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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Down time with a Demon

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Down time with a Demon - Page 5 Empty Re: Down time with a Demon

Post by kerflubble Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:58 pm

Adrian squeaked under Cerbera's glare before the food appeared to save her. "Um... sorry..." She said trying to apologize to the kawaii as she hid behind her food "Not having big boobs isn't so bad, I mean... it makes it easier to jump around and spin and do all sorts of high flying stuff," she tried to reassure her.

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Down time with a Demon - Page 5 Empty Re: Down time with a Demon

Post by Cirno Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:09 am

" Mhm. " She would say inbetween her eating, finishing the first hamburger pretty quickly before the second one followed without pausing, resting back against the chair and swallowed what was left in her mouth before her attention went back to Adrian. " Say what you like, but we all know that in the AFW, the girl's with the biggest breasts get the most matches. The sluttier you are, the popular you get. "

Heavy Weight:
Karina Northman

Middle Weight:
Raiye Amikura
Kagura Rine

Cerbera Kashnakov

Posts : 11729
Join date : 2008-04-26
Location : Earth

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Down time with a Demon - Page 5 Empty Re: Down time with a Demon

Post by kerflubble Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:17 am

"Yeah..." Adrian grumbled "And you get less pay if you don't do hentai matches. It's stupid, 'cause there are actual talents beyond whoring that a company could use but nope. All all-girl leagues are kinda-scummy, there was this one in the states that had a really bad rap because the owner was a perv. And he wasn't even that bad considering what shit there is here."

The burger... wasn't the nicest. She'd had worse but she'd had a lot better, gingerly leaving her food on the plate before restarting the rant "It's just, if you're gonna be a sex crazed wrestler, do it behind closed doors and with willing friends or something, I don't care how well it pays, I didn't leave my home just to be a porn star!"

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Down time with a Demon - Page 5 Empty Re: Down time with a Demon

Post by Cirno Fri Mar 02, 2012 11:53 am

" Same. But I guess the only way you can get rich in this place is to look like you want to give everyone a lapdance. Sure my clothing are a little revealing but atleast I don't go around humping people. " She would shake her head and munch on another burger, glaring at it soon afterwards. " I guess there's another way to be popular, and that's to be the traditional Japanese Idol. " She knew one of those idols, which she had became fond of, just thinking about her made her blush but it wasn't because of her looks, it was because of her passion and bright soul that made Cerbera like her.

Heavy Weight:
Karina Northman

Middle Weight:
Raiye Amikura
Kagura Rine

Cerbera Kashnakov

Posts : 11729
Join date : 2008-04-26
Location : Earth

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Down time with a Demon - Page 5 Empty Re: Down time with a Demon

Post by kerflubble Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:03 pm

Adrian scowled at the thought of dressing up like that. Not that she'd never dressed skimpy before, but she never did it for an audience. Ever. And becoming an idol didn't really seem like a better prospect "Don't you have to be raised just to be an idol from like 5? Plus we're gaijins so we're 0 for 2 on the idol scale... not that it would be bad to actually be one... it just wouldn't stop the creepy fans either."

"Oh!" She said, her head perking up "I remembered this really funny story, you know there's the main idol group here? Well... when I was first starting out I thought I'd be an interviewer, have my own show within a show thing. So I just barged straight in their dressing room, smile on my face and well... lot of screaming."

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Down time with a Demon - Page 5 Empty Re: Down time with a Demon

Post by Cirno Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:59 pm

" No, just throw on some pretty clothes and a cute smile and a overly hyper tone of voice and you got the idol thing going. " She grumbled rather loudly, finishing the third hamburger and poked at the fourth, still not quite quenched of her hunger so soon enough she picked it up to take a alrge bite out of it. " Oh? Why the screamining? "

Heavy Weight:
Karina Northman

Middle Weight:
Raiye Amikura
Kagura Rine

Cerbera Kashnakov

Posts : 11729
Join date : 2008-04-26
Location : Earth

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Down time with a Demon - Page 5 Empty Re: Down time with a Demon

Post by kerflubble Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:37 pm

"I suppose... but real idols are supposed to have it really tough... or just be stupid airhead bitches. I forget which it was, played waaay to much Persona."

