent. They used her to beat Cecilia in a handicap match at the Tension vs. Friction PPV.

Kelly Flowers - Is the first officially recruited member to Brat Pack (with exception of Dani perhaps)

Momoka Shinokawa - Brat Pack member

Misuzu Kishitani - Brat Pack member

The Cylcops - ex Brat Pack member

Zhu Rong - ex Brat Pack member


Izzi's Blog

Real name: Isabelle Rhodes (first name is presumed to be Isabelle.. everyone calls her Izzi)

How Hentai are you: ♥♥♥ I'm not gonna get all gooey from a little hentai, I'm a succubus for christ sake! If I wanted to, I could have every guy in Tension kissing my ass... Every girl in Friction too if ya swing that way. Luckily for the rest of the roster, I'm here to beat people up in rough matches and not to make people fall in love with me. So its not that I ain't hentai, its just that I choose to give my opponents a chance and only go rough... ... ... They still gonna end up kissing my ass though ;3

Wins: 4
Losses: 7
Draws: 0


**If you recall any matches I have not added or corrections to the matches I have already stated, please tell me

Championship belts history:
Former Tension 24/7 Champion (joint with Cham Cham) - defeated Clyde Gastin for the belt
-defeated Clyde Gastin for the belt
-Lost belt to Killer King
-defeated Killer King to regain the belt
-Lost belt to Carmen Rodriguez

Chammers (Cham Cham)
Dani Rugu
Kelly Flowers
Misuzu Kishitani
Momoka Shinokawa

The Cylcops
Zhu Rong

Victoria Archer

Killer King
Carmen Sandiego (Carmen Rodriguez)
Karen Starring

Kelli DiVanetti ♥♥♥
Victoria Archer ♥♥

The Brat Book

Izzi vs. Gord *Non-Canon*
Izzi vs. Ataru*Non-Canon*
Izzi vs. Revy *Non-Canon*

24/7 Title: Supermarket Mayhem
Brat Pack: Izzi & Cham Cham vs. Suzume

Hardcore Havoc: Cecilia Northman Vs. the Brat Pack
Mystery Match! Rebecca Tomko Vs. ??? *Cameo*
Poking the bear *Incomplete*
Brat Business *Promo*
Dani v Eri (page 1-6 is canon) *Cameo*
Brat Business: The case of Kelly Flowers *Backstage*
Brat Pack Statement of intent *Backstage*
Brat Business: The Case of "THE Cyclops" *Backstage*

24/7: The Brat Pack (Izzi & Cham Cham) vs. Kira Tenshin *Incomplete*
Brat Pack (Cham Cham & Zhu Rong) vs. Sabre *Incomplete*/*Cameo*
Tension Tag Tourney Round 1: The Brat Pack Vs. King's Crew! & 24/7 belt challange
Brat Pack vs. Killer King 24/7 belt
24/7: The Brat Pack (Izzi & Cham Cham) vs. Carmen Rodriguez

Izzi vs. Victoria Archer
Brat Pack (Izzi & Kelly) vs. Victoria Archer
Brat Pack (Dani & ???) vs. Karen Starring *Cameo*
Dani vs. Natasha Rostovik *Cameo*
Izzi vs. Jessica Wright
Izzi vs. Amelie Roux & Karen Starring
Julia Night vs. The Brat Pack (Kelly, Dani & Momoka) *Cameo*

by Kelsea
on Wed Dec 12, 2012 9:54 pm
Search in: Friction Kawaii
Topic: Izzi
Replies: 0
Views: 9358

Leo Fandero

Leo Fandero

Topics tagged under softcorecharacter on Anime Female Wrestling X6l50gl

The Ladies Man

Name: Leo (Leonardo) Fandero
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Height: 5"10
Weight: 180lbs
Nationality: Spanish

Alignment: Roguish heel - by all means he has no problem with taken up the heel mantle and dominating a girl, in fact he quite enjoys it. He won't go out of his way to annoy the crowd, however if all of the crowd is on his opponents side he will usually start to stir them up a bit

Tactics and Style: Pro wrestling grappler/powerhouse; Leo loves to dominate girls and that comes through in the kind of moves he goes for. He usually starts off proceedings with quite a few grappling maneuvers that don't take up too much of his energy, occasionally sneaking in gropes and quick hentai stuff to throw the girl off her game. Then as he takes control of a match he will slowly pick the girl apart, alternating between over powering the girl with big slams as a show of dominance and slapping on humiliating submission holds that either put the girl in a compromising position or allows him to get hentai with her. He's a firm believe of the idea that if you can get inside your opponent's head, then half the match is already won

