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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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GreatForce's Gym Revenge!

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GreatForce's Gym Revenge! - Page 6 Empty Re: GreatForce's Gym Revenge!

Post by Cy_Man Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:56 pm

Tatsuki kept walking through the alleyway and then spotted the so called "hero" climb down the building, in her mind she smirked but in reality she looked real intrigued to see someone do such a thing. "Whoa~" She remained in character throughout all of this and when the villain walked over to her, she stopped in place and raise her hand and opened her mouth about to say anything, but before she can speak he past her and spoke first saying she should leave. "Well, I would but.... I am lost. Can you help me mister?" Tatsuki would ask him in a tone that wasn't her voice as if she truly was someone else and hoped that he really would help her and even lead her, or rather him, to a certain spot.

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GreatForce's Gym Revenge! - Page 6 Empty Re: GreatForce's Gym Revenge!

Post by Deus001 Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:45 pm

The saivor lightly turned his head to address the woman, just a little turn of the head. The bear minimum needed to register his attention. Again he wasn't too sure 100% but carried along with the woman's request. Just then he heard a familiar noise.

One of his ravens perched itself onto his shoulder and cawed out, the savior lightly stroked it's beak in acknowledgement. He enjoyed having his flock meet him of their own accord, it showed that they were more like comrades than master and servant.

He then paused for a second before saying to the woman "This is one place you do not want to be lost in, only guilt and sorrow lie for those who wander here. Very well I will aid you."
The dark savior considered having his bird fly and ask her to follow it to a way out. However he was still uncertain of this person's motives, you could say he was paranoid. In the end Ryan decided to let the bird go, he'd do this himself and see if she was really lost or just faking it. And if she was....well the savior was not in a good mood.

He then extended his arm and the raven perched itself onto his fist.
"Fly my friend. Feel the wind in your dark wings." he would say.
The raven paused for a second, as if to stare with malice at Tatsuki. As if it knew something was up with her, however it was unable to tell it's master. It gave a click of it's beak at the girl before soaring away to join the rest of the savior's flock.

With that the savior would walk forward and say "Come, before night falls." the savior would walk ahead to lead her out the alleyway, his ravens flying above the clouds.

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GreatForce's Gym Revenge! - Page 6 Empty Re: GreatForce's Gym Revenge!

Post by Cy_Man Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:14 pm

Things were going well as in her mind, Tatsuki's smirk grew more while in reality she made a relieved face that would be grateful for the help. "Thank you mister." She said as she then notices the raven that gave her a dirty stare, she slowly backed away from him as if she was a scared timid child.

She soon looked as the villain starts to walk away telling her to follow to which she does, running up to his side, and to make the act more convincing Tatsuki will move her hand up so she can hold the zero's hand like a child needing guidance. "Thank you again mister." **Hehehehe... just as planned.**

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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GreatForce's Gym Revenge! - Page 6 Empty Re: GreatForce's Gym Revenge!

Post by Deus001 Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:16 pm

The savior frowned a little under his mask, his ravens normally didn't act like that with people. They were normally indifferent unless he ordered them, this sowed a little seed of suspicion in his mind. But regardless he decided not to act on it, it was only one minor incident and perhaps that bird was just hungry. He said nothing as he walked, he just wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible so he could return to his current task.

However when she tried to hold his hand he tucked his own inside his coat pocket, he couldn't let anyone get close to him. The dark savior would merely carry on walking, only giving the slightest turn of his head to acknowledge Tatsuki. It wasn't as if he was uncaring, as normal Ryan Knight he was a knight in every sense of the word. He was polite and powerful, able to withstand injuries that would fell lesser people. He continued to walk at a fair pace, not too fast so that his longer legs would outrun hers, but not slow to be considered wary.

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GreatForce's Gym Revenge! - Page 6 Empty Re: GreatForce's Gym Revenge!

