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Mon May 13, 2024 1:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sat Apr 06, 2024 8:00 pm by Blade/speranza

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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 6 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by zxn666 Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:40 pm

"Ow ow ow," Megumi moaned as she gingerly touched her eye. It even felt swollen now. She couldn't see herself in the mirror, but a neat black ring was forming around her eye, and it hurt quite a lot. Megumi knew that although her face wasn't as badly marred as Sera's, now her pretty looks were ruined as well.

She got up to her feet, a hand covering her eye. She took her hand off and tried to open it, but then stopped, wincing in pain. Sera's punch had pretty much managed to blind her. She removed her hand from her eye, keeping it shut tightly. She looked at Seraphim strangely for a moment with her one good eye, then she smiled.

"Now I guess we're even," Megumi said, "We're both blind in one eye." She raised her hands into a fighting stance, trying to ignore the pain in her eye and all over her body.


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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 6 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by Ninja-chan Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:17 pm

"Megumi..." Seraphim's mind was colliding like a bad accident with emotions, unsure of just how she could react to Megumi at the moment. She hated the girl for doing this to her, even if the crowd hadn't seen her face, the idol still had, and it was enough to tear her apart inside. Tears still flowed from her eye, but in a few moments time, she managed to raise her fists to take an offensive stance once again, ready to strike if Megumi got close. "We're not even... we can't be after that. First.. the first time you insulted my past, and now you revealed this..?" Seraphim looked deeply hurt at this all, her legs actually shaking despite how well she could tolerate pain. It wasn't from being hurt physically, it was the mental agony, the revelation of her secret being known by the one person she wished would never see.

"After this... I'm going to punish you until you beg for death!!!" With all she had, Seraphim pushed herself to start running, ignoring the agony that wracked her leg muscles with pain, and charged towards her, both hands outstretched like she was ready to throw both fists at her. With a battle cry, but a tear still falling from her eye, Seraphim dashed towards Megumi, and at the last moment, crouched low, attempting to spear her shoulder into Megumi's gut, and grab her waist to slam her down to the ground.

Now, there was no more mercy.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


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Join date : 2009-06-03

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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 6 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by zxn666 Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:01 am

Megumi's smile slipped from her face after she saw that Sera was still angry. She shook her head. "It's not my fault your eyepatch slipped," Megumi said, "Besides, why do you think I would be put off by something like that? Don't you think I realize appearances aren't everything?" She moved a little closer to Sera. The other girl looked as if she might burst. Megumi had to be careful or else Sera in her fragile emotional state might lash out and attack her. It wasn't enough. Sera yelled and screamed and charged at her with a vengeance. Megumi looked in surprise as Sera charged. Then she hardened her resolve and leapt to the side to avoid Sera's spearing attack.

Megumi noticed the tears falling from Sera's eyes. The girl was genuinely hurt by this turn of events. Megumi wanted to comfort Sera, but that seemed impossible at the moment. Right now she just had to defend her own life. She ran to the side and then behind Sera, hoping to deliver a kick to her back to knock her off balance.


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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 6 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by Ninja-chan Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:45 am

Megumi may have tried to console Seraphim about it not being her fault, and that it had simply came off, but to the white-haired brawler, it didn't make a difference. She had a chance to look away, she didn't have to, and yet instead she caught site of what made her such a hideous person, completely ignoring Seraphim's privacy. To Seraphim, this being seen by even one person was worse than being stripped naked in front of the entire crowd. So where as Megumi thought she was overreacting, Seraphim instead thought she was taking this pretty well, not even losing control of herself over the entire incident.

"You don't understand!" Seraphim yelled during her tackle, only to miss as she stumbled towards the ropes, her back wide open. She didn't care, right now she was back on her feet, completely ignorant to the agonizing pain in her legs, and focusing completely on her opponent, ready to take her down in moments. When Megumi's hit struck true, slamming into her lower back, Seraphim stumbled, but only closer to the ropes, turning around with a sharp glare. Megumi's kick was the equivilant to just poking a bull, aggitating her as she was turning around to go for a second assualt. "Anyone could have seen it and things would be different.. but you... why you?!?" Her face streaked with another tear as she stood up, her powerful hands outstretched like she was ready to grab, attempting to once again wrap her hands around Megumi's hips into a barehug. Right now, Seraphim was an unstoppable tank, her adrenaline pumping nearly to its limit. Her body was flushed read, sweat poured from her like a river, her crimson eye sparked with rage, and despite the trembling in parts of her body, she didn't stop.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


Posts : 1594
Join date : 2009-06-03

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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 6 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by zxn666 Thu Sep 03, 2009 9:02 pm

Megumi's kick landed on Sera's back, but it barely even slowed down the angry brawler. She was starting to panic now, seeing that Sera was really out to hurt her. Megumi didn't quite understand why Sera was so ashamed or angry, but she never had to hide any aspect of her body. She had nothing to be ashamed of. She also didn't understand why Sera was so angry at her. So what if she saw it, Megumi didn't care! She knew appearances were nothing, and that the inside mattered most.

Megumi didn't flee fast enough to avoid the bearhug. Sera's powerful arms closed around her waist. "Ahhh!" Megumi screamed as Sera tightened her hold around her slim waist and squeezed hard, "Let go! Sera, please, I don't understand... why? Why are you so angry?"