Favoured moves:
Grapples: DDTs, Swinging neck break, Russian leg sweeps.
Slams: Samoan drop, death vally driver
Submissions: Boston crab, dragon sleeper, head scissors (facing his crotch)

Signature move/s:
torture rack
spike DDT

Finishing move/s:
Womaniser - Leo sets the victim up in a half boston crab, hooking their leg under one armpit while leaving his other hand free to reach down for their crotch and play with them. This move could be used to gain a submission, make his opponent cum or even gain a humiliation submission

Lionheart Pile driver - A pile driver, while holding his opponent upside down, Leo will usually jump up and kick his legs out so that they come down with greater impact then a normal pile driver where the wrestler will just fall backwards into a sitting position.

Entrance music:


Personality: Leo can be sort of a ladies man, he really enjoys teasing, dominating and tormenting girls (although how he treats each girl differs considerably at times). His sarcastic sense of humour and poor sense of responsibility makes him seem like that typical sterotype “The loveable rogue” from movies and TV shows. Most of this was a veil to defend his true self, but he has carried that disguise so long that it is a part of him now.

Leo understands the value of holding your cards to your chest, thus he is actually a bit smarter then he will lead on and tends not to have such a one track mine as is evident usually. Other then that, Leo is generally laid back and seems not to take his matches too seriously...

Although he doesn't express it, Leo tends to look at women in a negative light, particularly considering what a number of girls did to him previously so quite often dominating them sexually or physically, or even punishing them in rough matches can be a form of payback in his mind.

Past: Leonardo was a quiet, well mannered boy attending a small public school in Barcelona… During his very early teens, when he first started going to secondary school, he started getting teased by a group of older girls. Usually this teasing was not intended to be malicious but did make fun of him in a sexual nature and turned out to be quite devastating to his psyche. His parents didn't really pay him that much attention apart from when it came to his studies and so he never received any advice regarding sex or how to handle the female bullies. Upon reaching the age of 16, Leonardo was transferred to a Private upper class school in England as an exchange student. His parents saw this as a much better solution for him to be educated properly and become a "man of the world". Leonardo hoped that this would be his chance for a fresh new start, but when he moved over he quickly realized there was similar kind of girls at this school as well... Prissy, vain, contemptuous and insensitive... Leonardo had grown to hate such girls for what they did to him.  

Back when Leonardo was in his previous school, he noticed that all of the same girls that bullied him seemed to swoon for a dashing roguish guy called Seto... Leonardo hated how arrogant Seto was, the boy was obviously as much bad news for them girls as they were for Leonardo. But despite him being bad news and a womaniser, they still fancied him rotten. As much as Leonardo hated Seto, he decided that he hated the idea of these girl's mistreating him even more... He would much rather have them swoon for him like they did with Seto, most of these girl had an ugly heart so what did it matter if he played around with some of them anyway.

Leonardo shortened his name so that he was regularly being called Leo and started to act as best as he could like Seto, a sarcastic and arrogant ladies man.. It felt uncomfortable at first but most people brought that that is how he was because they hadn't met him before. After a short while, Leo met an English boy named Dominic. Leo kinda saw part of himself in Dominic's shy nature, particularly when it came to girls, because of this Leo befriended him, hoping that he would benefit from taking onboard some of Leo's traits

In time, Leo finally met someone who was able to see through his now perfected act.. A strange girl that went by the name Tonya Silverston, she came across as a new student from another country. Despite being somewhat eccentric, managed to see right through his veil and sensed that underneath Leo was really Leonardo, a shy well mannered boy. This appealed to her and so she responded to some of Leo's advances, leading to an interesting relationship which was left undefined as to whether they were actually dating or not.

After a while, Tonya put an end to the relationship they were having and started flirting with Leo's friend Dominic, but after some time she stopped that too and later moved away.

Leo had always joked around about joining up into a mixed pro wrestling group, but never did anything about it. Once Leo returned back to Spain, he didn't think any more about ideas of wrestling until a couple of years later when he heard from his old friend Dominic that he had signed up with AFW. At first Leo just laughed it off, but on second thought and thinking about how sexual matches could get in AFW, Leo decided it would be something he could get into as well and seems he was unemployed with no ties to keep him in Spain, he packed his bags and headed for Japan and the AFW.

