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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon)

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'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon) Empty 'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon)

Post by Mystery Dragon Sun Mar 19, 2017 11:55 pm

3 days. It had been 3 days since her final battle with Da Xia ended decisively in her favor. After a long time under the Chinese bullies abusive control because of there fight in the showers she had her chance to turn the tables and made sure to make the most of it. The first day was relatively light, not because she felt like being nice but mostly because Da couldn't handle much of what she wanted to do, Passing out too quickly.

The second day was a bit nicer for her. Not so much for Da as she made sure she was subjected to some pretty tough beatings. Subjecting her to bearhugs, claws, and forcing her to endure more punches then she could handle. Day 3 was much more humiliating, forcing Da to do and say embarrassing things reminiscent of her days under treatment as well, nearing the end of the day Kyoko intended to finish things off and let Da go. But not before a few more reminders of who was the top dog between them.
Mystery Dragon
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'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon) Empty Re: 'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon)

Post by OmegaVan0 Mon Mar 20, 2017 12:15 am

Da Xia's life has been a miserable hell the past three days where Kyoko has just been doing her damnest to break Da Xia worse and worse in progression each day. She was lucky to get that first day of light, but humiliating things like worship Kyoko's stomach. Even then she was afraid of being snippy as her stomach was still in bruises and pain from the hellacious beating that rendered her useless and in fear of being struck again.

The second day however, that's when the working over process began as the numerous holds that Kyoko used to stretch out and crush her belly made Da Xia scream out in pain and forcing her to increase her pain tolerance for what was to come. The third day was absolute hell, reflecting the kind of treatment that Da Xia inflicted on to Kyoko back during her days of being her slave. She felt miserable as the day was finally coming to the end, or at least she hoped. Perhaps Kyoko was going to be as cruel as she was and continue on this punishment as long as she wanted.

She could only hope not.


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'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon) Empty Re: 'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon)

Post by Mystery Dragon Mon Mar 20, 2017 12:43 am

Kyoko was not one for this kind of thing, she didn't do POW much because she didn't consider herself capable of actually following through on what the fans would love to see her doing in these scenarios due to her own interest. Though for Da she was more then willing to throw that out the window and more as she came back with a smile on her face. "So Da you ready to leave cause I have a few things left for us to do before that can happen."

Kyoko said motioning for Da to turn around she would pull out a pair of handcuffs and tie her arms behind her back before trying to force Da down on the ground. Sitting down on her waist she smiled down at the girl and patted her stomach. "Look on the bright side at least youll be getting some exercise out of this."
Mystery Dragon
Mystery Dragon

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'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon) Empty Re: 'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon)

Post by OmegaVan0 Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:06 am

Just when she thought that her nightmare was coming to an end, Kyoko procured handcuffs and Da Xia knew that anything involving thoses was not going to end well for her as her eyes remained locked to the restraining tool. "Wh-what's that for?" she asked, although there was a part of her that knew exactly what they were for. Kyoko was dead set on 'strengthing' her stomach as she called it, but all in all it was just her way of torturing Da Xia and feeding that sick fetish of stomachs for her.

Of course Da Xia couldn't say that to her face, not now as she was too terrified of increased punishment. Normally Da Xia would say 'Fuck it' and take all the punishment just to irritate Kyoko. Not this time. Not in this particular moment. She didn't want to have anything else to do with Kyoko after this was over, completely different from the usual brash and antagonistic Da Xia as she meekly looked at Kyoko, "B...but...." was her only response, trying to find the words that wouldn't anger Kyoko.


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'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon) Empty Re: 'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon)

Post by Mystery Dragon Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:16 am

"Nervous? I'm just moving those pesky hands out of the way while I take care of things." She said as she started to cuff her, smiling to herself more at how clearly nervous Da was before taking her to the floor. "Alright so heres what were going to do. You need to do 6 sit ups while I'm punching you. Sounds easy right? Just don't stop cause spoilers, I wont."

From there she cracked her knuckles as she heard Da continue to speak or at least try to before Kyoko eyed her. "Something wrong Da? You can talk to me, you were such a good listener when you had me as a servant so ill follow your lovely example." She said looking Da up and down.
Mystery Dragon
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'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon) Empty Re: 'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon)

Post by OmegaVan0 Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:38 am

Again she had to listen to one of the sick requests of Kyoko, asking her to do sit ups while getting punched. Seriously, who got off to this kind of stuff? But Da Xia wouldn't deny it, she wasn't going to give Kyoko more reason to beat her. "Fi....O-okay...I'll do it." she let out, finding herself at the lowest point of her life as all the horrible things she did was coming back to haunt her as she sat down on the floor.

She curled her knees and placed her hands on the back of her head as she let out a deep breath. "O-okay. I'm ready.....whenever you want me to start." she let out meekly as she took a deep breath, trying to prepare her stomach for what was to come.


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'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon) Empty Re: 'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon)

Post by Mystery Dragon Mon Mar 20, 2017 7:08 am

Da Xia didn't seem to be in a mood to talk back for once. Probably because she knew she was in the last place it would be tolerated but regardless Kyoko was going to take advantage of this moment to leave her a permanent reminder as to why screwing with her was not going to be tolerated in the slightest.

"On my mark. Ready...set...go!" She said drilling a punch down into Da's belly before she could even get up off the ground. From there she would try to get in two more punches before Da Xia could fully complete the first one, one midway up and the other as she was fully up.
Mystery Dragon
Mystery Dragon

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'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon) Empty Re: 'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon)

Post by OmegaVan0 Mon Mar 20, 2017 8:00 am

Waiting on the floor as her hands were on the back of her head, Da Xia could only wait in nervousness for Kyoko to give her the order to start. She wasn't excited about it, but she didn't have any real choice as she heard the mark. However, she got nailed in the stomach right before she could even think about sitting up. "Gah!" she let out, the punch catching her by surprise as she coughed out, her stomach curling up on instinct before two more punches drilled her.

Doing her best to keep her hands on the back of her head, Da Xia gripped her hair to keep them locked in place as Kyoko stopped with the punches. There was still more to come and she knew it. Completing her first sit up, after being smacked in the stomach going up and finishing it, she immediately flopped back to the ground, coughing as her stomach was burning in pain.


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'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon) Empty Re: 'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon)

Post by Mystery Dragon Tue Mar 21, 2017 7:36 am

One down, 5 more to go and Da seemed to look tired already. Kyoko kept her eyes on Da's face all throughout, as if by doing so she was reminding her of who was in charge here and actually let her stay down for a second before she would throw another punch if Da stayed down for too long.

"Come on, a little workout never killed anyone." She said waiting for Da to pull herself up before she would send a punch straight into her bending abs to make pushing up just a little bit harder.
Mystery Dragon
Mystery Dragon

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'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon) Empty Re: 'Comforting' a Chinese bully (For Omega and Link-mon)

Post by OmegaVan0 Tue Mar 21, 2017 8:19 pm

Da Xia was wondering why Kyoko picked 6, it was such an odd number next to the usual 5 but that should've been the least of her concerns as she laid on the ground for too long and Kyoko saw fit to punch her right in the gut again. "Guh!" she cried out as she tensed up, panting out as she shook her head back into the game as she forced herself back up to a seated position.

"Ye....yes Kyoko." was Da Xia's meek response, but just before she got up, she was nailed in the stomach that forced her to fall back on to the ground and hold her stomach as she coughed out.


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