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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7) - Page 9 Empty Re: Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

Post by TiefBlau Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:57 am

Slamming her knee into Cecilia's head, she would be able to get the girl to lose her hold, causing Heather to be able to land on her feet, stumbling back a little. She would shake her head, quickly trying to maintain her balance on her feet as she did. Her body was still aching in pain, but she couldn't let that slow her down one bit. She had to keep on Cecilia as much as she could. Gritting her teeth, she would lunge herself at the girl as Cecilia would get herself on her feet.

She would attempt to reach out with both hands for her hair, trying to violently yank her head around if she was able to get a hold of it. "There! Let's see just how much you like the feeling!!"


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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7) - Page 9 Empty Re: Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

Post by LunarWolf Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:04 am

" Gah!" Cecilia let out as the second that she got up to her feet she felt how Heather grabbed onto her hair, and began to yank and pull on it, Cecilia gritted her teeth and quickly attempted to retaliate by grabbing Heather's long hair, the two long haired hotties locked in a hairpulling battle as both of them were yanking and pulling at each other's hair. Cecilia's eyes glared into Heather's but her lips showed a smile, as she would attempt and pull Heather along and force them over towards an open way into another room.

Cecilia would then try and push Heather up against the wall, only after that noticing where they were, seeing the shower heads and as she pushed Heather against the wall, the shower head just above them would begin to rain down on top of the and drench the two combatants in a shower of water. "Bring it on HEATHER ! "


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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7) - Page 9 Empty Re: Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

Post by TiefBlau Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:15 am

Heather would smirk as she was able to get a good grip of Cecilia's hair, starting to yank her around. She wanted to hurt Cecilia as much as she could with the pulling, but what she didn't expect was for Cecilia to reach out for her hair as yell, pulling right back. Heather would let out a yell in pain as Cecilia pulled her along, forcing her into the next room.

Next thing she felt was her back against the wall and a rain of warm water pouring down on her, soaking her completely as they found themselves in the shower room. "" Heather would let out before glaring at Cecilia, hearing her words. "You don't have to tell me!" Heather would let out, trying to lunge herself forward and knock Cecilia onto her back, trying to get herself on top of her.


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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7) - Page 9 Empty Re: Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

Post by LunarWolf Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:28 am

Cecilia kept pulling and trying to force the Heather to remain pressed up against the wall, but when she heard Heather yell out back at her, she then felt Heather push away from the wall and then down Cecilia, " Agh!" Cecilia let out as she was forced back down onto her back, she let out a groan, before she would tighten her squeeze on Heather's hair and attempt to roll Heather to the side and follow along, attempting to roll over and place herself on top of Heather. Her chest would then press down on Heather's as they laid on top of each other and kept pulling on each other's hair and catfighting against each other.

For some reason, all the shower heads started to shower down upon the wrestler, every single one started to pour down on the pair as they were giving their all in their fighting against one another, it was clearly easy to see that these two girl's were rivals, and big ones at that.


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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7) - Page 9 Empty Re: Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

Post by TiefBlau Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:35 am

Taking Cecilia to the ground, she would keep her grip on Cecilia's hair, trying to ignore the fact that her body was getting soaked by the shower water. Her bikini top was doing quite well, made for such a thing, but her baggy pants were sticking to her legs, pressing down on them as she fought with Cecilia on the shower room floor. Soon though, she would feel Cecilia turn them over, slowly rolling them so Cecilia was on top. She would feel the girl's breasts press against her's, but the pain she was feeling in her scalp was enough to stop her from worrying about it.

More and more, Cecilia and Heather would be soaked by the shower water, Heather glaring up at Cecilia as she pulled her hair. "G-god..let go! Enough!!" Heather would let out, having just about enough of the burning sensation in her scalp. She was trying to think of a way to get her to release her without losing ground, and finally she had an idea. She felt it was a little dirty, but she needed to do whatever she could to get the upperhand. Pulling hard at Cecilia's hair, she would try to pull her head down to try to plant her lips onto Cecilia's, trying to surprise her and catch her off guard before she would attempt to quickly push her hard off her.


