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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi

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AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi - Page 5 Empty Re: AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi

Post by Cy_Man Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:55 pm

Things just seemed perfect at the time, or at least in Tatsuki's head of her train of thought. With Aoi laying on the mat it was the right time to perform an aerial attack on the girl as she laid there. As the athlete was flying up to slam down her elbow on the blue head's back, at the last second she moved out of the way to avoid it! **Oh no!!** Tatsuki eyes where completely wide open as she stared at the mat in disbelief while time slowed down for her before she hit the mat. It seemed like it took years for Tatsuki to hit the mat, but when she did, she cried out in agony as her elbow blares in pain. "AHHHHH!!!" The impact didn't break her arm, but it merely hurt like bloody hell since she has the equivalent of paper thin defense.

Tears were starting to build in Tatsuki's eyes as she clenched and held her arm while rolled on her back, she was countered before while flying but she never failed to do an aerial move by getting avoided once since starting her career, and she didn't like it. But even in her current state, this didn't stop Aoi from taking advantage of this predicament.

While still down and curling in pain, Aoi grabs the athlete to force her up to her feet against her will. Even though she was standing now it was kinda hard to stay up a bit, but with how her opponent is holding her, Tatsuki isn't gonna be standing for long. This proved true as Aoi knees Tatsuki in the chest and hunches forward, now clutching her chest which served as a great distraction from her arm. Aoi continued her assault by shoving the athlete's head under her arm, Tatsuki was fully expecting a DDT, but when her right leg was grabbed and then was lifted up high over Aoi.

Just before falling back though, Aoi held Tatsuki up high in display as if she was a trophy she claimed. The athlete's skirt flips down again, exposing her blue gym bloomers for everyone to see again. Tatsuki honestly didn't resist much but she soon snaps back and has to think fast and maybe just counter this. She begins by shaking her legs back and forth to build momentum in her favor and then try to lean backwards to fall down with Aoi but will try to wrap an arm around the blue head's neck to slam her back first into the mat to counter while Tatsuki lands safely on her butt.

But if Aoi can keep control of the small girl, Tatsuki will try to brace herself as she is slammed into the mat hard with the delayed Vertal Suplex and bounce painfully on her back away from Aoi... "Gah!!"

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi - Page 5 Empty Re: AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi

Post by dragonswill Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:41 am

Aoi thanked her lucky stars that she was able to dodge that high risked move Tatsuki tried, knowing it might have put her away and lost the match. Feeling bad that Tatsuki was in pain Aoi told her self its a match and to feel bad afterwards. "i.. hope your arms ok.." Aoi said straining abit as she held Tatsuki in the air, as she was about to drop back she felt the athlete rock back and forth, trying to keep her steady Aoi didnt realize what was going to happen befor she was suddenly countered and feel on her back "Ahh!" she groaned landing on her back.

On her back Aoi arched up wards her back was stinging with pain "ngghhh " she whimpered, looking up at sky Aoi was trying to recover quickly knowing that Tatsuki could take advantage. the blue heads chest rose up and down as she took some breaths she needed some time to get back up.

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AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi - Page 5 Empty Re: AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi

Post by Cy_Man Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:05 pm

Tatsuki sighed in major relief as she was able to counter the Vertal Suplex of Aoi's, had that slam hit her, then this match would have gone in completely in the blue head's favor and cost Tatsuki the match. Sitting up on her butt after slamming the girl down, Tatsuki would rub and massage her arm to help ease the pain a bit with her skilled hands. Whenever she does this, the camera crew have a habit of zooming in on Tatsuki to observe her great massaging technique."Ahhh... that feels much better." The athlete stops massaging soon as she looks behind her at the downed Aoi with a serious expression.

Time to take advantage of this situation. Tatsuki stands back up and walks over to Aoi's head then lowers herself to grab the girl by her hair to force the girl onto her feet, it was an illegal tactic, but practically every female wrestler does this, both Heel and Face. "Sorry, but apparently everyone can do this."

The athlete will then drag Aoi over by her hair to the nearest turnbuckle then push the girl into the corner back first. With that Tatsuki begins to pick up the blue head by her legs to lift her up to sit on top of the turnbuckle, the athlete will then climb up and jump on Aoi's shoulders to sit on them again with her head between her thighs and then throw herself backwards to pull and throw Aoi off of the turnbuckle and slam her into the ring's canvas with a Hurricanrana as Tatsuki lands safely onto her knees like a panther before standing back up again.

Last edited by 11297 on Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi - Page 5 Empty Re: AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi

Post by dragonswill Sat Jan 18, 2014 11:35 pm

Aoi was still laying on her back but thinking she had enough time to recover, she rolled on her front she was about to get on all fours befor she felt her hair get grabbed "ow!"she yelled wincing being forced up to her feet "nnghhh it's....o-ok"she groaned. holding on to Tatsuki's hands that gripped her hair as she was dragged to the corner hitting her back to it "ugh!" aoi yelped.

Aoi looked at the athlete with one eye the other closed befor getting lifted up to the top turnbuckle trying to get her bearing Aoi held her head befor attempting to hit Tatsuki to disorientate her so she wouldn't pull off her move if she wasn't able to stop her the blue haired girl would be slammed back down to the mat with a hard thud.

Dragonswills' girls

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AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi - Page 5 Empty Re: AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi

Post by Cy_Man Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:32 am

Tatsuki didn't feel much resistance as she dragged Aoi over to the corner by her hair like a rag doll. With good success, she pushed the girl into the turnbuckle and lifted her up onto it. As the athlete climbed up, she was well aware that maybe the blue head would try to counter this and she was right as Aoi tried to lunge her head forward to hit Tatsuki which she easily blocks with her hands and then proceeded to bring Aoi with the Hurricanrana.

