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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by valen311 Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:35 pm

Asami gave a wordless snarl as Dixie pried one of her arms away, opening her face up again. Then the Texan titan's fist crashed down into it, once then twice. Then, she stopped, the blonde imploring her to give in.

"What do you care!?" she screamed up at Dixie. "Just....go back to the league, back to..."
Here Asami was about to say 'her' in reference to Reiko Hinomoto, but she couldn't bring herself to say it aloud. "...back to the ring, and let me be!"

With that, she swung her legs up, trying to get them around Dixie's neck and attempt to pull with them while sitting up, looking to dump the larger woman over into position similar to the ending of a sunset flip. Then, Kunoichi would use her free arm to slam her hand down directly onto Dixie's crotch, looking to deliver a crushing palm strike to the American's womanhood.

If successful, Asami would push Dixie away, trying to get back to her feet with a hand at her face. Already, she could feel the side that took the force of Dixie's blows growing hot, and swelling. Dimly, she was aware that the eye on that side would swell shut, which meant her vision was going to be severely compromised. Grimly, Asami decided to switch tactics. Fighting Dixie should have never been her goal. After all, the Texan wasn't a criminal, and Kunoichi should only be battling idiots who think they can prey on others and get away with it. No, she needed to escape.

Stumbling, Asami would amble over towards a nearby crate, where the briefcase full of yen notes rested. The money, that was important. It would let her continue her mission, pay for more, and better gear, as well as continue to provide her with shelter. Hurt, Asami would fumble with the latches of the briefcase after she shut it, trying to secure it...


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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by Alexandra Wed Dec 16, 2015 4:20 am

Dixie was, among other things, a big, powerful woman, who could take hits from some of the strongest women in the league and shake them off like they were nothing. However, even she couldn't just take a shot to her crotch, especially one as direct and forceful as the palm that Asami thrust at her.

She rolled onto her side, grabbing herself between the legs with both hands, gasping at the air as she felt the pain surging through her body. The cheap shot had done it's job, leaving the cowgirl wide open for Asami's followup, and the blonde knew that this time, she was in trouble.

But...the followup never happened. Dixie lied there, waiting for an attack that never came. The seconds rolled by, the Texan slowly recovered from the low blow, and eventually, she forced herself to roll over, looking for Asami. Her big blue eyes landed on the ninja, watching her fumbling with her briefcase. Knowing that she didn't have long, Dixie forced herself to sit up and then rise back to her feet. She forced herself to lumber towards Asami, one hand going to her belt, silently unlooping her nightstick from her belt as she neared the woman.

"Sorry..." she muttered again, truly regretting what she was being forced to do. She stared at the ninja for a single second longer, and then drew back her arm, swinging her nightstick as hard as she could possibly could straight to the back of Asami's knee. She wasn't looking to cripple her, just get her off of her leg, leave her disabled long enough to be able to finish her off completely.

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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by valen311 Wed Dec 16, 2015 4:37 pm

"I fight a pair of Russian mob bodyguards, I barely take a hit. Get in a fight with Dixie-freaking-Clemets, and she nearly breaks my face. Freaking ridiculous..." Asami muttered to herself as she finally got the suitcase locked.

Then she heard a faint voice say "Sorry.." behind her. Before she could react, Asami felt pain explode from her leg, the knee buckling under her as Dixie struck it. Falling onto her back with a loud, wordless yell of pain, she clutched at her knee, defenseless....


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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by Alexandra Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:42 am

Asami went down, and Dixie felt a sharp pang of guilt. This was wrong. This was all wrong. Everything about this was wrong, and yet, the Texan knew it had to be done. She didn't have a choice. It was better to hurt Asami now then for someone else to hurt her worse later on.

Working quickly, Dixie reached down, grabbing a handful of Asami's hair as the ninja grabbed at her knee. She jerked her head upwards, and with her other hand, she swung her nightstick towards the side of the kunoichi's head, hoping to clock her hard while she was distracted with her leg.

