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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Post in this thread to get some MLG divination

Clobber Jobber
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Post in this thread to get some MLG divination - Page 3 Empty Re: Post in this thread to get some MLG divination

Post by Lobo Sat Apr 02, 2016 1:59 am

Your reading was very uplifting actually but... I didnt read all the way and failed to see three cards represented past, present and future.

That being said, your post really helped me on a personal level and inspired me to keep it going and let me know to try and eliminate distractions.

But i have to ask, and im sorry for this being a twice thing but if you dont mind going through with this, i have to ask.

"Will I pass this course and graduate without anymore class failures?"

3 cards please.

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Post by rhapsody Sun Apr 03, 2016 7:06 am

Lobo wrote:
But i have to ask, and im sorry for this being a twice thing but if you dont mind going through with this, i have to ask.

"Will I pass this course and graduate without anymore class failures?"

3 cards please.

your first card, signifying the past, is the Devil.  The Devil is all about negative impulses and being controlled by them in some way, and is often used to represent addiction or the inability to overcome material desires.  In the past, you might have had external factors that were more important to you than classes - activities, relationships, materialism, drugs or alcohol, that kind of thing - and those external factors distracted you so you couldn't focus on coursework.

your second card, signifying the present, is the Nine of Swords, which gets a bad rap.  lots of people say it represents suffering or despair or whatever but it's not as straightforward as it looks and has some depth to its meaning.  In reality the Nine of Swords represents internal suffering (the lady on the card is waking up from a nightmare, after all), pain that's created by your own mind.  Anxiety or complacency are both good fits for that description, I think.  Anyway at present your greatest enemy is yourself - your own mind is creating your hardships, possibly through the distractions in the Devil or through being pessimistic about the future.

your third card, signifying the future, is Strength.  Unlike the Chariot (which usually represents outer strength), Strength is symbolic of inner strength and force of will, and overcoming mental or spiritual problems.  Strength in the future is an optimistic sign but it's not a get out of jail free card, it means you've got to knuckle down and demonstrate that you have what it takes.  Find the confidence to approach the situation with assertiveness and perseverance.

The TLDR answer: it's impossible to just say 'yes' or 'no' to this because it's entirely dependent on you.  You can graduate and pass all your classes, but you have to take charge of things.  Don't be crippled by self-doubt or outside factors.  Instead, focus and persevere.  Single-minded diligence is your ideal virtue here.

-Abattoir-    -Eztlicoatl-    -Strawberry-

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Post in this thread to get some MLG divination - Page 3 Empty Re: Post in this thread to get some MLG divination

Post by LtLukas Sun Apr 03, 2016 8:49 pm

Screw it, let's see what happens.

I am ending things with my girlfriend in May. Will it be as awful as I think it will be?

Edit for three cards.

Last edited by LtLukas on Sun Apr 03, 2016 9:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post in this thread to get some MLG divination - Page 3 Empty Re: Post in this thread to get some MLG divination

Post by Lobo Sun Apr 03, 2016 9:02 pm

Well shit, all those cards hit so close to home its not even funny! I'll never doubt this stuff ever again Neutral Either that or you have special powers, Rapcity. Thanks!

The first two cards represent my life pretty accurately. Especially the Nine of Swords :<

Lets see if I can find the strength card.

Thanks a bundle for doing this!

Hail Satan!


Friction: Kelly Conway Zipporah Amos Boudreaux "THE Cyclops"  Bonnie Gastin Andrea Umlaut White Mamba  Trixie Lasek

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Post in this thread to get some MLG divination - Page 3 Empty Re: Post in this thread to get some MLG divination

Post by rhapsody Sun Apr 03, 2016 9:44 pm

LtLukas wrote:Screw it, let's see what happens.

I am ending things with my girlfriend in May. Will it be as awful as I think it will be?

Edit for three cards.

disclaimer: I don't know how awful you think it will be, so I'm going for middle-of-the-road awful

your first card, signifying the past, is the High Priestess. I think it's auspicious that this one showed up for your first card, because it can represent both an external female figure of value and authority, and also being guided by wisdom and good intuition in your actions. Based on it, you probably know your girlfriend well enough that you'll know how to act in this situation. Before you do it, take a little while to plan - 'how can I make this happen as painlessly for both of us as possible?" Think with logic and reasoning, not emotion.

your second card, signifying the present, is the Knight of Pentacles? what the hell? Uh, well it usually represents some kind of financial success - pentacles is a very material-based suit - but if you remove that from the equation and look at the card as more of a personal event it carries connotations of taking charge and personal responsibility. Doing what needs to be done rather than just thinking about it. You've already made the decision to break up, but as the time comes you might start to get anxious about it and try to put it off. Don't do that, instead take responsibility and deal with the situation now before it develops further and becomes a bigger problem.

your third card, signifying the future, is the Two of Wands, a card of fresh starts, explorations, and discoveries. In other words, even if the breakup is unpleasant, afterwards you're free to go out and try new things, meet new people, engage in new relationships. that's extremely cool and good but you can't do it without first handling the problem in front of you. Usually in the minor arcana, the twos of each suit represent critical decisions, and in this case it's a decision between sticking with what you know or expanding your horizons. I think within the context of your question it promises a lot if you decide to stick to your guns.

The TLDR answer: As the time to end things comes close you might start having second thoughts. Don't give in to them. Take charge of the situation and be firm (but nice) about it. If she gets emotional and tries to draw you into a big scene, don't take the bait. Remember, logic and reasoning, not emotion. Afterwards, take a few days to yourself and then head out to new places and make some new friends. You might be surprised at some of the people who catch your fancy, and vice versa.

uh also you may be getting some unexpected money in the future. Not a guarantee by any means but it's weird that pentacles just showed up out of nowhere in a relationship question

Lobo wrote:Well shit, all those cards hit so close to home its not even funny! I'll never doubt this stuff ever again Neutral  Either that or you have special powers, Rapcity. Thanks!

