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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard]

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Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard] Empty Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard]

Post by Yori Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:40 am

Match Type: Standard
Stipulation: None
Victory Conditions: Pinfall, submission, KO.

Ever since her first match back she had been feeling a shit better. Being obsessed with trying to beat one person for weeks on end had not only been unhealthy for her mentally but draining for her physically. She had gotten into the habit of coming to the arena regardless of if she was booked.

She would clean out her locker, tossing any little notes Lucky left her in a black bag that resided in her gym bag. She hadn't looked at any of them really not had she thrown them out despite intending to. So they started to grow into a permanent fixture in her bag like a cancerous growth. The rest of her time was spent working out or doing drills in one of the practice rings, working out some of the links. Things were looking up… especially tonight.

Rio Kazama was a semi big deal. One of those talents that jumped ship from the league they were known in to try and fit their teeth in AFW. Beating her would do wonders for Jinx's backstage cred but she also felt a certain want to knock the woman down a few legs and let her know this was a new place so she was going to have to work up from the bottom like everyone else.

"Hope you didn't get to comfortable Rio… cause I am going to send you packing." Jinx shot a ranger grin into the locker room mirror, giving the black tape around her wrist a hard tug. With a smug upnod towards her own reflection, she stepped back and headed towards the ring.


The house lights dimmed into a dark void leaving only the limitations from stage camera backlights and the occasion cell phone in the audience. The massive screen suspended over the entry stage and with the image of a full moon slowly rising, Jinx's haunting music filled the auditorium. A feline shaped head eclipsed the bright moon in darkness before the eyes snapped open sending out crisp beams of light through the dark interior. The eyes shifted, dragging with them the spotlights that moved along the ramp as if searching.

A brief glimpse of movement here or there as the feline fighter dashed and cartwheeled her way down the ramp, never in the light for more than a passing second, just enough to tease her approach without giving herself away. The last spotlight caught her sliding into the ring on her front, arching her back with a suggestive rise to her hands and knees. She turned her head to peer out over the crowd, the light from the distant spotlight beam reflecting in such a way her bright amber eyes seemed to glow… then the lights went out.

When they came back up, Jinx was found in the far corner of the ring, casually perched on the top turnbuckle in a crouch as if ready to pounce at the first thing that caught her eye. Right now, they were fixed on the entryway, looking for her opponent. It was time to make a name for herself.

Last edited by Yori on Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard] JTYmfg2

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Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard] Empty Re: Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard]

Post by Cicilia Sat Oct 26, 2019 12:13 pm

Rio, on the other hand, was less than impressed when she found out who her manager got for her this evening... In fact, she was rather disappointed. Jinx's running record was about as spotty as a tabby-cat and as short as one too, the former Berseker staring at her record with the most bitter of taste in her mouth. This was going to be a short match, she figured, the purple-clad wrestler frowning in the mirror,. her amber eyes staring back from within her reflection. She contemplated any number of ways she would be able make this match last a little longer, to keep her opponent lucid enough so that she wasn't just batting around a half-dead animal the entire fight...

...That was how she used to do things, after all... beating the living life out of newbies to the wrestling scene. Ah yes... It was Rio's favorite past-time, putting women in their place. Those so arrogant to believe they deserved spot (no matter how minuscule) at the table of wrestling were often loudmouths, overconfident and snide, tempting everyone around them to try and dislodge them from the league... They were like parasites but less clever... as they knew how to stay hidden. From the matches she'd fast-forwarded through the night before, Rio thought she had a pretty good hold on what kind of kitty she'd be putting down this night... The epitome of what it was to be a rookie.

"She can't even beat some girl in a cheerleader costume... This is gonna be a breeze." Rio remarked smugly, cracking her knuckles with a dark-edged smile upon her lips. "Hope AFW has good pet insurance... because that cat's gonna need all 9 of her lives covered..."

Rio would wander over to her end of the stadium from backstage, casually peeping out from behind, watching as Jinx made a... flashy and flippy entrance. Her movements were more agile and smooth than anyone at berserk could pull off, she'd give her that... but back-flips wouldn't serve her in the ring... only make her a blind, moving target. This was all just a show to make her seem better than she was, a facade to work up the audience and get them on her side... as if that would help her now. Rio's desire to take Jinx back to the pound only amplified with each flip... and the final stunt resulting in the lights flashing off (a balsy move) with Jinx appearing atop a turnbuckle when they returned....?

Rio Kazama was gnashing her teeth at the opportunity...



