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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 8 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Cy_Man Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:29 am

"Come on!!" Katori shouted loudly while holding Misaki down in the pin of her teacher's signature suplex, her eyes and teeth were clenched tightly from the strain and soreness of her body for doing this technique after all the punishment she endured. But this was her last shot to turn the match over, the young angel put all she had to do this move and hoped to heaven that it was enough to snatch a surprise win from Misaki.

Using her ears the Mighty Successor hears as the crowd cheers for her as well as the ref-girl's counting, reaching to 2 and going for 3. **Come on, come on, just a bit more...!** Katori thought to herself, just wanting it to end. But then she feels Misaki shifting on her shoulders to the side, which both lifts her shoulders up and rolls Katori off her feet, letting go of the woman's wrist while breaking the pin.

"No!" Was all that came from the girl's mouth in a shocked tone. Katori almost had it only for it to be taken away at the last second, she slaps her palm down on the ring mat in frustration while then trying to roll herself away to get Misaki's legs off her shoulders.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 8 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Teenwrestler Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:06 pm

In an instant, Misaki's world was rocked as she got slammed down in her opponents signature suplex move. Her shoulders and back taking much of the impact as for a second, even Misaki herself was thinking that she wouldnt be able to kick out of this one and she had to admit defeat to the young wrestler. However, someway, somehow the berserk ace managed to summon the last of her strength and resolve to just barely beat the three count and manage to get her shoulders up off the mat to kick out, making her opponent roll away to get her legs off Katori's shoulders.

Misaki just moaned a bit, her hand reaching back to lightly massage her upperback as she slowly shifted up to a sitting up position and from there on, slowly but gradually the berserk ace would make her way back up on her feet, panting and sweating alot.

" Mmnggh oww...y-you're really taking me to my...oww..l-limit....I...." she spoke

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 8 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Cy_Man Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:15 pm

With all the fatigue Katori had along with the strain to her back from performing the suplex, she wasn't able to roll much away from her opponent and stopped while laying on her front. She barely had any strength left to continue the match, but just enough to push her upper body up to get a view of Misaki who was already close to getting into her feet again. "Well crap..." Katori said quietly, all while breathing heavily herself as she laid there.

She just looked at the brunette beauty once she fully got back to her feet, in the mean time Katori tried to push herself up further more knowing full well that despite being more spent she cannot remain down like this much longer. "Heh heh, and I'm already at my limit here..." The angel said quietly under her breath with a light smirk, knowing full well that limits are meant to be broken and continues to try and push herself up despite the risk of being open for Misaki.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 8 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Teenwrestler Mon Oct 05, 2015 10:05 pm

Both ladies had given it there all, the crowd were loving the action and chanting for both female wrestlers. However there could be only one winner and Misaki wanted to make sure she made a good statement of bouncing back to her winning ways after a bad start in the AFW against Cecilia Northman. The mighty successor had pushed the berserk ace to her own limit as well, even a debut wrestler had given Misaki so much trouble, giving the Berserk Ace much to think about her time in the AFW.

"*Huff*huff*'s my chance" she whispered under her own breath before speeding towards Katori and grabbing her by the arms to pull her up on her feet before attempting to slip behind her to go for her finisher! The Misaki Special.

The Berserk Ace was now behind Katori, her left arm stretching to grab Katori's right arm and pull it behind her back to restrain it and then Misaki used her right arm to grab Katori's left arm and hook it around the mighty successors own neck, pressing it tightly. After letting out a grunt, Misaki used all the strength she had to lift Katori up and over her, slamming her down on her shoulders and keeping her body bridged over to go for the pin.

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 8 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Cy_Man Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:50 am

It might have been hopeless and desperate for her, but even in her current state Katori just won't stay down. If she did then she wouldn't be able to push herself and improve herself at all. Something that Mighty Yukiko, her senpai and teacher, had taught her under her tutelage during the days of Wrestle Angels. Although, Katori is still having trouble getting back up non the less, only being able to barely get onto her knees.

Even if she could get up, it'd take awhile and too long for her to do anything about Misaki who just grabbed her arms and force her up. As quick as Katori was brought up she was already positioned in front with her back facing the woman who grabs the angel's arms with one behind her back and the other around her neck. With her eyes wide, the next thing Katori knew she was lifted up and high over Misaki and is slammed down hard onto her shoulders, it was a suplex! "Oh no...! Ungghh!!"

