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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 4 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Cy_Man Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:01 am

The second when Misaki released her, Katori took a deep breath and sighed in relief as she eased her tense muscles, with the crowd giving her an applause with cheers for her hard effort. She slumped her body while grabbing the ropes with both of her hands as she remains on one knee, breathing in and out at a steady pace. Soon enough Katori starts to push herself back up onto her feet, not wanting to remain down much longer much to the crowd's further surprise of the Successor's will to fight.

Once Katori got up to her feet with her hands on the top ropes, she lets go and backs away about to turn around. When she does however, she sees Misaki coming up to her and she grabs the young angel. The next thing Katori knew, she was spun around and sent flying with an Irish Whip by the Berserk Ace and heads towards a corner.

"Whoa, WHOA!!" She cried as she was thrown, running uncontrollably towards the turnbuckle. It was gonna be unavoidable to not crash into the corner, so Katori had to take it in someway but it would hurt her regardless. As the Mighty Successor came close to the corner, she quickly spun herself around so her back takes the impact to stop her. "Ugh!" It really did hurt, as Katori now leans her back into the corner with a hand on the ropes and the other on her back. She arcked her back and clenched her teeth as she bides her time to recover.

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 4 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Teenwrestler Sun Jul 12, 2015 9:02 am

Misaki had little hopes for making her opponent submit in the camel clutch, although it did probably weaken her opponent a bit which would be advantageous for her later on. The berserk ace released Katori as soon as she grabbed the ropes but shortly followed up by pulling her back up on her feet and whipping her into one corner of the ring.

She smirked as she saw Katori's back settle into the turnbuckle with her hand on the rope and the other on her back, leaving her body exposed. Misaki quickly closed in the gap between the two as she ran towards Misaki, picking up speed a she was half way towards her opponent. When Misaki came near Katori she would leap up in the air to quickly wrap her arms around the back of Katori's head while pressing her knee's against her body, then she simply let gravity do its thing as she fell down on her back and would flip Katori over her in a monkey flip. "Hhyyaah!" she would say as she executed her move.

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 4 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Cy_Man Wed Jul 22, 2015 4:54 am

Having been thrown into the corner back first leaves Katori slumped into it. Her now sore back burning a little bit in pain, but it did slowly went away as time passed while she also rubbed her back with her hand. If she were given enough time then the young angel would recover enough to shrug off the pain and push from the turnbuckle then go on the defensive against Misaki. **Come on girl, get it together!**

Soon enough the Mighty Successor, while still feeling a tiny bit of burning, pushes herself out of the corner. As she cannot afford to remain idle for much longer in the most vulnerable of the wrestling ring. Just then, Katori looks up and see Misaki running at her, making her eyes widen. She had no reaction time to block or dodge, so her head was wrapped and then was pulled down, rolled and flipped over by the Berserk Ace's Monkey Flip, landing right on her back again.

"Nnugh...!" The pain to her back came returned briefly, by reflex Katori quickly rolled onto her front and brought her hand to her back again. Even after that, she still cannot stay down. So the Mighty Successor will try her best to endure the pain while pushing her self to try and get back up onto her feet, starting by getting up on one knee.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 4 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Teenwrestler Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:58 pm

After pressing on her advantage, Misaki saw an opening and took it head on. She rushed towards her opponent and then slowed down at the end, timing her leap carefully as she pressed her knee against Katori and wrapped her arms around her head before falling down and flipping her over, back towards the middle of the ring.

The mighty successor went down on her back hard, as Misaki looked over her shoulder to see Katori rolling over onto her front and starting to get back up on her feet. The Berserk ace pushed up on her feet as well, much quicker than her opponent as she raised her hands up high above her head, pumping up the crowd. "Come on!!!" she would say before moving towards her opponent.

Misaki would try to move behind Katori, while she was still down on one knee. The berserk queen would then try to wrap her arm around her opponents neck, getting down on one knee behind her as well as she looked to lock in a classic sleeperhold.

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 4 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Cy_Man Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:19 am

The crowd was real amazed at Katori's will for being able to quickly recover and get up after being thrown back, one thing she has learned while training with Mighty Yukiko was that she must endure and never give up. As even now, this match is a learning experience for the Mighty Successor to learn and try to prevail. So she will continue to push herself through it all and get back in the game.