Where Jinx's theme was more smooth and structured, Rio's was at the other end of the line... Faster, structured up rather than out with many layers of instruments working together, building atop one another as Rio entered the grand-stage. Rio didn't bother to waste her energy cartwheeling down the ramp like some sort of doofus, taking her time instead with a strong and firm stance, her hands resting on her hips, exposing her chest to her opponent in a challenge... Her eyes never left Jinx's form, taking a closer look at her now as she made her approach...

Hmph... Cuter in person. Well-toned.

Rio would slip into the ring without any obvious displays of agility to challenge the dark cat's fore what human competes with an animal? Such an attempt would only bring one down to their level. She did, however, talk to her... as that is still a socially acceptable practice.

"Are you able to get down, kitty? Or do I have to call a fireman?" Rio asked, her tone as blunt as a hammer, as heavy as one too. "I don't have all day to fiddle with you so hurry up, will ya?"

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Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard] Empty Re: Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard]

Post by Yori Sat Oct 26, 2019 1:45 pm

Well Rio was about as blunt and uninteresting as a trying pan. Jinx watched silently from atop her perch while the lady formerly of berserk made her entrance. While it was true that the feline fighter preferred to keep things mostly serious in the ring, this was a bit much. This was a sport firmly rooted in the idea of entertainment as much as it was competition, and frankly her silver maned opponent seemed to lack any real charisma. Who would AFW even hire her?

"Careful what you wish for… I need a new scratching post." Jinx practically purred in response to Rio. She tilted her head, eyeing the Beserker with a snaggletoothed grin. At the very least Rio had some wit though, that was good. She had been worried this was going to be an entirely dull affair.

Leaning forward she dropped down off the corner to land in a graceful tumble, popping back up in a walking stride as if this had been the most natural thing in the world. Jinx came to a stop before Rio, taking a moment to stretch and yaaaaaaaaawn in the other woman's face. "In that much of a hurry to lose? If you insist."

Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard] JTYmfg2

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Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard] Empty Re: Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard]

Post by Cicilia Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:02 pm

"Heh... Is that so?" Rio responded, her arrogant smile matching Jinx's, the taller, purple-clad wrestler walking right up to her opponent, meeting her in the middle. As much as this was an entertainment sport... the novelty came not from the foreplay. People didn't come to see a circus when they bought tickets to this match... They didn't want to see a glorified circus performer half-naked and shameless flip about atop the ring-side ropes. They were there to watch a fight... to see if they were going to make good on their bets! The rest was just frosting... And Jinx was practically made of the stuff.

As prideful and confident as ever, Jinx removed herself from the pole with as much flexible agility as she had displayed with her entrance, getting right up in Rio's face, letting out a NICE big yawn-

SUDDENLY, Rio's hand would shoot up quickly, her padded-gloved hand grabbing the darker-skinned girl by her cheeks, thumb and fingers clamped around her jaw and forcing it closed! Her Amber eyes would glare into Jinx's brighter golds, Rio QUICKLY shoving her back and away before her breath could would dare to touch her. The disrespect! What was going through her head to think she had the AUTHORITY to insult her this way!? It was as if Jinx personified all the negative aspects of the content, lazy animal... and flaunted it all without a care in the world... Rio couldn't tell if this was just who the woman was or the character she played but whoever she was... this personality of hers...


"Don't make me laugh."
Rio scoffed, crossing her arms across her chest. "You're a joke. You lost, in your debut match, to a hentai-girl. What chance do you think you have against me?"

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Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard] Empty Re: Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard]

Post by Yori Sat Oct 26, 2019 2:31 pm

When Rio snapped a hand out and grabbed Jinx by the face, there was a sudden and obvious change in the two's dynamic. Jinx's bright eyes quivering in shock as they stared back at Rio. The feline fighter played at being a hard woman, but standing face to face with someone who was practically made of stone confronting her was not what she had expected.

Her form shrunk a bit, stunned to silence until she was shoved back. She stumbled without her typical graceful movements, catching herself with knees bent inward to one another to look back up at Rio still painted with a look of surprise. She reached up to touch her cheek delicately with her fingertips, as if to make sure nothing permanently had marred her flesh.

The mention of her loss to Lucky however snapped her out of the daze. Straightening up defensively, fingers curling into tight fists at her side. Her eyes narrowed to thin hateful slits as potentially false confidence flowed through her fueled by anger. "Shut up, you dumpster fire. Acting like people don't know you got beat by some cutesy idol girl with a loss record longer than the crowds tolerance for your stupid face."

