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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by valen311 Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:15 am

Asami finished her spin after delivering the nearly picture perfect image of a roundhouse kick. Looking on at Dixie, who was leaned against the crate she was driven into, the vigilante sighed as she began to feel regret. While it was true Asami and Dixie had struck each other plenty of times in a wrestling ring, out here felt....wrong.

* can't go back.* the part of her that was the Kunoichi persona informed her. *All you can do is make sure she doesn't follow you.*

Walking forward, Kunoichi drew close to the Texan, her hand going to grasp Dixie's neck, attempting use that hold to pull her so that their faces were close.

"Did you really think you could come out here, into my world, and give me orders?" she said grimly. "Now that you've had a taste of what I'm capable of, you're going to run, as fast and as far as you can, do you understand me?!"

Her eyes bore into Dixie's, and Asami did her best to appear as imposing as possible. A little ridiculous perhaps given the size difference between the two women, but as Kunoichi she had been able to scare men up to twice her size, especially after delivering hits like the one she had just given the American. Still, she wondered if she would ever truly be able to get Dixie to back down out of fear or intimidation....


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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by Alexandra Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:04 pm

Dixie's breath was hard, and hot, on the skin of the ninja's face, as Asami leaned in close to her, the Texan and the Asian face-to-face with each other. She stared back into Asami's eyes, and for a brief, a very brief moment, she thought about backing down.

But then remembered that Asami was her friend, and she cared about her, and she wasn't going to let the ninja keep walking down this dark path.

Luckily for Dixie, Asami had made two mistakes. The first was that she was trying to intimidate the Texan, instead of continuing her attack, something that Dixie wasn't going to fall for. The other mistake? She had gotten too close to the blonde. Dixie liked her opponents being close. It gave her plenty of opportunities to put her impressive strength on display.

As Asami glared at her, trying to get Dixie to back down in fear, the blonde's hand tightened into a fist. With a sudden shout, right into Kunoichi's face, she suddenly drove her arm forwards, trying to drive her fist straight into the belly of the ninja, with a swift, sudden straight punch, aimed right into her gut!

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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by valen311 Fri Aug 07, 2015 3:59 am

The blow struck Kunoichi with it's full force, driving the air out of her frame while making her double over!

Yeah, I don't think she's gonna be afraid of me. Especially now that I sound like some kind of wounded seal..... Asami thought wryly.

And indeed, as she reeled away from the Texan, the Japanese woman's breath came in gasping whoops and coughs as she fought to catch it. All thoughts and plans of trying to solve this by attempting to make Dixie back down from her fled Kunoichi's mind. Instead, she coldly pushed away at the 'Asami' part of herself looking to focus completely on fighting this bigger opponent.

For the moment, she decided to try and put distance between herself and the cowgirl, staggering away to try and buy herself time to recover....


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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by Alexandra Sun Aug 23, 2015 6:16 pm

Asami could try to escape, but Dixie wasn't going to let her. She hated doing this, and she still couldn't believe that things had been brought to this point, but she wasn't going to stand by and watch the ninja ruin her life, even if it meant she had to bring down the Kunoichi herself.

As Asami staggered backwards, Dixie lunged towards her, one hundred percent intent on bringing the woman down. She lifted her arm as she neared her, her limb going stiff, and hard, the Texan trying to smash it against Asami's chest with a huge, powerful clothesline, trying to take her right off of her feet!

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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by valen311 Wed Aug 26, 2015 5:55 am

Kunoichi looked up in time to catch the Texan's arm right in the chest, the blow knocking her down to the concrete floor of the warehouse!

The troubled Asami may have been able to divorce the mental pain from her personal life from the persona of Kunoichi so she could take refuge in it, but physical pain was something else entirely. She gave a sharp cry of pain as she thudded against the unforgiving floor. Still, the various street fights and brawls had toughened the Japanese woman, and despite the impact was conscious and aware. If Dixie didn't follow up, Asami would try to scramble back to her feet, not wanting to be on the ground and at the mercy of a bigger, stronger opponent...even if she was dressed in revealing leather.


