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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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The Mad House of Abs

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The Mad House of Abs - Page 2 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Mystery Dragon Wed Feb 24, 2021 6:03 am

All the more reason to get out of the shower as soon as possible to get to the fun part. I’ve had enough foreplay.” Amy would say when Odessa asked her about any rush and would let her get some moment of control before starting to clean her as well. Starting mostly with her front and getting to her abs soon enough. What followed was Odessa going star but lower.

Careful down there. Don’t get any big ideas” She muttered trying to maintain some composure while she was doing this especially because she felt a strong sensation with each thrust of her arm from trying to clean.
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The Mad House of Abs - Page 2 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Daaharu Wed Feb 24, 2021 2:37 pm

Had enough foreplay, indeed. Odessa could feel that slight shudder go up Amy's body, as she fought to keep herself levelheaded while Odessa was cleaning between her legs. She was doing her best to hide her excitement, but she could not hide it from someone like Odessa, who knew a woman's body and all the little moves and twitches it made like few others could.

"Oh, don't you worry. I won't do anything you wouldn't do," Odessa said, before taking the cloth away from Amy's crotch and, instead, turning up the shower head so that it jetted the water directly up between those legs. "Now, what was it you did, exactly? Was it this? Or...this?" Odessa hit a button on the portable shower head that changed the shape of the water being expelled from it, from several small streams into a single corkscrewing sheet of water, still hitting Amy's crotch directly.

Odessa let it run like that, while she used the water which trickled down Amy's inner thighs to clean off her legs and feet, shining with a soapy gleam.

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The Mad House of Abs - Page 2 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Mystery Dragon Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:11 pm

Amy really wanted to just get down to business but of course you give someone an inch they take a mile. Odessa couldn’t behave if you paid her and Amy should have known better then to reward her and expect her to do the job right. Instead she had to be petty and try to one up her by doing a different variation of the shower trick bringing the water to a stream and trying to get her while she was docile.

Tcch..” Amy felt her body shiver from the antics and she considered smacking the pudding out of her hand but refrained for the sake of the fact she was still at least cleaning her even if she was trying to get Amy to react...which Amy spent a great deal of time trying to hide any such reaction. “You know I could have done that much myself. If your going to clean me you could show the spots I’d struggle to clean on myself.
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The Mad House of Abs - Page 2 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Daaharu Wed Feb 24, 2021 9:52 pm

"You haven't exactly made it easy on me, darling," Odessa observed. Amy had not given any actual requests, nor had she maneuvered herself to present her least-accessible body parts to Odessa. But if Amy, in spite of being the winner and the one who was supposed to be calling the shots in this kidnapping-turned-POW scenario, needed Odessa to take charge of this project, then Odessa would. She would click the portable shower head back to its normal setting, keeping it on Amy's crotch for just a moment as she looked up from her kneeling position to meet Amy's gaze.

"Don't complain, then, because I'm just being thorough. And I expect the same from you so that both of us can be clean for...well, whatever else you have planned this evening."

Odessa re-soaped the washcloth, then ran the water and the rag over Amy's legs one more time to make sure they were clean. Then, somewhat roughly, she would grab Amy's hips and turn her around, giving her a shove to force Amy tits-first against the glass wall, leaving her butt stuck out and easily accessible. Odessa took the bottle of body wash and squirted a generous portion over Amy's butt cheeks, then used the rag to lather them up, foam increasing seemingly exponentially with every pass. She polished one pale butt cheek, then the other, then ran the rag between Amy's legs once more.

Tossing it to the side, Odessa would stand up and find the bottle of shampoo, squirting a quarter-sized dollop of it into her hands. She pressed her own body against Amy's from behind, now, staying close as she ran her hands through Amy's golden hair to distribute the shampoo. "The hair will take a while. Anything you want to share about your plans for me while I'm working on it?"

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Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

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The Mad House of Abs - Page 2 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Mystery Dragon Thu Feb 25, 2021 5:20 am

Now that Odessa finally started to act like someone who was taking charge for the moment things were getting done, Amy moved when pushed and didn’t put up any struggle since it seemed Odessa was doing her job as she felt the water rush through the rest of her and scrub down her entire body finally getting the pudding off her. The feeling of it peeling off her skin felt like such an odd sensation but one she welcomed since it finally started to Lol like her skin wasn’t a mismatched mess.

Oh come on don’t want to be left in suspense...besides Surely you must have some idea what is going to happen?” Amy said with the water now focusing on her hair. Watching hits of the pudding attached to her mane while she waited for her foe to start scrubbing that mess down.
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The Mad House of Abs - Page 2 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Daaharu Thu Feb 25, 2021 5:39 am

Odessa was quite thorough, making sure to hit every inch of Amy's body in between her primary tasks. Even when a part of her back or arm appeared clean, Odessa made sure to run a hand over it once more, just to make sure that they had removed every last bit of pudding, even that last, near-invisible layer that had been caked on Amy's skin since the very start of the match. There would be no surprising pudding slicks staining Amy's clothing—every inch would be as soft to the touch as Egyptian cotton.

