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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag - Page 4 Empty Re: The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

Post by acuyra Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:44 pm

Above her, Cindy could hear the referee chiding her, urging her to get back into the ring and even starting a count, as if such a feeble warning would be heeded. Her actions were perfectly legal, if brutal, and she would have no qualms in employing them.

To her side, she could see Bridget leaning back to get a better view of the impending crash. Perhaps she would tag her sister in while Alicia was reeling from the blow, let her get some appropriate retribution for the way this brute squeezed her skull. They were sisters, after all, and they always took pride in sharing their experiences.

With that golden moment of reflection finished, she prepared for the climactic moment.

And wound up, instead, having her face roughly introduced to the metal post, hard to make an audible crack as bone met steel.

Cindy’s hoarse cry filled the arena, followed by the audience’s cheers as she roughly went to the floor in a heap. The elder Won Sibling rolled to and fro, cradling her nose as the smell of copper began to sink in. Bloodied? Most likely.

A string of Chinese curses flew from her lips as she groggily flopped over to her side and grabbed the apron, struggling to gather enough sense to pull her way back in.

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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag - Page 4 Empty Re: The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

Post by Liesmith Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:52 pm

Alicia didn’t know why Cindy had hesitated but she certainly wasn’t complaining or about to waste the chance it gave her by hesitating in turn.

Instead, she managed a gruesome smirk as she heard the sound of the Won Sister’s skull slamming into the steel post, followed almost instantly by the grip on her ankle vanishing as she pulled her limb free. That felt good, very good.

And her immediate instinct was to slide out of the ring, grab Cindy and beat her to a pulp. But, unfamiliar with tag matches or not, Alicia also knew that was probably a bad plan. The other wrestler was currently off balance and hurt, but that could change any second. And the Chinese sisters had already proven their yen for cheating at the drop of a hat.

She’d got a partner. She needed to use her, she needed a break to get her head back in the game and there was no way Mikayla would thank her for winning the match solo anyway.

So, rather than go after Cindy, Alicia grabbed at the ropes and began to half-walk towards Mikayla, half-drag herself back to a standing position as she went. She went as fast as she could, expression tight with focus, expecting Cindy to swoop in at any second.

And, as soon as she came close enough, she stretched out an arm, reaching towards her blonde partner in hope of a quick tag.

Friction - Isabel Armstrong - Submission Specialist


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Post by acuyra Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:26 pm

”Dear sister!”

Bridget cried out from the apron as she watched her Cindy take an awful hit and crumble to a heap, laid out by a moment’s hesitation. That had always been her sister’s vice. Getting too caught in the moment, too carried away by her dominance. This was hardly the first time it had cost the duo valuable momentum.

Nonetheless, now was not the time for chiding. Bridget could see the Alicia was within a stone’s throw of Mikayla and growing nearer by the second. Meanwhile, Cindy was still groggily making her way to a standing position. Alone, she would not return to the ring in time.

So, Bridget took it upon herself to hurry the process along.

She dropped down beside her sister, lifted her up all the way, then rolled her back into the ring towards their corner. From there, she jumped back up to the apron, reached out and tapped Cindy’s outstretched hand, pulling herself back into the match with a canny maneuver.

Bridget leaped over the top rope and charged across the ring, hoping she could at least reach her newly tagged opponent before she could realize what was going on...

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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag - Page 4 Empty Re: The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

Post by Rei Sun Oct 16, 2016 8:32 pm

Mikayla had decided several minutes ago that these tag team matches would drive her crazy if she participated in too many… pacing up and down the ropes while she watched those two little company attack dogs cheat was driving her crazy. It was all she could do not to jump into the ring and start hittinig one, but she didn’t want a disqualification… not that it seemed to matter for the precious ones across the ring.

But Alicia – damn, she was tough – was clawing her way back, and though it wasn’t Mikayla’s own style to smash someone into a steel post, but the blonde let out a loud cry of almost bloodthirsty joy when she saw and heard one of the sisters get her face plastered by the redhead. Then, she saw Alicia coming her way, and cooled her head. She wanted to get her hands on these two jerks… but she had to keep things in control. In fact, she already saw the one sister grabbing the downed one to haul her back towards their corner. The one who had just had her face smashed would probably be recovering for a while… so Mikayla wanted to get the other sister whittled down as quickly as possible, to make sure another tag didn’t happen. She could do it… she was the most capable body left fighting.

Sticking out her tongue in concentration, she spared Alicia a quick glance as she reached out and lightly grasped the hand that the redhead outstretched, as much as a sign of support as it was a tag. She was tempted to ask if Alicia was alright, but she knew she was. Besides, Alicia wanted her to tear into those sisters more than she wanted to be coddled – in the weeks they had known one another, Mikayla had discovered that about the English woman very, very quickly. She would be fine, and Mikayla had a couple of snakes to deal with.

Tense with energy, she swung into the ring, in time to see the two sisters complete a makeshift tag – which Mikayla thought might have been cheating too, she wasn’t sure. Whatever the case, it still ticked her off. She balled up her fists and set into a fighting stance, even as the other sister tore across the ring towards her with surprising aggression. Mikayla, steeled by her irritation with this mess, did not budge from her position until the sister was only a couple more steps away from her. Then, she grit her teeth, lowered her shoulders, and threw herself forward, looking to spear the sister right through her midsection, looking to let out a week’s worth of frustration on the woman.


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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag - Page 4 Empty Re: The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

Post by acuyra Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:53 pm

As Bridget came flying over the ropes, she cursed inwardly, lamenting the way things were going all of the sudden. This was not the plan. This was not the way. Isolating Alicia was a good strategy, but it brought with it the risk of having to deal with a fresh, unknown property in Mikayla. A danger she had to face, after the fight with Alicia had worn her away more than she would've liked.

