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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas

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Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas - Page 4 Empty Re: Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas

Post by TheRacker Sun Jul 24, 2016 10:50 am

Alma's plan worked pretty well and Makita crashing hard down on mat brought a smile on her face. That was her opportunity to bounce back in fight, since Makita spent some time holding her face and kicking the mat. So Alma followed by grabing opponents wrist and pull her away from ropes toward the center of the ring.

Once the were in the middle, Alma would squat above Makita's back and grabed her leg. Keep holding her legs, Swede would start pulling them backward for boston crab submission, so pinkette body would slowly start bending backwards.

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Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas - Page 4 Empty Re: Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas

Post by OmegaVan0 Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:29 pm

Makita let out a moan of pain as she clutched her head, leaving herself vulnerable for when Alma was able to grab her by her wrist and dragged her away from the ropes. Makita could only meep out in pain as she offered no resistance and was left in the middle of the ring. Her body was building up a sweat as she in a dazed looked around, trying to find Alma and try to stop her from continuing her attack.

She was unable to as Alma grabbed both of her legs and locked in a boston crab.

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!" Makita cried out as her back and legs were being stretched out. Reaching back she tried to push off Alma, but not only could she not reach her opponent she would have little to no leverage in the event she could. Her hands soon shot back to her head before reaching out on to the mat, looking up to see the ropes, which looked like it was miles away for the pinkette. Continuing to cry out, she dug her hand into the mat and attempt to pull herself towards the bottom rope, trying to find her way out of the Boston Crab.


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Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas - Page 4 Empty Re: Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas

Post by TheRacker Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:36 pm

It was finally Alma's time to strike back and she didn't held herself back. She kept bending opponents body, but Makita managed to start slowly crawling toward the ropes. Alma tried to keep her in the middle of the ring, but was unable to do both things. It was either preasure with boston crab or holding her in the middle. At the end Swede decided to keep the preasure with Boston crab while Makita slowly draged both wrestlers toward the ropes.

Once they got closer, Alma released one leg and grabed the other one with both arms for single leg Boston crab. While one opponents leg was free, there was definitely more pain in the captured one.

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Quick pick: | Ralph | Ivan | Joe | Juni | Valentyna | Alma | Diabolica | Dajana |

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Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas - Page 4 Empty Re: Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas

Post by OmegaVan0 Tue Jul 26, 2016 6:55 am

Pulling and dragging herself towards the bottom rope, Makita felt that she was pulling Alma along that brought her hope in freeing herself out of the Boston Crab. However, things took a turn for the worse when Alma switched up the hold, releasing one of Makita's legs and now as focusing on one leg for a single crab. Makita began screaming out as now with the single leg being pulled back. The pain was much more focused and tearing at her knee as well as her back as Makita gripped her hair to try and focus away from the pain.

But now that her other leg was freed, Makita knew that she had a little more leverage in pulling herself towards the ropes now that her leg could help push her and Alma. Continuing to drag herself, Makita continue to try and reach the ropes, tears starting to form in the corner of her eyes as she did this.


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Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas - Page 4 Empty Re: Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas

Post by TheRacker Tue Jul 26, 2016 6:06 pm

While Alma inflicted more damage on opponents leg, Makita used free leg and both arms to drag herself toward the rope. She could feel Japanese girl's pain and they eventually reached the ropes. They reached the edge of the rope and referee start pulling away Swedish girl as soon as Makita grabed the rope. Alma didn't want to play dirty, so she released her opponent and moved few steps away.

She didn't plan to gave too much break to her though. Almo would start running forward as soon as Makita would get back on her feet, trying to bring her down again with a clothesline across pinkette's neck.

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Quick pick: | Ralph | Ivan | Joe | Juni | Valentyna | Alma | Diabolica | Dajana |

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Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas - Page 4 Empty Re: Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas

Post by OmegaVan0 Thu Jul 28, 2016 9:24 pm

Reaching the rope, Makita grabbed tightly on the bottom as the ref girl got Alma off of her. A breath of relief washed through Makita as she slumped into the mat, her leg and back were hurting a plenty as she felt Alma move away from her. Not knowing how much time she had left to recover, Makita began pulling herself up to a standing position, going rather slowly as she got to her knees.

Gasping and panting, Makita made to it her feet as she turned around and saw Alma rushing at her. Reacting on instinct to the charging foe, Makita immediately fell backwards, gripping the top rope tightly as she attempted to low bridge Alma and send her tumbling over the top rope!


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Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas - Page 4 Empty Re: Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas

Post by TheRacker Thu Jul 28, 2016 10:11 pm

Alma was patiently waiting for Makita like a predator for it's prey. She finally got up and Alma lunged toward her, but instead of knocking her down she got welcomed with a small surprise. Instead of hiting her neck, Makita managed to bridge back right on time. And what was worse, was that Alma had so much momentum that she wasn't able to stop on time and hence fell out of the ring.

Although she heard referee counts to ten, Alma didn't rushed back in ring. She wasn't hardcore wrestler and such falls were pretty harsh for her. Swede took some time to rest and waited untill the eight count before sliding under the bottom rope back into the ring.

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Quick pick: | Ralph | Ivan | Joe | Juni | Valentyna | Alma | Diabolica | Dajana |

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Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas - Page 4 Empty Re: Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas

Post by OmegaVan0 Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:14 am

Watching as Alma went flying over head, Makita soon dropped down to the mat before she rolled out on to the apron. Collecting herself as she watched as Alma picked herself off of the floor mats as she rolled back into the ring. The ref girl started counting as Makita was given the time to breath, giving the audience a clear view of her underwear clad body.

Soon the count reached eight as Makita thought that she was going to get a count out victory, not the victory that she'd wanted but she was soon proven wrong when Alma got back into the ring. Acting quick, Makita rushed at Alma, knowing that she had to keep the pressure on her opponent as she would leap up and attempt to Thesz Press Alma into the mat by jumping up and crashing into her underwear clad opponent!


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Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas - Page 4 Empty Re: Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas

Post by TheRacker Fri Jul 29, 2016 11:04 am

Alma knew the returning to ring will be tough, since Makita was ready and was waiting for her. But she managed to slide back inside without much problems. Thinking the danger is over, Swede stood up, but reality quickly hit her and knocked her back down on mat. Alma was glad that Makita isn't heavyweight wrestler, since 124 pounds landing on top of her wasn't too pleasant. It's true that feeling Makita's skin was really nice, but they were in fight now, so Alma had to find a way out.

Initially Alma put her arms infront of her face to block some punches, but quickly changed her plan. It was tough decision, but she'll need arms for either attempting to escape or strike back. She decided for first thing and tried to use her legs and arms to push and squirm herself out of Makita's hold.

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Quick pick: | Ralph | Ivan | Joe | Juni | Valentyna | Alma | Diabolica | Dajana |

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Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas - Page 4 Empty Re: Makita Shouko vs. Alma Runas

Post by OmegaVan0 Fri Aug 05, 2016 7:30 pm

Jumping up and crashing into Alma, Makita's face redden when she felt her thighs brushing up against Alma's sides and how her breasts mashed against her face as both of them crashed into the ground. Now mounting Alma, Makita propped herself on one hand as she began raining down blows. Alma however had brought her hands up to deflect most of the blows directed at her and Makita did not land any meaningful punches.

When Alma began to squirm underneath her, Makita slip from her mounted position but she was not ready to end her assault just yet as she shot her legs forward to wrap around Alma's stomach and lock in a body scissors.


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