"Well the thing was, when I barged in looking for interview, they were kinda... you know, topless. They all screamed and shoved me out the door. Then some stuff happened and well, the leader got a face full of mist, then i got chased more like a roadrunner cartoon."
The cosplayer reminisced "...You had to be there." She defended, she was skimping on a lot of the details, such as her escape attempt being cut short by a stray draft that blew off her hat. "Got any fun stories?"

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Down time with a Demon - Page 5 Empty Re: Down time with a Demon

Post by Cirno Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:29 pm

" You mean that idol group Eclipse? " She would look back up at Adrian while she took a few more bites from her burger, soon enough she was down to her last one and still she was feeling hungry. Oddly enough she never gained weight. She wondered what would happen if she turned into a idol but the moment she thought of the word ' idol ' she started to shivver.

Heavy Weight:
Karina Northman

Middle Weight:
Raiye Amikura
Kagura Rine

Cerbera Kashnakov

Posts : 11729
Join date : 2008-04-26
Location : Earth

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Down time with a Demon - Page 5 Empty Re: Down time with a Demon

Post by kerflubble Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:58 pm

"Yeah, we've had our fair share of run ins... but that leads me straight back to the only way to win is to be a slut thing. Got put in a schoolgirl pin match against the... the short one who wasn't the leader... seriously though. Stupid 'sexy' stipulations everywhere. And she was wearing a god damn thong! But we're kinda cool now." Adrian complained before looking back at Cerbera, noticing the pile of food had dissapeared while she ranted. "Uh... where does it all go?" She asked. The Kawaii had just eaten 5 burgers and she wasn't gaining weight? What the hell? Adrian seemed to bounce between 120 and 130 pounds depending on her diet and yet the tiny Russian was just staying the same?

Adrian Kytes (Heel) Outspoken All-Rounder
Rebecca Tomko (Tweener/Heel) Amazon Enforcer
Sabine Shanoa (Face/Tweener) Dancing Succubi
Tina Armstrong (Face) Blue-Eyed Superstar
Yelena Turova (Face) Crushing Powerhouse
Pantha (Face) Pride of the Jungle
Anna Silver (Face) Ardent Angel
The Green Empire The Empress & Imperial Guard.
Mara Jingfei (Face) Amethyst Dancer

Posts : 7393
Join date : 2011-04-25

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Down time with a Demon - Page 5 Empty Re: Down time with a Demon

Post by Cirno Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:06 am

When it came to people in the AFW, she knew quite alot of them. Mostly from fighting though. She was always someone who was anti-social at heart but the people who had gotten close to her, managed to see more of the flower that is Cerbera, to watch her bloom and show just how much Cerbera could actually care about things. Eclipse was not a stranger to the dark kawaii, she had crossed paths with them before and she heard their names drop from her close friend Haruka and Masato, she had never actually taken a liking to them though. In her eyes that group was too cheery, like a personafication of Spongebob. It was those kinds of types Cerbera wanted to avoid at all cost, because not only were they the crowd favorite and forced to hear the constant booing whenever she pulled her dance of death upon them, but the mindless appearances and actions they would use to win the crowd over to them, it was like a beauty contest for wrestlers and Cerbera was nowhere near interest in that, not even the slightest. She however, has never heard of a schoolgirl pin match before despite being put in rediculous kinds of matches. That unique kind of match reminded of another girl who's sole purpose was to rape her and almost accomplished it, but the entire match type was just absurd. A giant bouncy castle with sexual toys? She only accepted it because she wasn't actually sure what it was, but in the end it was just another match, throwing that idiot girl that thought she could touch her, naked into the crowd for them to please, it made her grin just thinking about it, she wondered where that girl was now though.. Ah no matter, aslong as she was nowhere near her.