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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 6 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by Ninja-chan Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:00 pm

When Seraphim clamped down, something didn't seem right in her grip. For someone who had such powerful arms, she wasn't squeezing as tight as Megumi might expect for a bearhug, it was almost like she was just trying to hold on. Then, the answer of why Seraphim was doing this had been found when she kept running, as if she was pushing Megumi forth like a sumo-match. The white-haired wrestler had taken a tight grip, but as she picked Megumi's feet from off the mat, she kept running, rushing with Megumi in her grip towards the turnbuckle.

She gave out a howling battle-roar, her teeth bared but her eye clenched shut as she blindly ran for the turnbuckle, attempting to slam Megumi's back into it during her dash while she held Megumi done. "You'll never understand!!!" Seraphim yelled out during her run, holding back her true reasoning to all this.

It was so much easier and less painful to hate... just to find one reason to hate Megumi, even the slightest, it made it so much easier for Seraphim to deal with. There was no longer the confusion of love or her feelings for Megumi, there was no doubt or holding back. With hate.. she could focus on only winning, and no longer have to deal with the colliding emotions of how she felt for her.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


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Join date : 2009-06-03

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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 6 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by zxn666 Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:33 pm

Megumi cried out when Sera lifted her off her feet. "AHH!" she screamed as Sera began to take her and run towards the turnbuckles. "No! Sera, why are you-" her next words got cut off as she slammed hard into the turnbuckles, her head snapping back and striking against the pads, pain shooting through her body. She couldn't understand why Sera was so angry, unable to relate to Sera's condition. She slumped down weakly after getting slammed into the turnbuckle, her eyes pained and teary. The pain broke through her barriers and shot through her body, nearly making her pass out. Megumi held onto consciousness by barely a thread, but she held. She groaned weakly and looked at Sera.

"W-why?" Megumi said, "I thought we were friends..."


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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 6 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by Ninja-chan Tue Sep 15, 2009 1:35 pm

When Megumi was slammed into the back of the turnbuckle, Seraphim didn't find a smile in success, or even felt proud of her nearing victory. She had casted off as much of her physical pain as possible, but it was clear that emotionally, she was still struggling. She could see the agonizing trauma she was putting Megumi through, but at this point, she didn't plan to stop. She wanted Megumi to remain conscious for this beating as long as possible, hoping that maybe, just maybe this beating she would bring down might help die down the burning agony of emotions she had swarming over her.

"Because it's easier... It's easier to hate then to love!" Seraphim was nearly on the verge of tears, but she didn't stop. It was the only way she knew how to deal with these conflicting emotions. To lash out, to hurt and maim other people, it was the only thing that had ever helped burn down her raging emotions when she was too confused by them. So, she brought no mercy against Megumi as she was slammed against the turnbuckle, and even going for a painful low blow, Seraphim raised her damaged leg, cringing a little at the pain she still felt from it, but fought through it anyway as she went to deliver a powerful strike with her knee. Resembling a Mauy Thai stike which she had been trained so adeptly with in her legs, Seraphim shot her right knee up with a crushing blow, doing so right between Megumi's legs, aiming square for her crotch with the blasting strike from her bone-shattering knee.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


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Join date : 2009-06-03

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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 6 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by zxn666 Sat Sep 19, 2009 8:21 pm

Megumi leaned heavily against the turnbuckles, pain coursing through her body. The last slam Sera did hurt Megumi quite a bit, damaging her back and filling her entire body with considerable pain. She held on to consciousness barely, and stood shakily. She felt fear for the first time in this match, true fear gripping her mind and paralyzing her. She knew that Sera was going to beat her down utterly and hurt her beyond imagining. Sera was furious enough to hate her now after all.

Then inexplicable pain filled Megumi's body. She looked down to find Sera's knee in her crotch, slamming in between her legs hard. Her eyes watered, her mouth opened in a silent gasp of pain, and she doubled over. She fell to her knees, slipping down slowly. Her mind began to blank out as the pain overwhelmed her. She then fell over, her forehead hitting the mat. She wasn't out yet, lying there quivering on the mat. She silently begged for Sera to stop. There was no way Megumi could fight on anymore.


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Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle! - Page 6 Empty Re: Rematch: Megumi Vs. Seraphim- A decisive battle!

Post by Ninja-chan Sun Sep 20, 2009 12:04 pm

Easier to hate then to love... it was the only thing Seraphim could do. The cluster of horrifying and mixed emotions, she could no longer just keep them at bay, and she had dealt with them the only way she knew how. Pain, inflicting agonizing pain and torture on the cause; it was how she had done for years, and unfortunately for Megumi, she was the victem this time.

"You have no idea how hard it is!" Seraphim reached down, taking hand a grip of Megumi's chocolate brown locks, forcing her head up with a sudden yank. She would stand before Megumi, even kneeling down so they were almost face to face. "You would never understand.. Never!!" Her own emotion pouring into those words, Seraphim spared Megumi from one of her deadly punches and instead went to slam the girl's face back down into the mat, forehead first. Seraphim was still in control, she wouldn't break Megumi, but she was doing all she can to let out her emotional pain, in doing so by bringing a physical pain to Megumi. This wasn't just a match to Seraphim anymore.

[url=]All about the girls and their progress, and White Gale[/url:2q26ycek]

[url=]Story: Fallen Angel. Part 2[/url:2q26ycek]

Friction characters: [url=]Seraphim Harmonia[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Tammy Naga[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]Rheena Yatsuo[/url:2q26ycek] [url=]“Maiden” Sakurazaki Momiji[/url:2q26ycek]
Alternate character: [url=]Elesia Thanatos[/url:2q26ycek]


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