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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas)

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Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas) - Page 4 Empty Re: Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas)

Post by XSirenX Fri Apr 05, 2019 10:31 pm

Minutes seem to pass the two as they were both down, glistening, not stirring the slightest in any way, just stillness, causing the ref girl to run in and do her job now that both girls were, well, both K.O'ed from the match. The ref girl checked them, only slightly, it would be best only to slightly check them in the condition, for Reika even may snap out of the slumber she was in, and blindly attack her, thinking that its was opponent. But nothing such happened, the ref girl began the count out for them both...

"1........2...........3............4............5.............6.............7.............8...." the pauses in between the girls breath, as she noticed Reika flinching, the Viper wasn't out of it yet as her body began to stir, in some freak show of events that had unfolded, all the punishment Reika had took was showing and now she was getting back up for more. Whether Jessica was done beauty sleeping or not, the sounds of Reika grunting as she got up would be a good wake up call for her.

She wasn't done in the slightest sense...

"Hnnh......grrrhfffh....ahh..." Reika panted and groaned as she pulled herself up, hardly taking the chance to brush herself off, as she whipped the hair from her sight, "...Fuck AFW, fuck titles shots, FUCK this 24-7 spew of champ BULLSHIT, I just want you, BURIED..." Reika said as she got her bearings together, in a fit of rage it seemed, and slight happiness, there was someone actually giving her a fight where she was suffering. But trudging on over to where Jessica was lying, quite openly with that attire and form, Reika kicked the girl over and grabbed the back of her head, picking her up, as it looked like as if she was going to slam Jessica's head, repeatedly, into the barroom floored as her grip clenched on her.

"Die you piece of shit!" she outbursted, going in for the kill.

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Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas) - Page 4 Empty Re: Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas)

Post by LtLukas Sat Apr 06, 2019 11:06 pm

The whole world above her was spinning. Jessica's eyes were open still, and she wished they weren't. It was a pain to keep that open, and she felt like she was burning energy that she did not really have. But that was the only way that she had any opportunity to get back into this, so despite the fact that the entire universe was blurry at this juncture, they were open. The first few numbers of the count were indistinct, but the consistency told her that it was a count. And given that Jessica had her back to the floor, that was not a good thing for her. So she planted her elbows on the barroom floor, and pushed herself up. It took nothing short of a herculean effort to get up, but she made it there. After she was upright, she wobbled a bit but she managed to keep herself on two feet.

Although, if Reika had anything to do about it, that would not remain for long. Before Jessica had a chance to hurl an insult back at the redhead, Reika was upon her. She tried to kick her, which caused Jessica to stagger to the side but did not drop her. When her opponent went to grab her, Jessica did what she could to make sure that Reika could not get a hand on the Violent Violet. And if she could stay free of the redhead, she would be in the clear.

Jessica then went to sweep Reika off her feet. She decided that she liked a lying Reika a lot more than an attacking one. Least of all, because the redhead would probably not be issuing death threats from a prone position.

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Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas) - Page 4 Empty Re: Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas)

Post by XSirenX Tue May 07, 2019 3:59 am

Reika's vicious grip for Jess's hair almost pulled tightly, but slipped a few purple strands through her fingers, feeling a sweep kick to her sore already legs, Reika flinched in her moment of rage as she was sent stumbling down, but not rolling to her side, making sure she landed right on top of Jess with one hand gripped on her. Gripped on anything, her attire as much as she wanted to rip it, or even her opponents breast, good lord knows how much that would hurt if Reika went there, but for the time being, she gave out a grunt landing, hair in her face, but not down and out like before...

She was still relenting, relenting like the Viper she was to her prey in all those pit fights she was known for, being tricky, unpredictable, and tough for her opponents. Jess herself getting her careers worth of the Elegant Viper, as Reika clawed her hands tight on Jess, trying to pull her into a tight choke with her arms, but only slowly doing it since her stamina was quite hazy already, throwing herself around like that with no real respect of her limits.

"Gwnhhh.....pffnh, awake now?" Reika spat out viciously, inching in on Jess, her chest while damaged, pressing in on the girl as this would be a pleasure for some, but a hazard for her opponent if they weren't focusing on her.