Attire: Usually when entering a pro wrestling ring he wears black shorts with a red lion logo on the side and fingerless grappling gloves. Boots and elbow pads, his torso bare.

Notable Relationships:
Dominic Tyson - Dominic was a friend from college, despite them almost being exact opposites of each other, they stayed together because of a mutual interest in wrestling. Dominic tended to look up to Leo and seek approval from him even though he realizes that Leo isn't always morally correct, while Leo was taking Dominic under his wing and hoping to bring him out of his shell

Tonya Silverston - Tonya and Leo shared something like a "romantic relationship", it difficult to tell if you can really call it that. Most of the time they were together was more like a battle of wits and a lot of flirtation. Leo continuously tried to get into Tonya's panties while Tonya was trying to subtly draw out the real Leo.. Both resisting each other while still trying to achieve their ultimate goal


Leo's Blog

Real name: Leonardo Fandero

Wins: 6
Losses: 2
Draws: 0


Leo v Shizuka
Leo v Amy
Leo v Beth
Leo v Emiko
Leo v Valerie
Leo Fandero vs. Ami Takeuchi
Valerie (C) vs Leo - Hardstyle Hentai Title Match
Harmony Reed vs. Leo Fandero
Tension Hentai Title Match: Leo Fandero (c) vs. ??? *Ongoing*

**If you recall any matches I have not added or corrections to the matches I have already stated, please tell me

Championship belts history:
Tension Hentai champion Defeated Valerie Von Vulpes for the belt

Dominic Tyson
Tonya Silverston

Emiko Yokoyama
Tonya Silverston
Valerie Von Vulpes


Emiko Yokoyama
Valerie Von Vulpes

Leo's Lovebook

Leo Fandero v Chika Johnson *Incomplete*
Leo Fandero v Shizuka Tsuzaki
Amy Poford vs Leo Fandero *Spar*
Beth's challenge v Brooklyn and Leo
Tiffany Laurence vs Leo Fandero *Incomplete*
Leo vs Scarlet *Incomplete*
Emiko (w/ Penny ) vs Leo. The first date *Past match*
Leo Fandero vs. Valerie Von Vulpes

Leo Fandero vs. Ami Takeuchi
Leo Fandero vs. Chloe Riley *Ongoing*
Hentai Rebirth *Backstage*
Hentai Title Match: Belle B. Barker Vs. Valerie Von Vulpes *Cameo*
Valerie (C) vs Leo - Hardstyle Hentai Title Match
Harmony Reed vs. Leo Fandero
Tension Hentai Title Match: Leo Fandero (c) vs. ??? *Ongoing*

by Kelsea
on Fri Dec 30, 2011 10:48 pm
Search in: Tension (Males)
Topic: Leo Fandero
Replies: 1
Views: 8611

"Baby Blossom" Gemma Piper

Baby Blossom
Topics tagged under softcorecharacter on Anime Female Wrestling MxL0xXW
Gemma Piper

Name: "Baby Blossom" Gemma Piper
Age: 18
Eyes: green
Hair: purple
Height: 5"0
Weight: 103lbs
Nationality: French
Favoured moves: Complicated up close floor submission holds and high risk aerobatics: STF, dragon sleeper, figure four, head scissor take down, hurricanrana  and lionsaults
Signature move/s:
"Blossom tangled flower" octopus hold, first standing.. then if her opponent struggles too much she'll take it to the floor, rolling onto her back with her opponent still locked into the hold (usually best against equal sized kawaii opponents)

"Baby Balance Beam" with her opponent laying on their back and out of it, she will move her legs either side of their waist and move into a leg splits slowly, her crotch resting on top of her opponents crotch in an embarrassing pin (against a male opponent she'll trap their member down under her in the pin).

