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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 2 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by zxn666 Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:33 am

Megumi heard Sera's comment about her panties and smiled. She did not let herself get flustered, since that would be playing into Sera's hands. "It looks good on me doesn't it?" Megumi quipped. Her punch slammed into Sera's hip with a satisfying thud. She knew it hurt from the way Sera winced. But she knew that wasn't going to stop her or even slow her down. She readied another blow as quickly as she could, but not fast enough. Sera's knee struck her right in the bottom of the chin, snapping her head back and making her fall backwards. That one attack did more damage than both of Megumi's combined it seemed.

"Damn," Megumi said. She grabbed onto the turnbuckle to keep from toppling over. Sera's attacks hurt even more than before. It seemed that her opponent had gotten stronger since she faced her last. Megumi lashed out with a kick, barely letting Sera have any breathing time, aimed at Sera's lower back.


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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 2 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by Ninja-chan Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:48 am

Megumi was playing right into the style she wanted. So much as this came down to strikes, fists, and kicks, Seraphim would outlast and dominate this match. 'Oh how you never learn, Megumi-chan.' Seraphim thought to herself as her strike went true and her dense knee slammed right into her chin, knocking her back and down. Most people fell after an attack like that, it was to be expected, and Seraphim didn't plan to let up, not when they were playing by her rules and how she wanted.

When Megumi stood her ground though in the corner, Seraphim was mildly impressed, but didn't let it get to her head, as she took this time to press the advantage. Megumi got in the first kick though, hitting Seraphim in a place she had poorly guarded, but still felt muscular and well worn in. Seraphim had built up such an immunity, both physically and mentally against these kinds of attacks, that once again she only seemed to pause for a second from the strike, cringing out a smile before laughing. "Like a feather against armor." She mocked confidently, again fighting through this sort of pain as she readied herself for another brutal strike, pressing on into the corner to keep Megumi from escaping. Though it hurt in her lower back, it still didn't stop Seraphim, her pale skin not even breaking a sweat yet as her fist lashed forth, aiming to punch Megumi right between her breasts, the soft mounds offering minimal protection from her powerhouse blows.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 2 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by zxn666 Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:30 am

Seeing the blow have a minimal effect upon Sera, Megumi felt quite a bit disheartened. She thought she had gotten stronger, and that she would be able to beat Sera. The powerful kick didn't even seem to faze her. Megumi's eyes widened when Sera wound up and slammed her fist right into Megumi's chest. Megumi's mouth opened in a gasp of pain, her breasts bouncing from the blow. She sank to her knees, her hands on her chest, gasping for breath. It hurt so much, that one blow. Megumi felt as if her heart was about to burst. She gasped and took a few deep breaths, trying to make the pain go away. It did after a while.

Megumi however didn't try to get up. Instead, even after she recovered, she'll rush forward and attempt to wrap her arms around Sera's legs and trip her to the ground. Megumi had two specialties after all, strikes and grapples. If strikes didn't work, then Megumi would put Sera into grappling submissions and see how much she likes getting her joints dislocated.


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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 2 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by Ninja-chan Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:48 am

There was more where that came from. The strike that hit Megumi so powerfully in the chest was just one in a thousand she would give if that was how many it took to bring Megumi down. She didn't want to hurt Megumi any more than she had to, but then again, depending on how this whole match went, it all changed for better or for worse just how much she would have to hurt the idol. Though she had to admit, seeing Megumi in that sort of pain, watching her gasp for breath like that, it was actually a bit.. enticing, Seraphim wanted to see it more, she wanted to make Megumi beg.

Readying for another attack, having no qualms with hurting Megumi while she was on the ground, Seraphim clasped her hands together, ready to strike a vicious hammer blow down on the girl. "It's a shame," She begun to say as she watched Megumi gather herself, taunting her somewhat as she was going to bring the attack down against her. "After all that, I would have expected better from y--Waaah!!" Suddenly, she felt her legs get tightly grappled, and it immediattley brought an unbalance to the one-eyed wrestler. Frantically she swayed her arms, releasing her fists as she looked more like a child trying to just stand, yelping out as her arms flapped. But to no avail, Seraphim was like a tree falling in the woods before she fell over to her side, hitting the mat with a thud while her legs were still held by Megumi.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 2 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by zxn666 Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:53 am

After bringing Sera to the ground, Megumi smiled. "What were you saying?" she said, taunting Sera. She got up quickly , her hands still holding tightly onto Megumi's legs to make sure she couldn't use them. "You expect better?" Megumi's smile suddenly turned evil. "I'll show you better," she said simply, the smile never disappearing from her face. With a quick motion, Megumi flipped Sera over onto her back and, still holding onto Sera's legs, wrenched the both of them back as hard as she could, putting Sera in a Boston Crab.

"How do you like this Sera? If I remember right, you don't like submissions much," Megumi said. She leaned back some more. "How does it feel?"