The slam knocked Katori out of it, her legs completely hunch over her and her toes touching the mat with her butt aimed up high. Definitely a good pic for pervs. She was held in for the pin, the ref-girl coming to make the count. This time sadly, Katori truly has no strength left to try an escape.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 8 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Teenwrestler Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:14 pm

It took alot out of Misaki, but the brunette beauty managed to pull her opponent up and get behind her to finally slam her down in her special move while following up with a bridge pin. Misaki had her teeth clenched with a determined look in her eyes. Her arms and legs were shaking as she struggled to keep ahold of her opponent but she was only moments away from a victory, she just needed to hold on to Katori till the referee counted till three- after all they went through, she just needed till the count of three and that's what drove her beyond the limit.

The referee slid beside them and started the pin, "ONE..........TWO......THREEEE!"


As soon as the referee counted till three and Misaki heard the bell ring, to signal the end of the match. She released her opponent and slumped down on her own back, panting and sweating heavily with a sweet smile on her face. She slowly raised her arms high above her head, despite being down on her back still. Misaki then rose up to sit up on her butt, rubbing the back of her head before taking a few extra moments to finally get back up on her feet.

The Berserk Ace celebrated the victory with the fans, waving her hands off to them with a warm smile and raising her hands up proudly.

However, she did turn around to face Katori once more. Misaki moved close to her and extended her hand towards the mighty successor "Katori-chan, that was an excellent match. I couldnt have asked for a better opponent tonight, you were really amazing" she would say, pulling Katori up on her feet, and doing a round of applause for her.

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 8 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Cy_Man Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:11 pm

What felt like hours but was really just moment for Katori went by really slowly as she was held in this unique suplex variant pinning maneuver. Her eyes were clenched shut and, even though her lips covered them, so were her teeth as she had accepted her fate and loss since she cannot so much as twitch. Even the fans of Katori know that she done but rather then being disappointed, they were actually smiling as the Mighty Successor did very well for her return to wrestling against Misaki, and so can definitely see her doing great for herself in later matches in the future.

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

Once the gong went off, signalling the end of the match and her defeat, Katori slowly opens her eyes while she feels her arms being released. With her lower body hunched over her, it pulls her back which makes her roll onto her front. She just laid there sprawled flat in the ring, breathing slowly but heavily of the deserved rest she earned while the lights above reflect on her sweaty drenched body. "Haaaaaa.... haaaaaaa....."

After a while Katori looks up to see Misaki's hand in front of her and looks up as the beauty praise her, which makes the girl smile and blush as she takes her hand and is helped back up to her feet. "Thank you, Misaki-san. But you're the amazing one here." She said to the beauty while rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment for the applause, all before Katori walks up to Misaki to grab her wrist then raise her arm up high.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 8 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Teenwrestler Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:52 am

Misaki smiled at Katori when she saw the young wrestler blush a bit from the praise she just got from the Berserk Ace. Misaki helped Katori get back up on her feet before giving her a nice gesture of respect by applauding her effort.

Katori returned it by walking up towards her and raising Misaki's hand up, the berserk ace nodded at her opponent's direction before waving off to the crowd with her other hand and smiling brightly as both ladies acknowledge each others wrestling skills and ability, thanking the crowd for their support to both wrestlers.

Misaki giggled as she was complimented as amazing, " Hehe why thank you Katori-chan, now then.....lets take our exit" she said, making her way out of the ring and heading backstage for a nice warm- post match shower.

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Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda - Page 8 Empty Re: Wrestler Debut! Katori Kimura vs. Misaki Toyoda

Post by Cy_Man Wed Oct 07, 2015 4:37 am

Katori continued to hold up Misaki's arm up high following her loss and the beautiful woman acknowledging and complimenting her skill, to which she is raising her other hand up to wave at the audience that cheers loudly for both of the wrestlers, she totally deserved it. While the young angel only raises her free arm up slightly to give minor waves to the crowd as flashes from many cameras at all angles flashed all around them to get pictures of the Mighty Successor and the Berserk Ace together.

After a while of taking in the crowd's love and support, Misaki lowers her arms and begins to make her way out of the ring and in response Katori follows suit. "Yeah, let's go Misaki-san." Getting out of the ring and slipping between the ropes was a bit difficult for Katori, but thankfully some stage hands came and helped her a while also giving her a small white towel for the sweat on her face.

Now it was time to go and make her exit from the arena. As the Mighty Successor with no help, and pained legs, walked up the ramp to the way to the locker room after being given her basketball back. On the way Katori gave lots of fans high fives and fist bumps before making it to the top, turning around and giving everyone one last wave to the audience as she leaves the arena.

Winner via pinfall: Misaki Toyoda, the Berserk Ace!

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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