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Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas) - Page 4 Empty Re: Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas)

Post by LtLukas Sat May 18, 2019 6:43 pm

Jessica felt the both of them buckle. She was anticipating that Reika would be the only one to go down, that her quick sweep would yield nothing but good results for her when Jessica's hair was relinquished. But therein lied the rub. Reika held on to Jessica with an iron grip, and as soon as Jessica's knees gave way she realized that she was in an immense amount of trouble. A quick hand meant that she prevented herself from hitting the wood floor too hard, but the Violent Violet had to admit to herself that she was in a bad spot with a very dangerous Viper right on top of her. And if she knew anything about Reika, she knew that she was going to use that power to great effect.

Sure enough, Jessica felt the redhead going for her throat. Reika was moving slowly, and no doubt that the effects of the match that were now weighing so heavily on her were weighing on her opponent as well. Jessica managed to get her arms up in time to prevent Reika from effectively strangling her. Jessica could not, however, say that she was much better off for having done so, recognizing that she was blowing through energy the more that she tried to keep the redhead at bay. And given where they were now, energy was something that she could ill-afford to lose.

Reika was pressing against her. She wouldn't have that much leverage, but she had to go for it. "You tell me," Jessica shot back before she launched a rocket of a punch towards Reika's face.

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Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas) - Page 4 Empty Re: Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas)

Post by XSirenX Sun Jun 02, 2019 7:00 pm

Focused more on choking Jessica in a tight hold, Reika wasn't expecting the girl to speak up, let along wail her one right in the face as Reika blinked, her opponents fist driving right in between her blue eyes, "NFFH, F-FUCK!" Reika let out, feeling a bit stunned, but shaking her head of it, she had took harder punches, but getting punched when she wasn't focused on her surroundings was never a good thing.

Because of this, this made her just slump a little, on top of her, chest pressed into her, but not at all taking a sudden nap from a sucker punch like that, she was slowly stirring back up with her arms. Trying to claw a grip on the girl, while balling one fist up herself, if Jess wanted to play a game of whose punch was the strongest, Reika was obliging, violently at that, sweat covering her exhausted looking face as she was going back in for the kill.

"OK, that kinda HURT..." Reika said, gasping a little hot breath onto her opponent, before wailing her own fist at Jessica, planning on hitting her face in return, but at this point, her opponent could slip out the way, and Reika's fist would probably dented the floor causing more pain for the Viper herself. Truly, her rage was the real one throwing herself wildly at Jessica, and she needed to refocus her tactics, and own sanity if she wanted to stay conscious.

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Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas) - Page 4 Empty Re: Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas)

Post by LtLukas Wed Jun 05, 2019 3:15 am

As soon as the punch slammed into Reika's face, Jessica was moving. The redhead was still a force. Every inch that she got closer to Jessica's neck was another inch towards doom, and that was something that Jessica simply was not going to tolerate that. She rolled out of the way in the nick of time. When Reika's punch hit the floor, she felt the reverberation through the boards. The Violent Violet knew that if that had hit her head, it may have spelled the end of her evening. But her eyes were still open, which meant that she had a chance of winning this thing. A chance that she was going to act on.

The Violent Violet charged forward with abandon now. There was not that much ground to cover as Jessica had only rolled away and gotten up in the span of a few feet, which made the distance between them close that much faster with every footfall. It did not take long to get Jessica going at full speed. When she hit that maximum velocity she was a freight train, one with its shoulder lowered and all of her momentum pointed straight at her opponent. She was attempting to spear the redhead with all of the strength that she had.

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Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas) - Page 4 Empty Re: Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas)

Post by XSirenX Wed Jun 26, 2019 4:40 am

"HRRFH!....nhh-" Reika groaned as she missed her opponents face with her punch, only getting a little hair, and that was about it as she was doing her best to hold in pain, feeling her fist lock for a second, not a weird sensation at all, and definitely not her first time experiencing this. But shaking it off, she refocused her sights to Jess, who was out of her way, and coming right at her her as Reika showed a look of sudden shock, as she was plowed into by Jess, feeling her whole body jolt backwards like a car crash dummy from meeting her opponents, spearing, body drive her back at such speed.

