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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka)

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Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka) - Page 2 Empty Re: Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka)

Post by OmegaVan0 Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:31 pm

Ouka's cheeks flared red as she not only was embarrassed by the fact that she lost her footing and the test of strength but now she was nose deep in Belinda's cleavage. Before she had a chance to recover and get back to her feet, Belinda came flying to her with all of her body weight and pinned Ouka down into the mud with a splat! Growling between the busty breasts of her rival, Ouka refused to accept that as a loss! If it wasn't for the mud, she would be the one who came out on top!

Her legs quickly got tied up as she attempted to push up and get freed of Belinda's smother, but they found no escape being grapevined and caught by the legs of her rival as she was pinned to the muddy mat! Gritting her teeth she wasn't going to let Belinda win this easily as she attempted to shove her shoulder off of the mat and using upper body strength alone to break out of this pin!


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Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka) - Page 2 Empty Re: Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka)

Post by LunarWolf Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:35 pm

Belinda had won this contest and with it the crowd erupted into cheers, seeing the Swede topple her rival in a test of strength and not only that but also place Ouka in a firm breast smother as she started to tie up those legs. Yet before she could start to spread those legs out and complete the grapevine hold, the redhead used all of her fury and upperbody strength to thrust up her shoulder and with it roll the two of them over!

Belinda landed on her back in the mud with Ouka on top, she quickly tried to adjust her grip on Ouka's arms and place her elbows down into the mud, so she could try her best and prevent her nearly equally strong rival pin her arms down. " Nngh, no way!" Belinda let out in surprise that Ouka had been able to turn things around that quickly. Though, Belinda had one advantage at the moment. She would start to spread those legs out, completing the grapevine hold as she laid underneath Ouka, the hold which was making their clothes covered crotches dangerously close to touching.


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Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka) - Page 2 Empty Re: Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka)

Post by OmegaVan0 Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:47 pm

Showing off that she was not weaker than Belinda in any sort of fashion, Ouka managed to power out of the smother pin with relative ease as they rolled over. Ouka would pull her head out from between Belinda's breasts as she would cough for air before flashing a scowl. "That didn't count and you know it! You didn't beat me straight up!" she screamed out as Belinda still had a hold of her wrists. Ouka would fight back by shoving her hands down and pseudo pinning Belinda's hands to the mud while Belinda still had control over her legs, forcing them to spread out as Ouka groaned out from the strain.

Her cheeks flared up from this as it forced their clothed crotches to push up against each other, with the bare minimum of clothing making it a whole lot more awkward. But that wouldn't stop Ouka, she was here to put Belinda in her place no matter what she had to go through as her scowl twisted into a smile before lunged forward and attempted to shove her breasts into Belinda's face in retaliation!


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Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka) - Page 2 Empty Re: Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka)

Post by LunarWolf Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:52 pm

" You bet your ass I did! " Belinda fired off to Ouka as the redhead pressed herself down against the Swede and tried to force her to be pinned down against the mud, the more Ouka tried the more it started to happen, soon Belinda abandoned Ouka's wrists and quickly moved her hands up, just at the time when Ouka's mighty tits smacked Belinda straight in the face! The impact was surprising but the breast smother more so!

Belinda grunted and let out a muffle moan, her legs unwrapped from Ouka's as she would try and shove herself up, much like Ouka did! Trying to roll them over as she would try and place her chest right down on Ouka's, panting out as she glared down at Ouka. Belinda would then rise up a little, taking one handful of Ouka's hair in one hand, and then trying to send a hard forearm strike to Ouka's face! "Your ass is grass, Shumisen!"


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Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka) - Page 2 Empty Re: Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka)

Post by OmegaVan0 Wed Dec 13, 2017 2:59 am

Ouka sneered as she smashed her chest into Belinda's face with her chest, feeling pretty pleased with herself of giving Belinda a taste of her own medicine. Puffing out her chest as she leaned as much as she could into her chest to make the smother as potent as she could. But as much as she wanted to keep Belinda pinned down and in the mud, stuck right between her breasts and right where she belong, Ouka was having difficulty keeping the Swede down and pinned!

Growling as Belinda pushed up, her chest moving down and locked with the opposing pair as they rolled over again, Ouka refusing to be stuck underneath her rival and even more enraged when Belinda grabbed a hold of her red mane! "What did I tell you about grabbing my hair you little bitch!?" she screamed out as she reached out to grab on to Belinda's short hair, jerking on it as the two continued to struggle while Ouka took a forearm to the face!

