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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Fallon vs. Kyoko

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Fallon vs. Kyoko - Page 3 Empty Re: Fallon vs. Kyoko

Post by Daaharu Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:38 am

Fallon was on the bottom at the moment, with her young, eager opponent having displayed quite a bit of energy and technique in order to get Fallon into this position. She had Fallon pinned down, unable to move her lower body, and therefore unable to get up. But, with her upper body free, Fallon was still dangerous, and she intended to prove that fact to her foe right away.

The jab was quick and simple, but it did its job, hitting Kyoko right in the center of her abs and forcing her to flinch. The axe-like attack which she had been winding up for never came. Instead, wanting to protect her belly, she leaned forward and put some weight on Fallon's upper body, restricting her movement even more. Of course, in this position, their bellies were not exposed, so what damage Kyoko could do to Fallon was very minimal!

"Oh, I know you're good with bellies, but, like, you're not me!" Fallon would insist. She was the queen of all things belly-related, and no matter how good this rookie was she was not getting a victory against Fallon in a fight that played right into Fallon's favorite thing. Fallon wiggled against her opponent, trying to lift herself up and disrupt whatever Kyoko's next move might be. "My belly can take anything you have to throw at it."

Last edited by Daaharu on Sun Apr 03, 2016 10:19 am; edited 1 time in total

Fallon vs. Kyoko - Page 3 QxKLrPK

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Fallon vs. Kyoko - Page 3 Empty Re: Fallon vs. Kyoko

Post by Mystery Dragon Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:46 am

Kyoko attempted to keep the brunette down but restricting her arms just made her fight more as she bucked and fought to get free and off from the ground. Kyoko was getting a little annoyed, she just wanted to get back to beating on Fallon's belly and eventually decided that trying to keep her down wasn't worth the effort.

"Oh your gonna have to, because your gonna get all of what I can do." Kyoko said as she let go of her arms and quickly let go of Fallon's left arm and drove it down into Fallon's belly twice before quickly adjusting her herself to sit on Fallon's chest if possible.
Mystery Dragon
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Fallon vs. Kyoko - Page 3 Empty Re: Fallon vs. Kyoko

Post by Daaharu Sun Apr 03, 2016 10:25 am

Kyoko tried to restrict Fallon's arms, but even then Fallon was not going to be slowed by her opponent. Even though Kyoko was on top, it seemed that she was the one who had to respond to everything Fallon did, rather than the other way around. She struggled to maintain her position and ultimately, after a long while, seemed to decide that it was not tenable, as she pulled herself back up.

Unfortunately for Fallon, her opponent's epiphany seemed to rely on some old-fashioned belly beating. She may not have been able to hold Fallon down completely or restrict her arms, but she was able to smash her arm down into Fallon's gut a couple of times before adjusting to sit on Fallon's chest. With Kyoko facing Fallon's head, she would have to reach behind her to find Fallon's belly. But her perch would also make her difficult to dislodge with just hands and punches.

Maybe Fallon could try another approach. "I'm totally looking forward to it!" Fallon would declare, before swinging a leg up, trying to show off her flexibility and the leg strength she had recently acquired from her girlfriend to deliver a hard kick to Kyoko's side!

Fallon vs. Kyoko - Page 3 QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

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Fallon vs. Kyoko - Page 3 Empty Re: Fallon vs. Kyoko

Post by Mystery Dragon Sun Apr 03, 2016 7:29 pm

She had to give credit where it was due even in a tight spot Fallon fought for every little inch she could find to break out, still she couldn't get out from under Kyoko but she sure made it difficult to actually do much from the dominating position. Kyoko sought to change that. After her few punches to stun the brunette she moved forward and sat on her chest, she would have rather been able to turn around as she did so but the way Fallon was fighting she didn't want the risk of her escaping.

"Good, at least then I won't be the only one enjoying it." Kyoko retorted as she arched back and planted one,two,three punches into Fallon's belly before turning back and pressing dos to try and keep her down when suddenly Fallon kicked her leg out in a very flexible manner Shen isn't even know she was capable of nailed her side. "Ngaah!" Kyoko grunted as her body shifted from the pain of the kick and she brough a hand to her side.
Mystery Dragon
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Fallon vs. Kyoko - Page 3 Empty Re: Fallon vs. Kyoko

Post by Daaharu Wed Apr 06, 2016 1:17 am

"Psssh. I enjoy all belly stuff," Fallon would say. "I've always enjoyed it! But I think you're going to be enjoying the rest of this match a lot less than you think you are!" Fallon was going to keep on struggling until she broke out from underneath Kyoko, and then she was really going to give her opponent's belly a good whooping!

Kyoko, before Fallon was able to stop her, was going to get some punches in. Fallon began to lift her leg, realized that that kick was not going to reach, and then stopped, just as Kyoko's first punch smacked into her abs. Fallon groaned and grimaced as she tried to lift her butt and adjust herself very subtly. The second and third punches hit her, and Fallon would groan and splutter a little bit as they sank into her tummy. Finally, though, Fallon would pivot her hips to the side, bending herself into a crescent shape, and then sent a snap kick sideways at Kyoko. The kick managed to hit her foe in the side, with enough force that it obviously hurt. But it didn't dislodge Kyoko from her perch.

