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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre

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Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre - Page 3 Empty Re: Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre

Post by Cy_Man Tue Oct 15, 2013 3:50 am

Tatsuki has gotten herself a good enough distance away from Reika once she gotten off of her and rolled away. She clenches her teeth tightly in a frustrated manner as she slowly got up onto her knees to stand back up. **Why? Why do I keep falling for her tricks?!** Reika was good, real good. Never in Tatsuki's life had she been so frustrated or angry in her life, this was a real first and if she doesn't calm down and control it then it will cost her greatly. **Is this all just a game to her? Am I just a toy in her eyes?** So many questions dwelled in her head, but they can wait. Taking another deep breath, Tatsuki slowly tries to get back onto her feet.

Already her small body was in pain from all those punches and the pressure that was down onto her, and it certainly proved that The Viper was very dangerous even though she already knew that but this just enforced to confirm it even better. **I really have to be careful, the odds aren't in my favor here so I have to plan this correctly...** She thinks as she looks at Reika from across the ring.

This match is still fresh so there is many chances for Tatsuki to get back at the snake. So she came up with an idea, it was a bit dirty but it wasn't against the rules or something that will label her as a heel. Once, or rather if, the athlete gets onto her feet, she will walk towards the ropes and lean against them while giving Reika an expression of defiance with a hint of insulting her with just her expression alone and bring her hand up to motion her to come towards her. "Come one, bring it. Or are you getting too old?" She said to taunt Reika while mocking her to try to use her own tactic against her.

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Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre - Page 3 Empty Re: Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre

Post by XSirenX Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:18 pm

Although it was quite cute to see Tatsuki, resort to insults, while just leaning on the ropes with some form of confidence out of nowhere, Reika could see that this was becoming an elaborate slip up, just to try and catch her out. She even had the nerve to call Reika, old, which was something new...but amusingly adorable. With a smirk settling onto her lips, Reika slowly took off her cracked glasses, and threw them to the side...revealing her eyes free and pure from her usual look, as she would launch herself into a spear while Tatsuki was taunting the slightly hazed Viper, poorly...

"Foolish...girl..." Reika thought, hazily lining up her next attack...

Pouncing in the spear with her arms strung out, like a form of a vicious beast woman, Reika tried to spear and grab the girl, with her open hands which would soon lock onto the fabric of Tatsuki's attire. If she was successful in the grab, Reika would then begin to have a little squeeze of the athlete girl, in a fierce form of a tight bear hug. But from the looks of things, Tatsuki's 'dirty' attack plan would be coming into motion...

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Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre - Page 3 Empty Re: Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre

Post by Cy_Man Mon Oct 21, 2013 1:51 am

It appears that Tatsuki's plan to lure the snake in was working, when Reika smirked and tossed her half broken glasses to the side she knew that she had gotten to her a bit and even though she was rotten and evil, Tatsuki had to admit that Reika was a bit beautiful without the glasses. The athlete remained leaning against the ropes as her determined expression didn't change nor waver once The Viper started to run at Tatsuki with the intent to kill, and she will have to time this right if her tactic will work. **That's right, take the bait...**

The athlete gripped the top rope tightly with her right hand as she waited for her chance once her opponent was closing in on her. **Wait for it...** This tactic was very desperate but it would definitely would have an impact on Reika if done correctly and at the right moment.

Once the snake got close, Tatsuki will let go of the top rope and drop down to the canvas flat on her butt and slump down a bit to ensure that Reika will miss her completely and fly outside of the ring. But if she doesn't completely fly out and just hangs on the ropes, then Tatsuki roll back a bit and bring her legs up which flips her skirt down and expose her blue gym bloomers and throw them up to kick the snake and try to knock Reika out of the ring.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre - Page 3 Empty Re: Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre

Post by XSirenX Sat Oct 26, 2013 6:14 pm

Just as it looked like Reika's charging spear, was going to ultimately and painfully clasp Tatsuki into her grasp, the athlete girl herself, slipped down at the last minute, as Reika would skid and crash into the ropes at speed, only to be stood there with her arms hooked around the middle rope. Struggling, Reika's 'raging fury' attempt was futile to Tatsuki's dirty trick, turning herself around only to face the high kick for Tatsuki herself! "sneaky b bitch AGHH!!!" Reika yelped, for what looked like a pantie up-skirt tease, was only that off seething pain as Reika's face met Tatsu's foot, and knocked the Viper herself out of the ring with a slump of her body...

