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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Tina vs Jania

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Tina vs Jania Empty Tina vs Jania

Post by d_ultsch Sun Aug 21, 2011 10:23 am

Standard Match
Win by Pin, Submission, or Knockout

Today was just another day for Jania as she stood backstage sipping from a glass of wine. Jania had not yet been in an official match in the AFW yet but that didn't matter to her, she knew that once she stepped into the ring she would be the center of attention and no one could stop that from happening. Jania heard her music begin to play and she tossed her glass to the side as she stepped out onto the ramp where she would be immediatly assualted with cat-calls and whistles. Jania couldn't help but smile as the crowd reacted to her and she knew that once the match started they would love her even more. Janai then made her way down to the ring ignoring the cheering crowd as she did and as soon as she reached the ring she slid under the bottom rope and took the mic away from the referee "Hello all my adoring fan," Jania said into the mic "Tonight you are all in for a treat as i will take my first step to becoming the queen of the AFW" Jania yelled out before turning towards the entrance ramp "And just to prove that no one can stop me from achieving this, i'm going to make an example out of my first opponent. And don't worry my adoring fans, this will be a match to remeber as i put this little bitch in her place" Jania then threw the mic out of the ring and smiled as she awaited her opponent to arrive.


The Den

Posts : 8305
Join date : 2009-03-02

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Tina vs Jania Empty Re: Tina vs Jania

Post by kerflubble Sun Aug 21, 2011 11:43 am

It was Tina's first wrestling match after a long hiatus. Her dad had always told her that while he wouldn't stop the girl from pursuing other things, "my baby girl's got to grow up sometime..." wrestling was still where her heart lay. After a short stint in acting and music, she was beginning to see how right Bass Armstrong was as she laced up her boots for the first time in ages.

Voodoo Child be Jimi Hendrix played over the speakers as the crowd fell silent in confusion. All they knew was that the future queen was supposed to be facing someone named Tina in a double debut. What they got was Tina Armstrong, veteran of several DOA tournaments and one of the most famous woman wrestlers in the world stepping out into an AFW arena.

The crowd erupted in applause for the American as she strode confidently down the ramp and into the ring, the large amount of cheers as well as a few more scandalous responses from the crowd really helped her get into fight mode. Taking a look at her opponent and raising an eyebrow at her as if to say "really?" in response to her little show, waiting for the bell to ring and the match to start.

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Tina vs Jania Empty Re: Tina vs Jania

Post by d_ultsch Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:30 am

Jania watched Tina come down to the ring and even though she knew who this girl was, she wasn'tthat impressed. Now as Tina entered the ring and spoke to Jania she couldn't help but laugh "Yeah really. Who would of thought that my first match would be against a washed up wrestler like you" Jania said taunting Tina but as she did she wouldn't hear the bell ring leaving her quite open for Tina to make the first move.


The Den

Posts : 8305
Join date : 2009-03-02

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Tina vs Jania Empty Re: Tina vs Jania

Post by kerflubble Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:08 am

"Washed up?" Tina repeated, her blood boiling as Jania had managed to piss her off in the first five seconds, but while the wannabe queen was busy taunting Tina was about to show her a thing or two.

Lunging forward to try and tackle her down she'd grab Jania's legs and pull her to the centre of the ring, see if she was still feeling so haughty after the first blow.

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Tina vs Jania Empty Re: Tina vs Jania

Post by d_ultsch Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:11 am

Jania continued to laugh at Tina until she felt the girl tackle into her her, driving Jania to the mat. "Ugh you washed up bitch" Jania said as she was dragged to the center of the ring by her legs "You must think yourself pretty high and mighty after a cheapshot like that don't you" Jania would continue to say as she was still on her back "But your not the only one who can play dirty" Jania said as she tried to kick her leg free and sweep Tina's legs out from under her.


The Den

Posts : 8305
Join date : 2009-03-02

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Tina vs Jania Empty Re: Tina vs Jania

Post by kerflubble Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:36 am

"Calling me out on being high and mighty? Take a look in the mirror once in a while, you probably got enough of them." Tina growled before her legs were swept out from under her, causing the star to fall square on her ass, not the best of starts. "Ugh..." she grunted before trying to twist the leg that kicked her down.

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Tina vs Jania Empty Re: Tina vs Jania

Post by d_ultsch Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:41 am

"Why should i look in a mirror when i already know i'm perfect?" Jania retorted before her leg was twisted "Ow hey let go of that you bitch" Jania said trying to kick at Tina's face with her other leg "I think during this match i'm going to give you a make-over with my fists" JAnia said with a hint of anger in her voice "Oh and don't worry before that i'm going to make you beg for mercy at my feet you washed up hag"


The Den

Posts : 8305
Join date : 2009-03-02

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Tina vs Jania Empty Re: Tina vs Jania

Post by kerflubble Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:58 am

"Go ahead and try Princess!" Tina snapped back after a boot smacked her in the face, enough to force her to roll away and wait for Jania to get back up and try to attack herself. "I aint gonna be begging to anyone," she growled, her southern accent coming through "but if you keep up that attitude then you'll be begging to kiss my ass."

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Tina vs Jania Empty Re: Tina vs Jania

Post by d_ultsch Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:03 am

As Tina let go of Jania's leg she quickly rolled away as well before getting to her feet "Kiss your ass? Now why would i want my face near anything with that much fat in it?" Jania said before sticking out her tongue "But don't worry you will beg and then everyone here tonight will no your nothing but a washed up blonde bitch with a fat-ass and saggy tits" Jania said letting out one long string of insults "But you know if you jist get on your knees now and kiss my feet i'll save you the beating i'm about to give you, What do you say?" Jania said still treating Tina like she wasn't a threat.


The Den

Posts : 8305
Join date : 2009-03-02

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Tina vs Jania Empty Re: Tina vs Jania

Post by kerflubble Mon Aug 22, 2011 9:11 am

"FAT!?" Tina shouted, not really paying that much attention to the rest of Jania's stream of abuse and instead focusing on taking off her head with a running lariat. The Queen was going to pay for that, big time. Now not even begging would save her opponent from her full wrath.

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Tina vs Jania Empty Re: Tina vs Jania

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