"Blossom floating petals" Gemma sets up her opponent in one turnbuckle and then moves to the opposite corner across the ring. She does a string of tumbling flips and cartwheels to approach her opponent, coming out of the last flip right into a full body splash and staying up against her opponent

Finishing move/s:
"Baby still rings" With her opponent on their knees, she'll stand by their side and reach over their back to loop her arms around their furthest shoulder. With her breasts pressing into the victim's shoulder blades, she will then swing her legs up to wrap her thighs around their head, usually catching their face against the inside of her upper white legging covered thigh or against her crotch. Usually her body weight then makes them fall forwards so that Gemma is laying on her back in the hold (here's an example of the hold, although he got: )

"Blossom pink water lilly" There are a couple of ways to get into the hold, but the end position is Gemma laying on her back and her opponent also laying on their back across Gemma with their butt resting on her tummy. Gemma then scissors one of her opponent's legs and grips the other with her arms, pulling the victims thighs apart in a leg splits hold where everyone can see the crotch

Entrance music: "Both of you, dance like you want to win!" from the Neon Genesis Evangelion OST

Topics tagged under softcorecharacter on Anime Female Wrestling G065I22All tied up :\

Topics tagged under softcorecharacter on Anime Female Wrestling O07CHPiGemma getting pinned in a Tension bout...

(pics edited by me in photoshop again ^_^)

Personality: Gemma has a very active imagination, often she like to make third person comments about herself or what she was doing as if she were narrating a story or adding commentary to the match, often she'll call out the names of some big moves as she performs them (anime style). Other then that she is very friendly and warm to everyone, although at times she can be a tease. She seems kind of naive but at the same time she seems to realize how cute she can be and how that can sometimes effect opponents.

Past: Gemma likes doing things that isn't quite the norm, she started taking ballet performances at a young age and did a lot of sports gymnastics/aerobics. loves to use her body to perform art and show off her flexibility while people watch.

Her choice to go into wrestling was a bit random... Simply after watching some matches with flexible wrestlers performing, she wanted to try it out herself. She got a professional trainer to teach her mat wrestling and leaned on her background in gymnastics to help perform flexible submission holds and dare devil luchador tumbling moves. Now she had signed up for AFW, knowing that the federation was slightly different from the norm

Attire: As in pic... Will occasionally make her entrance in a faint pink see through feather light frilly dress and occasionally uses a pink mask with gold sparkles and silver artistic curved lines (for Friction only).

Special notes: She works best against kawaii girls her size and sometimes can get the best of older women to give them an embarrassing defeat against a small kawaii girl. She can't handle guys too well for some reason, often trying to avoid penetration and getting cummed in.. But sometimes she has no choice


Gemma's Blog

Real name: Gemma Piper

Wins: 4
Losses: 0
Draws: 1


Baby Blossom v Mina
Baby Blossom v Aiko
Baby Blossom v Wells
Baby Blossom v Aiko
Baby Blossom v Sarah

**If there are any matches I have left out or corrections on these, please inform me

Championship belt history:

Aiko Takeda

Aiko Takeda


Aiko Takeda :hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts:

Erin Suzuki :hearts:

Character model tags: From a game called "Mashirobotan"

Baby Blossom's Big Book

Mina Vice and Gemma Piper sparring session *Spar*
Gemma Piper vs Lee Albright
Flexible pair *Spar*
Aiko Takeda vs Mara Bunny *Cameo*
Wells Quinn vs. Gemma Piper
Gemma Piper vs Aiko Takeda
Gemma Piper vs. Sarah Ashcole
Kokona vs Gemma *Incomplete*
"Ultimate Coronation" match! *Incomplete*

by Kelsea
on Mon Sep 22, 2008 12:42 pm
Search in: Friction Kawaii
Topic: "Baby Blossom" Gemma Piper
Replies: 0
Views: 4841

Danielle Rugu

Dani Rugu

Topics tagged under softcorecharacter on Anime Female Wrestling OFWHhGm

The Ditzy Waitress

Name: Danielle Rugu
Other aliases: The ditzy(or dizzy) waitress, these are not titles Danielle endorses.
Age: 18
Eyes: blue
Hair: Her hair colour and style changes quite often  as she dyes it and tries out multiple hair styles. Her natural colour is ginger, and she often alternates between that, pink and strawberry blond
Height: 4”11
Weight: 98lbs
Nationality: American
Alignment: tweener - She does not use many illegal moves or tactics; however she does enjoy using hentai moves on naïve and inexperienced wrestlers, as well as deriving enjoyment from embarassing opponents. The crowd generally support and get behind her.

