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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 5 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LtLukas Tue Aug 09, 2016 6:33 pm

Cecilia was strong. Anyone who had eyes in their head could recognize that looking at her musculature, but Josey knew it in a far more intimate manner. She was beginning to regret letting Cecilia maul her as she was currently mauling her, but the Outlaw could do little about that fact. Viewing the ring from this angle wasn't so bad, as Josey got to see that shocked faces of everyone in the crowd.

Mouths were agape, and hands were on faces. Some people even looked away, and Josey was not entirely sure she could blame them. As Josey hung in the air, she recognized that the end result of this deadlift was not going to be anything in her favor. Cecilia was out for blood, just as Josey was, and no mercy would even be accepted.

Then Josey went crashing down. Her abs were blasted once again, and Josey let out a loud "Guuh!" The Northern Queen found her quarry and would not give up until Josey was ripped in half, and Josey felt like she was being broken in two. She rolled off Cecilia's knee, and clutched her stomach. The Outlaw could honestly not recall the last time her stomach had been in this much pain.

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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 5 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LunarWolf Wed Aug 10, 2016 3:10 am

Lifting Josey off of the mat like that and holding her amazing and powerful frame up in full display for the crowd was without a doubt satisfying, the camera flashes that were going off made sure that this image would be immortalized forever! The Swede then threw Josey's frame down and crushed those abs by driving them into a strong point, practically impaling the Cowgirl's stomach...or as close to it as one could get without getting too bloody.

The Swede would rise up to her feet after she watched Josey bounce off of her knee and clutch her stomach like that. The Mighty blond decided to not waste any time and keep up her assault of Josey, now she had her target to torture but that wasn't enough...she wanted to target more than just Josey's lovely abs.

Cecilia decided to try and take a handful of those flaxen locks and pull Josey up to her feet, bending Josey down the Swede would try and wrap her arms around Josey's waist, as if she was going for a gutwrench hold, but with a mighty heave the Swede would try and pull Josey up onto her right shoulder, so that the cowgirl's lower back was laying across it, while Cecilia's arms were wrapped tightly around that frame and holding against Josey's battered abs, trying to get her foe into a canadian backbreaker rack!


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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 5 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LtLukas Thu Aug 11, 2016 3:04 am

Josey was up in the air now. When Cecilia got her up to her feet, Josey was expecting some sort of throw. If Josey were in Cecilia's shoes, she would definitely go for a throw. At the very least, a few punches. Whatever this bullshit was made Josey pretty dang angry, but the unbearable pain in her stomach meant that she wasn't going to do anything too quickly. Sure enough, Josey was lifted onto Cecilia's shoulder.

And sure enough, she hated it. The Northern Queen's shoulder was not the best place to be, and she would rather be literally anywhere else. The pain of it was excruciating, and the Outlaw struggled not to tap. It wouldn't have even done anything. Worse still, she was on Cecilia's shoulders like she was a sack of potatoes.

So she fought it. The cowgirl turned and twisted as much as she could, trying to quiver herself free from the clutches of Cecilia. She wanted out, and she wanted out now.

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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 5 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LunarWolf Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:36 am

There was no Mercy from the Swede, not any more...she knew what Josey could do, she had felt it first hand and she was getting sick off the cowgirl, she wanted to lay waste to her and show everyone in this fully packed crowd just who Josey had been messing with. The Swedish beauty would grin as she pulled the fellow blond up into such a painful hold and would start to torture her....back and abs!

The Swede's two new favorite targets to torture on her fellow blond, she wanted to make sure that Josey would always remember her from the Cowgirl's bruised belly and broken back!! Or well...very soon to be bruised belly and broken back.

Though she hadn't even had Josey up in the hold for more than a few moments before she started to feel the cowgirl start to struggle. The Texan was wily indeed and had no desire to be woman handled it seemed. Too bad that the Swede had no plans of letting her go without hurting her some more.

Cecilia would attempt to jump up, she knew this would be murder on her knees, but that didn't matter to her right now! She would try and drop down onto her knees and with it send a huge and painful jolt of pain right up through that spine of Josey's by driving her spine into the Swede's mighty shoulder!


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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 5 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LtLukas Fri Aug 12, 2016 5:27 am

Josey thought she knew suffering. Especially from fights. The Outlaw had been in her fair share of them over the years, and she was sure as hell going to be in more. Folks had broken her bones, bruised every inch of her body, sent her to the hospital. But she couldn't remember the last time she felt anything like this. When Cecilia jumped up, Josey recognized that this was going to hurt. But when she landed, she learned her capacity to suffer exactly.

