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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Training for Real(?)

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Training for Real(?) - Page 4 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by Guest Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:15 am

"Let go, damnit!" Aiden yelled as she found Izumi managed to stop her attempt to get her leg free by holding her ankle.

The woman soon secured her other ankle as well, trapping the redhead even more in the corner. Aiden gritted her teeth in frustration, she wanted... needed to free herself before Izumi taking full advantage of her situation. With her legs opened like that, even if the woman's hands were occupied with her ankles, it didn't take a genius to figure out what she could do.

Aiden decided that she needed to take the risk here. At least Izumi was keeping her legs in place now, so she could free her arms a little bit faster than she planned. The red haired girl glanced at the woman and gulped, before she let herself fall to the front, wanting to crash herself on Izumi so she would not be trapped anymore in this embarrassing position.


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Training for Real(?) - Page 4 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by ThunderFox Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:17 am

Izumi really couldn't believe how much Aiden was resisting her. She either really didn't want to be touched the way she was, and it gave the the will to fight back, or she was just full of energy naturally. Either way, she was a growing pain in the rear, and Izumi wanted to put a stop to it. Grabbing her ankles to keep her in place, she giggled a bit, and leaned forward, ready to let her tongue do a little dancing on the red head's covered sex. But before she could manage to do that, she realized that there was one oversight; her hands.

She didn't have time to regret that choice as she was landed on by the red head, making her let go of her ankles, and fall backwards onto the mat with Aiden now on top of her. It was more of a shock than anything. It didn't really hurt, but it took her by surprise. She couldn't believe that she forgot something so obvious. "You... you really aren't going to make this easy, are you, honey?" Izumi asked as she tried to shake the cobwebs from her head and get back int he game.

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Training for Real(?) - Page 4 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by Guest Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:30 am

Aiden yelped as she's falling onto Izumi and let out an audible "Oof!" as she landed on top of the woman. The redhead felt Izumi's breasts bumped against her front before she rolled away from the girl, and she couldn't help but to blush. Aiden held her chest for a bit as she tried to shake the thought off her mind before she glanced at the woman rather nervously.

"O-Of course not!" she replied, still blushing slightly.

Aiden wasn't really sure how bad was the landing affecting Izumi, but she felt that she had done a little bit of damage at the very least. It's not the time to be delighted, though, and the redhead would get up on all four, before she would crawl towards Izumi again. Aiden would wait until the woman starting to get up before she would charge in, hoping to catch Izumi with another shoulder charge to slam her towards the turnbuckle. Of course, if she missed, Aiden would only hurt her other shoulder, a thought that barely crossed the redhead's mind.

"Yaahh!" she would let out as she lunged towards Izumi.


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Training for Real(?) - Page 4 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by ThunderFox Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:10 am

Still hating herself for forgetting something so plain and obvious, Izumi laid there on the mat after Aiden got off of her and rolled away some. It gave her a chance to get herself back together. No more mistakes she told herself as she started to get herself up some. She went to turn herself back toward Aiden so that she could teach the red head what she could really do, but Aiden's recklessness managed to get the better of Izumi this time.

She took the full force of the shoulder charge right into the gut this time, falling back down to the mat hard. "Guh!" she let out when her back slammed against the mat. The move hand hit her pretty hard, and winded her. She wasn't going to be able to fight back much like this, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to try. If Aiden was still on top of her after the tackle, she would try, despite her lack of air, to grab Aiden's head, and pull her into a breast smother, hugging the girls head as best she could while trying to get her breath back.

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Training for Real(?) - Page 4 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:28 am

"Hah!" Aiden let out in a delighted tone as she managed to catch Izumi with her attack this time. "Now I'll show you w-whaammppppfff?!" her joy was cut short when the woman grabbed her head and pulled it into a breasts smother. "Mmmmpph! Mmmhh!" Aiden protested as she tried to pull her head away.

Despite her squirming, though, Izumi seemed to manage holding the redhead in the hold as it was, cutting Aiden's air effectively with those splendid breasts of hers. The red haired girl's arms grabbed Izumi's own, trying to pray them off her head before the woman could severely weaken her with this move. Her face was blushing deeply, although Izumi might not be able to see it in this condition.

