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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag - Page 2 Empty Re: The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

Post by acuyra Sun Jul 24, 2016 6:24 pm

Their opponents often underestimated the Won Siblings at the outset. They looked at the two beautiful women and saw not trained, experienced, hardened wrestlers, but two young things dressed in finery, thought they were mere dolls to pushed over with ease, and often approached them as such.

It was only after the bell rang and the blows began landing that such fools would see the error in their ways. Bridget could not be sure what Alicia and Mikaela believed just yet, but if they did harbor such notions, this opening exchange would likely dispel them.

That was certainly the case, if the look of rage in Alicia’s face was anything to go by. From the sidelines, Cindy took that anger as a good sign, another hint that goading the redhead was a viable strategy.

Bridget might have had a similar thought, if she were not so preoccupied by the raging pain in her midsection.

She had not seen the punch land, but she certainly felt it, driving the air out of her lung and doubling her over as she gasped. A strong blow from the British kickboxer, one that Bridget would be feeling for a while to come - but probably not as long as the knee heading towards her face in the next moment.

Through sheer reflex, Bridget managed to bring her hands up in front of her face, blocking the knee before it could land flush against her skull. Not that it completely saved her, as she was only able to eat so much of the blow’s power and what remained was still sufficient to make her feet leave the floor for a second. But enough for her to still have some reason left. Enough to counter.

With a growl unbefitting her higher station, Bridget wrapped her arms around Alicia’s leg, pulled it towards her chest, turned to the side and drove forward with a fierce charge, trying to drive her into the nearest corner, the one on their side of the ring. It was a good a time as any to get their strategy started, and the first step was isolation.

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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag - Page 2 Empty Re: The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

Post by Liesmith Sun Jul 24, 2016 9:51 pm

Alicia hadn’t really had an opinion of the other team going into this match, except for wanting to kick their heads into low orbit of course. She just loathed the idea of being slapped, particularly when she was more than a little sure that anyone in AFW would know how to punch instead.

It was disrespectful, it was demeaning and she was already in the sort of mood to take that sort of thing intensely personally.

Hence that punch, which rather satisfyingly drove home, doubling the sister over for the second time and leaving her open for the knee to the skull… Which she blocked, oddly lending weight to Alicia’s thoughts on her not needing to go for the slap.

Still, she’d have felt that, the redheaded amazon thought grumpily, which was possibly why she didn’t have a chance to dig her heels in before she was taken for a ride back towards the nearest corner.

The big redhead wasn’t able to stop herself from being pushed back into the corner but she was able to slow it down enough that it was just painful. A grunt escaped her thinly-pressed lips, her back arching as she felt the turnbuckles punch home. But she was able to keep enough of her composure to do something about Bridget before the other woman capitalised.

Balling both hands together, Alicia raised them high and went to slam them down into the small of her opponent’s back, looking to drive her down to her knees and let her tug her leg free.

If she could, and in full awareness that the ref wouldn’t let her get a submission from the move, Alicia would step forward in an attempt to lock the Won Sister in an early standing headscissors. Better yet, from her perspective, she was in a position where she could hang on to the ropes for leverage.

Again, even if she could manage it, she knew she could only hold it for a five count. But that was still five seconds to tenderise that skull nicely.

Friction - Isabel Armstrong - Submission Specialist


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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag - Page 2 Empty Re: The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

Post by acuyra Sun Jul 24, 2016 11:22 pm

This sort of fighting was a bit more inelegant than the prideful Won Siblings would've preferred, yes, but that hardly meant that they could not flourish in such conditions. Under her pristine figure, Bridget had a body that would stand against all but the hardiest of foes. A fact that Alicia could no doubt appreciate in her present position.

[“Excellent.”] Cindy applauded her sister’s efforts as she rammed the redhead into the turnbuckle. Unsurprisingly, she was the only one in the arena who was doing so. [“”Now, steer her this way, so I may-”]

The situation changed in only a matter of seconds. That was how long it took for Alicia to batter Bridget down and trap her head between those monstrous thighs, closing in on the Chinese woman’s head and crushing it like a walnut. The large Won Sibling went into a thrashing fit as the pressure poured on, and even though it would certainly only be on for a few seconds, that was far too long for her skull.

Or Cindy. [“You fool!”] She squawked at the referee while she started her count, now speaking in perfectly understandable Japanese. [“She's breaking the rules! Count faster! Faster!”]

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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag - Page 2 Empty Re: The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

Post by Liesmith Tue Jul 26, 2016 5:31 pm

For once, Alicia was decidedly pleased that rope breaks were a thing. Otherwise, she’d either have to let the bitch go, risk serious injury or knock her out and none of the above options really suited her right now. So having that excuse to let her go was actually quite useful – even if she had no intentions of letting her go just yet.

