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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Pizza Makes Everything Better

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Pizza Makes Everything Better - Page 2 Empty Re: Pizza Makes Everything Better

Post by Bluemouse Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:21 am

"Well, then I just won't leave." Taylor shrugged, like it was no big deal. "And if you or Brittany try something at Friction, I'll fuck you both up and grab a shower before I go. Whatever."

By force of habit, she put her leg up on the table, her calf draped across the corner so her foot didn't end up in the food. She gazed across the table in silence for a moment, chewed and swallowed a bite of pizza, and then put her plate down. "I saw what happened," she said, as if it might come as a shock. She held Morrigan's eyes before she continued. "It's not right, man. I think we both know the stuff you've been doing is total bullshit, but that doesn't mean what that chick did was right. Ya know?"

She leaned forward and cleared her throat. "Look, lemme get one thing straight. You can't threaten me. You and Brittany both can't scare me. You might've seen me around the last few years, but you have no idea who I am." Her voice was low and even, her eyes unflinching and unsettling, like deep water. "You think Lukretia's the only chick around here who's got a pair? Sure, there's no one else like Lukretia. But there's no one else like me. Understand?" She paused, but not quite long enough for Morrigan to get a word in edgewise. "And I don't care who you are, I will never just try to hurt you. I will always try to stop the people that do."

She drew a deep breath and added a slice of the other pizza to her plate. She knew this would probably just blow up in her face like almost everything did whenever she talked to a fellow wrestler, but she didn't care. She believed in what she was doing, and no one was going to stop her.

"Well, I know you're smart and stuff. The offer's on the table, and I'm willing to do what I need to do to get you to say yes. I'd have to talk to my business manager, my legal consultant, my manager, and my husband before I could get you specifics, but right now... Are you interested?"

The Mouseum


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Pizza Makes Everything Better - Page 2 Empty Re: Pizza Makes Everything Better

Post by Tatyina Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:38 am

Morrigan didn't like what Taylor was saying. Not one bit. She was talking like she was the best around. She wasn't. She was beginning to realize why she actually didn't like Taylor but the girl kept talking. Morrrigan was starting to get restless. Taylor didn't seem to shut up but by the end of it, she still had the audacity to offer her a job. Like she was at some kind of interview. She couldn't even believe she had brought up what happened with Annelle. Bitch #1 right now. The fact that that girl existed was about the only reason that Taylor wasn't target number one herself.

"Threaten? Scare?" Morrigan said dismissively. "Do you think that's all it's about?" Morrigan said. "Sure, people get scared. If they aren't dumb then they [/i]should[/i] be scared. but it takes a lot of people to make up the world. Some people just don't get it. Who cares if you aren't scared. All that matters is you get hurt. That you're done. Then other ones WILL get scared. You don't try and instill fear into the fearless. You just eliminate them. Being brave doesn't make someone indestructible." Morrigan said.

Morrigan tore another bite form her slice and chewed it as angrily as the last one. "You don't know me either." She said and tared Taylor up and down, breathing heavily through her nose. Morrigan was practically seething. She could feel her hand twitching, aching to grab her taser and put Taylor down. She even let her hand slip off the table and fall out of sight into her lap. But then, she paused.

"You don't... know anything about me." Morrigan said, her hand shaking under the table. She clamped it down on her leg. "You're a bigger idiot than you look, offering that job to me." She said. Morrigan turned her head. She actually hadn't really thought about her future. She just thought she would join Lukretia's service again and then it would be that way forever. She also wasn't sure if she could handle working for Taylor. She had already threw away so much of her pride. Did she even have anymore left to pitch. All she had was the control she usurped over Brittany.

After a long silence, she looked back up at Taylor. "I'll... think about it." She muttered, almost begrudgingly, giving Taylor a narrow eyed stare. She DID need to think about it. Taylor was practically asking her into her home, handing her the knife and saying 'please stab me here.' Even if she didn't want the job, she couldn't just let that opportunity slip away.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
(M)Managers, (W)restlers, etc:
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et al.

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Age : 103
Location : VIP Box inside the AFWDome

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Pizza Makes Everything Better - Page 2 Empty Re: Pizza Makes Everything Better

Post by Bluemouse Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:49 am

Taylor nodded. "A'right. Fair enough."

When she looked at Morrigan, she could practically see the wheels turning, the venom on her fangs. Whenever Taylor had any interaction with crazy bitches, wrestlers, people like her, she always couldn't help but see them as animals. That's what they really were, if you thought about it. Wild animals.

"I know you think you've got shit figured out, and you're probably just going to go hatch some plan to fuck me over or something. You think I'm out to get you, or maybe you think you'd look good by beating the shit out of me. Well, lemme just say this, I hope you don't. It doesn't have to be that way."

She had said her peace. Unless Morrigan had something else to talk about, they were all done, but Taylor looked at the table full of food and couldn't bring herself to leave just yet. "Well, shit, man. I'm gonna finish eating before I go. You can stay as long as you want, I got the bill and everything." She went back to her pizza, and thoughtfully chewed each bite.