The Outlaw reached a whole new level of pain. Her cry of anguish pierced the souls of all the patrons of the arena, and her face was contorted with the physical misery Cecilia forced her to encounter. Josey had to get out, and she knew that before. This whole new layer of badness meant that she had to get out now. She recognized that her thrashing was not going to be doing much just as it had failed to provide her with an escape route this time around.

It was bad to be in this situation at all, but to be put into this position by Cecilia, the most loathsome woman in existence, was simply intolerable. Her heart flamed with a desire to give this woman what she deserved, which was nothing more or less than a trip to the hospital.

The only question was how. Josey had no qualms about hitting below the belt, so to speak. As much as she hated herself for it, she grabbed a fistful of Cecilia's pretty blonde hair and yanked. She was going to get free, by hook or by crook.

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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 5 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LunarWolf Fri Aug 12, 2016 4:56 pm

Cecilia dropped down onto her knee for that hellish move and sent untold amounts of pains up into Josey's spine, right after that though the Swede quickly would let go of Josey after the drop and let the cowgirl drop down onto her side next to her. The Swede would rise up towards her feet and raise her right hand up into the air, letting out a loud roar which fired up the crowd and made them all join in with cheers for the Swedish beauty.

The mighty blond would turn towards her downed foe and attempt to take a handful of Josey's long blond hair again. " Alright cowgirl...let's see how you handle this!" The Swede let out as she'd try and pull Josey up into a doubled over position, looking to force the cowgirl's head in between her powerful thighs and then lean forward, looking to take a hold of her rival's waist by wrapping her powerful arms around her and then attempting to roll Josey up onto her shoulders. Without a second of doubt the Swede would attempt to throw Josey down with all her might for a hellish powerbomb!


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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 5 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LtLukas Mon Aug 15, 2016 5:21 am

Josey was fired up now. Even on the ground, squirming in pain, Josey was a fighter. Cecilia blasted her back and abs to kingdom come, but Josey wasn't out of this fight yet. Not by a long shot. When Cecilia lifted her and placed Josey's head between Cecilia's wonderful thighs, Josey moved. She was not going to go quietly into that good night. Oh, not by a long shot.

At the critical moment, right before Cecilia got her arms around Josey's waist, the Outlaw lurched forward. She wrapped her own arms around Cecilia's knees to try and topple her. The strength of Josey's legs were evident in the way she pushed and pushed to try and bowl the Northern Queen over.

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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 5 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LunarWolf Mon Aug 15, 2016 11:54 pm

Cecilia had Josey's head pretty perfectly situated right between her legs right now, all she needed was to lift the fellow blond up and then slam her down hard into the mat with a brutal powerbomb. However, it seemed that Josey was not planning on making things easy for the Swede. As she started to push forward, and more so...the hands of Josey gripping against her legs as the Swede shook her head.

It wasn't long before her legs gave away to all of Josey's body and strength and she was practically throw down onto the mat on her back with a rather loud thud.


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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 5 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LtLukas Tue Aug 16, 2016 2:41 am

Josey had been getting far more than her fair share for a vast majority of this match. Now it was time to give it as much as she got. The Outlaw finagled a way to get the Northern Queen on the ground but the question was not cleared up immediately. Josey was in a considerable amount of pain, and feeling like she was only just now coming off of the back heel to get back into this match.

She kept up her forward momentum and kept moving forward. A downed lioness was still a lioness, yet the Outlaw knew even a hint of caution would doom her. She half ran half stumbled forward to Cecilia's upper half, where she would swing her boot back. Her legs had not been hounded to the same degree that her entire torso had, which meant that the kick that was rocketing towards Cecilia's head would come at full force.

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Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II - Page 5 Empty Re: Josey Wales vs. Cecilia Northman II

Post by LunarWolf Thu Aug 18, 2016 6:37 am

Cecilia had been bowled over by Josey Wales and soon enough found herself trying to get up, she shook her head and seemed rather annoyed by having been tackled down like that... all she wanted was to powerbomb Josey through the ring...was that such a outrageous thing to want ? Not like it mattered! She'd do it soon enough anyways!

The Swede soon enough pushed up towards her feet and saw the stumbling Josey come at her with quite an incredible speed, and with it that strong leg of Josey's which had practically let to Cecilia's defeat against the cowgirl! That thick leg smacked right into Cecilia's skull and sent the Swede stumbling backwards...

Though she didn't fall down onto her back like before, though that was only because she stumbled right back into the cage...looking rather dazed as she was slumped back against the cage wall.


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