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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7) - Page 9 Empty Re: Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

Post by LunarWolf Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:45 am

Cecilia started to feel how her clothing was becoming heavy, her pants sleeves were clinging to her legs and her top felt heavy against her, but that didn't meant that she wasn't going to stop her from beating the crap out of Heather, or at least trying, as they were still locked in their struggle, but with her on top this time and not Heather. She heard her friend shout out that she had enough, causing Cecilia to smirk a bit through a pained expression. " Had ENOUGH!? " Cecilia let out as then she was silenced by Heather's lips.

Cecilia's eyes widened as she was caught by surprise by Heather's kiss, letting Heather take control over her and toss her to the side. Cecilia would quickly roll away and get up to her feet, the water flying every where from the swift motion, her hair flung around and water flew around, Cecilia would take a quick look at Heather's pants and then shake her head a little bit. " Let's end this !" Cecilia said to Heather as she would charge at Heather and in the last second, attempt and slip in behind Heather and wrap her arms around the girl's waist and unzip her pants. " Payback!"


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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7) - Page 9 Empty Re: Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

Post by TiefBlau Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:50 am

At Cecilia's mocking repeating of what she said, Heather would curse out in her head, though she would quickly carry out what she was trying to do, planting her lips onto Cecilia's. Her attempt at surprising Cecilia worked perfectly and she was able to push the girl off her. She would let the water soak into her hair, trying to soothe her burning scalp as much as she could as she would take a deep breath.

She would go to get herself up before she would see Cecilia charging towards her. Letting out a surprised yelp, she would try to grab her but would grab nothing but air as Cecilia would slip behind her. She would stumble a bit before Cecilia would wrap her arms around her, Heather hearing that sound of her pants getting unzipped right after. "H...hah??" Heather would let out, her eyes widening as her face would turn a complete red, freezing up for a couple seconds before she would try to turn and shove Cecilia away.

Last edited by 1905 on Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:50 am; edited 1 time in total


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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7) - Page 9 Empty Re: Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

Post by LunarWolf Tue Aug 14, 2012 1:59 am

Cecilia smiled a bit as she heard Heather let out that surprised sound from her lips, she didn't want those pants hindering Heather, there was nothing that was going to used as an excuse when it came to who won, Cecilia would quickly attempt and pull them down, but right after she did so, Heather turned around and pushed Cecilia back. The Hardcore Queen would stumbled back a few steps before she would slowly move backwards and walk towards the exit, never letting her eyes leave Heather as she would gesture for Heather to come along.

" We can't fight in here...let's settle this in the ring Heats, once and for all." Cecilia said as she would lick her lips, before bringing her hand up and brushing back her hair so that her face wasn't covered by her wet hair, " Let's end this with a bang.." Cecilia said with a smile towards Heather as she would gesture for Heather to come at her.


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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7) - Page 9 Empty Re: Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

Post by TiefBlau Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:06 am

As Heather turned around and pushed Cecilia away, she would fall back, her pants coming off with Cecilia's tug and leaving her in her black lacy panties. Her eyes would widen at the idea before she would look up and watch Cecilia at the exit, gesturing for her to come along. Heather would blink a few times, looking over to her pants for a second before letting out a sigh. She would get up to her feet, grinning a bit.

"Fine..Though you know the ring will give me my moveset back." She would say, the grin still on her face as she would throw her head back, letting her hair fly back and out of her face as it would spray water around, sticking to her back. "Let's do this then." She would say, slowly approaching Cecilia.


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Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7) - Page 9 Empty Re: Ranked Match for Spot #5: Heather (#5) vs Cecilia (#7)

Post by LunarWolf Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:14 am

Cecilia smiled a bit at Heather as her friend was without her pants at the moment, Heather looked as hot as ever in what she was wearing, those sexy black laced panties that really fit her. Cecilia watched as Heather flung back her hair and then she watched and listened as Heather told her that she would have all her moveset back then. Cecilia smiled and then nodded her head to Heather, "That just means that when I beat you, it will be all the more sweeter~" Cecilia then would grab onto Heather's head in a surprise move and attempt to pull her into a headlock.

Cecilia would then put a tight squeeze on Heather's head as she would start to walk out of the shower room and then the locker room, " You are mine Heats! Don't think you can escape your fate !"


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