"Yeah, so?! I got even with her, and she went on to become a champion!" The corner of her eye twitched slightly at that in sudden realization of her words. Was there a hint of her being proud for Lucky in there? "What about you huh? Some second rate hag lost in the shuffle when all the better Beserk gals moved on. Guess it's time for everyone to forget about Rio again because this "hentai fuckgirl" is about to bend her over and make her Kitty's new plaything."

Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard] JTYmfg2

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Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard] Empty Re: Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard]

Post by Cicilia Sat Oct 26, 2019 9:53 pm

"HA!" Rio laughed as Jinx fired back with a little snap of her own, trying to regain her dignity after being knocked on her ass in more than one sense. The white-haired fighter loomed a half-foot over her opponent, her hands returning safely to their place upon her hips, seemingly not concerned at all with the woman before her.

"You have spunk! But, unfortunately for you, that's all you got." Rio rumbled, her lips curled into a her signature wide, arrogant smile! "Sure, I lost. I'll admit it. And Sakura climbed up the ranks of Berserk! So what? I've beaten her twice so I still have one over. You? on the other hand...? Remind me... how DID you get even with your Sakura?" Rio leaned in, getting RIGHT into Jinx's face. "I remember hearing you practically broke into her place and tore it up. How low can you GO, girl? Couldn't beat her in a fight so you had to take it to her house...? You get more and more pathetic the more I LOOK at you!"

"Becoming champion of Hentai is like getting a blue ribbon at a kid's karate club. You think you'll look better clinging to coat-tails like those? Give me a break... She isn't even the best you could attach yourself to! I'm literally embarrassed that I've gotta beat you down... It's like crushing an ant under my boot."

Rio only laughed again as Jinx's eye twitched, trying her best to recover by turning Rio's defeat against Sakura back on her. Joke's on the neko, though... Rio had nothing but respect for Sakura Hagiwara! She had a win-loss record that would make any normal woman sick, but she never gave up and her willpower rewarded her often. She was growing stronger as Rio watched and it made her proud to have fought her. Losing once was nothing... When she could take that win back at any time.

"'Second rate' coming from alley-trash. I was wrong. You're funny on top of being spunky. Oh well... Maybe this will be fun after all. Come here, Kitty." Rio lowered herself into her wrestling stance, raising her hands up between herself and Jinx in a sort of guard. "Lets see if you're more than just talk."

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Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard] Empty Re: Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard]

Post by Yori Sat Oct 26, 2019 10:15 pm

"You get more and more pathetic the more I LOOK at you!"

"Is that so?" Jinx muttered under her breath, the cheeks of her already dark complexion seeming a deeper tan than normal as she seethed. The more Rio spoke, the further the woman ripped into her only serving to tear open old wounds she had thought to be well on the way of fixing. It didn't seem as though her opponent was intending to stop anytime soon either... since the bell hadn't rang yet, she decided on impulse to take matters into her own hands.

"I can help with that!" Before the other woman had much time to continue on the path she was on, Jinx suddenly sprang towards Rio. Her fingers snapping out like razor blades as she wildly clawed at the other woman's face, attempting to rake her nails across her eyes especially in a cruel twist of irony. The crowd roared, not really in support of the pre-match assault but enjoying see the break of one of the competitors in their verbal duel. Jinx would gladly take a moral loss here it it meant shutting Rio up! "What do you see when you look at me now! HUH?! Laugh some more, I dare you!"

If Rio hadn't already pushed her away by now, the Referee would have tried shouldering between the two of them to separate them before this could get even more out of hand. Given the chance, Jinx would gladly take the opportunity to flee to her own corner of the ring and await the bell.

Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard] JTYmfg2

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Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard] Empty Re: Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard]

Post by Cicilia Sat Oct 26, 2019 11:23 pm

"Yeah, It's 'so!'" Rio fired back... and that was all it took to set Jinx off. She moved as swiftly as the animal she resembled, LEAPING at the white-haired fighter, fingers curled into claws fit for the rending of flesh! Rio was ashamed to admit she let out a quick yell of surprise, the dark fighter's first slash catching her across the lower lip and down along her jaw, a swift second coming across her other cheek, harshly across the cheekbone!

"GAH! Damn it!" Rio cried out, falling on her back in surprise with the cat-girl on top of her! Rio's arms instantly shot up to protect the softest parts of her face, her forearms folding over her eyes, nose and mouth as the dark neko clawed at them vengefully! Her nails were nothing if not finely taken care-of, their edges slicing at Rio's tan skin dully, drawing white lines of lightly severed skin ALL up and down her limbs! All the while, Rio writhed this way and that, trying to lessen the successful arcs with each slashing swing of her opponent's nails!

