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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
Rebecca Tomko
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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7) - Page 11 Empty Re: Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

Post by TiefBlau Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:43 am

Connecting with another blow to Cecilia's head, it all seemed simple from here on out to Heather. She would hear the crowd's reactions, basking in it a little as she would continue to try to set up for her finisher. Stepping up the ropes, she would go to lift Cecilia up but would suddenly feel a heavy impact on her cut. Letting out a grunt and groan of pain, she would look up at Cecilia, hearing her words.

Heather would click her tongue as Cecilia repeated what she said before her head was forced into Cecilia's thighs. She would try to push herself out, but would feel Cecilia slam her arms down on her back, rocking it with a double axe handle. Her already sore back would feel an intense jolt of pain, leaving her quite vulnerable for Cecilia to continue her move.

She would feel Cecilia lift her up onto her shoulders, feeling the girl's soft kiss on her crotch. As much as she was out of it, the feeling would cause her to let out a little tiny breathy moan before she would feel the two of them going through the air, next thing she knew, she was slammed down hard onto the mat, suffering from Cecilia's finisher, nearly unconscious as the girl had her in position after the sitout powerbomb to pin her.

There was no getting out of it for Heather, the match was over. "1...2.."


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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7) - Page 11 Empty Re: Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

Post by LunarWolf Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:50 am


The Ref's hand came down one final time and the match was over, The bell rang and the crowd went wild, drinks and popcorn flew through the air as the crowd cheered like crazy for the two combatants, Cecilia looked down at Heather for a moment before she fell backwards, down on her back lying down with Heather's butt on her stomach and her own chest heaving up and down with each deep breath she took, she wasn't out of was just that she was too tired and too hurt to move all to much.

Her hand went up to start to give the side of Heather's butt a light spank as she would say to Heather through a panting and heavy breathing voice, " Good...match! match! " Cecilia said as she looked up at the ceiling, the light hurting her eyes. The ref girl walked over and started to check up on the two girl's, she carried Cecilia's Hardcore title to her and handed it to the champ, who draped it over her shoulder.

" I had me there Heats." Cecilia said as she would slowly try and mover around a little, and try to get out from underneath Heather.


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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7) - Page 11 Empty Re: Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

Post by TiefBlau Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:59 am

As the ref's hand came down for that final count, it would signify the end of the match, Cecilia taking Heather's place in the rankings. With the bell ringing and the cheers of the crowd flowing through the arena, Heather would lie half on top of Cecilia, staring up at the lights. Her body was aching in pain and it hadn't quite hit her yet.

She would feel Cecilia's little spank on the side of her butt, causing her to let out a little yelp as she would slowly roll off of Cecilia. She would hear her words, not responding back to her as she lie on her front. Taking it all in, Heather would lie there, breathing heavily to regain her bearings before she would slip her hands on the mat on each side of her, pushing herself up a bit before weakly sliding her knees up and sitting on them.

"Yeah..." Heather would let out as Cecilia's words, keeping her head down as she stared at the mat. Now it was all starting to come down on her, realizing that she lost, that she'd been knocked down two spots on the rankings. She would sulk her body down a bit more bringing her hands to her face as she would rub it a couple times. "Heh..." She would let out, laughing a bit before shaking her head, biting her lip. "I lost.."

She would slide her legs out, sitting down before she would plant her feet in front of her, running her hands through her hair. "Kh...What now...I-If I can't even..." She would let out, not even able to get out what she was thinking, stumbling over her own words as she would bite her lip again.


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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7) - Page 11 Empty Re: Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

Post by LunarWolf Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:46 am

Cecilia rolled over onto her front and then pushed herself up to her knees, with her belt over her right shoulder. Cecilia's breath was still heavy and she was tired and wet, and in so much pain, but when she turned around and saw Heather, seeing how she was doing at the moment, and how sad she seemed to be.

Cecilia would begin to move over towards Heather and wrap her arms around Heather from behind, wrapping her arms around Heather's arms and her chest, holding her friend closely as she pressed her chest against Heather's back, she would lean in and whisper to Heather. " Thank you...thank you for the best match ever." Cecilia said as she would lean her head against Heather.

" Don't be sad Heather, we both did the best we could...we both fought with all we had. So don't you dare be sad about it." Cecilia said as she would tighten her hug, " If there is anyone that consider to be my equal...or even better than me, it's you." Cecilia would kiss at Heather's cheek and then say, " The reason why we aren't going to be sad if we lose against each other, is because we are best friend, because we love each other, and because we are rivals. " Cecilia tightened her hug on Heather even further and then said " Listen...the reason why we fight each other is because we think that the other is better or as good, to surpass them is what we want, no matter what we won't feel bad if we lose...instead we will pick ourselves up and do better the next time. " Cecilia said as she would then try and turn Heather around and look her straight in the eyes.