"Wh-why you!" Ouka screamed out after grunting out in pain as she would throw a retaliation forearm!


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Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka) - Page 2 Empty Re: Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka)

Post by LunarWolf Wed Dec 13, 2017 3:24 am

Belinda was able to turn things around, but only after she had been on the receiving end of a face full of Ouka's generous busts for a few seconds, as her rival pushed and leaned down against the Swede's pretty face, pushing those lovely mounds against her face. Belinda was soon able to turn things around though, grabbing Ouka's red mud covered hair and rolling them over as the two ladies were getting coated more and more with mud.

The Swede was quick to lash out with a hard forearm after Ouka took to calling her a little bitch, shutting Ouka up but only for a moment. As her rival then quickly grabbed the short blond hair of the Swede and smacking Belinda in the face with a retaliation forearm, " Ugh!" Belinda grunted out as the smack and the hairpull was enough to roll them over!

Nearly mimicking Ouka's words and actions, Belinda did the exact same thing to the redhead! Yanking on that hair and throwing a forearm up into Ouka's pretty face to turn them over again. " W-why You!"


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Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka) - Page 2 Empty Re: Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka)

Post by OmegaVan0 Wed Dec 13, 2017 4:38 am

The ferocity of the two women intensified as they continued to bash each other in the face while tangling in the mud, Ouka's forearm ramming hard into Belinda's face as she jerked them over to the side to roll on top! Her sneer with being on top returned to her face but just as quickly as she got on top and how her smile returned, it quickly went away and replaced by a scowl of pain as Belinda jerked on her hair and rolled them over again after bashing her in the face with another forearm, the two of them getting dangerously close to the ring's edge!

But this danger didn't register to Ouka as she was laid underneath Belinda again, growling out as she would throw her forearm up and right after jerking on Belinda's hair to roll them over again! "Quit copying me! This shit's getting annoying!"


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Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka) - Page 2 Empty Re: Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka)

Post by LunarWolf Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:27 pm

Belinda and Ouka had practically locked one another into a catfight as the ladies were rolling around in the mud, a handful of the other woman's hair and tugging on it as they kept rolling and throwing forearm's into each other's face. Belinda was soon rolled over onto her back, another roll and they would tumble out over the edge, but Belinda didn't care or know that was going to happen. Too focused on Ouka and the pain in her scalp and face from her rival's assault.

The Swede glared and growled up at Ouka, yanking harder on Ouka's hair as she would try and throw a forearm strike up against Ouka's pretty face and turn them around! Trying to get on top of Ouka, which would result in the two beauties tumbling down onto the outside of the ring!


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Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka) - Page 2 Empty Re: Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka)

Post by OmegaVan0 Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:13 pm

A mud match was something far far away from a normal match up and it certainly wasn't going to be heading back there anytime soon as the two rivals continued to catfight, rolling in the mud with their hands locked tightly on their counterpart's hair. The two rolled out of the ring, falling to the floor in a muddy mess but neither Ouka nor Belinda even acknowledged this, aside from a grunt or two, as they were solely focused on each other. Ouka continued to growl in pain as Belinda continued to yank on her hair and smashed her in the face with a forearm!

Her cheek would turn a shade of red from the abuse her cheek was taking, none could see it however as it was covered in mud. Ouka would refuse to let Belinda take the top as she would throw her arm out, planting it in the mat to post herself up and prevent her from being rolled over as she already lost the top position. "Screw you Northman!" She hissed out, shoving herself back into Belinda to try and force her back down into the mat!


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Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka) - Page 2 Empty Re: Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka)

Post by LunarWolf Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:30 pm

Belinda and Ouka fell down onto the barley padded mat outside of the ring, neither of them stopped their catfight though as they were both on their side now, propping each other up with their arms as they kept pulling on the other's hair.

Ouka shoved herself forward into the Swede who almost lost her balance and fell backwards, but she was able to stop that from happening and soon took to trying to get her feet under her, pulling herself up to a stand and trying to yank and drag Ouka up to her feet as well.

The referee was quick to step towards the ropes and start to chastise the wrestlers to not leave the ring. Working up to starting a count. As Belinda instead would try and release Ouka's hair, going for something completely different than a catfight! Looking to wrap her arms tightly around Ouka's frame, mashing their generous busts against one another as the Swede would try and lock her rival into a tight bearhug submission where their generous busts would mushroom against one another!


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Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka) - Page 2 Empty Re: Muddy Face Off! (Belinda vs Ouka)

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