It was a job that Odessa enjoyed, but not one which she took lightly. Amy had been difficult to read during their match, and in Odessa's eyes she was being the bigger woman and extending an olive branch to the blonde so that they could start building the genuine rapport they had missed during their duel.

"I have plenty of experience with POW stipulations. Nine times out of ten, a prisoner is taken for sexual reasons. But you have already told me that it is not of interest to you," Odessa explained, as she ran her fingers through Amy's hair, painstakingly combing out every last bit of pudding after many, many repeated passes. "So I suspect you intend some sort of punishment. If you don't have one already in mind...might I suggest spanking me?" Odessa chuckled, her voice soft, but her mouth quite close to Amy's ear as she finished working the pudding from the blonde's hair.

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Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

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The Mad House of Abs - Page 2 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Mystery Dragon Thu Feb 25, 2021 6:01 am

With all the water and scrubbing going on it was doing wonders on getting her skin which had been restrained by the pudding. Once she was finally getting progress on her hair she was stuck in small talk with Odessa. One of her least favorite things to do, long talk at least usually followed a thread. “Sorry I’m afraid what’s planned for you has already been arranged the moment I brought you here. You are right I’m not one for sexual activities. I’ve done them before but that was to indulge...someone else. On my own I still sorta indulge them but in a much more entertaining way. Well to them anyway.

Amy was waiting for her hair to be finished and once Odessa was done Amy would pull up all the way and stretch her body now free from the restricting pudding that didn’t do much. Soon they could really get this thing started and Amy couldn’t wait.
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The Mad House of Abs - Page 2 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Daaharu Thu Feb 25, 2021 4:52 pm

"Mm, I see. I'd be curious to know what that 'entertaining way' might be." Though Amy was being coy, Odessa could speculate on what it might be. The blonde had made no secret of her targeting of Odessa's tummy during their fight, so in all likelihood what she had planned involved it. Odessa found it curious that Amy didn't specify it was a punishment, and didn't entirely rule out having something sexy in mind—though the British woman didn't consider that latter possibility very likely.

Odessa spent several minutes on Amy's hair, combing through it obsessively to make sure that it was completely clean. Amy seemed to be pretty pleased when that was over, stretching out and feeling her now squeaky-clean body. Rather than in sticky clumps, her golden hair now hung in one single wet plait across her back and shoulders. Odessa stepped back to admire her work, letting Amy pull herself away from where she had been pressed against the glass.

"If you wouldn't mind..." Odessa began, and gestured to her own hair, turning around so Amy could examine it and Odessa's other hard-to-reach places.

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Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

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The Mad House of Abs - Page 2 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Mystery Dragon Thu Feb 25, 2021 10:23 pm

They like the sexual stuff unlike me but there is something they like more which isn’t as sexual. But they enjoy more then that. As for what that is wel you’ll find out soon enough.” Amy didn’t want to spoil the fun. Also she didn’t eNt Odessa trying to run off on it. Given she said she was fine with stuff in reason she might not see what Amy had in mind as reasonable and try to avoid it when she was free. But when she turned around and gave her her hair Amy would start to spray and start to get the pudding off her. Pulling on the long white hair to get into th various strands and separate it from the pink brown and yellow that had taken residence there.

Well this shouldn’t take that long I got some of it on my first go around. Besides the pudding is pretty noticeable in hair like yours.” She said slowly making work of it as she scrubbed from the scalp first and slowly working her way from there.
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The Mad House of Abs - Page 2 Empty Re: The Mad House of Abs

Post by Daaharu Sat Feb 27, 2021 2:41 pm

"Aah." It was half a noise of understanding and half a sigh of relaxation as Amy moved her hands through Odessa's long white hair, ridding it of all the many little clumps of pudding which still clung to it. Odessa's hopes had been raised for her relationship with her captor and how the two of them would get on going forward. Even if they were not being strictly affectionate towards each other—a shame, when there was so much soap and warm water and steamy glass to be forced up against—mutual grooming was a bonding tradition that went back further than Homo sapiens.

It would be a shame to have to beat Amy up in her own home, after the blonde had won a legitimate victory in the ring.

Odessa sighed again as Amy's fingers dug into her scalp, then worked outward. "You like it?" Odessa asked, since Amy had commented on her hair. "Not only is it striking, but it's survived the worst from many a jealous opponent, as well."

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Contact me on Trillian (daaharu) if you want to chat or want me to reply faster.

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