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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 2 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by Ninja-chan Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:01 am

Feeling rather helpless at the moment, Seraphim was easily rolled over, her front side on the mat as she was facing the crowd now from the ground. She hated it when anything side from her feet were against the mat, because nine out of ten times it meant she was usually engaged in a submission or a grapple, and right now, that was precisely the case as Megumi used that to her advantage. Feeling her legs start to bend back, Seraphim shut her eye tightly, and balled her hands into fists before biting her lip, trying not to give Megumi the satisfaction in hearing her cry out in pain. She was strong to resist, but the way her leather garbed legs quivered under the pain, and how she squirmed her hips, it was obvious that Seraphim was really feeling this one and desperately tried to escape.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 2 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by zxn666 Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:05 am

Megumi knew Seraphim felt the pain. She knew that no matter how strong Sera actually was, she wouldn't be able to endure a sumbission forever. And she wasn't much good at breaking out of them either. Megumi smiled to herself as she bent Sera back more and more. She knew this was a short term advantage, but she fully intended to milk it. She was going to do as much damage as she could.

But they were close to the ropes. Should Sera grab the ropes, Megumi would have to let go. With this in mind, Megumi bent back much harder than she normally would, first because Sera was obscenely strong, and second because she wanted to do as much damage as she could before being forced to let go.


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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 2 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by Ninja-chan Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:13 am

As Seraphim's flexability was starting to get tested, it became harder and harder to resist this any further. She wouldn't cave in, Seraphim was the type who would kick and scream until she ran out of breath before she let the pain take her, but this certainly wasn't what she had in mind for fighting Megumi, she never intended to get this match to become a submission one. As she felt her legs bend further, she felt the pain hit her in every part imaginable. Her ankles felt like they were swelling, her leg muscles were stretched to where they shouldn't, her back ached, her hips were on fire, Hell even her crotch felt sore! "Aaagh! h-haagh! St-Stop that! I-I'll.. I'll get you for thiiiis!" For the first time in any of her matches, Seraphim had actually sounded like she was truly in pain and begging for it to end, reaching a point she didn't intend to be forced to, as she literally felt like she was going to be brought to tears from how much it hurt. Her pale skin begun to sweat, she struggled for a breath, and her whole body started to tremble, she had to escape!!

Frantically looking for a way out, Seraphim had thought of any way she could strike back, but sadly, after the pain, she could only resort to attempting to grab the ropes. Reaching her arm out desperately, her arm latched on to the bottom rope, pulling at it even like it was her last lifeline from drowning in deadly waters.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


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Join date : 2009-06-03

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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 2 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by zxn666 Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:30 am

Megumi's smile got wider as Sera started to scream in pain beneath her. Sera never let the pain be shown, but now she was screaming. It would only take a bit more to make Sera submit. "What's wrong?" Megumi taunted, "Can't take a little pain?" Then the ref came and told her she needed to break the hold. Sera had the ropes. Megumi let go with a sigh, but didn't wasn't truly disappointed or frustrated. She had just done a lot of damage to Sera, with nearly nothing done to her. Megumi stepped over Sera's body and walked over to the center of the ring, waiting for Sera to get up.

"Is that all Sera? Is that really all you've got?" Megumi said, "Get up!"


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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 2 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by Ninja-chan Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:44 am

The moment Megumi released her, Seraphim legs went out and flat against the mat like a coiled spring, her legs just pulsing with pain after what she was put through. She knew now that for the next few minutes, walking around was going to be a difficult task for her, but once again, Seraphim just did her best to fight through it, slowly trying to get over it since Megumi was forced to give her a chance to recover. Taking a moment to grab the middle rope, Seraphim slowly used her hands to scale the ropes so she could get to her feet, all of her weight in her hands as she climbed it, panting for breath after that one, but managing to still carry a grin after it all.

"Oh... heh.. don't worry... this just changes things, thats all." Her breathing slowly returning to normal, but clearly aching over the pain in her legs as Seraphim was against the ropes for the moment, she suddenly begun to reach for her wrists where those bracers she always wore had been. "I haven't done this in a long time... not since the brick house, anyway." There was something troubling and unnervingly calm in Seraphim's words, as suddenly, a metal clicking noise was heard from Seraphim's left brace as it seperated. The bracer split open, revealing on the inside, it was in fact metal, built with hinges, and then in a few seconds, she worked on the one on her right hand, removing the bracers from both wrists before she casually dropped them outside of the ring.


When the bracers fell outside the ring, it sounded like two massive chunks of metal had practically shattered into the ground, revealing that the entire time, in all her matches, Seraphim had been wearing training weights, and since she had nothing but her fists at this moment, Seraphim was going to use them with everything she ever had. So, slipping into a different stance, her fists were arranged in the manner of boxing like usual. However, Seraphim always took a defensive posture with her fists, this time, they looked completely offensive, ready to unleash a beating on Megumi the moment she got so much as even an inch to close to her range.

"C'mon Megumi-chan... let me show you why in prison they used to call me The Godhand."

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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