Sensibly choosing not to comment on the hilarious hypocrisy of Cindy Won of all people complaining about people breaking the rules, the referee just got on with her job – telling the redhead calmly to break the hold then starting the ”One…! Two…!”

Even if it was incredibly tempting.

Alicia ignored Cindy’s shrieking, ignored the ref’s count as it steadily mounted towards its end, ignored the fans cheering – whatever they felt for her, clearly they really didn’t like the Won Sisters – and got on with her job too. She just concentrated on putting as much pressure on that skull as she could, bridging up on the ropes, her head rolling back and her heels off the mat. Her thighs tightened, swelling with power. She let the count hit three and then four…

Four and a half…

It probably felt a lot longer for the woman trapped with those walls of muscle closing in around her skull.

And then right before the referee would have been forced to disqualify her, she let go. And then Alicia went to shove Bridget forcefully out of the corner with a swift, hard boot to the chest. She most definitely wasn’t done with her yet – once she’d got the Chinese woman far enough away, the kickboxer would swing one leg up and around in a sharp, crack of a kick aimed right at Bridget’s breasts.

Payback for the slap. She was just being more efficient about it.

Friction - Isabel Armstrong - Submission Specialist


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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag - Page 2 Empty Re: The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

Post by acuyra Tue Jul 26, 2016 6:37 pm

Indeed, time was relative to the elder Won Sibling. Every second in Alicia’s thighs felt like a minute - a long, painful, arduous minute where she could scarcely breath, think, blink, or do much of anything but flail around like a madwoman. The referee was counting, but she sounded so far away…

”Guuuaahah!” Bridget was knocked away by Alicia’s kick and flopped on her back, coughing like a madwoman while she rapidly scooted away from the corner and the deadly trap it held. Eyes wide and bulging, throat sore and raspy, she looked at the advancing Alicia with something approaching genuine fear, though she would never allow such a label to be placed on it. Suddenly, the threat was all too clear and real.

Fortunately, there were still ways to handle such a problem. [“Cindy!”] She squawked in their native tongue as she made her way to knees, wobbling all the way. [“Distract the ref, distract the ref!”]

From the sidelines, Cindy nodded and turned her attention the official. ”Hey! Referee! Over here!” She bellowed, drawing her gaze towards her. ”Count faster! I expect unbiased calls!”

The referee was only giving Cindy a moment’s notice, but that was all Bridget required. As Alicia came in for what would’ve certainly been a devastating kick to the chest, the younger Won Sibling ducked under it, with so much urgency that it might as well have been a buzzsaw. With a brief opening to take advantage of, she brought her arm between Alicia’s legs and hit her with a vicious low blow, narrowly avoiding the referee’s eye.

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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag - Page 2 Empty Re: The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

Post by Liesmith Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:08 pm

Under normal circumstances, Alicia would have been pleased as punch with the effect her scissors – brief as they’d been – had on Bridget. Five seconds or so of pressure and the proud woman of a minute or so before was just plain gone, replaced by a red-faced cowering wreck scrambling back. And, better yet, the redhead had seen what she was sure was fear in Bridget’s distended eyes. Normally, that wasn’t something she cared for – or wanted – in an opponent. But here? Now?

Oh yes. That was sweet.

The British amazon didn’t pause to enjoy it though. She just kept on coming, stalking forward with every intention of putting Bridget right back down again. The rasping shrieks – well, in retrospect, she ought to have paid more attention to them but her total lack of Chinese meant it wouldn’t have made that much difference.

Whatever it was Bridget had been shouting, it had certainly drawn Cindy’s attention. Alicia was vaguely aware of the other sister shouting at the ref in turn but it really didn’t matter to her. She got into position, chambered her leg back and up, sent it scything out…

Alicia was accustomed to pain. Quite a lot of pain, actually, and it took a fair deal to make her scream. But the sudden blow to her groin drew a definitely agonised whine from the big woman, coming as it did completely out of the blue. Those powerful legs weakened, the redhead clutching instinctively at the abused area as she slumped down to her knees.

Vulnerable – how fast the tables could turn.

Oh, and the fans were booing the Wons. As usual. But that was basically the status quo so it was unlikely anyone was paying any real attention.

Friction - Isabel Armstrong - Submission Specialist


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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag - Page 2 Empty Re: The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

Post by acuyra Thu Jul 28, 2016 6:36 pm

Given the way the crowd had received them at the start, you might think that there was no way the Won Siblings could’ve been more hated and reviled by the Japanese crowd. You would think wrong, however, as Bridget proved when she attacked one of the few places on Alicia’s body that wasn’t stacked strong with muscle.