Just from the precision kick, had doubled Reika into dazed pile on the outer ring mats...gaining a few slack jawed reactions from her fans, Tatsuki herself had really hit herself a big blow on Reika, and had the Viper stunned for the moment. Reika herself, lying on the mats as the ref girl peered over, seeing her with her head tilted to the side, gritting her teeth in pain, along with the huge red shoe mark spread over her left cheek...even as beautiful as she was stunned out in this position, light breaths heaving up and down as her body remained.

Reika was down, but for how long was the question...

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Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre - Page 3 Empty Re: Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre

Post by Cy_Man Sat Oct 26, 2013 8:09 pm

Tatsuki was completely successful in sending Reika out of the ring with her dirty trick along with a hard kick to the snake's face. Despite it not being against the rules or a heelish action, the young athlete girl really didn't feel proud of herself to have to resort to such a tactic as she grits her teeth with her eyes tightly shut which shows her disgust. **I hope I will never have to do such a thing like that again....** But considering her opponent who wants to destroy Tatsuki she'll have to improvise as she goes along with this match or she'll be in big trouble.

Because of this though, Tatsuki was able to catch a breather and stands back up with the help of the ropes. She looks down at Reika who was laying their out cold but it could be a trick to mislead the athlete into thinking she was out and to get another attack on her. Even if it's Reika, Tatsuki won't attack an opponent while she is down, with that in mind Tatsuki moves back to the center of the ring and lets the ref-girl start the 20 ring out count. While in the center of the ring, while waiting for either Reika to get back up or for her to be down for the count, Tatsuki starts to do some stretches to help prepare herself and warm up just in case Reika does come back up.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre - Page 3 Empty Re: Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre

Post by XSirenX Mon Oct 28, 2013 1:42 am

From the looks of things for Reika's condition, it looked like she was entirely stunned by Tatsuki's strike, still breathing, but giving out some faint movements as her head ringed with pain. Leading to a shocked audience including Reika fans themselves, of how Tatsuki herself managed to turn the match in favor...certainly, it was a brave feat to stun out someone like the Viper, but even the beast that she is, would never give up so easily. "15....14....13.....12...." the countdown passed by each second, the ref girl yelling with the ring-out count, overlooking Reika who had barely just rolled to her side on the mats, clawing her left hand to try and refocus, to ultimately get back into this fight...

What was even more of a bad thought for her, was the memory of the 'Spencer' wrestler she defeated recently, who had almost pinned Reika, due to the chinks in her rage. Just the little thoughts like these, mad Reika's mind boil with anger even more, "the girl has footwork....I'll, give her that...uhhfh..." she thought hazily to herself, holding the side of her face as her blurred eyes refocused on the brightly emitted ring atmosphere. Just seeing Tatsuki standing there...not smug with her little moment of dominance over the Viper, but more so alert and prepared for whatever Reika had planned...IF, she got up that was...

Hazed, blurred in vision since her glasses, we're apart of her sight issue's, Reika slowly crawled herself along the mat...

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Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre - Page 3 Empty Re: Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre

Post by Cy_Man Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:42 pm

While she was stretching in the ring, Tatsuki soon looked around and noticed how the audience was shocked of what she did but was unsure how they are taking it. Were they thinking that it was impressive and surprising that the athlete stunned Reika, or were they thinking that Tatsuki was fighting dirty as of now after that? But all of this didn't plague her for long as she remained focused in the match.

As the Ref-girl kept counting away, Tatsuki remained where she was in the ring's center stretching. If she let herself relax for even a second then she won't be ready for when Reika were to get the jump on the athlete. Tatsuki soon spots the Viper trying to climb back up into the ring and then stops her stretching and waited for Reika to climb back up the ring, leaning her upper body forward with her hands on her knees as she looks onto the snake with a serious expression.

Once Reika gets back into the ring, Tatsuki will charge at her and hopefully, if she is still dazed out, will grab and force Reika to turn to face the ropes and then bring the snake's arms behind her to wrap her own around them before attempting to lift Reika up and over her head to slam the woman into the canvas with the Tiger Suplex. "How about this!" Tatsuki will then hold it for a pin, thinking that in her current state she will not be able to break free as the ref-girl comes to start the countdown.