Jinx took this moment to LORD her superiority over Rio, DARING her to laugh it up NOW with those scratches all over her! Of course... she did not... the purple-clad fighter far too busy making sure the determined cat didn't rend anything vital! What was worse was that it was the REF that had to come to her rescue, Jinx's spunk-turned-vengeance empowering her to the point the surprised wrestler couldn't push her away on her own! It took the power of TWO in order to dislodge Jinx from Rio, the woman scuttling back to her corner as if she didn't just experience a violent psychotic break!

Rio groaned, slowly pulling herself up into a sitting position, running her own palms along the small gashes Jinx managed to claw into her. The woman's amber eyes ran along the white, shallow marks carved along her forearms, her fingers touching the initial, deeper gashes Jinx managed to tag her with along her cheeks... They were wet. Drew blood.

"Eh...Heheh..." Rio chuckled... without a hint of amusement in her voice. "'What do I see when I look at you', you say...? A little girl with an inferiority complex. Don't worry about that, though... It won't feel much worse than what I'm going to do to you now." Her voice was low, her tone sinister and determined, all rolled up in a smile that would scare her own reflection. Unlike Jinx, however, she would not leap upon her foe... Instead, she would return to her corner, leaning into it as casual as a woman seething with sharp, annoying pain-fed anger would dare... waiting for the now cautious ref to signal the beginning of the fight.

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Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard] Empty Re: Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard]

Post by Yori Sat Oct 26, 2019 11:39 pm

Had it not been for the referee threatening to throw the match before it started, she might have stayed on top of Rio. Right now the only thing on her mind was trying to hurt the other woman, make her understand that she wasn't going to take any crap from her. So what if the other woman was more accomplished? Who cared if Jinx in a moment of weakness lost to Lucky in her debut? If anything, beating Lucky in her own apartment was a master stroke of cunning, not cowardice. This other woman was just too dumb to realize that. That's why she was the one on the ground bleeding and Jinx was the one wiping off sanguine reside on her shorts. Anything further the Berserk veteran had to say now might as well have been wind because Jinx was too over the moon with her sneak attack to care.

Blood pumping, ready to go for round two, she kept her distance, bouncing lightly on the balls of her feet in anticipation. The official shot her a look before quietly making sure Rio was alright to continue, giving the other woman a look over before backing away. Sensing the start, Jinx leaned forward so the instant the bell sounded, she was off, sprinting across the ring full tilt towards Rio. The pretense of being subtle was no longer on the table, she had drawn first blood and wasn't keen to let up now that the match had begun.

"Sounds like it's going to suck when I beat you then!"
Closing the distance fast, she stopped short, mindful of the height distance between the two of them she was smart to keep well out of the other woman's reach, weary of being punched or grappled. She instead planted a firm foot, pivoting in a harsh spin to snap her leg out towards Rio's knee, trying to catch the woman's leg in the side and buckle it inward. Crippling her opponents movement would only serve to work in her favor, if she was lucky she could get her down on a knee to follow up for serious punishment but she wasn't hopeful.

Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard] JTYmfg2

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Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard] Empty Re: Bewitching a Berserker: Jinx vs Rio [Standard]

Post by Cicilia Sat Oct 26, 2019 11:51 pm

"In your dreams, Kitty." Rio responded... JUST as the bell rang!

Right... Time to go.

Rio charged down her smaller adversary, arms outstretched to GRAPPLE her and draw her in. Like the tentacles of a cephalopod, she intended to DRAW her foe in against her and CRUSH her in a bear-hug, to make all that flippy-floppy nonsense Jinx seemed to favor completely and utterly useless! If her spine was being snapped in half, it didn't much matter how many ways she could contort herself, did it!?

Rio wasn't what one could consider "slow", even by the standards of AFW. Many girls here could run circles around the ring like it was nothing, speed seeming to be the most dominant trait here. While Rio was more tanky than the average woman, she was still fast and aimed to CATCH her prey as it seemed to run DUMBLY into her arms, eager to prove she had sharper claws!

...It seemed Jinx was smarter than her outburst let on.

Appearing to know she was finished if Rio got her arms around her, Jinx instead struck low, her leg LASHING out against the larger woman's knee, STRIKING it so hard, the woman had to stop dead in her tracks! Rio let out a soft HISS as her stance literally staggered, her front leg wobbling with the attack upon it's joint, threatening to buckle as her foe attacked her stance! It would immobilize her for a moment, the larger fighter's eyes dipping down as if to acknowledge the stress her limb was under... buying Jinx another moment to do as she wished!

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