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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by Alexandra Wed Aug 26, 2015 6:11 am

Unfortunately for Asami, Dixie was already planning on following up her attack. She hated every moment of this, every bit of what she had to do, but she knew the cost of not going through with her assault. She turned to Asami, and leaned down, grabbing the ninja by her short hair with both of her hands, and with a quick yank, began to pull her back up to her feet.

"Come on, girl..." She muttered, eyeing the crate that she had been leaning against just moments before. With a grim expression on her face, she would try to pull Asami towards it, trying to swing the ninja by her hair towards the large wooden box, trying to throw her slender, fit body against the side of it.

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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by valen311 Sun Aug 30, 2015 10:17 pm

"Unngh...." Kunoichi grunted as Dixie hauled her up by her hair.

Still shaking off the Texan's hard hitting clothesline, Asami was too dazed to counter to the blonde's throw. Yelling out in pain as Dixie swung her by her hair, the lighter Asian was hurled into the large crate, hitting it back first!

Letting out a howl of agony as she struck the wooden object, Asami bounced off it, leaving the wood cracked at the point where her body struck it! Landing on her back, she arched her body up for a moment in pain before remaining in a lying, face up position on the floor...


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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by Alexandra Thu Sep 17, 2015 5:21 pm

Dixie nodded in grim satisfaction as Asami dropped to the floor. Everything was going to plan. All she had to do was keep throwing the ninja around until she was ready to give up, and then they could both put all of this behind them.

She stepped towards the Kunoichi, and leaned down, reaching for her arm to yank her back up to her feet. Then, she reached down, one hand grabbing between Asami's legs, while the other slid over her shoulder, Dixie trying to lift Asami up into the air. She would take another step forward after that, trying to lift the ninja up high enough that she could body slam her down onto the top of the wooden crate that she was just thrown up against.

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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by valen311 Fri Sep 18, 2015 8:57 pm

Once upon a time, not so long ago, the thought of Dixie reaching down between her legs would've drawn a dreamy smile to her face, and maybe even sent a shiver of heated anticipation through Asami's body.

Now though, purely submerged in the coldness of being Kunoichi, the Asian knew Dixie didn't have any intentions for her that she would enjoy at all. Looking about, as she went up, the urban ninja saw that was being lifted up, apparently so she could be slammed down onto the crate the cowgirl had just sent her bouncing off of. It was a sound strategy for the Texan, to keep driving her lighter, smaller opponent into something hard an unforgiving until she couldn't take it anymore, and Asami couldn't fault her for using it. Still, she wasn't just going to stand about and passively let herself be flung about.

As Dixie faced the crate, carrying her burden of a seemingly limp vigilante girl, suddenly Kunoichi closed her legs around the Texan's hand, trapping it! The Asian would also reach up and grab at the arm of the hand at her shoulder, trying to pull it so it was straightened out, away from Dixie's body, and then in the same instant, try to roll and shift her body and weight so that it would tip the Texan over into a forward fall. It would end with Dixie's face smacking solidly into the wooden crate, and her hands would be kept occupied so they couldn't break the fall!

Asami wouldn't be able to escape unscathed if her counter worked. The fall would send the ninja tumbling over the crate to land on the unforgiving concrete floor with a pained yell, while leaving the cowgirl kneeling, in front of the crate, face down against it. After a few long moments, Asami would be able to rise shakily to her feet, unless the resilient Texan recovered first....


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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 2 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by Alexandra Sun Oct 11, 2015 3:37 pm

Asami worked fast. The ninja's speed was something that often caught Dixie by surprise, and this time was no exception.

Before she could react, the Texan was sent toppling forwards, her face smashing into the top of the wooden crate, just as the Kunoichi planned. Her head snapped back, and she dropped to the floor in front of the box, kneeling in front of it just as Asami had planned.

She let a groan, and raised a hand to her face, pain coursing through her skull as she tried to shake off the blow, not rising back up, not quite yet.

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