Last edited by 11297 on Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre - Page 3 Empty Re: Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre

Post by XSirenX Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:44 pm

As Reika barely climbed herself onto the ring edge, clawing her hand to grip it, while her blurred vision without the support of her glasses alone...was the least of her problems now. However, she had finally managed to pull herself up to the ropes, and make a stand from the count out, as the ref girl backed off, Reika herself, still a bit hazy from the lack of vision and hurt to her face. "The bitch will p pay..." Reika thought, her eyes widening as Tatsuki yet again, moved in for another move on her. But struggling herself around with her quick opponent, she was quickly forced into facing the ropes, as Tatsuki got close, and wrapped her arms into that of Rei's for a powerful Tiger suplex slam onto the canvas...

Making Reika's world spin, as her head hit the canvas dead on with a sharp grunt of her voice, "Hrr-nnnhfh....ffh..." she exclaimed in pain, caught by a sharp shock of pain, as well as another stun from Tatsuki's skills. Still in the fierce hold too, as the unthinkable position of Reika would happen again...ANOTHER pin attempt on herself from her opponent, faintly hearing the one count, as she would kick and struggle herself to kick out at the two count!

"Fat...CHANCE, TATSUKI!" Reika hissed, continuing with her struggles through her own body strength...

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Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre - Page 3 Empty Re: Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre

Post by Cy_Man Mon Nov 04, 2013 5:09 am

Tatsuki was serious, determined, and very eager to put this damn snake in her place and put her down in this very ring, and the sooner the better if possible. She had a good chance so far of that happening with using the Tiger Suplex on the evil woman and slamming Reika into the mat hard, and as she held it for the pin the snake started to squirm and struggle in the athlete's grasp to try and escape from the pin as the ref-girl made the second count.


Soon though with all her squirming, Reika was able to break free from the pin by tilting herself and Tatsuki to the side but she still had her arms around the snake's arms. Quickly getting back up onto her feet along with Reika, Tatsuki in a fast move moved her arms from around the Viper's arm to around her waist. "I'm not done with you yet!" Yelling this, Tatsuki then again begins to left Reika up and over to slam her into the canvas with a German Suplex, but the athlete isn't gonna leave it there...

While holding the snake down in this German Suplex, before the ref-girl were to start the countdown again, Tatsuki will flip herself forward and back onto her feet behind Reika and lift her up again to repeat herself to keep slamming Reika again and again with a barrage of German Suplexes, Chizuru Nagahara would be proud. After 4 Suplexes Tatsuki does one final German Suplex, but instead of holding Reika down with it she will just throw her back to the other side of the ring.

Last edited by 11297 on Mon Nov 04, 2013 3:07 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre - Page 3 Empty Re: Destined Rivalry, Reika Suzuka vs Tatsuki Le Feuvre

Post by XSirenX Thu Nov 07, 2013 11:06 pm

Reika was lost for words at this point of the match itself, as it took quite the turn of events, breaking the pin angrily away from Tatsuki's thoughts of putting a win in easily, through strong tactics. All the while for Reika spluttering, with her arms and legs struggling to find an escape, but nothing looked good, Tatsuki was really laying herself into her, as the Viper was lifted up AGAIN into a switch to a German suplex. "G gahnnnh! f for fucks sake!!!" Reika growled out, as she let out in much pain due to the hard, quick slams from the athlete, shock after shock as it did not stop at one suplex...but two, and eventually, four altogether in same pattern Tatsuki preformed her body and form to. Even from the crowds reactions, slack jawed, along with some lucky ringsider's getting pictures of the action in motion, this was pretty amazing stuff...

Seeing Tatsuki, a rising wrestling prodigy, just slam around such a strong fighter like Miss Suzuka...

Making Reika's world spin even wilder, as her vision began to get more blurred due to the quickness of slams, hurting her head, and the rest of her brain for that matter. But it didn't stop there, for sneakily, in a brief pause to her violent barrage on Reika, Tatsuki held Reika's slow breathing body, before flailing it to the other side of the ring...making Reika slide and slump to the ring floor, as a little bit of drool came out of her mouth...twitching, in a state which was far from getting up...

Lay to her side, with her array of brown hair sprawled out, in which some strands covered her face hidden away. Little dabs of shiny sweat patches, scattered across her body, as even her tights were a bit ripped from Tatsuki's clawing...

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