She stormed across the ring and confidence began to take root with every step. A setback, yes, but this was nothing she couldn't handle. Yes, the woman she was moving towards at ramming speed was quite hardy, but what of it? She wa essentially alone, with her opponent all but demolished. No single woman could stand against the Won Sisters.

Except for Hibiki Izayoi. She stood against them. But this Mikayla was no Hibiki Izayoi, she was sure of that.

In one second, Bridget had regained her confident aplomb. That was all it took to destroy much of it, as well.

She thought that Mikayla would try some sort of kick, try cut her off using a similar style to her partner. Knees, kicks, elbows, MMA flavor.

Instead, she got a spear. A normal, plain, but brutally effective spear.

The attack took the younger Won Sister off her feet and planted her square on the mat, flat on her back, gasping and heaving beneath the blonde. ”[Bitch!]” Desperate, she tried to push Mikayla off of her and roll away, hoping to make some space between them.

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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag - Page 4 Empty Re: The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

Post by Liesmith Tue Oct 18, 2016 5:18 pm

With every step she took, Alicia firmly expected a boot to the back of the skull. Or something. The uncertainty was always the worst part but she didn’t dare slow down to check. Instead, she hoped Mikayla would tell her before she got jumped from behind and did her best to move faster. It wasn’t the tensest moment of her fighting life by any means, but she was still damned grateful when she felt the blonde’s hand slap her own outstretched palm, then tighten around it.

Alicia squeezed back for an instant, giving her teammate an encouraging nod – she’d be fine. Go get them already. Which, to give her credit, Mikayla did, slipping between the ropes and into the ring with definite enthusiasm. The redhead did the opposite, clearing the ring before the referee could complain and taking a place on the apron with a mental sigh of relief.

Now she could take a moment – or several – to regroup, get her head back together and get ready for when Mikayla tagged her back in. Not that she thought the blonde would need to if she could isolate one of the sisters. Alicia’s current opinion of their fighting skill was pretty low. But it was their skill at cheating that bothered her. Besides, at the end of the day, she wanted another chance to hit someone.

Meantime, she kept an eye on the ring and the other on the Won sister recovering on the apron opposite her.

That meant she was able to grin as Mikayla just demolished the one facing her with a tackle to the midsection that Alicia had softened up a bit. That was going to sting in the morning, that was for sure.

”Leave some for me,” She called in an uncharacteristic case of actually talking during a match. But the Wons needed to be reminded that neither Alicia nor Mikayla was scared of them in the slightest.

Friction - Isabel Armstrong - Submission Specialist


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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag - Page 4 Empty Re: The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

Post by Rei Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:09 pm

It was strange to feel such satisfaction when she didn't even know who she was hitting.

She could be Bridget, Cindy, Sheila, Carmen, Jessica - all that mattered was that they needed to be taken down a peg and that they had used dirty tactics to hurt Mikayla's friend. The blond typically gave the benefit of the doubt when someone came after her, which was why she had let the trainer who had started this whole mess maintain her conscious state when she had been attacked in the gym a week before. When it came to people hurting Mikayla's friends, though, especially if they had to cheat to do it... that, the Minnesotan could not tolerate one bit.

The considerable weight of her more full body drove the sister down into the mat, and Mikayla held on so hard that her knuckles lit up in pain from the impact as they scuffed across the canvas. As driven as the blonde already was, she got another shot of adrenaline from the feeling that the maneuver had given her, and by the time the sister could bark out a complaint in her native tongue, Mikayla was mounted on her stomach. She did not plan to let her up or give her a chance to get anywhere close to the other sister, even if she had to take blows or deal with some sort of submission to keep things on this side of the ring. Until Alicia had gotten a breather, Mikayla was determined to slog this out as an ugly one-on-one on the mats.

"Same to you!", she cut back, assuming that the sister had said something nasty. At the same time, her arms extended to grab both the sisters' wrists, and she shifted her hips forward to drop them onto the neck in a schoolgirl pin just as she heard Alicia call out to her to leave some sister for her to take down.

... Mikayla couldn't promise her redheaded friend anything, at this point.


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The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag - Page 4 Empty Re: The Won Siblings vs. Alicia Wells & Mikayla Pryor: Elimination Tag

Post by acuyra Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:54 pm

Bridget was not a gigantic woman, but she was fairly used to being the biggest woman in the ring. While there were a handful of Wrestle Angels who were her size or bigger, few of them were active in the tag division, with Bomber Kirishima being the only frequent pain in her side. Size was an advantage she could often enjoy.

However, this was not Wrestle Angels. This was the AFW. She had certain hard realities to face, one of which was becoming achingly clear as Mikayla’s weight came bearing down on her.

This situation did not improve with time, either. While having the blonde off her stomach was a relief, it meant that her prodigious posterior was on a higher perch now, coming down on her neck. A most humiliating position, and dangerous as well - it cut off her breathing, left her gasping underneath Mikayla’s weight. What was more, the referee kneeled beside them, keeping on the lookout for a pinfall, no doubt ready to cheat the Won Siblings out of a proper win at the first opportunity.

”Blonde devil!” Cindy called from their corner, recovered enough to speak and stand with the rope’s aide. ”You disgrace this sport with such a ridiculous display. You lack respect!”

As her sister spoke truth, Bridget looked to make her escape. While her upper body was thoroughly secured, her lower had far more freedom. She was not a renowned for her kicking ability as Cindy, she could still muster enough flexibility to throw her hips up and swing her leg in a wild arc, attempting to knee Mikayla in the back and create some separation.

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