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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by valen311 Fri Jan 01, 2016 11:00 pm

Clutching at her leg, Asami's eyes settled on the knapsack she brought with her. Inside it were an assortment of weapons, including a tonfa. If she could get to it, then she could find something to even the odds.

As Dixie's hand closed on her hair, Kunoichi screamed "No!" Her hand reached towards for the bag, but then the nightstick thudded into her skull, rendering her both silent and motionless as it knocked her completely unconscious.....


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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by Alexandra Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:08 am

As Asami went unconscious, Dixie tossed her nightstick to the ground, disgusted with herself for what she was forced to do. Everything about this night, this situation, this conflict, was stupid, and the sooner she could get some sense into Asami's head, the better.

She reached down, and went to roll Asami onto her stomach, so that she was facedown against the ground. Then, she reached for her own belt, unhooking the handcuffs she had brought with her. She reached for Asami's arms, pulling the ninja's arms together behind her body, and went to snap the handcuffs around them. She wanted Asami restrained more then anything. That way, they could talk without the kunoichi doing something stupid.

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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by valen311 Fri Jan 08, 2016 1:32 am

" head...." Asami moaned as she came to.

She didn't know how long she had been out, but the wrestler turned vigilante did know that there was a throbbing in her head that was way beyond painful.

Forcing her eyes open despite the pain, Asami tried to take a look at her surroundings while testing her bonds....


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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by Alexandra Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:20 am

When Asami finally came to, her hands firmly cuffed together behind her, she would find herself still in the warehouse, lying on the floor near one of the large wooden crates, just like the crate that she and Dixie had thrown and slammed each other into.

Dixie herself was sitting atop of it, a first aid kit by her side. She was silently tending to some of her own wounds, some cuts and scraps given to her by the ninja, and didn't seem to notice that Asami was starting to come to.

The kunoichi, of course, would notice that her own wounds had already been taken care of, Dixie having tended to her first before worrying about herself.

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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by valen311 Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:50 pm

Asami briefly considered her escape options for a moment, but then her knee began to throb painfully. She guessed anything more than a slow walk would be out of the question for now. Exhausted and hurt both physically and mentally, Asami decided she was done battling, and running for the night. The way the Japanese woman figured it, whatever Dixie had planned was going to happen. She settled for moving into a more comfortable kneeling position, resting most of her weight on her good knee, groaning as she forced her exhausted body to move.

That's when she noticed Dixie tending to herself. Asami also felt a few fresh bandages on her body shift, covering where she had been scraped from her impacts with concrete and crates.

"Of course you know basic first aid." Asami said softly. Really, Dixie was a person that had a surprising number of skills. Was there any wonder about why she attracted to the Texan? Strong, determined, resourceful, and possessed of a certain Western form of nobility, all wrapped in a blonde haired, blue eyed, buxom package. Reiko Hinomoto was a lucky woman...

Shaking her head to clear those thoughts out of her head, Asami asked in a resigned tone, "So, what happens now?"


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Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra) - Page 4 Empty Re: Big Brawl 3: No Place For A Hero (For Alexandra)

Post by Alexandra Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:30 am

Dixie looked towards Asami as she heard the young ninja's voice, and instantly felt a pang of guilt as she glanced down at her. She really hated this, having her hurt a friend like she had done, having to restrain her like some common thug. She had to remind herself that it was for the best, though, and that she might have saved Asami's life and her career by doing this.

Her voice rang out loud and strong as she answered Asami, the cowgirl doing her best to show no weakness in her tone or words. "Well, the way ah see it, ya got two choices. The first choice is that ya shut the hell up, listen to me, and do what ah tell ya to do, alright?"

She hesitated a moment, then continued. "The second choice is that ya keep tryin' to fight me, and ya ignore what ah've got to say." She narrowed her eyes, her voice growing lower as she spoke. "Trust me, 'sami. That ain't the choice ya want to make..."

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