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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by LunarWolf Tue Dec 26, 2017 3:20 pm

Belinda shook her head, the hold was painful and it didn't seem as if it was going to end anytime soon, Manami for sure wasn't just going to release her. Instead the cocky green and white clad fighter looked as if she almost wanted to make an example out of the poster girl and fan favorite that was Belinda Northman. 

The Swede had her hands holding onto her hair, her other hand moving forward to reach out for something, anything. As Manami continued to bully and talked down to her, Belinda could handle most of the words that she was throwing her way, but the one she didn't handle well was the words that suggested that she was an exception to the Northman name, that she was lesser than it and her sister. 

Belinda's eyes clenched shut and she would move her other hand away from her hair, pounding her fist against the barley padded floor. " S-screw you!" Belinda shouted up at Manami, she would grit her teeth and would start to push upward with her hands, doing practically a push up as she would try and find her way to start rising and unbalancing Manami, trying to make the girl wrapping her legs up with her own, the thing that would bring her down to fall thanks to those tangled together legs!


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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by Berial Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:48 am

A tough egg to crack. She expected as much. The ones with the most pride always went the hardest. And Belinda, between her pedigree and long-lasting career, had enough pride to share with the entire roster she sought to rise above.

But that was fine. Sooner or later she would realize the position she was in. Pain was the most persuasive element in the world from her experience. Once her adversary resigned, she’d push her over the edge. Take the leg, perhaps, and move for the cuffs.

That's what she would have liked to happen, at least. Belinda had a better idea, and it seemed they were going with that. The blonde started pushing herself back up, fighting the Indian Deathlock with all the might her trained body could muster. Manami went to crank the hold, but the Swede simply wasn’t going to stop. Tenacious. The veterans of this federation could be stupidly courageous at times. How annoying.

The Wolf Girl fell back as her opponent forced herself upright, knocking her head against the hard ground. Her vision took hit, blurring her surroundings as he moved to free her legs. She’d lost her grounding and the hold along with it. She’d move to uncoil her legs from the woman, trying to kick her away so the wolf could maker her way back to her feet. The young Northman’s legs couldn’t have been feeling particularly up to scratch after that display. Better to exploit that advantage as soon as possible.

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by LunarWolf Wed Dec 27, 2017 5:48 am

Belinda pushed and struggled, forcing her way up towards her feet, gritting her teeth as the pain was rather intense but she had no intention of giving in! OR stopping for that matter, she pushed upwards more and more until she was finally up to her feet, those tangled legs causing Manami's downfall, as she crashed down onto the barley padded floor.

The Swede groaned in pain from standing on her legs, and feeling Manami start to untangle those legs, Belinda had a similar idea. Looking to help her untangle those legs! So that she could take a hold of them. Looking to catch those legs in each of her hands and get Manami over onto her front.

Once she had those legs, she would try and cross them, and start leaning backwards. Aiming to try and bridge herself over Manami's back and place her head down just ahead of Manami's, putting a painful crank on that back as she tried to lock in her signature boston crab submission hold, Orion's Cross. A bridging cross-legged Boston Crab!


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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by Berial Sun Dec 31, 2017 7:17 pm

This was something she had overlooked about the Indian Deathlock. It was a rare sight, difficult to pull off, yet extremely painful and immobilizing. For a long time, she simply believed that it was a lack of skill that one didn’t see it too often in the squared circle. All the more reason for her to make use of it against someone like the Shooting Star.

Manami was seeing another reason for the neglect now, however: it was mutually binding. The hold couldn’t be released as simply as most others. The only thing that could make them untangle their legs faster was mutual cooperation, which neither was particularly inclined to do, clearly. It was a tad frustrating, she’d admit, being stuck to this blonde halfwit, but she’d worm her way out in time.

At least, that was what she was hoping for. The moment she felt herself come free, Belinda grabbed her legs and flipped her onto her stomach. She felt her extremities being hooked, putting a nasty crank on them, causing her to wince in pain. The wolf whipped her head around, and the next thing she knew, the young Northman had constricted her neck with a bridge.

“Ghrk!” Her hands shot the woman’s grip, trying to wrench the arm away from her windpipe.

Her immaculate blonde locks ruffled with Manami’s brown stands and she wrestled back against the hold. It was an impressive move. One of her signatures, if she recalled the research properly, and she could see why. It was painful. Devastatingly painful. The Wolf Girl only thanked herself that it was still somewhat early in the match, or the effects would have tripled on her body. All it managed this time around was a howl and a pair of gritted teeth as she fought the hold with whatever she could muster.

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by LunarWolf Sun Jan 21, 2018 1:30 am

Belinda's body was bridged into a beautiful arch now that she had locked in her deadly submission hold, a move that had been used to finish off many skilled opponents and one that she had as her own personal Boston Crab hold. Being the only one in the company who currently used the move it was pretty much seen has her very own signature move.

For that reason she poured a lot into the move every time she used it, yanking back on that cross-legged bridging boston crab hold as she aimed to have Manami's back arched and bent into an un-natural position where she would want to wear down the green and white clad opponent of hers.

" Nngh...!" Belinda winced out through her teeth as she bared them, putting her all into repaying Manami for the pain she had been put through by the wolf girl!