The first two cards represent my life pretty accurately. Especially the Nine of Swords :<

Lets see if I can find the strength card.

Thanks a bundle for doing this!

Hail Satan!


Hail Satan! \m/

i don't actually have any powers beyond a strong will and a hunger for understanding, which are accessible to anybody who takes the time to develop them. Good luck with classes, man.

-Abattoir-    -Eztlicoatl-    -Strawberry-

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Post in this thread to get some MLG divination - Page 3 Empty Re: Post in this thread to get some MLG divination

Post by LtLukas Sun Apr 03, 2016 9:50 pm

So one of the reasons that I am not sticking around here (and subsequently breaking up with my girlfriend) is that I want to apply for grad school, in international business, which may explain the Knight of Pentacles. And in the immediate aftermath, I was going to head to a big European city to explore it. I am not much of a believer, but you have given me some faith in myself. So thank you, rhapsody.

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Post in this thread to get some MLG divination - Page 3 Empty Re: Post in this thread to get some MLG divination

Post by TripleHelix Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:17 pm

rhapsody wrote:
TripleHelix wrote:Question/Explanation: I've currently applied for several internships that will follow my graduation from grad school, but there's one in particular I really want to get. Will I get the position?

As for spread, let's do one card for simplicity's sake?

OK, your single-card draw is the Page of Wands.  it's a lot like the Fool in that it tends to represent potential and the beginning of something.  There's more passion and creative energy being symbolized than in the Fool, though - there isn't necessarily a solid plan in place (which makes sense because you're trying out for multiple internships).  Sometimes it can also represent a pleasant surprise, or unexpected good news, usually in the short term but sometimes requiring a bit more thought. In other words, don't plan too much for one specific outcome, but things should turn out well for you.

The TLDR answer: it's very possible you'll get the internship you want, but even if you end up having to settle for one of the others, you may find unexpected joy and satisfaction in it, maybe from the specific nature of the work or maybe from the people you'll get to meet

Just thought I'd give you guys an update. I heard back from my number one choice internship and am in the middle of setting up an interview and lab tour. Nothing is finalized, but things are looking promising! : 3

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Post in this thread to get some MLG divination - Page 3 Empty Re: Post in this thread to get some MLG divination

Post by Clobber Jobber Thu Apr 14, 2016 5:12 am

After playing a lot of Persona 3 recently, I have to say it's a lot of fun seeing stuff from that game pop up in real life. It's like when a game teaches you a new word and then it becomes a vocab word at school and you already know this fucker because games rock. (Also, if what Persona 3 has taught me is to be believed, Lunar got 4 out of his six (death, the devil, the tower and the star) in the "right" order. Neat!)

I don't really have any ideas for questions though. I wanna participate because this seems fun, but I don't really know what to ask. I have too many ventures that I'm curious about to limit to one, but I also feel a sense of control and agency over all of them, so asking fate seems redundant.

I guess I'll post again if I think of anything.

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Post in this thread to get some MLG divination - Page 3 Empty Re: Post in this thread to get some MLG divination

Post by killcarrion Mon Apr 18, 2016 3:52 am

...Ah, what the hell. Why not? It's still my birthday.

A general 'state of things' type reading, please...

And a three card spread, I suppose. Thanks in advance.

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Post in this thread to get some MLG divination - Page 3 Empty Re: Post in this thread to get some MLG divination

Post by rhapsody Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:44 am

killcarrion wrote:...Ah, what the hell. Why not? It's still my birthday.

A general 'state of things' type reading, please...

And a three card spread, I suppose. Thanks in advance.

happy birthday!

Your first card, signifying the current situation, is the Hanged Man.  people often panic when they see this one, sort of like Death, but it's not as bad as it looks.  Look at the image on the card - the hanged man is totally peaceful, he's okay with his situation and he's using the opportunity to contemplate things.  This can be good or bad - it's good to think about stuff before you rush into it, but it's also good not to be paralyzed by overanalysis and indecision. You take your time with problems but it might sometimes feel more like you're waffling on them.

your second card, signifying the course of action to be taken, is the Ace of Cups, universally representing love and blessings.  Think about the people who are close to you - friends, family, s/o, whatever - and take the time to strengthen your bonds with them.  Especially in the context of your other cards, it suggests that if you have any big decisions or turning points approaching, you should try to approach them from a position of love.  that doesn't just mean love for others, but for yourself, too - if you get down on yourself, remember that nobody is as deserving of your compassion as you are.

Your third card, signifying the situation that will develop, is the Two of Swords.  Some people interpret this one differently because of the blindfold but I feel like it's pretty unambiguous.  Two of Swords has two main components - a crossroads or choice that needs to be made, and a lack of obvious solutions to it - not enough information to make a good choice.  In the context of the Hanged Man, that's ominous.  you can't take your time and make an informed decision if there's no way to inform your decision.  Fortunately, the Ace of Cups gives us a solution.

The TLDR answer: You might be faced with sort of a big decision coming up.  If you normally like to hang back and assess your options before making that kind of decision, be advised it'll be much harder than usual to be well-informed.  Maybe the problem will be something way outside of your usual wheelhouse.  Either way, keep your friends and family close - they might be able to give you good advice that'll help you make the best decisions for yourself.

-Abattoir-    -Eztlicoatl-    -Strawberry-

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