"LLfff GGgggg!!!" Aiden tried to scream let go once again although they only came as muffled noises.

Her struggle would gradually become weaker by each seconds she spent between the woman's breasts.


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Training for Real(?) - Page 4 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by ThunderFox Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:48 am

Izumi didn't expect Aiden to get grabbed so easily, but she wasn't going to complain. After all, it just proved how easy it was to get the girl in some of the simplest holds. So far, Aiden hadn't proven to be much of a challenge at all. Izumi was a little disappointed, but it was okay. She was more interested in just having fun with the red head anyway.

"What's that babe? I can't hear y-ouh!" Izumi's sentence was cut short when she felt Aiden's groping hands trying to pry her breasts from her face. Of course, Izumi knew that she wasn't groping her just because she could. But all the same, it felt pretty good, good enough to pull a small moan from the older woman's lips. "You... You gotta speak up, sweetheart," Izumi would taunt as she held the girls head tightly in her arms, refusing to let go until Aiden's struggles stopped completely. If this didn't stop her from fighting back too much, she didn't know what would.

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Training for Real(?) - Page 4 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:58 am

"Mmmmm!" Aiden's protest continued to be muffled by Izumi's breasts just like her air.

Hearing the woman taunted her like that only infuriated her further. She had more willpower than necessary to free herself, but her physical strength was lacking. Eventually what remained of her air was spent too, and she felt a bit dizzy. Her protests and squirming almost stopped at the same time. One of her arms hung to her side while the other tapped lightly on Izumi's arm.

As much as she hated to submit to the woman, Aiden didn't have much choice. She wouldn't want passing out like this. Who knew what Izumi might do to her when she's unconscious!


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Training for Real(?) - Page 4 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by ThunderFox Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:05 am

Izumi knew it was only a matter of time before Aiden finally gave out. She had her held pretty tight, and the longer she stayed between her luscious breasts, the more her struggles slowed. Izumi smiled as she held the red head tightly, not willing ti let go until she was ready to pass out. But much to her dismay, she soon felt the subtle tapping of the girl surrendering to her. Izumi felt rather disappointed that it was over so soon. And she was having so much fun with her too.

"Done already? But I thought this was a Hentai match," Izumi said, letting her grip go only a little so Aiden could breath a bit and respond if she wanted to. She knew that she should let her go, but she was having way to much fun to do that. Plus, she wanted to continue their little "game." She wanted to see just how much Aiden could take. In more ways than one.

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Training for Real(?) - Page 4 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:14 am

Aiden breathed greedily the moment Izumi let her go. She gasped and panted, trying to suck as much as she could after being smothered like that. The redhead rolled weakly to the side, laying herself next to Izumi on her back as she needed to recover a bit before she could respond to the girl's taunt. Her face was almost as red as her hair. It's the lack of air, obviously! Or so Aiden would like to think, despite feeling pretty embarrassed that Izumi seemed to manage to subdue her quite effortlessly.

"G-guh..." she let out with a rather tired look. "Y-you think... this is going... to be over... haah... just like t-this...?!

She forced herself to sit on the mat, half glaring at Izumi, still panting heavily.

"Y-you're just lucky!" she barked. "and I-I can still go on! Just give me a moment..." the last part came off rather softly as Aiden slightly look away, gritting her teeth in annoyance.


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Training for Real(?) - Page 4 Empty Re: Training for Real(?)

Post by ThunderFox Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:20 am

Izumi could barely contain her giggle when she listened to Aiden's tough words. even after getting almost smothered into unconsciousness, she still managed to put on that tough girl face. She even looked like she was out of gas, just by looking at her. But she was still ready to fight? Izumi could deal with that. But there was no way she was going to let Aiden get a moment. She was having too much fin for that.

Izumi would crawl over to Aiden and move her face close to the red heads, smiling wickedly, with her eyes narrowed as if she were eyeing prey. "You still think you can take me? You couldn't even take me at my worst," she would say, moving so close that their noses were practically touching. "But it's not your fault. You're just inexperienced. But don't worry. I'll educate you... very well." With that, Izumi would go to lick the red head right on the lips before going to push her back down to the mat and try to pin her wrists, trying to take advantage of her weakened state and get the upper hand once again.

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