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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 4 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LtLukas Tue Aug 02, 2016 6:57 am

Blow after blow came in. Josey was beginning to doubt how much more she could take. Tapping to punches would have been downright pathetic, and it wouldn't have even worked for this particular match. Her irons abs were beginning to feel a lot like mashed potatoes now, but it didn't matter. The second Cecilia went tumbling off to the side, Josey began feeling a whole lot like a knight who had just slain a dragon.

The Outlaw was riding high now. She tried to roll over as quickly as she could and get up. It was harder than it seemed at first as the Northern Queen had slammed into her stomach a hundred times with her fists but Josey had been enlivened by her recent successes and she got up and ambled towards Cecilia, aiming a kick at her side.

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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 4 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LunarWolf Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:05 am

Cecilia groaned out as she felt a bit groggy after that hit, it wasn't a very good thing to be when her opponent was someone like Josey Wales...and the cowgirl soon made it known to every just why that was. As she quickly moved up towards her feet and made her way right towards Cecilia's downed frame and threw a hard kick into the Swede's side.

" Gh!" Cecilia grunted out in pain, as she was forced to roll over onto her front, an arm wrapping around her least she knew that Josey's abs must be feeling the pain....if she could just get back into the match she knew just how to work them over!


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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 4 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LtLukas Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:58 am

Josey kept going. Like a tornado, like a bar fight, like a runaway train. The Outlaw was always on the run, and this part of being on the run involved being on the attack. The nooses over every corner still loomed large in her imagination and that is not where Josey wanted to end up, not one bit. Her feet were under her and a fire burned in her heart. She reckoned she had Cecilia on the ropes and that was where she was going to be for a while if Josey had her way.

So Josey kept going. She would assist Cecilia in her attempt to get back into the match, in her own way. The cowgirl would attempt to stand Cecilia up and bow her head, using her strong arm to loop around the Northern Queen's neck. From there it was all textbook- a DDT to make this go from a slugfest to a real wrestling match.

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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 4 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LunarWolf Wed Aug 03, 2016 12:29 pm

Cecilia groaned out as she laid on her side, shaking her head a bit and cursing under her breath as Josey would soon be one her yet again, it didn't look good right now and it seemed as if the cowgirl was gonna stay true to Cecilia's expectations. The fellow blond leaned down and grabbed a handful of Cecilia's hair and pulled her up to her feet, before that strong arm was wrapped around her head and before the Swede could even gather herself she was spike right down into the mat.

A powerful blow straight into the mat with the top of her head that caused the Swede's body to fall limp for a second, one arm draped over Josey's battered abs...


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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 4 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LtLukas Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:08 pm

Josey was breathing hard. They had already experienced a few high points so far and the Outlaw recognized that there were both pretty damn far from calling it quits on this match. Josey was determined to keep going to the bitter end, come hell or high water. Or both. The cowgirl picked herself up, wincing with pain as she did so as her abs were still under duress, and stood over her blonde opponent.

This was a no DQ match. Josey hadn't taken advantage of that to the extent that she should have. It was time to go to an old stand by. The Outlaw lived up to her name, raising one leg and then bringing it down on Cecilia's crotch with the hardest stomp she could muster.

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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 4 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LunarWolf Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:57 am

Cecilia groaned out as Josey pulled out from under her and with it rolled Cecilia over onto her back, the Swede's large chest heaved and one of her arms draped over her forehead to shield her from the arena lights, she winced as she felt Josy's presence and noticed the shadow of the cowgirl fall over her frame.

It wasn't long after that she was introduced to a whole world of pain when Josey's mighty heel came crashing right down into her crotch. " Guuh!!" Cecilia cried out in pain from Josey's cruel stomp.


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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 4 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LtLukas Sat Aug 06, 2016 11:25 pm

A torrent of boos reached her ears. Josey did not care for that, not one bit. She snickered down at her blonde opponent as she lay wincing in pain. Pain was a dear friend to her, as long as it was always in someone else, and that appeared to be exactly the case. Her fists were closed into tight balls and her heart beat with joy as she stared down at the woman she had hated for so long.

But it wasn't enough. It wasn't nearly enough. Cecilia could take a walloping and a walloping was exactly what Josey would have to give her to stand her up on one of those turnbuckles that she may literally hang her. The rough cage would aid her in her struggle against the titaness who was her opponent. The Outlaw bent over to pick Cecilia up by her blonde hair, and then she would try and Irish Whip the Northern Queen over to the cage.

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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 4 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LunarWolf Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:02 am

The Swede soon felt herself her long blond hair being grabbed by her blond counter-part as she was starting to get pulled up, her crotch throbbed with pain as she had wanted to lay down for a few more seconds but it seemed as if she wasn't going to be given that pleasure.

Instead the hold of Josey switched to her arm from her hair and then the cowgirl tried to send the Swede off running...Cecilia however grit her teeth and tried to stomp her feet down and put a halt to the run by grabbing at Josey's own wrist to keep her from being sent away. Instead the Swede then tried to pull Josey right in towards her, looking to wrap her right arm around Josey's head in a frontal face lock while her left hand would move to grab a whole lot of ass and haul Josey up off of her feet.

Trying to get those legs of her Cowgirl opponent around her waist so she could try and just throw herself backwards to hit Josey with a cradle DDT!


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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 4 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LtLukas Tue Aug 09, 2016 1:30 am

The best laid plans of mice and men blah blah blah. When Josey launched her blonde opponent, she thought she would relish the sight of the bitch crashing into the side of the cage. That image was shattered when Cecilia grabbed her wrist. The Outlaw felt herself lurching forward as the Northern Queen pulled her towards her, and Josey could not resist.

Cecilia got her paws on her, and Josey was too shocked to do anything about it. When the cowgirl left the confines of the earth, she knew that the final result would be pretty painful. Sure enough, it was. The Cradle DDT rocked her world, and her arms and legs flew akimbo as she bounced once on the mat.

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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 4 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LunarWolf Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:52 am

Cecilia's own ddt seemed to have rocked Josey quite a bit as she drove the blond cowgirl down into the match with a devastating impact, the crowd cheered as the Swede got back into control...though Cecilia would soon enough push Josey's frame off of her and move up to her feet, rubbing her own head a bit as she'd roll her shoulders...

She needed to capitalize on some of the pain she had caused to Josey, as such she would attempt to take a hold of the cowgirl by her hair against the back of her head and then a handful of Josey's belt around her waist by her lower back. Looking to lift the cowgirl up, practically deadlift her off of the mat in a display of power as she attempted to get Josey as far up into the air as she could.

After which she would try and throw Josey down front first, right as the Swede would try and drop down onto one knee and have Josey's frame crash down, battered abs first onto her raised knee!


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