Tactics and style: Kawaii pro/hentai wrestler (fast paced grappler), Danielle often starts off a match using her agility to keep things quick paced; usually going for quick grappling manoeuvres and general agile ring work until she wears her opponent down. Once her foe is tired, she likes to makes things nice and personal, getting up close and either getting hentai or trying for humiliation. She also will read her opponents naivety and shyness, if she thinks they aren’t that use to hentai things, she really enjoys using that to get to them

Preferred match: humiliation match, panties match and hentai matches

Favoured moves: Quick grappling such as arm drags, hip toss, side belly to belly suplex… and hentai manoeuvres

Finishing move/s: “Today’s special” – With an opponent laying on their back, Dani will butt slam right onto their chest, before shuffling backwards into a face sit pin.

Entrance music: Koi No Mahou (Magic of love) by Ichiko


Personality: Danielle is a lot more sexually inclined then most kawaii’s as she is much more experienced and much less naive then your stereotypical kawaii. Dani is not a bad or nasty person; however she is kind of cheeky, flirty and a bit of a scamp... In some of her matches she may do things that can be considered heel tactics, particularly if it involves doing some suggestive or out right hentai regardless of whether her opponent wants to receive these kind of moves or not. She also enjoys getting her opponent good and embarrassed, especially if it’s a fellow kawaii who is not as hentai inclined. Other then that Danielle also happens to be fairly klutzy and clumsy, hence she lost her original job as a waitress

Past: Danielle befriended Lil Luci while she was in a small league in America, Danielle just happened to be a waitress at the stadium and saw Luci wrestle in a couple of matches, Luci was just a rookie and got beat a lot, but still Danielle cheered her up afterwards and suggested that maybe someday she’d join her in the ring forming their own tag team. Danielle found that she gained a little crush on Luci after having watched her wrestle and dreamed secretly of wrestling her friend.

Eventually Luci left for Rumble Roses and a few months later Danielle lost her job for accidentally smashing a shelf full of drink. Danielle had her independence from family and just about enough money to follow Luci to Japan, which is what she did with little thought as to how she’d cope. Once she got to Japan, she realized it was kind of a rash move and struggled for a bit, getting hired and fired as a waitress here and there. But she sought after her dream and found a small time wrestling club, using what she had seen from her previous place of employment, she was able to join up and work herself up the ranks a little.

Her plan was to join Rumble Roses and meet up with Lil Luci there, but instead she joined another federation, the AFW, completely unaware that Luci and transferred from Rumble Roses to AFW just a few months ago. The two was able to meet up and being old friends decided to make a “semi” tag team called “Sugar and Spice”. But generally they tend to lead their own individual wrestling lives.

Attire: Danielle usually wears one of the two apron attires in the above pics

Special notes: smells of strawberries

Noteable relationship:
Haruko Hitamura - In their first match together, Dani got the best of Haruko and beat her in a compromising fashion. After some time past, Haruko came back seeking revenge, but again Dani got the best of her and beat her in a comprimising fashion for the second time. Haruko had developed something of a crush on Danielle and sort after her back stage and managed to arrange a date with her... Their story is still ongoing

Izzi and Cham Cham - It is uncertain if the Brat Pack approached Dani or Dani approached the Brat Pack, but it was made public that Dani would be joining the once tag team (Now faction) Brat Pack as she interupted a handicap match against Izzi and Cham Cham versus Cecilia. She claimed that she was more bratty then either Izzi or Cham Cham and refuses to let the fact that she is mainly hentai focused rather then hardcore focused (like Izzi and Cham Cham) get in the way

Kelly Flowers - Is the first officially recruited member to Brat Pack (with exception of Dani perhaps)

The Cylcops - Brat Pack member

Zhu Rong - Brat Pack member


Dani's Blog

Real name: Danielle Rugu

How Hentai are you:  I’m basically a young up and coming hentai champion in the making! Have you seen my ring attire? It’s obvious I’m not shy! I do tend to struggle against the big hentai champion material wrestlers though and some of the fixtures I’ve been in against them have turned out to be an erotic nightmare for me! But I think that was mainly cause of the size and strength disadvantages that comes with being a kawaii. I’m in my element when put in a hentai kawaii match, I think I can sex up most the other girl’s in the kawaii league if its one on one, and if they don’t want to be sexed up… tough! I’m gonna do it anyway!

