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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve

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Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve - Page 8 Empty Re: Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve

Post by Tatyina Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:20 am

Junichi Higurashi, known commonly as Johnny was watching the match. He'd ridden the bullet train up to Tokyo. He wouldn't miss Taylor defending her title. Though he was pretty pissed off she'd been scheduled so quickly after a tough tag team loss. He knew she had injured ribs, the slight decrease in love making had told him well enough that Taylor had been pretty serious about the injury, even if she had been a trooper and tried to keep up with it as best she could.

The scene was pretty painful to watch. He must have understood how it would have been for Taylor to watch him fight Lisa, though in THAT match, both wrestlers had started the match fresh. But thankfully, Brittany didn't assault Taylor's ribs too much. But int he end, her bitchy, cheap moves were enough to set Taylor in a position to be exposed and when the snake girl finally found the nerve, she struck it hard like she had been waiting all evening to pour everything she had into one unending attack!

When the bell rang, when Taylor finally surrendered, Johnny's heart sank. He had wanted her to keep winning. The belt had meant a lot to her but he would stand up to begin his walk backstage,. After she was checked out, he'd have to do a lot to try and cheer her up. But as he stood, he caught Brittany's words and the fact that she wouldn't let Taylor out of the hold. His brow furrowed and he looked around. No one seemed to be doing anything! Taylor was now limply hanging in Brittany's grip. The way she went on, like she'd done something impressive int he fight. How she was forcing Taylor's face to contort painfully. He couldn't handle it.

By the time he realized he'd leaped over the guard rail, he was already rushing towards the ring. He slid in, facing Brittany as he hoped up. He said nothing and scowled deeply at the snake-clad girl, lowing his head and clenching his fists. While she continued to hold on to Taylor he sprinted and cocked his fist back, aiming to blast her in the nose. All he cared about was putting this bitch down and making sure that Taylor was saved from that maniac!

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve - Page 8 Empty Re: Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve

Post by d_ultsch Tue Jun 26, 2012 8:31 am

Brittany was having so much fun tormenting Taylor and what was better was that no one was coming to help the defeated blue-haired girl "Hmmm i haven't heard anything break yet. I think i might have to hit you harder." Brittany said as it seemed that she wanted to take Taylor out for quite a bit.

However it seemed that Taylor had some friends in the audience as before Brittany could devise a way to break Taylor's ribs a boy jumped into the ring "Who the fuck are you?" Brittany yelled out but before she got a response Johnny decked her in the face causing Brittany to let go of Taylor and stumble backwards holding ehr nose "You fucking bastard." Brittany said as she galred at Johnny with hate filled eyes.


The Den

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Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve - Page 8 Empty Re: Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve

Post by Tatyina Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:52 am

Johnny didn't wait around for Brittany to try and recover. He spared once glance down at Taylor which only further infuriated him. He growled, bent his body and drover forward to try and spear Brittany to the ground. He was starting to think the only kind of bitches in the AFW were the crazy psycho kind! If he could get her on her back, he would try and push her flat on her back and rain stiff punches down onto Brittany's face.

While the old scene of the match waned and beget a new scene of what could certainly be called assault unfolded, another figured slid easily over the barricade. A girl with long, messy red hair and glasses with am horrifically mischievous smile on her face crept her way tot he ring. She'd been watching the match eagerly and was waiting for the perfect moment to rain on Taylor's parade. Unfortunately she hadn't even been able to beat the toothless viper and so Morrigan decided that she could have even more fun.

Once she dealt with that pesky brute who was beating up on the hapless Brittany. This was quite nice little surprise she was being given.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve - Page 8 Empty Re: Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve

Post by Bluemouse Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:34 pm

Taylor slumped onto the mat in a heap. She hugged her ribs and turned to put her face in the mat and bit her lower lip. She couldn't move. She had no idea what was going on around her.

Last edited by 1167 on Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

The Mouseum


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Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve - Page 8 Empty Re: Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve

Post by d_ultsch Wed Jun 27, 2012 3:34 am

Brittany was utterly shocked as Johnny tackled her to the mat "What the fuck is wrong with you asshole?" Brittany was able to cry out before the punches began to rain down on her face "Ugh fucking stop." Brittany screamed out as she brought her hands up to protect her face from the viscious assualt.

Brittany was exhausted from ehr match and all she could do was weakly try and buck Johnny off of her before he knocked her out from her savage assualt.


The Den

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Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve - Page 8 Empty Re: Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve

Post by Tatyina Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:00 am

Morrigan sought to take advantage of Johnny's seeming blood lust as she slipped into the ring and stalked her way towards Taylor. She got close and grabbed Taylor by the hair, pushing her lips close to the punk's ear so she could whisper darkly into it.

"Thanks for inviting me to the title match. It really was great watching you get beat like that. Though... I think I'll have a piece of that hot man meat punching that other stupid bitch out. I told you. You fuck with me. You aren't the only one who gets hurt. Welcome to the war zone, bitch." She added her last threat coldly.

Morrigan mockingly kissed Taylor on the cheek before she got to her feet. "Hey, big boy!" She barked, forcing Johnny to turn around. Morrigan grinned and lifted up her foot, dragging it over until she kicked Taylor's legs open so they were sprawled for the crowd to get a look at her boy shorts.

Johnny's eyes widened, but Morrigan laughed. "Since you're busy and all, I thought that I'd have some fun with your little girl-bitch... but maybe you wanna trade?"