The referee turned around just in time to completely miss the assault and see the aftermath. Alicia laid there, grasping her groin, while Bridget sucked in air and stood up, moving towards her fallen enemy. It didn’t take crack detective skills to make a logical leap on what happened, but she couldn’t call what she couldn’t see.

It was an opportunity, and one that Bridget had no qualms exploiting as she made her way back to Alicia. She had some better measure of the enemy now, experienced her trap firsthand. It would be one that Bridget would not easily fall into again.

She would punish Alicia for her impertinence. But she need not do it alone.

With a snarl and a growl to go along with it, Bridget grabbed Alicia by the hair and tried to drag her towards Cindy, getting her close enough to make a tag. Once that was done, they could start this ‘punishment’ in earnest…

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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag - Page 2 Empty Re: The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

Post by Liesmith Fri Jul 29, 2016 4:23 pm

If Bridget was expecting Alicia to fight back at this point, she was destined to be thoroughly disappointed. While the kickboxer was doing her best to fight through the pain, she’d in no way had enough of a chance yet; certainly not enough to really think of putting up a struggle against Bridget for the foreseeable future.

Just like low blows, hair-pulling wasn’t allowed in MMA or kickboxing. And the officials in those tended to be – so Alicia’s current and rather ungenerous thoughts went – selected from the deeper end of the gene pool. Unlike the one who’d just let herself be distracted at exactly the right moment despite these two clearly having done it before.

Mostly, she just writhed in renewed pain, this time radiating from her scalp as she was dragged bodily across the mat. Alicia didn’t wear her hair long at all, just long enough as it happened for Bridget to be able to get a good enough grip to pull on. Which meant that the big Brit was heaved across the mat, one hand clamped futilely around the Won Sister’s, the other still pressed between her legs.

What was coming next really wasn’t top of her list of interests right now, even if it should have been.

Of course, Alicia was still the best part of six feet and a good one-seventy pounds of curvy muscle. Even without resisting, dragging her likely wouldn’t be that easy.

Friction - Isabel Armstrong - Submission Specialist


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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag - Page 2 Empty Re: The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

Post by acuyra Fri Jul 29, 2016 5:43 pm

It was a good thing that Alicia wasn’t putting up any real fight at the moment, because if she had, Bridget would’ve had a considerably harder time dragging her along than she did. The woman was, needless to say, quite heavy, solidly built from head to toe - particularly around the lower regions, which made it even more awkward.

Still, the vision of dragging the haughty warrior about like an unruly child was enough to bring a smile to Bridget’s face. A weary, grunting sort of smile, but a smile all the same.

”A present for you, sister.” Bridget stretched out her hand.

Cindy quickly slapped it and tagged her way into the match. ”Graciously accepted.”

Cindy slipped her way into the ring through the top and middle rope, stepping over to their temporarily debilitated and extremely agitated opponent as Bridget propped her up.. Taking advantage of the grace period while the referee counted to five, she sauntered over to Alicia’s side and gave her a swift roundhouse kick in the chest.

And to add a little insult to injury...

”Down, dog!”

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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag - Page 2 Empty Re: The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

Post by Liesmith Fri Jul 29, 2016 10:18 pm

Between the pain in her groin and her scalp and the scraped skin where it had been dragged over the mat, Alicia still wasn’t doing much when she was finally dropped back to the canvas. That hurt her pride too but she took the chance to recover for what it was, only to realise that she’d be getting no such thing as voices exchanged words and she heard the sound of one sister tagging in the other.

Recognising that this was a bad place to be, the redhead started to struggle but the roundhouse kick cracked across her chest sent her back to the mat with a stinging pain across her cleavage.

That was nowhere near as galling as the comment that followed on its heels, one that did a hell of a lot to refocus the amazon on what she was doing there.

Alicia wasn’t one to waste breath in a fight, even when she had it to waste. Right now, she didn’t have it to waste, but the glare the violet-eyed Englishwoman fixed on Cindy didn’t really need anything else. If looks could kill, Cindy Won would be a toasted corpse there and then and Alicia’s glare still promised pain. A lot of pain.

Hissing through clenched teeth, defiantly Alicia began to push herself back up to a kneeling position. Right now, she didn’t know how she was going to turn this around. But she did know that nobody treated her like a dog. And that she was very much looking forward to making the proud Chinese wrestlers beg for mercy. This was now officially personal.

Friction - Isabel Armstrong - Submission Specialist


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Join date : 2014-04-10

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