Wins: 8
Losses: 4
Draws: 0


Dani & Luvi v Natsumi
Dani v Haruko
Dani v Cerbera
Dani v Trinity
Dani v The Little devils
Dani v Cassie
Dani v Eri (page 1-6 is canon)
Brat Pack (Dani & ???) vs. Karen Starring
Dani Rugu vs. Princess Natasha Rostovik
Julia Night vs. The Brat Pack (Kelly, Dani & Momoka)

**If there are any matches I have left out or corrections on these, please inform me

Championship belt history:

Cham Cham
Kelly Flowers
The Cylcops
Zhu Rong
Lil Luci Lollipop (old tag team partners called "Sugar & Spice")
Haruko Hitamura(former girlfriend)




Eri Kirisaki ♥♥♥

Lil Luci Lollipop ♥♥♥
Haruko Hitamura

(1 heart indicates a minor but notable attraction, 3 indicates a large soft spot for the person, 5 indicates love or infatuation)

Character model tags: Rizel - Rizelmine

The Brat Book

Dani & Luvi v Natsumi
Dani v Haruko
Dani v Cerbera
Dani v Trinity
The Birth of a New Poison
Dani v The Little devils
Dani v Cassie

Hardcore Havoc: Cecilia Northman Vs. the Brat Pack *Cameo*
Mystery Match! Rebecca Tomko Vs. ??? *Cameo*
Brat Business *Promo*
Dani v Eri (page 1-6 is canon)
Brat Business: The case of Kelly Flowers *Backstage*
Brat Pack Statement of intent *Backstage*
Brat Business: The Case of "THE Cyclops" *Backstage*
Brat Pack (Cham Cham & Zhu Rong) vs. Sabre *Cameo*
Tension Tag Tourney Round 1: The Brat Pack Vs. King's Crew! *Cameo*
24/7: The Brat Pack (Izzi & Cham Cham) vs. Carmen Rodriguez *Cameo*
Brat Pack (Dani Rugu & Kelly Flowers) vs. Josey Wales *Incomplete*

Brat Pack (Izzi & Kelly) vs. Victoria Archer *Cameo*
Brat Pack (Dani & ???) vs. Karen Starring
Brat Pack Field Studies(Lilith, Dani and Kelly) *Incomplete*
Dani Rugu vs. Princess Natasha Rostovik
Julia Night vs. The Brat Pack (Kelly, Dani & Momoka)
AV 16: Softcore facesit elimination chamber *Ongoing*
Dani Rugu vs Reva Devonport [FWC] *Ongoing*

by Kelsea
on Sun May 25, 2008 11:35 pm
Search in: Friction Kawaii
Topic: Danielle Rugu
Replies: 0
Views: 6866

Dominic Tyson

Dominic Tyson
Topics tagged under softcorecharacter on Anime Female Wrestling Qdf70wX

Name: Dominic Tyson
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5”6
Weight: 140lbs
Nationality: British
Alignment: Mid card face/Jobber – Dominic is definitely more of a face but not a fan favourite by any stretch of the imagination. He’s not extremely popular with the crowd simply because he’s not that well known and doesn’t have a great win/lose record. Usually if he faces a heel people will get behind him

Tactics and Style: He started off as a submission expert but has become more of an all rounder now. Dominic tends to prefer pro style grapple moves and submissions holds. His game plan will involve starting off with some grappling to tire his opponent and then try to take them down to the mat for submission holds. Funnily his biggest strength is also his biggest weakness against girls, he needs to get  a bit too up close for his liking in order to use his submission holds.

Preferred match: Standard

Favoured moves: DDTs, Russian leg sweeps, head scissors and headlocks
Finishing move/s: “The Dom-inator” basically just a STF submission hold

Entrance music: “Out of the blue” by Cast



Personality: Dominic has never really been that experienced with girls in terms of sexual and romantic relationships, he was so shy during his school life that he barely even kissed a girl… Now in his early 20s, his inexperience with girls really shows as he can actually become quite easily embarrassed and aroused when confronted with one

It’s not every girl that rocks his boat, but the ones that he gets a soft spot for he might not be able to help but get put into every move she wants to slip his little body into Embarassed . More often then not, subtlety is the key to unlocking his heart. If a girl were to just grab for his crotch or grab his head in a smother, Dominic is likely to become defensive… Whereas, it appears to be much more effective if a girl was to put him in a legitimate submission hold that just happened to be compromising or just happened to mean that she was touching him in certain places.

Other then that, Dominic is friendly and has a good heart. He tries to pretend that he’s livelier then he actually is for photos because he hates being shy. However he can’t really fake being talkative and outgoing so usually comes across as an introvert. He doesn’t have that much in the way of street smarts or real life experience even though he has some experience in the ring.