"RRRRRGGGH!" Johnny spun off Brittany and charged right at Morrigan who didn't even seem to flinch. She waited and waited and waited and when she thought the time was right, pulled a taser out of her pocket and flicked it on with one deft gesture, jamming it into Johnny's stomach right as he was about to go in for the kill. Johnny's eyes widened and then he began to shake as the electric jolt swam through his body.

"uhyuhyuh!" He murmured and then fell down groaning. Morrigan let out a smirk and then stepped towards Brittany, looking down at her dazed form. "You owe me, bitch." She said coldly and then lifted her head up to look down at the snake clad warrior. "I'll make sure to come collect, too."

Morrigan then looked at the writing Johnny and grabbed his hair. He shoved his body so his head rested in between Taylor's legs in a humiliating manner and then jabbed the taser into him again, forcing him to writhe and sputter once more.

It was then that security, who had been summoned to clear out Johnny, came rushing down. Morrigan's eyes widened and she quickly darted out the ring, hoping to avoid "the fuzz" and get away with the perfect crime, cackling the whole way through the crowd.

While the scene unfolded, Lukretia had begun to slowly make her way towards the ring, casually observing until she was very slowly dipping into the ring to get a better survey of the war zone. He hand gently held the security at bay with a single gesture.

Last edited by 445 on Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:09 am; edited 1 time in total

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve - Page 8 Empty Re: Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve

Post by d_ultsch Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:12 am

Brittany was in a bad place as Johnny didn't seem to be slowing down with his punches "Get the fuck off of me." Briitany said before she felt the punches stop and soon she felt Johnny get off of her "What the fuck. " was all Brittany managed to say before Morrigan tased Johnny dropping him like a sack of potatoes.

"Who the fuck are you?" Brittany said as Johnny's assualt seemed to have drained her "I fucking owe you nothing bitch." Brittany said as she managed to sit up and glare at Morrigan "Ha just fucking try and do that." Brittany then saw Morrigan run away as security finally made it down to the ring "About fucking time assholes."

Brittany the nlooked around and saw someone else enter the ring and she flipped her off "There i beat your fucking prescious blue bitch Lukretia. I just hope that your ready to get beaten by me when the time comes."


The Den

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Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve - Page 8 Empty Re: Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve

Post by Tatyina Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:36 am

Lukretia slid smoothly into the ring and grabbed Brittany's brand new Entropy belt. She smiled at the surly ophidian and turned to look at Taylor. "A Blue Jay vith no ving..." Her eyes trailed down Johnny's barely moving form. "A cicada vith no shell..." and finally looked back to Brittany. "Und a snake vith no fangs."

Lukretia furrowed her brow and pulled back the belt before swinging it at Brittany's head to put her back down. If she set Brittany down, she would throw the belt down on Brittany's chest and step down hard on the belt to grind it into Brittany's tits. "Congratulations. It vas a victory... technically. Ze kind of meager performance I vould have expected from you. Barely keeping your nose above water in zis league is still a vaste of meine time! Unlike frauline Parker, I am not a vounded animal. I still have teeth." Lukretia sneered as she leaned over and stared fiercely into Brittany's eyes.

She then stepped away and raised her hand so the audience would cheer. They booed heavily. Lukretia smirked and began to step towards the ring side that lead towards the entrance ramp.

"It seems as if ze crow vith no nest is ze vinner in today's beastly affair. How pathetic..."

"Hellraiser" began to play over the loudspeakers as Lukretia strode out of the arena. The medical staff rushed passed her, fluttering the bottom of her otherwise tight fitting dress. They would clean up the mess well enough.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
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Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve - Page 8 Empty Re: Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve

Post by d_ultsch Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:42 am

Brittany glared at Lukretia as she held the belt "Come on bitch just give me my fucking belt." Brittany probably should have choosen better words for her statement and soon she lay flat on her back with her eyes looking up at the lights. Brittany couldn't respond to Lukretia's taunts as she soon felt the belt grinding down on her breasts as Lukretia seemed to enjoy taunting Brittany "Fucking bitch." Brittany managed to say as Lukreita glared down at her.

Brittany however had enough energy into her to spit at Lukretia in a vague attempt of defiance before her body gave out on her and she passed out in the ring leaving herself at the mercy of the AFW medical staff.


The Den

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Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve - Page 8 Empty Re: Entropy Title: Taylor Parker Vs. Brittany Luvve

Post by Bluemouse Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:59 am

Once the medical staff had hurried into the ring, they began attending first to Taylor before checking on Brittany, and then rousing Johnny. Taylor tried batting their hands away, as everything they touched hurt, but eventually she tried laying flat on her back, which turned out to be impossible. Instead she turned to lay on her unbroken side, and remained compliant while the medics did their thing.

Johnny. Here was there. She didn't remember when he got there exactly, but it wasn't hard to figure out what had happened. She reached out and brushed his hair and immediately began to tear up. He was hurt because of her. Or... he got hurt for her. Her heart ached over the idea of it, but then the thought occurred to her, why did Johnny show up and not Akashi?

She quickly forgot all about it once the medics began trying to position her on a stretcher. She protested, swatted at them, and tried to stand, but she quickly found out that between the crippling pain and the dizziness that wasn't going to work. She laid back down on the stretcher and nearly passed out. In something like a paternal gesture, or at least a big-brotherly one, one of the medics thoughtfully fixed her skirt so that it covered her.

As the medics carried her off, she relaxed, as much as her battered body would allow. It was over, and that was at least some consolation.

Last edited by 1167 on Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:08 am; edited 1 time in total

The Mouseum


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