Cecilia would then lean in and give Heather a deep kiss, a passionate one, but she didn't move around her tongue or anything inside of Heather's mouth, instead she would just have them in a deep kiss. Cecilia would then break the kiss and move up to her feet and offer a hand to Heather so that she could try and help her friend up. The crowd began to chant for the two, the chant went for both of their names, they knew very well what a spectacular match they had been given and who had given it to them, and they were showing their appreciations to both of the wrestler, Heather had just started to get more cheers from the fans than before, but such a unanimous amount of cheers as this might surprised the girl.


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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7) - Page 11 Empty Re: Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

Post by TiefBlau Tue Aug 14, 2012 5:17 pm

As Heather was trying her best to cope with her loss, she would feel Cecilia wrap her arms around her, pressing her chest against her back, causing Heather to blush a bit before she would hear Cecilia's whisper. Looking down a bit, she would simply nod her head at Cecilia's words, still fighting with herself on the inside before the girl would hug her tighter, starting to say all the words that she was.

She would listen intently to all Cecilia was saying, taking it all in and paying close attention to her words. "Cecilia.." Heather would let out, feeling her kiss on her cheek and how tightly she was hugging her. Her words were definitely reassuring to Heather and she was more than grateful that Cecilia was saying what she was. "L-listen I..I feel the same way b-but..y-you don't understand...I....I was trying to make...A-and now..the rankings...Why did you have to fight me for my rank?" Heather would let out, shaking her head before Cecilia would turn her around.

She would feel the passionate kiss that Cecilia would give her, causing her eyes to widen a bit before they would slowly close and she would kiss her back before Cecilia would break it and help her up. She would hear the massive applause from the audience and would tilt her head down a bit. She was more than surprised at how big of a cheer they were getting as she would tilt her head back up, looking at Cecilia. "It....WAS....a great match.."


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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7) - Page 11 Empty Re: Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

Post by LunarWolf Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:07 am

Cecilia would stand with Heather for a moment, keeping her hand with Heather's for a moment, holding it and looked around at the crowd and then back at Heather, she would give Heather a tight hug, pressing her chest against Heather's as she would whisper to her friend. " Don't worry, you don't have to climb, your gonna jump to the number one spot when you kick Gatt's ass." Cecilia said as she would then break the hug, taking a step back and looking Heather up and down.

Cecilia would then look down a bit at Heather's pantsless legs and would let out a little sigh, before scratching the back of her head, " Uhm...sorry about the's just as soon as you got wet you kinda got a bit slower...I figured you wouldn't be as slow if I took of those heavy wet pants...yeah...sorry." Cecilia would let out a little embarassed laugh as she would then look up at Heather and nod to her friend.

" Besides, now you go something more than just Gatt to chase after! All you need to do is focus on beating me and Gatt will be a piece of cake. " Cecilia said as she would then pull back her hair a bit from her face, the Northern Queen would then turn around and start to walk towards the ropes.

Cecilia would slip out of them and then turn towards Heather, " Don't get the wrong Idea Heats! No matter what You will be my goal to beat, even if I did beat you was scary close, I'll always be chasing after that cute behind of yours! So no matter what, keep winning until you are the champ." Cecilia said as she would start walking backwards as she kept looking at Heather.

" If you ever want a rematch, all you have to do is challenge me! We'll have another great match then!" Cecilia shouted out to Heather, as the crowd went wild for them as Cecilia then left the arena, walking out of the place with belt in hand and a new spot on the rankings.


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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7) - Page 11 Empty Re: Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

Post by TiefBlau Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:18 am

"Ah.." Heather would let out as she felt Cecilia's right hug, their chests pressing against eachother, causing her to blush a bit. She would hear her words, causing her to nod her head a bit. "Y-yeah..Of course." Heather would let out at her words, hoping inside that that was indeed the case and how it would end up going down.

As the girl started talking about the fact that she removed her pants, leaving Heather standing there in her bikini top and panties, Heather would blush a bit more, shaking her head. "N-no don't worry about that..I-it's whatever.." She would let out, though clearly embarrassed by the fact that she was standing in the middle of the ring, wet and almost naked.

"Yeah..keep that spot warm for me." Heather would let out, a little quietly before Cecilia would walk backwards out of the ring, continuing to say what she was. "Kh..that's all easy for you to spew out..there you are...walking away with your belt on one shoulder, and the fact that you just went up two in the rankings on the other.." Heather would say, way out of range of Cecilia's hearing before she would let out a sigh, waiting a few seconds before making her way backstage as well.

Winner by Pinfall: Cecilia Northman


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