Past: Dominic went to a private school in the midlands of England and floated through the school years as an average student. He was always friendly, sometimes even lively but his shyness (specifically with girls) was present for all to see.

At the age of 16, Dominic swapped from private school to college. There he met up with Leo Fandero who had transferred there as part of a student exchange program. Leo was an extreme contrast to Dominic as he was quite the ladies man, however they both shared an interest in wrestling and so started hanging out a bit. Leo made the occasional half hearted attempts to increase Dominic’s confidence with women, but they all seemed to fail miserably and possibly made Dominic shy away from girls even more as a result of disastrous chat up attempts.

In fact during Dominic’s time with Leo, Dominic turned out to be lucky with a girl only once and although it was *kinda* Leo’s doing, it was unintentional. Leo happened to previously be going out with a certain Tonya Silverston who also went to the college… well.. they were going out in a weird way until Tonya realized that under all the layers of “jerk” exterior, Leo was still a jerk.. Leo continued flirting with her and so to get him back, Tonya started flirting with the unsuspecting Dominic.

Dominic really didn’t like being used in this way to get to Leo, but felt almost powerless to stop Tonya each time because.. well… she was damn hot! One night Tonya managed to corner Dominic when there was no one around and kissed him. Dominic never found out why she did it, Leo wasn’t around so it didn’t seem like it was for his eyes. This was the first time Dominic had kissed a girl, being as shy as he is he didn’t know how to deal with the situation and so ran off. After that night Tonya stopped flirting with him to get at Leo and soon after left their college as the Silverston family moved to another country.

Dominic and Leo always joked about being wrestlers, a joke that Dominic took way more serious than Leo… After Leo returned to his own college and Dominic graduated at the age of 18, he joined a small all male wrestling club. Adopting a self taught submission style wrestling, Dominic started to become quite a decent wrestler. He had a small lithe body and so had to think technically to overpower much larger opponents then himself. He was building up a good reputation for himself, when he drew the attention of a certain wrestling manager, Melissa Sellers. She met with him in private and told him about AFW and a new opportunity for male wrestlers to take part in the show (which at that time was still called “Sex Wars”) where males and female would pit against each other in ring and out.

Melissa obviously didn’t want to scare the prey away, so she didn’t inform him about the sexual possibilities in some of the matches. Despite her cover up Dominic wasn’t really interested anyway; he felt he was doing too well where he was to take a change of pace so early in his career. However Melissa coax with the suggestion that “perhaps a man of his physique couldn’t handle a woman”. Like a fool Dominic fell for it, so Melissa suggested that they wrestled right there and then. If he won he’d have proven his point and if he lost he’d have to sign up (to ensure he’d stick to his word, she got him to sign up first.. If he won she wouldn’t be able to stop him ripping it up afterall).

As it turned out Melissa was a wrestler on this show and Dominic really had no idea what kind of ‘tactics’ she’d be using on him till it was too late. With a smug grin she took the contract and left him lying on the floor quite aroused after his defeat. The contract unfortunately was extremely questionable in terms of human rights and fairness. Dominic tried to dispute it a couple of times, but each time Melissa managed to trick him into having a match for his freedom.. Each time she not only beat him but completely humiliated him and each time he lost, she’d add another stipulation to his contract to make matters worse.

Melissa pretty much owns Dominic now, she has him locked into a contract that has her as his direct manager and so that she can pick who he fights, in what kind of match and even what he wears!!! She often likes forcing his masculinity to come into question by making him wear women’s attire to matches as this seems to do a really good job of completely distracting him.

Attire: Dominic prefer to wear a set of tight blue bike shorts down to his knees. However for matches that Melissa Sellers sets him up in, she usually picks attires specifically to embarrass him... Dominic regularly finds himself in girl's clothing like a pink leotard, or a pink and white frilly dress. Melissa will even go as far as to make him wear panties, perfume and hair extensions much to Dominic's dislike.

Notable Relationships:
Leo Fandero – Leo was a friend from college, despite them almost being exact opposites of each other, they stayed together because of a mutual interest in wrestling. Dominic tends to look up to Leo and seek approval from him even though he realizes that Leo isn’t always morally correct.