At least that was the plan anyway. For Katori soon feels her neck being snaked by Misaki's arms which forces her onto her butt in a sit up position, being put into a Sleeperhold. "G-geh..!" The young angel grunts in pain and brings her arms to grip onto the brunette beauty's, but she doesn't struggle at all. Since she knows that struggling in this hold will wear you down quicker, but she has to do something to get out of this. So Katori starts to improvise and think of how to escape this Sleeper.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 4 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Teenwrestler Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:30 pm

Misaki was now gaining the momentum, she had her opponent right where she wanted her. The Berserk ace went down on one knee behind Katori and locked in a sleeperhold, forcing her opponent to go down on her butt. Misaki squeezed her opponents neck, tightening her grip as best as she could. Her chest pressed against the mighty successors back while her body was glistening in sweat

"Come on Katori-chan, just give up" Misaki said with a serious expression. However when Katori didn't struggle and kept her head cool, Misaki wanted to change her tactic before Katori could come up with a counter attack. If Misaki was fast enough, she would release the sleeper and instead press her knee against her opponents mid back and grab both of Katori's arms and pull them back, stretching them towards Misaki causing her knee to really grind against Katori's back.

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 4 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Cy_Man Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:17 am

Since Katori wasn't struggling in the Sleeperhold, she wasn't wasting or burning her energy or breath. But she did her best to endure as Misaki tightened her arms around the girl's neck and pressed her voluptuous chest into her back. The only sign of "struggle" that Katori did was, if it could count as it that is, when she shook her head in response to her opponent's demand for her to give up. **As if I would give up so easily to this!**

But even still, the longer Katori is trapped in this hold will not help in her favor and needs to get out. She hasn't been able to come up with any ideas, until she felt Misaki loosen her grip around her neck. The young angel's eyes widen, as this was her chance! "Now!" Katori'll shout, as she rolls herself forwards to perform a somersault to get away from her opponent. In the process, she'll press her hands against the mat to push herself up for a forward nip up to quickly get back onto her feet. Now standing back up, the Mighty Successor will turn her head to face the Berserk Ace and side step to her to quickly nail her in the face with a Super Kick before she can react.

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 4 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Teenwrestler Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:17 pm

Misaki had that sleeperhold well locked in, her feisty opponent shook her head in defiance. Misaki could have kept the hold locked in but she overthought her move and tried to change her tactic while she was still on top, that would prove to be a big mistake on her part.

As soon as Misaki released her opponents neck and tried to go for her arms, Katori rolled forward and pushed up on the ring mats to quickly get her back up on her feet, turn around in one swift movement and then send a surprise superkick to Misaki's chin. Her eyes widened and she had no time to react at all


Katori's boot smacked against the berserk ace's chin, sending her down onto her back and clutching her chin.

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 4 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Cy_Man Fri Jul 31, 2015 8:04 am

The crowd let out a surprising and loud "whoa" in unison after Katori escaped the Sleeperhold and quickly hit Misaki with a Super Kick to her chin. A hit that certain was very effective, as it was able to knock the Berserk Ace off of her stance and onto her back. If anything, the young angel's resilience might have been the main point of the moment that surprised everyone, even the ref-girl who stood there with her eyes wide open.

But enough of that, with her opponent on her back close to the ropes Misaki is an easy target for Katori. Still standing side ways from the woman, Katori will completely turn towards Misaki and then immediately dashes towards her. Once up close she will hop up over her and towards the ropes instead.

As Katori came up to the ropes, she will leap up high at them and land her feet on top of the top rope. Then in a instant she will kick off of them to do a backflip to perform a small scale Moonsault to slam down on top of Misaki. If the aerial attack hits successfully, then Katori will remain on top of her opponent's mid section and reach for and hook on of her legs to pull up, putting the beauty into a pin with the ref-girl coming down to count.


Cy's Wrestler Domain

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 4 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Teenwrestler Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:43 pm

Misaki was stunned! Not only her but everyone else in the arena, including the referee was surprised at the mighty successors swift and nimble movements that lead to a superb counter, superkicking Misaki right on the chin that left her down on her back, moaning in pain.

The Berserk ace's chest was heaving up and down, her body sweating and glistening under the ring lights as she slowly massaged her chin, only hearing the pounding of the ring when Katori sprinted forwards and leaped over her body to go towards the ropes, bouncing off them to perform an excellent springboard moonsault, dropping down on Misaki.

"Ooouuffff! Unnggh" Misaki let out an exhausted moan as she was left breathless after that, leaving her open for a pin attempt and that's exactly what her opponent did.

She laid still and only after hearing the two count did her legs shot up and Misaki kicked out of the pinfall after the two count. "*huff*huff* N-not yet...".

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