"Come on..." Fallon would growl, before she would bring up an arm to try to throw another hard jab into Kyoko's stomach! Even while she was on the bottom, Fallon was going to try to keep up with the belly beating for as long as she could.

Fallon vs. Kyoko - Page 3 QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

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Fallon vs. Kyoko - Page 3 Empty Re: Fallon vs. Kyoko

Post by Mystery Dragon Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:50 am

Kyoko tried to keep herself on top and keep Fallon down but the brunette refused to stay down and brough an arm she must have freed during the struggle and struck her belly. "Haagh!" Kyoko groans but still refuses to budge from her position she wasn't about to let Fallon dictate the match from the ground, she was in control here!

"Dont think your getting away that easy." Kyoko would bend down and try and restrain her arm before she reaches her arm back once again to land a few more belly punches, however since she can't put bend backwards du to restraining her arm she can't reach back all the way and can only hit Falons upper belly.
Mystery Dragon
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Fallon vs. Kyoko - Page 3 Empty Re: Fallon vs. Kyoko

Post by Daaharu Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:16 am

Fallon needed to get Kyoko off of her, because eventually, if she remained on top, Kyoko was going to start throwing some punches which caused some serious damage to Fallon's chances of winning. While the American brunette had been distracting her foe well enough for these first few all-important minutes, that would not last forever, and Kyoko would soon begin the process of breaking Fallon's abs down through sheer repetition.

Thankfully, with her arms no longer restrained by her opponent, who had given up on trying to keep Fallon under her control in order to try to better her offensive position, Fallon could continue to pound on her opponent and distract her from the task at hand. She slammed her fist into Kyoko's belly again, but the Japanese girl still was not going to get off of her! This was so stupid, Fallon thought, as she was frustrated by her inability to convince or force her opponent to budge! "Urrgh!" Fallon growled, as she would try to throw one more quick punch before her arm was grabbed. She struggled mightily, pushing up and trying to yank side to side, hoping to keep her arm from being pinned.

However, during the struggle, Kyoko's other fist started to assail Fallon's undefeatable belly. She could only land glancing blows to Fallon's upper belly, but despite the favorable conditions the punches still hurt mightily. "Ooooh! Oof!"

Fallon vs. Kyoko - Page 3 QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

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Fallon vs. Kyoko - Page 3 Empty Re: Fallon vs. Kyoko

Post by Mystery Dragon Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:27 am

It was almost getting ridiculous how much trouble being on top was, Fallon knew the east way to win from up here and was doing her dampest to make sure Kyoko didn't achieve it, preventing her from turning over without eating shots or Fallon springing to her feet they were now locked a struggle as Fallon tried to keep her arms away from her to get more blows in while Kyoko hit Fallon with minor blows that where clearly staring to affect her but wouldn't beat her anytime soon. Making a choice Kyoko stopped her attack and grabbed both of Falons arms to keep her down as she made her move up and back to a standing position while moving away to keep Fallon from trying anything.

"All right neither of us were making much progress there, so let's restart and see who can win now." Kyoko said as she got in a fighters stance.
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Fallon vs. Kyoko - Page 3 Empty Re: Fallon vs. Kyoko

Post by Daaharu Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:38 am

Fallon was in a troublesome spot, as Kyoko tried to force her arms down and she had to struggle just to keep her arms from being pinned above her head on the canvas, let alone to raise them high enough to actually start doing some damage to Kyoko's belly once again. Her foe, meanwhile, landed a few blows to her belly, but none of them were exactly the sort that would take Fallon's breath away. They hurt, to be sure, and left red marks on her gut, each and every one of them. But it would take quite a few of those quick, light jabs to actually seriously hurt the California belly lover.

And so, though Fallon was prepared to keep struggling on the bottom for as long as she had to, Kyoko decided that a reset was necessary. She got to her knees while holding Fallon's arms down, then rose up onto her feet. Fallon would quickly get up herself, not wanting to be at risk of being stomped on or otherwise taken advantage of by her opponent. She needn't have worried, as Kyoko backed up and let Fallon rise, as well. Fallon would pat her belly with one hand, then stretch herself out a little bit as Kyoko spoke.

"Well...yeah, sounds fine to me, I guess!" Fallon would say, surprised at Kyoko's tactics. She would bounce up and down and then begin to circle around the other girl. "Let me tell you, though, that you've, like, definitely made a mistake in letting me go! I'm not gonna go down again!"

Fallon vs. Kyoko - Page 3 QxKLrPK

Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

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Fallon vs. Kyoko - Page 3 Empty Re: Fallon vs. Kyoko

Post by Mystery Dragon Tue Apr 12, 2016 3:13 am

"Oh so you mean your gonna take me seriously, maybe you should have been doing that to begin with. I may be less experienced but I'll send you packing if you overlook me." Kyoko said as she let Fallon stretch herself, for once she want in a rush to win, she was having fun and she hoped Fallon was too, it was different from her other fights as she could see Fallon as a potential friend in the long run though she had every intention to win first.

Kyoko moved in as Fallon circled her and tried to get the first blow by going for a spinning kick to nail Fallon's gut.
Mystery Dragon
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Fallon vs. Kyoko - Page 3 Empty Re: Fallon vs. Kyoko

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