Even making Reika choke a little on her breath and words, trying to maintain her feet on the floor, but only had her arms slumped over Jess's shoulders for most of the spear. Feeling the sweat drip of that purple head of hair, and attired body, as Reika's buxom chest cushioned, well, a little of the the blow, but not a whole lot.

It made her feel like shit as Reika fell backwards onto the floor with her spearing opponent, failing to stop Jess on her own two feet, convulsing lightly as her eyelids were squinted hard shut, not knocked out, but stunned in pain. Almost as if Reika had accidentally bit her tongue as Jess ran her down, now on the floor, arms and hands lightly clawing at the air blindly...

"A-auuuuhhnh..." Reika let out from her lips, sounded winded, but still active being the volcano of rage she was in a fight...

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Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas) - Page 4 Empty Re: Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas)

Post by LtLukas Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:47 am

Jessica was feeling awful now. Not emotionally, far from that, but physically. She had just run into a brick wall at full force, with very little gas left in the tank. These two women had thrown everything they had at each other all night long, and it was only going to stop when one of them could no longer move. The Violent Violet had taken a ton of damage, and she knew that it was perilously close to being her. But as her shoulder collided with Reika, she knew that she was that little inch closer to winning this match. And despite all of the pain and pangs of tiredness she felt, that small victory helped her dig deep that she may attain the big one.

Jessica moved to wrap her legs around Reika to stop her from getting outside of the Violent Violet's grasp. She was not sure how much the redhead was able to move at this point in the match, but she did not want to risk much. If she were able to secure that, she would put all of her body weight on Reika, driving her hips down so that the Viper was feeling not only her weight but her power as well.

And with that secured, she would go for something grand. Her weaker left hand would loop behind Reika's neck while she tried to press down upon the redhead's neck with her right forearm. The Ezekiel choke was a particularly effective move, especially in MMA. And with Jessica getting all of her power into it, she was sure that it was going to slow Reika down quite considerably...

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Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas) - Page 4 Empty Re: Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas)

Post by XSirenX Sun Sep 22, 2019 4:59 pm

Reika did feel something clamber round her, but she couldn't see who, hair in her eyes and the fact her head had been bashed a few times to even remember what was going on, who was she fighting again she briefly wondered through her hazy vision. Until it hit her at the last minute. She was being wrapped into a skin to skin choke as her eyes suddenly blinked open, struggling, like this was a bad place to be in as her opponent slowly, but harshly put her in the choke, making Reika sweat furiously as she coughed within the tight hold on her...

"S-shhhhhh-it!, guh!, I can't....agh!" Reika cried out in the choke on her, feeling her throat strain with each tightening of Jess's grip on her, she was in trouble, but for how long as even Reika couldn't stay awake this long in such a weakened state, this match had did a number on her. And most importantly, Jess herself, never had she came across someone with just as much bite to her as some of previous opponents.

But the more brunette struggling against Jess, the worse it would get, Reika's sweating shined body flinching and writhing against Jess's, trying to weakly pull herself out, but no real avail. "Hfffh, h-haaah..." Reika panted, looking a real mess as tried one dirty move, which involved biting, just enough for a release if Jess could take the pain of a Viper biting down on her.

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Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas) - Page 4 Empty Re: Reika Suzuka VS Jess, Barroom Bashup (LtLukas)

Post by LtLukas Fri Sep 27, 2019 4:09 am

Jessica was using her full body weight now. That, on top of her powerful body, would provide a near unstoppable advantage, even against someone like Reika, she thought. Her sweat dripped off her forehead, onto the floor of the bar, and onto Reika. The Violent Violet felt that she was so close to victory that she could taste it. This redhead would succumb to the darkness of unconsciousness, and then Jessica could relish her victory. Her heart pounded that little bit more at the thought of it finally happening. Against such an opponent, a win would be a huge boost to her career.

But then Reika bit her. Literally bit her. Immediately Jessica jumped back and let out a yelp of pain. She checked her arm to find that it was, in fact, bleeding. Before, she had felt a little bit sluggish and slow, her actions turned into jelly by the fact that she was so fatigued and so hurt. But this threw everything into sharp focus, and Jessica held her arm and winced. Of all the things that could happen in a wrestling ring, she was not sure that she had ever been bitten.

"What the fuck?" She demanded.

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