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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by Berial Wed Jan 24, 2018 6:36 pm

Manami had shown her a one-of-a-kind hold that was as devastating as it was impressive to witness. It may have only seemed fair for Belina to return the favor with an interesting submission of her own. It didn’t stop the wolf from hating every second of it.

Her hands twitched, spasming visibly out from under the hold. Her thighs screamed in pain, worsening with every inch they were reeled closer and closer forward. And both of them worked together to All Manami could do was endure her position with silent admiration. Admiration that seemed to dwindle further and further, especially after her opponent decided to up the tempo.

RGGGHHH-” She let out, a failed attempt to curse the Swede to the very core of her being.

She bared her teeth as her nails ground against the unforgiving ground. Perhaps it was out of frustration. Perhaps out of some need to distract herself from the pain in whatever little ways she could. In the end, all of it only served to feed her malice. She wanted this woman off of her. Manami reeled her fist back and swung it over her head, aiming for the side of Belinda’s head.


The angle was awkward, she couldn’t properly see what she was attempting to hit, and the power behind each strike feeble by her standards, but little of that mattered to the Wolf Girl. Her knuckles digging into the Swede’s cranium would hopefully be more than enough of a deterrent.

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by LunarWolf Sat Feb 03, 2018 2:11 am

Belinda had Manami trapped and she had no desire to release the Wolf Girl as she wanted to make sure that this hold would put Manami in her place and teach her what Belinda Northman was capable of doing. As she had her painful submission hold locked in tightly upon Manami she knew that it would only be a matter of time before the green and white clad opponent of hers would be able to find a way to be released.

Which is exactly what she did, as she was able to smack her fist against the side of Belinda's cranium, it wasn't the strongest fist, but it took her by surprise and it was enough to make the Swede's grip slip as she would fall down from her bridging position and down on top of Manami Kuroda.

The Swede panted out for a second or two as she groaned out, the punch hadn't rocked her world or anything and soon enough the young blond had already started to roll off of Manami and started to make her way up towards her feet, wincing a bit in annoyance and pain from Manami's earlier moves and attacks, especially the low blow and the attacks of stick weapon....


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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by Berial Sat Feb 17, 2018 12:42 am

Belinda had a surprisingly robust cranium. Manami had expected her to go down after the first few strikes, but she remained dedicated to the hold, cranking it as far as her pain threshold could withstand. Suppose that was something she should have expected from a veteran of the squared circle.

But they all fell in the end, just as Belinda did. Right on top of her. She was of a mind to send an elbow into the woman’s back until the Swede mustered enough effort to roll off to her side. Smart. Instead, Manami brought her hands to her back, attempting to dilute the pain for a moment and ensure nothing was out of alignment.

That all brought her back to the woman who had done this to her. A seething hatred boiled up from beneath. Maybe she would get a little angry tonight.

“Is that..all you have? How inadequate.”

For all her fortitude, Manami was having a rather difficult time convincing her spinal cord to rouse her body back into action. She took note, however, of the younger Northman’s visage, her endurance clearly faltering for the moment. Seems she wasn’t too better off from the Wolf Girl.

With that, Manami could find solace in her decision to slow herself down. She moved to push herself up to one knee, then up to her feet, taking labored breaths along the way. Once the momentum started to swing once more, there were would be no reprieve like this for quite some time. Better to make the most of it.

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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by LunarWolf Sat Feb 17, 2018 2:40 am

Belinda was feeling pretty ragged and the match hadn't even gone on for all that long. This Wolf Girl was without a doubt a tough opponent, and one that she knew that she couldn't take lightly. She'd have to act carefully from now on, and make sure that every move counted.

The Swede started to push herself up after a few seconds had passed, she panted out...heaving and heavy breath released from her mouth as her generous bust heaved with each of those labored breaths.

Hearing Manami's words, the young Northman would click her tongue, gritting her teeth as she would narrow her eyes at the brunette. She wouldn't allow that to stand. When Manami moved up to her feet, Belinda would walk over towards the green and white clad woman and attempt to throw a powerful right forearm strike straight into the woman's pretty face!


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Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match - Page 4 Empty Re: Belinda Northman Vs. Manami Kuroda - Handcuff Match

Post by Berial Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:49 am

Perhaps choosing to endure the Orion’s Cross wasn’t her wisest decision today. There were plenty of other avenues she could have taken. But it seems doubting the skill of her blonde opponent was going to be her downfall this evening if she let it continue. As much as she hated to admit it, even if it was just to herself, she’d have to start taking this woman more seriously.

The Wolf Girl was managing to stand back up, but only on unfounded feet that shook slightly beneath her on her rise. She should have known better than to overexert herself thus far. At least seeing Belinda’s harboring equal amounts of irritation was a relief. Manami looked up at her, genuinely pleased by what she saw.

The furrowed brows, the dead eyed stare. It was cute, to say the least. She looked up at the approaching blonde with a wry smile, absolutely loving the heat simmering between those narrowed eyelids.

“Aww. Did I hit a ner-”

Belinda was quick to stifle that banter. Her forearm slammed into Manami’s face, forcing her back down to one knee as she placed a hand against the ground. She chuckled as she shook her head, waiting her vision to realign itself.

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