Post by SUMOFIGHTER Tue Aug 13, 2013 3:28 am

GreatForce watch everything unfold in the shadows as the Dark savoir did is normal hero act, but she raised a eye brow when the crows displayed aggressive attitude to Tatsuki. From all her experience with animals GreatForce knew something wasn't right as animals are much beater at sensing danger. It was starting to get harder to hear as they got father away to slowly and quietly follow them. GreatThing was approaching the ally way ready to jump the Dark Savoir with a sudden attack to get the upper hand on him at the start.


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GreatForce's Gym Revenge! - Page 6 Empty Re: GreatForce's Gym Revenge!

Post by Cy_Man Tue Aug 13, 2013 3:50 am

Tatsuki frowns as the villain rejected her hand to make her seem a bit sad with her act. **Tsk... you'd think this "hero" would hold the hand of a young 14 year old girl to help her. Although I am 19 now...** She thought to herself as she walked alongside with Ryan, even though he is supposedly escorting her, Tatsuki was in fact guiding him.

As the two walk, Tatsuki leads the loser to a dead end in an alley way. She slowed down a bit with her walking so she falls behind him so he doesn't see that the girl quietly walks over to the dumpster to the side and grabs a steel bat which Tatsuki had hide their for this moment. "Thank you for the help "hero"~ Now reap what you sow you villain!!"

GreatForce's Gym Revenge! - Page 6 1757567-6PLI1QF.jpg
Tatsuki swings the bat aimed at the back of the Dark Moron's head to knock him out. She takes off the hat and wig then turns around to wave at GreatForce and her sister whom she spot while during her act to let them know she joined the party with a mischievous expression on her face with the bat still in hand.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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GreatForce's Gym Revenge! - Page 6 Empty Re: GreatForce's Gym Revenge!

Post by Deus001 Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:01 pm

The dark savior said nothing as they walked into the alleyway, he tensed up as he sensed something bad happening.
He then turns to face Tatsuki, only to be bashed on the head with the steel bat. His vision blurred, sounds around him were drowned out as he staggered onto his knees. He had taken worse but that still stung like fuck.

A bit of his mask had chipped off as it had taken the brunt of the impact from the bat.
GreatForce's Gym Revenge! - Page 6 Tumblr_maspevX8wq1r4m6yto1_500.jpg

The savior was still in mild pain and shock from that impact, but he knew this was a trap "Bitch......" he muttered.

But the savior always had someone watching his back, a wingman if you will.
His raven had brought a few of it's friends and were perched on a rooftop nearby. The savior lightly shook his head to tell them to wait and see what would happen, if this woman had people with her then odds were they'd reveal themselves now that he was weakened. Traps work both ways after all.....

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GreatForce's Gym Revenge! - Page 6 Empty Re: GreatForce's Gym Revenge!

Post by SUMOFIGHTER Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:18 pm

GreatForce and GreatThing would meet up near Tatsuki watching what was going on, quickly after Tatsuki slammed the Dark Savior's face with a steel based ball bat. Quickly GreatForce would get behind him and throw him down to the ground with GreatThing following it up with an axe kick on the unmask part of his face. Little did they know about the back up that the Dark Savoir had with him that would make this trap into a brawl. Never the less they could weaken the Dark Savoir before his friends came to save his ass.


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GreatForce's Gym Revenge! - Page 6 Empty Re: GreatForce's Gym Revenge!

Post by Deus001 Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:51 pm

The savior only grunted as he was attacked again "So the bastards had a confederate....Doesn't matter, she'll suffer along with them then." he thought.

As he lied down on the ground he'd do something rather odd, first he'd hum the first few seconds of paint it black by the rolling stones. Then he'd click his fingers and mutter "Now my comrades....."

Instantly 16 ravens would swoop down into the alley, intent on coming to the aid of the dark savior.
He'd lift his hand up with a grapple gun held in it, he'd fire it upwards to latch onto the edge of a roof and hoist himself up. So that he was above his attackers. With a grunt due to injuries that he had sustained he would wait to see if there were anymore attackers on the way.

Once the savior was up top the ravens would stop attacking and join him on the roof.

Check out my wrestlers here, but PM me for match requests.

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