The Mouseum


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Join date : 2010-10-13

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Pizza Makes Everything Better - Page 2 Empty Re: Pizza Makes Everything Better

Post by Tatyina Mon Jan 13, 2014 6:08 am

Morrigan turned her head at Taylor's words. "Tch. Of course you hope that it doesn't." She said as she ate some more pizza. She looked back at Taylor. "Even if I play nice, I doubt Lilith will. She's too dumb to do anything but say 'bitch' all the time and try and punch things."

That's all she said before she lowered her head and began to silently eat her food. She wasn't going to let free pizza go to waste.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
(M)Managers, (W)restlers, etc:
Abbey Belle
et al.

Posts : 27237
Join date : 2009-04-02
Age : 103
Location : VIP Box inside the AFWDome

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Pizza Makes Everything Better - Page 2 Empty Re: Pizza Makes Everything Better

Post by Bluemouse Mon Jan 13, 2014 6:24 am

Okay, who the fuck was Lilith- oh. Brittany. It didn't take much description to paint an accurate picture of the foul, brainlessly violent girl. Brittany was in big, big trouble, having recently fucked with Taylor's mother-in-law of all people. Taylor was deeply indebted to her, and would pay her back with an ass kicking so epic Brittany herself will be impressed. When she watches the video in her hospital bed.

Taylor ate quietly. It was funny that sitting in silence with someone could be anything from the most tense, uncomfortable moment of her life to the most wonderful, intimate time. She loved talking to Johnny, but she loved not talking to him just as much. She didn't love talking to Morrigan quite so much... Not talking was definitely a step up.

She wondered how the redhead felt, if it was the most tense, uncomfortable moment of her life or if she was more comfortable now. Taylor, if nothing else, was hopeful that she could rend something good from the mess Morrigan and Brittany had been making even if she had to beat them both up to do it. She just wanted to do good things, that mattered to people, and no one was going to stop her. That fact alone likely comprised most of her calm as she casually ate her pizza.

She sipped her water and pulled out her phone, holding it just below the edge of the table so it wasn't as obvious. She sent a quick text to Junko. "she came. Might have to do match. i think she'll come at me." She sent the message and replaced her phone in her back pocket. She leaned back and looked around, and then decided to try her luck again.

"So is Morrigan your real name or whatever?"

The Mouseum


Posts : 11144
Join date : 2010-10-13

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Pizza Makes Everything Better - Page 2 Empty Re: Pizza Makes Everything Better

Post by Tatyina Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:02 am

Morrigan wasn't sure if she was awkward or not. Maybe her sitting there was making Taylor awkward. Maybe it was making her awkward. Maybe the atmosphere was uncomfortable. She really wasn't sure. The pizza was good enough to keep her and the chance that it could be those things was enough to keep her to stay.

She looked down at the table and only really lifted her eyes to chest level on Taylor. She didn't want to just stare at the girl's eyes. She wasn't sure where to look, really so she just kind of focused on her food and thinking about what she might do with the offer Taylor had given her. When she asked her her name, Morrigan's eyes widened.

her first instinct was to throw water in her face. Punch her. Then after that, maybe she should be snarky. Tell her she could kiss her ass. Tell her something ambiguous. After a while, she sighed. "it's Morgan." She said dejectedly. She finished her slice of pizza and stood up. "I'm gonna go. I'll call you later or something." She said and left without even pushing in her chair.

Ask for a name change at your own risk! kelyeah

Akashi Fem Gab Luk Nik Yuu
(M)Managers, (W)restlers, etc:
Abbey Belle
et al.

Posts : 27237
Join date : 2009-04-02
Age : 103
Location : VIP Box inside the AFWDome

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Pizza Makes Everything Better - Page 2 Empty Re: Pizza Makes Everything Better

Post by Bluemouse Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:05 am

"Oh. Well, I was just-" Taylor said, but then Morrigan interrupted and left.

She had only asked because Morrigan called Brittany "Lilith", and she was wondering if Morrigan was her goofy code name. Turns out that it was, but why would she bother just adding an I? What a weirdo.

It hadn't really been a pleasant encounter, but it was enough that Taylor really hoped that she didn't have to beat Morrigan down. If she did, though, she'd make sure it was in the ring. She had already asked Junko to start working the contract with AFW management, but Taylor had certain stipulations she wanted to add. She just had to figure out a way to sweeten the deal enough for Morrigan that she'd agree to it, but how hard could it be.

Of course, there was always the outside change of Morrigan actually agreeing to take the job without violence, which would be pretty cool. She had to meet with her people, figure out the specifics, and get Mercy working on the contract.

A brief moment of personal vertigo washed over her as she thought about how surreal it was that she would be negotiating anything with anyone, let alone meeting with the different people she employed and talking about a contract to employ another. Somewhere along the line in the last year her life took a sharp right turn, and she was pretty sure she liked it.

The Mouseum


Posts : 11144
Join date : 2010-10-13

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