Landing on all fours, Tatsuki posed like a feline predator cat for the camera guys and made a cat face to give the viewers at home and the arena some kitty service and even meowed. "Nya~ :3" She loved cats, so this was a fun moment for her.

After that the athlete stood back up and looks at Aoi who is laying on her back, arching her back in pain before going over to her. She kneels down to her head again and grabs the girl by her shoulders to force her to sit up in a sitting position before giving her friendly pats on the shoulder. "Don't give up on me now Aoi-san." Tatsuki says before putting her arms under and over the blue head's arms and clamps them together in a Full Nelson, then Tatsuki will lean herself forward to hunch Aoi down and flip herself over her to bridge herself as she lands on her feet. Holding onto Aoi in an improvised antagonizing submission to see how long she'll last.

(It's something like [url=]this[/url:6hjmvrm3])

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi - Page 5 Empty Re: AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi

Post by dragonswill Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:41 pm

Aoi groan in pain she even felt her self drift out of consciousness for a second all she did was lay there hoping to regain any strength back. hearing Tatsuki meowed Aoi thought she might be posing for the cameras befor she would come back to her to deal more damage "nnngghh" Aoi groaned attempting to roll on her belly but to no avail, soon though she felt the Athlete grab her shoulders and was put into a full nelson " Ahh dam it!" Aoi cried out in sheer pain " let go let go!" she was crying tears swelling up, however Aoi's crys she didnt had strength to break out nor did she want to give up yet no matter how much her body begged her to.

thinking how bad could it get Aois thoughts were put to rest when she was pushed forward and feeling Tatsuki flipped over her bridging causing even more pain to her "Ahh please let go!" Aoi begged still refusing to give up.

Dragonswills' girls

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AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi - Page 5 Empty Re: AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi

Post by Cy_Man Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:04 am

Tatsuki took the chance with Aoi's position to preform a new improvised submission she thought up of, but didn't know if it was already a real hold or not. Having successfully flipped over Aoi to bridge herself over the girl and locked her in place beneath her as she inflicts pain on the girl and holds it for a good long while. The athlete couldn't see under her, but the sounds that Aoi makes are telling the whole story right there that she is in a world of hurt right now. The Full Nelson alone was painful but with this tactic added to it, Tatsuki had a great new move that can apply a lot of pain and pressure on her opponents, maybe she can even use this to make Reika "The Viper" Suzuka submit...

It wouldn't be long now, with this assault on Aoi like this the girl is bound to give up to save herself from the pain of this submission. No one would want to deal this kind of pain any longer and would just BEG to be released."So, do you give up, Aoi-san?~" Tatsuki asks in a playful tone in her voice as she tries to look over her should to try and look at the girl with a competitive smile and serious expression while keeping up the pressure.

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi - Page 5 Empty Re: AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi

Post by dragonswill Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:08 am

Ahh let go let go!" Aoi begged as she couldn't think of a way out of the painful hold nor did she had the strength to break out, hearing Tatsukis voice asking if she wanted to give up aoi clenched her teeth and tried faking a smile " n-no way tatsuki-chan"she said with a whimper of pain closing her eyes tight .

Aoi was being stubbern thinking she could somehow by a mirical turn this around but she was in so much pain her body begged her to give up already .

Dragonswills' girls

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AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi - Page 5 Empty Re: AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi

Post by Cy_Man Thu Jan 30, 2014 9:02 pm

As she listened to Aoi cry out in pain, Tatsuki continued to hold onto her in this brutal submission to hear the blue head submit. But despite all of the pain and the begging, once the athlete asked if Aoi wanted to give up she refused. This girl was very stubborn and defiant, 2 very good traits for a wrestler if she is gonna last in the ring. "No? Okay then." Tatsuki said and held onto the hold for just a bit longer to make her opponent more sore for just a little bit longer.

The athlete soon released her arms from around Aoi's arms and head to free her from the antagonizing hold, she was nearing her end so it is almost time to try and end this unless Aoi has any fight left in her. Tatsuki fell on her back after releasing the blue head and then rolled onto her feet to stand herself up while looking down at Aoi with her hands on her hips to see if her opponent will continue to fight, or throw in the towel. "Giiiii..."

Cy's Wrestler Domain

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AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi - Page 5 Empty Re: AV 13 Heroic Battle in the Falling Leaves: Tatsuki Vs. Aoi

Post by dragonswill Thu Jan 30, 2014 9:34 pm

Aoi cried in pain for a few seconds fading in and out of consciousness during the time she was in the hold she new she wouldn't last much longer but she still had hope that she could win. squirming weakly as she was still conscious she whimpered, Aoi couldn't take it any longer she was about to give up but thankfully Tatsuki let go of the hold just befor Aoi was about to open her mouth . "ughhhh "Aoi groaned folded in half her arms at her side.

Eyes half open Aoi tried sitting up and took some deep breaths as her body ached with every breath. looking at Tatsuki the blue haired girl did all she could to stand on her wobbly legs and continue the match "i...i'm *huff* not.. *huff* giving ...up"Aoi panted out her eyes half opened she was tired, and in pain but she would refuse to give up for some reason. Trying to walk over to Tatsuki Aoi would raise her arm up and punch her foe but she was moving at a snails pace.

Dragonswills' girls

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