Cerbera wondered if she should take a shot at Eclipse, in terms of payback. That night hadn't been exactly wonderful, being called evil was fine, but crazy? She was luckily her bodyguards Shanari and Sharaiya were there to protect her from that group, otherwise she would have been raped by those people. She hated to admit it, but they did look kind, like the kinds of people you would see in cartoons that always held that kind of brave aura around them, that made people depend on them and put their faith into them but for Cerbera that was all just lame. All she needed was some fun of her own, which consisted mostly of playing videogames or training. Perhaps that was the answer to Adrian's question, that she always trained hard every night, to her fullest extend and with the music she practices, it was like she was a spinning tool of destruction, waiting for collision with whichever stood in it's path. Huh, that made her think of Beyblades now, she really should pick up her custom made Cyber Dranzer beyblade and Wolfborg beyblade, she hid that side from everyone, that she liked such games and competitionts but she recognized her own fighting style in that kind of game, spin to win, one would say. It was one of the top three things she liked about games, whether they were simple toys or digital. She was however a heavy online player, specially after a hot bath once she was done with training. Heck the likes of Haruka and Lucy would probably blink and laugh at her behavior as Cerbera shouts ' noob ' or ' loser ' whenever she kills someone or gets killed herself, but she learned that during her time as an innocent player.

Snapping back into reality though, she looked back at Adrian, then back down at her smooth stomach. It was true that she wasn't gaining weight at all, though haven't thought up that answer during her imagination streak, she answered with her usual soft voice. " Oh, I train alot, so I guess it all gets burned off before it settles in. " She take a few more bites from her last hamburger that she had been holding while being spaced out, finishing all five burgers. She wondered what they should do next. The time she had spend with Adrian at the House of the Dead franchise, was actually quite fun. No more people that were begging to play with her and then suck and despite that locking away her akimbo styled fighting of shooting games, it would be much more fun to play with someone with the same experience. Since Adrian was a gamer, she probably would have more fun with her around in these kinds of things, since Haruka was a total klutz when it came to pretty much everyone, and Lucy she hasn't yet invited to a few good games other then Wii Resort and all that crap, not really anything that was really competitive. Adrian could be the perfect ally, but also the perfect opponent. She's have to test it at some point but first, she wanted Adrian to have some time to eat and drink before they would go on a rampage. Some would find it odd for Cerbera to interact with someone other then those two but lately the dark kawaii wasn't so heelish as she used to be, she started to enjoy company when she needed it, but still kept herself from most people and there was still Silhouette, her soulmate, who tended to her needs and always kept Cerbera for herself. Not that she minded though, it was all still new for her.

She brought her hand to the back of her head and rubbed it softly, thinkin that she should test Adrian in a few other things, one of them would be one of her favorite handheld games. " So... Do you like Pokemon? I have Pokemon Black but it's.. Pretty boring without having some good competition or just.. A friend to have fun with. " Was asking Adrian to be friends with her through gaming? Some would find it funny but Cerbera just found the perfect way to ask it, without having to blush or be embarassed about saying it straight forward, it was simply not her style and she certainly wouldn't contribute to it. She continued though. " Like.. Trading Pokemon or.. Just doing stuff other then that? What do you say? " She would ask with that clear tone of hers, the man coming back to remove the plate from the table and leaving the two to look at eachother once more, with Cerbera simply awaiting Adrian's answer, her style of calling Adrian out to become a companion. She was sold after one solid game of shooting bad pixeled zombies for amusement and off course, getting their names in the scores but even in the match they had before coming here, the girl didn't seem all that bad, so perhaps she should just give her a chance and relate to her, even if it was through gaming.

Heavy Weight:
Karina Northman

Middle Weight:
Raiye Amikura
Kagura Rine

Cerbera Kashnakov

Posts : 11729
Join date : 2008-04-26
Location : Earth

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