Tonya Silverston – Tonya was Dominic’s first kiss (and only kiss until he joined AFW). She flirted with him back in college for some time as a way to try and get to Leo... The kiss was a little more genuine then that though

Mimi Minami – Mimi and Dominic first met during the Sex Wars era. Mimi offered to help Dominic out with a spar and that started off what was too be a long running but significantly one sided rivalry between the two. Despite Dominic’s best efforts, Mimi always seemed to get the better of him and made a habit of stealing his underpants after encounters together. Dominic always saw her as kind of a ditz with no wrestling experience, so it was fairly embarrassing that she could dominate him so convincingly

Special Notes: Sometimes Melissa Sellers will invoke her special clause in Dominic's contract, forcing him to cross dress and wrestle under the name Dominique
while being forced to cross dress by Melissa:


Dominic's Blog

Real name: Dominic Tyson

Wins: 2
Losses: 6
Draws: 0


**If you recall any matches I have not added or corrections to the matches I have already stated, please tell me

Championship belts history:

Leo Fandero
Tonya Silverston

Mimi Minami

Melissa Sellers

Mimi Minami
Tonya Silverston
Melissa Sellers

Dominic vs Mimi *YIM Match*
Dominic v Cherise
Heather Fox vs Dominic Tyson *YIM Match*
Dominic v Cherise rematch
Cherise vs Dominic rematch 2 *Incomplete*

Open Day *Cameo*
Ball Rolling *Incomplete*
Double work out... Dominic & Cecilia *Backstage/Spar*
Cecilia Northman vs. Dominic Tyson *Incomplete*

Dominic v Terra
Slave Wars season 1: Natsumi vs Dominique
Slave Wars season 2: Natsumi vs Dominic *Ongoing*

by Kelsea
on Sat Apr 26, 2008 2:13 am
Search in: Tension (Males)
Topic: Dominic Tyson
Replies: 0
Views: 3203

The Nurses

Nurse Nikki

Name: Nurse Nikki
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Pale pink
Height: 5"4
Weight: 109lbs
Nationality: Austria
Favoured moves: entanglements; complicated submission moves in which she can use her body to get an seductive advantage over her opponent
Finishing move/s: "Spoonful of sugar" meant to help the medicine go down..  She gets her opponent into a head scissors facing her crotch and moves her face into their crotch. She will then orally stimulate her opponent until they cum or submit, depending what match type it is... But as can be seen, this move has a fatal flaw and can end up as a test of endurance.
Entrance music: Big Love by Pete Heller

Personality: Nikki isn't quite as strong as Nina but has a good heart and always wants to do her best. Like Nina she is also kind and caring, often going for submission holds rather then hard hitting painful attacks because she'd prefer to limit the amount of damage she does to her opponent, she is more likely to try out some other moves to like may a DDT but constantly worries that she might hurt her opponent too much. However unlike Nina she lacks confidence and isn't as skilled in the ring, she is also slightly more naive to Nina and sometimes it is questionable whether "innocence and sweets" routine the two of them do is actually true in her case and she doesn't know how sexual some of her own holds could be.

Past: When Nina discovered her power by making a wrestler cum after she was attacked, Nikki was one of the first less lucky nurses that fell to the clutches to the wrestler on the rampage. In fact she was the first, getting hit with a kick to the stomach then a pretty big power bomb. The wrestler took down a couple of other nurses before going back to the downed Nikki and slapping on a boston crab, it was only then that the enraged girl noticed Nina and left Nikki only to be caught off guard by Nina's submission hold.
Nikki lay on the floor pretty much out of it for sometime, but when she came around she was absolutely astonished to see Nina subduing the wrestler the way she did. After that Nikki wanted to be able to do the same thing, Nina left to train as a wrestler but Nikki went after her in order to get lessons, Nina obliged and took up training her in submission holds like she was used to.
Once Nikki started getting quite good at it and started really enjoying wrestling with her, Nina suggested she joined up AFW too as her tag partner.. Nikki was a little less confident about her abilities but Nina only ever said good things about her so she agreed.

Attire: Same as in pic for most matches (with the exception that she wears also a faint pink panties); Whitish pink stockings up to her mid thigh, blue panties, pink cufflinks and a small nurses hat. In general she will wear a white one piece nurse's uniform over all this just like Nina, a low v cut to show off some of her cleavage and the skirt part cut extremely high up her thighs

by Kelsea
on Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:15 am
Search in: Tension (Teams)
Topic: The Nurses
Replies: 1
Views: 5884

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